
Starting to get cold feet....


Feb 22, 2008
So in a previous thread, I posted about purchasing an Emerald cut and having a custom made ring from Frank Darling. Turned out the EC was awful! Thank God I asked for images,videos, and aset images. Here is another EC they received today 3.15..... I am having a hard time discerning the images/videos mostly due to the tattoos and maybe what the photographer is wearing as well as the dark blue background. They will be sending me aset images later and I requested more photos because I do think it is a nice stone it just needs better videos/photos Thoughts based on these photos?
I was going to say the same thing; it looks really dark to me. And I'm on a hunt of my own, so I've been staring at emerald cuts, LOL.

I didn't realize how hard this search was. I really need some help here! Good luck with your search and maybe you can help me find the one too! :)
Here is the aset3.15 aset 1.jpg3.15 aset.jpg
You're right. The tattoos make it difficult, but it looks dark to me as well.
To be honest I love Frank Darling but buying a fancy shape can be difficult with them as I don’t think they have the best setup for evaluating stones with an ASET properly . And their videos are not the best. I struggled buying an Oval from them because of this. It’s so much easier to buy a round from them. They wouldn’t be my first choice if I wanted help evaluating a fancy shape but their settings are lovely. I would purchase any fancy stone from them loose and evaluate it myself at home. If it is good then you can pay a small fee to ship it back to them for setting. If it sucks then you can return it and keep looking. That way you don’t waste the time setting a dud stone.
Weird. I've never seen an ASET like that. Based on this there is practically no contrast. Doesn't seem right, but I'm not an expert.
Agree that I don’t know what to think when I look at those ASET images. Odd and not accurately describing what we’re seeing with our own eyes.

@cushioncutnut - have you looked into IDJ in NYC? They’re a bit better at evaluating fancy cuts but still with the competitive pricing of FD. Maybe worth seeing what they can find you ‍♀️
Agree that I don’t know what to think when I look at those ASET images. Odd and not accurately describing what we’re seeing with our own eyes.

@cushioncutnut - have you looked into IDJ in NYC? They’re a bit better at evaluating fancy cuts but still with the competitive pricing of FD. Maybe worth seeing what they can find you ‍♀️

That may be my next step. I think I am going to scrap this whole thing. I received more pictures and video and the diamond looked much better, however, in the one video, was a really large inclusion that I pointed out to the sales girl . She really talked up the diamond and never even mentioned that
That may be my next step. I think I am going to scrap this whole thing. I received more pictures and video and the diamond looked much better, however, in the one video, was a really large inclusion that I pointed out to the sales girl . She really talked up the diamond and never even mentioned that

Ugh, no fun. :(
I agree it looks very dark in the middle. You deserve better. A step cut you can gaze into and get lost in.
@cushioncutnut What happened with the stone at the bottom of your last thread? Did you end up nixing that one?
Emerald cuts are hard to figure out from photos and videos unless there are multiple angles and lighting scenarios. I hope you can find your dream stone
Agree that I don’t know what to think when I look at those ASET images. Odd and not accurately describing what we’re seeing with our own eyes.

@cushioncutnut - have you looked into IDJ in NYC? They’re a bit better at evaluating fancy cuts but still with the competitive pricing of FD. Maybe worth seeing what they can find you ‍♀️

IDJ was great with my lg emerald project. Yekutiel was very nice. I would see if he could help. He was happy to vet a stone in inventory. It was an si1, but I was okay with the (nearly invisible) inclusion.
Unfortunately, I agree with the other folks and didn't love this emerald as it is dark in the middle.

Other than that, I can go rummaging on Ritani if you like? If so, let me know specs.
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I highly recommend David at Diamonds by Lauren. I purchased an emerald cut from him and it is absolutely beautiful. His prices are fair and he picks excellent step cuts. For a specialty cut, I personally believe paying a slight premium is worth it - you will receive a beautiful stone that has been vetted in person by an expert!
I am no expert, not even a novice, but I agree the stone looks very dark. I’m sorry! You must be feeling so frustrated at this point! What about calling Jon at DG? If there is nothing in his in stock inventory that meets your needs he also has a search engine on his site. He can call in a stone and will fully vet it for you. (You probably know this already!)

Don’t give up quite yet. Your dream stone is out there…
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I didn't give up. I should have a ring later this week. Hoping it is amazing in person. If not, an excellent return policy.
I didn't give up. I should have a ring later this week. Hoping it is amazing in person. If not, an excellent return policy.

All fingers and toes crossed! I'd braid my hair, but it's too short.
ASET and most of the pics look promising.
That one really dark photo I am at a loss as to what is going on.
Does the supplier have a spin video you can link?
What are the numbers from the grading report.. depth table.
With a grading report # @DejaWiz might be able to find the spin video for it.
Excited to see rhe one on the way! Fingers crossed its the one!
With a grading report # @DejaWiz might be able to find the spin video for it.

Thanks for weighing in. They sent me a video and I could see a dark inclusion on the surface. I addressed it and they didn't deny it. Just talked up everything else. Felt like I was being told what I wanted to hear so I went with a vendor, Kosher diamonds on Etsy. So far, I feel good about them! I should be getting my ring tomorrow!
waiting.... :D
I am so excited and hope this is "the one" for you.
waiting.... :D
I am so excited and hope this is "the one" for you.

Thank you! I was supposed to receive it today and after chasing down the package and calling Fedex, they would not get a hold of the driver and they will not redeliver today. I have to pick it up tomorrow or this evening! I hate this!! :(