
Starting to get *REALLY* frustrated with my first ER purchase (Vatche, IDJ)


Nov 1, 2016
maybe you guys can weigh in here - but be prepared for a long story.

so i went through IDJ/Yekutiel who was great - and i still think is great - to buy an ER for my wife.

the ER process went flawlessly. Yekutiel was patient as we (meaning you guys) helped me decide on an oval stone. i found the one and then ordered a Vatche 1533 Charis Pave setting to go along with. she was thrilled, so thrilled in fact that she wanted the matching Vatche 1533 wedding band which i also ordered for her.

come our wedding day, once she has a second to look at the band and the ring next to each other, she notices that the width of the rings are dramatically different. the wedding band being visibly smaller than the setting as you can see in the photos below:



she is not usually particular but it bothered her as it did me. if they are supposedly matching (and all the literature and Vatche themselves say they should be 2mm thick) then they should match - and certainly NOT be visibly different.

i went back to Yekutiel with my issue. he said he would take care of it for me and to drop off the ring. a few weeks pass and he calls me with an explanation from Vatche:

the original setting i ordered had to be custom made (apparently at a thickness greater than 2mm) in order to fit an oval stone as it usually only fits round (something i was never told and had no idea about).

thus, when i ordered the "matching" 1533 band i received a stock 1533 that was thinner than the "custom" ER setting.

no matter, he said he would work with Vatche to make me a band that matches perfectly. close to two months pass (time when a newlywed wants to be able to show off her ring to friends, family and colleagues) and we finally received the finished product this evening.

suffice to say that we are still unhappy - perhaps unjustly (you tell us - do you see the difference??). it still appears that the band is significantly thinner than the setting. after two months of back and forth and then the final excitement, to have them STILL not match is very odd to say the least.



I think jewelers will probably say you’re being unjustly picky, but the matter remains that your idea of what they can accomplish is inflated by all the talk on PS and their advocates.

So they have a lot to live up to even if they personally think they’ve done a good enough job. It’s clear the rings have different shank sizes down to fractions of millimeters. But they should be able to fix this.
I think jewelers will probably say you’re being unjustly picky, but the matter remains that your idea of what they can accomplish is inflated by all the talk on PS and their advocates.

So they have a lot to live up to even if they personally think they’ve done a good enough job. It’s clear the rings have different shank sizes down to fractions of millimeters. But they should be able to fix this.
really appreciate the insight

in regards to the "unjustly picky" comment i would say i suppose. however, my wife is certainly not overly picky and the second she tried it on she noticed it was smaller. if its noticeable to the naked eye is that not significant (genuine question)?

furthermore, the ring maker had the ER in his possession. he should have known exactly how thick it was and, thus, made the band the exact same thickness - no? it also looks like the stones themselves are slightly smaller.

if these variances are to be expected in the world of ER's and wedding bands then forgive my naivety.
I think jewelers will probably say you’re being unjustly picky, but the matter remains that your idea of what they can accomplish is inflated by all the talk on PS and their advocates.

So they have a lot to live up to even if they personally think they’ve done a good enough job. It’s clear the rings have different shank sizes down to fractions of millimeters. But they should be able to fix this.

I would agree that PS standards are on a whole ‘nother level! That being said, as a PSer, I’d be devastated if I were in your shoes, OP. But - that’s because I’m picky AF about things matching :)

I do think the set looks great, though. So maybe keep as is or replace with a plain band if you guys can feel good about either option. Yekutiel seems pretty legit, have you talked to him about options? I would just relay the facts: hey, they don’t match, I expected them to match, what options do we have from here?
That would drive me nuts. I see it instantly. No, I wouldn't be happy either.

I would agree that PS standards are on a whole ‘nother level! That being said, as a PSer, I’d be devastated if I were in your shoes, OP. But - that’s because I’m picky AF about things matching :)

I do think the set looks great, though. So maybe keep as is or replace with a plain band if you guys can feel good about either option. Yekutiel seems pretty legit, have you talked to him about options? I would just relay the facts: hey, they don’t match, I expected them to match, what options do we have from here?

well i am certainly glad we're not just crazy. it's interesting in that Yekutiel known i am a PS'er and knows that we wanted it to match perfectly. seems like there was some breakdown in communication at the start but i cannot really explain the second ring not matching perfectly.
How frustrating for you, but yes, the wedding ring is still marginally slimmer and perhaps also lower?
Have you used digital calipers to measure both width and height and compare?
You can then show the difference to the vendor and “take heart” that no, you aren’t going crazy or being pedantic.
Did you measure it with calipers? How wide is the band?
You’re not crazy or overly picky - they pretty obviously don’t match. I think they should redo it.
How frustrating for you, but yes, the wedding ring is still marginally slimmer and perhaps also lower?
Have you used digital calipers to measure both width and height and compare?
You can then show the difference to the vendor and “take heart” that no, you aren’t going crazy or being pedantic.

Did you measure it with calipers? How wide is the band?

i did not measure it yet, no. i should probably buy some calipers and do so.

it seems odd that we can all see the difference relatively clearly and yet this was sent back to us after months of waiting on an exact match.
wow, i just realized how large the photos are.

guys, if you care to, click on the photo to enlarge it. it really shows the difference. almost looks like a completely different ring. less metal material, perhaps smaller stones as well?

looks not dissimilar to the one i wanted replaced
I certainly don't think your concerns are unjustified. The mismatch would bother me immensely, as it is quite obvious, even without magnification. This difference can be appreciated not only in the width of the band, but also in the size of the melee points.

I really hope they can offer you a reasonable solution/replacement...
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Good grief @holeydonut, PS has not set an unreasonable expectation that a jeweler must meet by expecting the same damn width on both the ER and WR. The difference is very visible, unless you are blind as a bat.

So no, @DiamondDense, you and your girl are not being overly picky or demanding. You have a right to be upset given the fact the problem isn't corrected, and such a large amount of time has passed. More importantly, you indicated IDJ knows you are a PS member and that we are more knowledgeable; therefore, can be more critical than the average (non-educated) buyer.

I'd pick up the phone and let IDJ know you are unhappy, why and how they intend to rectify the situation. I'd be very clear about your desires, and ask how they intend to not only fix the issue but expedite the process as waiting a few more months simply isn't acceptable. Granted, they are a dealer for Vatche, and not the actual maker of the ring so they will have a process to follow. Regardless, Vatche/IDJ messed this up twice now and they need to jump through hoops to make it right.

Hate to say it, but squeaky wheels get oiled. Let your squeaky roar.
Tell IDJ to read this thread, you have a consensus agreeing that the bands do not match. They need to make it right.
I didn’t want to sound too harsh, so I toned down my comments... but exactly as @sledge and @peacechick more bluntly and honestly expressed, this simply just isn’t acceptable.
They are definitely different sizes and it would bother me. I hope they make it right for you. The set and diamond are very pretty.
Digital calipers are like 15 bucks. Giving them the exact measurements will help you prove your case. Take pics and email them. That simple. But without measurements all you have is, “they don’t look the same” and hence why you are second guessing yourself.
FWIW, I am terrible at gauging size. I have great nearsightedness and can spot the tiniest inclusion, but never ever ask me to gauge size. Lol.
I'm sorry you and your wife are experiencing this issue. It really is frustrating and time consuming. I still can see a difference in the width especially from the top view. I do hope IDJ pulls through and helps rectify this issue. If you haven't done so, you should ask IDj to provide pictures/video clip of both rings after the repair before they ship them back to you to avoid losing more time.
We have experienced a similar issue with my wife's matched wedding set from Whiteflash. The e-ring and wedding band were purchased at different time and they did not match in terms of thickness and features. We had to send in the e-ring for reference when the wedding band was being made and somehow the differences between the two rings went unnoticed by quality assurance and both rings were shipped out to us. We had to send them back in to be fixed after our wedding and Whiteflash finally corrected the issues. To their credit, Whiteflash was understanding and accommodating. They provided pictures and video clip of both rings after the repair for approval as we had requested for them. What really bothered us was the fact that both rings were passed by quality assurance the first time around. It was absolutely unacceptable considering the differences between the two rings were obvious to the untrained eyes yet went unnoticed by the professionals at Whiteflash. That experience left a sour note in our mouth and we're not sure if we would return to Whiteflash in the future.
I do agree with the sentiment regarding unrealistic expectations consumers have for PS vendors after reading a plethora of praises for them on these forums.
This is absolutely not a case of a PSer being overly picky. Not only is the width different, it looks like the thickness may be as well?

They need to fix this and expedite it as others have said.
This brings back traumatic memories for me and my 2 platinum eternity bands last year. I had them custom made from Kay Jewelers 3 times before they got it right! If Kay Jewelers was able to fix it (and they have a no return policy on their custom made jewelry), I'm sure IDJ can fix it as well, given how pro customer they are.
@DiamondDense, first of all I am sorry you are dealing with this. But I am confident Yekutiel will make this right. The different widths are not aesthetically pleasing and as others have posted not acceptable. Definitely not a case of being over picky at all. You ordered a matching band and matching is what it should be.

Having said that just call Yekutiel and I know he will make it right. He is a sweet guy and wants his customers to be happy. So sorry you and your FI are going through a stressful experience with this but trust in the end you will be happy.
Digital calipers are like 15 bucks. Giving them the exact measurements will help you prove your case. Take pics and email them. That simple. But without measurements all you have is, “they don’t look the same” and hence why you are second guessing yourself.
FWIW, I am terrible at gauging size. I have great nearsightedness and can spot the tiniest inclusion, but never ever ask me to gauge size. Lol.

Great point here. Digital calipers with readings photographed is empirical evidence and not opinion. Although I still believe it's painfully obvious to a layman, yet alone a trade craftsman.

As also mentioned I would check the height. I too thought the WR looked lower but also know with Vatche they tend to have ER baskets that require curved or lowered bands to avoid interfering with one another.

On a positive note, your stone and rings looked even more beautiful in the 2nd set of shots. While annoying, this isn't a deal breaker. Just be persistent to ensure it gets fixed quickly and to your satisfaction.

Also remember even the best of the best makes mistakes. How they handle the mistake makes all the difference in the world. I haven't dealt with IDJ directly but they have a very strong reputation for going above and beyond to make people happy.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

just talked to Yekutiel. he told me he had the same initial thought as i did but then he measured them and they are the same width. i am unsure i agree with this, esp. when looking at it from above.

i then asked why they look so different and he mentioned that perhaps the ER is thicker.

my response was, why was Vatche unable to match the ER perfectly if he had it in-hand. his response was that Vatche does not use computers, everything is hand crafted and as such it makes it difficult to exactly match a ring.

Yekutiel told me if i want a Vatche ring this is likely what i am going to have to deal with. if i want a ring made by IDJ, it's a different story and he would try to accommodate me.

i am now going to call Vatche to try and hear what he has to say.
I wonder if the ering being thicker is causing an optical illusion of the wedding band not being as wide as the ering?
As others have pointed out, the difference is in the height (thickness). I think that the only way for Vatche to match it is to have the e-ring on hand as well.
I think jewelers will probably say you’re being unjustly picky, but the matter remains that your idea of what they can accomplish is inflated by all the talk on PS and their advocates.

So they have a lot to live up to even if they personally think they’ve done a good enough job. It’s clear the rings have different shank sizes down to fractions of millimeters. But they should be able to fix this.
I that they should be able to fix this and that they SHOULD FIX THIS! But, I definitely do not think it's being overly picky to expect that a "matching set" should MATCH! :)
As others have pointed out, the difference is in the height (thickness). I think that the only way for Vatche to match it is to have the e-ring on hand as well.
he had it on hand. my wife was without her ring (after just getting married) for two whole months.
he had it on hand. my wife was without her ring (after just getting married) for two whole months.

Who is he? IDJ or Vatche? There is a big difference.
I think the solution might either be - accept it as is, maybe Vatche can give back some credit for not getting it right? Or do a custom wedding band with either IDJ or another jeweler.
Who is he? IDJ or Vatche? There is a big difference.
I think the solution might either be - accept it as is, maybe Vatche can give back some credit for not getting it right? Or do a custom wedding band with either IDJ or another jeweler.

i left the ER with IDJ. my assumption - and what i was told - was that he was bringing the ER to Vatche personally to have him match it. why else would they ask for us to leave the ER if otherwise?
i left the ER with IDJ. my assumption - and what i was told - was that he was bringing the ER to Vatche personally to have him match it. why else would they ask for us to leave the ER if otherwise?

I can’t answer that question for you.

Have you decided what to do after the latest update? Just to be clear, I think that this issue is more of a Vatche problem than an IDJ one because they are simply the middle man. Nonetheless, I would think that they can help you resolve it.