
STALKED..a cautionary tale/ Please read

I read this whole thread...I feel so bad for you..I wish I had something to say to help you...If you lived near me I would let you stay with me until this was over...Please consider staying with someone...I’m very worried about you..

Well, tonight I called, asked to have the deputy on duty in my area give me a call. Wanted to ask if they could come patrol at a specific time. A deputy I have not talked to before called back and we had a lengthy discussion. I had to fill him in on everything, but then he said what I was describing qualified as stalking.
He said "we need to make this a criminal case and get an investigator involved, we need to be doing more for you".
He came to my house, I showed him all of my pics and videos. He said it looks like the guy has a camera in his hand. My kid goes "Oh yeah, I saw a flash last night when he went by too". The creep is photographing my house.
Anyway I filled out a witness statement and he wanted to walk around outside, get "the lay of the land". Says he will be filing a report and asking for an investigator to get involved. Also confirmed I can legally have my handgun in the car . And promised more timely patrols and told me how to hire an off duty.
Well, tonight I called, asked to have the deputy on duty in my area give me a call. Wanted to ask if they could come patrol at a specific time. A deputy I have not talked to before called back and we had a lengthy discussion. I had to fill him in on everything, but then he said what I was describing qualified as stalking.
He said "we need to make this a criminal case and get an investigator involved, we need to be doing more for you".
He came to my house, I showed him all of my pics and videos. He said it looks like the guy has a camera in his hand. My kid goes "Oh yeah, I saw a flash last night when he went by too". The creep is photographing my house.
Anyway I filled out a witness statement and he wanted to walk around outside, get "the lay of the land". Says he will be filing a report and asking for an investigator to get involved. Also confirmed I can legally have my handgun in the car . And promised more timely patrols and told me how to hire an off duty.

Well, it’s about time someone is taking this seriously.
I am deeply worried for you, the guy knows you know he is there and are filming him and he doesn't care, this means you are in danger of being robbed, or physically attacked by him, I don't think he just wants to watch - I think it will escalate.

When I was in my 20s and a University Student, I went to vote at a polling booth, a young man flirted with me and checked off my name, phone number and address, and handed me the voting forms.... I guess I probably flirted back because I was young and didn't think anything about it. The guy started phoning me several times a day, then he started showing up outside the apartments I lived in, stealing things like my underwear off the outside washing line and following me, as well as phoning me several times a day.

I changed phone numbers, got back from University one day lots of police, turns out he murdered the girl that lived in the apartment across from mine, I don't know if he thought it was me, was frustrated and took it out on her, or she saw him trying to break into my apartment or what happened - but it was one of the most horrific things I've had to deal with.

I moved out not long after that, lived and live a very low profile life, the guy went to jail but is probably out all these years later and doesn't know (to the best of my knowledge) where I am.

You can NEVER be too careful especially if he is mentally ill.


I really think the best bet is either get a PI to be hidden from 4am to 6am and see if he can get photos and the license plate. I think any visible reacting on your part is not the best way to catch him. It might give him (evil) pleasure to think you are afraid.

Agree with this. A lot of people are reacting as if this is a common thief, rather than a stalker. Totally different modes of operation. A stalker usually escalates at reactions rather than de-escalates. Confronting him, looking out for him, etc, just feeds the narrative in his mind that you are paying attention to him and waiting for him (which, well, you are, realistically). If he knows you're thinking about him, he is going to be encouraged.
Exactly, @distracts . I don't think more frequent patrols will solve this at this point. First you need to get the guy's tag number so you (and the police) know who it is. Then they can track him or arrest him the next time he comes on your property. I'd think it would be best for him to not see anything different so he comes again while you have the off duty police there to get his tag number and be a witness to the stalking.

I cannot imagine how upsetting this must be. Praying for your protection!
He came to my house, I showed him all of my pics and videos. He said it looks like the guy has a camera in his hand. My kid goes "Oh yeah, I saw a flash last night when he went by too". The creep is photographing my house.

@AnnaNMoss I am not trying to scare you but please consider sleeping in different rooms in your house. If this person was taking pictures of your house, he may be trying to identify where you might be in the early morning hours.


Agree with this. A lot of people are reacting as if this is a common thief, rather than a stalker. Totally different modes of operation. A stalker usually escalates at reactions rather than de-escalates. Confronting him, looking out for him, etc, just feeds the narrative in his mind that you are paying attention to him and waiting for him (which, well, you are, realistically). If he knows you're thinking about him, he is going to be encouraged.

100%. I do not think you are going the route of personal confrontation, but agree that he may be emboldened by any reaction from you.

I check this thread each day and pray for you and your family's safety and peace of mind.
I check this thread also hoping this creep is in jail already
I'd get down to a range and brush up on target practice if i were you
Please Anna, stay safe
My apologies and I am absolutely not trying to be a fear-monger but I just came across this article re Ring cameras:

According to this and other articles, the vulnerability is not within the technology itself (not a bug in the hardware/software) but with weak passwords. I am sure that you have already taken any and all password precautions but I thought I would pass this along just in case.
@boxbits that's what I'm thinking, pics to figure out interior layout, where are windows, doors, lights etc
Scary stuff all of this. We have cameras all around our house and inside too. One of them is called a license plate camera. It has a higher resolution than all the others so pics can be enlarged. We had a guy install all of them who is a friend of a friend and only does police and fire personnel but I am sure you can get them from companies like ADT. I would go for that system before a do it yourself because they are monitored 24/7.

I hope you have looked into the security film for your windows. We also have our room set up so there are multiple locks. One on the bedroom door, one on the bathroom door, and a very heavy solid door on our master closet with a dead bolt opened with a code. None of this is burglar proof per se, but it gives you extra time. With an alarm that has a panic code, a cell phone, and a weapon all these measures give you precious time to prepare. I am so sorry you are going through this. Thinking about you and praying for you on the daily. Hoping you get some good news and this guy is caught and jailed. Even after he is, all of these measures will be good for you to have. I imagine it will be a while before you will be able to feel really safe again, so not one thing you do now will be wasted.

Checking in often with hopes of hearing that he is caught!
@AnnaNMoss have you checked your vehicles to see if a tracker has been put on them at anytime they’ve been outside unattended?

I’m so sorry you’re living through this hell. If your cars are OK, please pack up and go somewhere else. I realise that hiring a PI is expensive, but your peace of mind and lives are worth so much more.
My apologies and I am absolutely not trying to be a fear-monger but I just came across this article re Ring cameras:

According to this and other articles, the vulnerability is not within the technology itself (not a bug in the hardware/software) but with weak passwords. I am sure that you have already taken any and all password precautions but I thought I would pass this along just in case.

Ring added a second layer of security the other day
Police apprehended suspect this am. I am not going to divulge any details here, but I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. I will sleep so peacefully tonight.
Thank you all for your support during this stressful time, it helped a lot!
@AnnaNMoss you have been on my mind since I read this thread last night. I had fantasies of all of your male neighbors coming out of their houses together at 5 AM and confronting/scaring the crap out of this creep. So glad to hear he's been apprehended. Praying for you!
Police apprehended suspect this am. I am not going to divulge any details here, but I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. I will sleep so peacefully tonight.
Thank you all for your support during this stressful time, it helped a lot!

I am so happy to see this! I hope they are able to keep him for awhile and make sure he doesn't come back to you.
This is fabulous news! I have been thinking about you often & checking in here for updates. What a huge relief! Hopefully they will get to the bottom of what's going on & be able to give you some answers. Yay to the new Police guy who became very pro-active about this.
Good news! I hope they can make the charges stick!
Police apprehended suspect this am. I am not going to divulge any details here, but I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. I will sleep so peacefully tonight.
Thank you all for your support during this stressful time, it helped a lot!

Thank God!!
So happy to hear this! Please don't let your guard down though. Keep making changes to add security to your life. I hope you will be able to let us know what they find out about this person.
Finally!!!! This makes me so happy. Hope you and your family will now be left alone.
Finally! I hope this is truly the end - and he goes far far away to get the help he needs in a very, very secure environment. I for sure would need counseling after such an ordeal. I wish you peace and comfort, and quickly receding horrendous memories. Ugh.
Police apprehended suspect this am. I am not going to divulge any details here, but I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. I will sleep so peacefully tonight.
Thank you all for your support during this stressful time, it helped a lot!

WOOHOO!!!!!!!! I am so happy and thrilled and relieved for you!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

So glad to hear this! Hopefully you and your family can get a good night's sleep tonight! I do hope this is the end of it.
Thank goodness!!! Glad you and your family are safe.
This is excellent news.

We mustn't get our hopes up too high, what with charges needing to stick and sentencing needing to take place, and custody until that point is not guaranteed :rolleyes: but hopefully things will come good (and quickly).

Please do keep us as updated as you can @AnnaNMoss, I hope you can get some rest now.
I’m so happy!!! Yes...Be vigilant...but you can sleep tonight! Thank G for that officer who listened..and did something about this nightmare!!
Police apprehended suspect this am. I am not going to divulge any details here, but I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. I will sleep so peacefully tonight.
Thank you all for your support during this stressful time, it helped a lot!

Oh Anna
Thank goodness
I hope this is the end of it
Well done the sherifs dept

How please just get on with Christmas prep and having a happy life again
Whew! At least you know what/who you're dealing with now. Still so sorry this is happening. Do the police have victim services and counseling for you and your family?
Omg... I just started reading this thread. I’m glad they caught him. :eek-2: