
Someone's funny little bit of fun

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Hello @Lisa Loves Shiny =)2

Long rambly post alert because i have all this extra time with no Tibby :(2

When my mum went into care my sister packed up the house.
We did go down and worked on the garden to get her house ready for sale but i couldn't afford much time off work and my sister and mum lived in the same city while i lived in the North island
It was a horrible time, i was bearly speaking to my sister who had alteady started emptying the house ...there was no cutlery in the house, how were we going to eat breakfast ???? :angryfire:

anyway anyway we took some boxes home of stuff my sister had allocated to me but due to having a tiny flat the boxes went straight into the garage and stayed there till we moved (i actually saw another cartoon in the stack of moving boxes unopened on the back wall of the lounge today so maybe more tresure to come !! (stuff my sister didn't want to come)

Anyway in one of the boxes was the old jewlery box i had made mum in woodwork when i was 12
Mums keep stuff like that ...actually i might have a false memory - my sister might have given it to me after mum died when i went back down to see Bruce Springsteen a week after her funeral

Anyway what ever :roll2:
Im just mumbling away

so there was odd little bits and pieces in there, a silver brooch with real pearls i thought was just random shinny metal faux untill today
Along with some broken beads, some odd screw back earings - stuff that was never worn that i don't even recognise

There was this pink glass ring .... everyone can relax:wink2:
No one needs to burst my bubble because i think its a huge pink diamond or what ever :lol:
Its glass :lol:

And it was grubby

i wonder if mum found it or something, its too big for her or grandma and my mum only had 18 carrot rings
Anyway while i had my loup out looking at the pearl brooch i had a look inside in the ring and its 9 carrot
I've cleaned it up
it has zero wear marks and even the glass is unscratched :lol:

For some odd reason i have dishwashing liquid with the moisturiser in right now - it must have been on special - so i soaked it in white viniger and warm water
then i couldn't find the old toothbrush ...i think Gary must have cleaned the bath with it (shouldnt complain if he was cleaning)

Anyway it came out really clean !! I then just used a silver cloth
the photos don't pick up the rose gold, but its an agreeable shade to my eye

im thinking of using it to 'test out' the local jewler in town before i engage on any 'real' projects

I've desided I'd like to put a smoky quartz in it to match a pendant i have

I wish the ring was east west for better finger coverage
but hay its a bonus !:appl:

And its going to be fun and also be for practice buying a loose gemstone to fit

yes yes another project to my list:wall:
Because i can't do anything till im working again

But planning for my projects gives my mind a rest from my worries
i already have a plan in my head for a Tibby remembrance ring the practice will be good

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Opps forgot photos
my phone isnt overly cooperative

Im pretty pleased at my cleaning - too bad i didn't take a before
The first photo is closest in colour
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Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
I love the ring @Daisys and Diamonds. These vintage "glass" stone rings are usually made with lead glass which can be extremely durable. I have one passed on from my husband's grandmother and like yours, it has multiple tiny claws which look very attractive. It seems more than a coincidence that the ring was found during this stressful time and meant to bring you comfort.


Feb 14, 2014
Have you looked at the “stone” with a loupe? It appears to be not super transparent/clear, like glass would be. It may be a natural stone of some kind (not pink diamond).

It’s really pretty on you!


Jun 6, 2013
It looks like a really pretty vintage ring! I like the crown shaped setting!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I took a closer look at it out in the sun
ewwww lots of gunk underneath between the stone and the setting
( I'll buy a new toothbrush next grocery day)
I really like how its cut underneath
I think @ringo865 that's why i can't see through it
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I love the ring @Daisys and Diamonds. These vintage "glass" stone rings are usually made with lead glass which can be extremely durable. I have one passed on from my husband's grandmother and like yours, it has multiple tiny claws which look very attractive. It seems more than a coincidence that the ring was found during this stressful time and meant to bring you comfort.
Thank you =)2

I feel a slightly guilty as if id realized it was gold when i scraped some ugly and silly projects in August i would probably have chucked it in too

As is often said here on PS "I'ts not really my style"
i like wider bands
Perhaps if i got it sized down it might have better finger coverage on a different finger

I like the prongs too much not to do something with it

I can't think who it would have belonged to, mum's family had such tiny hands and fingers

I really like the back of the stone, it has such an interesting cut


Jan 29, 2021
I would get that stone tested....what if it is a pink topaz?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I would get that stone tested....what if it is a pink topaz?

That would be terrible excitting but not my usual luck :lol:

i doubt there is anywhere in this town i could take it to :(2

i did clean it a bit better and got that hidden gunk out:D
I really love the facets:love:

I don't want to be like one of those sad people who have an inherited ring that's paste but they think its worth $$$$:lol:

This ring is only 9k
so i imangine it was ' quite nice' fabulous fashion jewlery of its day
Maybe its a synthetic something ?

As i do like the 'stone' I might track down a cheap silver pendent setting- one that's open at the back and i wouldn't mind if it flips because both sides are pleasing to my eye

I don't suppose there is a safe test one can do at home to see if its glass or something more excitting ?

Any way doesn't matter
I've desided i (now) value it for sentimental reasons -and the piece of glass (or whatever) is in such good condition it would be a shame just to biff it

Mum kept it this long ...usually she gave us any cheap little bits of jewlery she found - i scored an awsome gold anklet one time ! (Mum probably soaked it in Detol for a week before she would have let me wear itv :lol: )

Im going to need lots of help (once my financial situation improves) getting a pendent setting for the 'stone' and a smokey quartz replacement for the ring so it will definatly be good practice for bigger more exspensive future projects
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Jun 14, 2018
I'm wondering if it's a tourmaline... I think it's really pretty. What a beautiful distraction you came across!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I'm wondering if it's a tourmaline... I think it's really pretty. What a beautiful distraction you came across!

Why Thank you Mrs Strizzle

And you just reminded me i bought a new toothbrush so i can repurpose mine, might keep it in my jewlery box so Gary doesn't clean the bath with it this time

It would be nice for it to be something excitting
My if its still just pretty glass that's ok too

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Although it would be extra awsome if it was a tourmaline because my sister loves those :lol:


Jan 30, 2013
Oooh that's pretty! How nice of it to pop up and brighten your day.


Jun 1, 2015
This is such a pretty ring, I love the pink stone even if it turns out to be glass. It looks beautiful on you!!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
So i wore her out today
she's a little loose even on my index finger - it was cooler this morning and she's more a generouse summer fitting

i can't imangine anyone in mum's family fitting her, all those ladies had delicate hands and slim fingers

she must have a funny prong as she has caught on my clothes two or three times
If she was a found ring she could have been lost off her original owner's finger maybe ? Especially with her being so big

anyway 20210315_124236.jpg i love this view of her

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Its been a year now and i still miss Mr Tibbo every single day
going into the jewler tomorrow to get a bale put on the brooch and thought i might wear in the big old ring (its hot and it just fits my index finger right now) and ill see if they have one of those testers that knows if something is glass


Feb 24, 2017

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I hope it turns out to be something good @Daisys and Diamonds. It’s really pretty.

Thank you
im going to repurposed the setting but the stone - glass or ortherwise is so pretty from the back - im thinking if its not too expensive for what it is, a silver pendent of some nature but with the back showing to the front

Anyway she lives as a 'possible' for another day as i slept in today
and lucky so did our rubbish truck!

Then i realised i had no clean work shirt so had to do some washing
then i made Gary a cooked breakfast because last night for tea we had a few miserable chicken skewere and ice cream as when i got home the local ice cream truck was parked in our street
How will i cope when i get a full time job again with nornal hours ? :lol:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Its been a year now and i still miss Mr Tibbo every single day
going into the jewler tomorrow to get a bale put on the brooch and thought i might wear in the big old ring (its hot and it just fits my index finger right now) and ill see if they have one of those testers that knows if something is glass

I just wanna toot my own horn and say
this was an unusual good photo for me :lol: :appl: :appl:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Good things take time ok !!!

So i dropped the ring in at the jewlers today to be tested

I feel encouraged

Not so much about it being glass or synthetic, but about it being useful

I love the setting and the lady said
Yes they set outside stones
Yes they could rework it so it is an east west ring (more finger coverage)

She also agreed with me how pretty the present stone is from the back and she also thought it would be nice in a silver pendent set with the back of the stone facing up

So in the next couple of months (again can't rush these things) i will hopefully get a smokey quarts to fit
My first foray into loose stones

I have wanted a smokey quarts ring for many years to match one i have in a rose gold pendent

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Daisys and Diamonds , how is this project progressing? Any word from the jeweler on the identity of the beautiful pink stone?

Thank you for asking RMOO =)2

as im a bit apprehensive going into town due to the covid elephant in the room i told them no hurry - so she said how about next month- so i guess im expecting a text in the next week
i am having a bail added to the pearl brooch that was tucked away for many years with this ring

Only one year to get my act together on this
these two pieces really jumped the quee :lol-2:


Jul 7, 2013
Whatever the stone might be, it is pretty.

DK :))

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@Daisys and Diamonds - I’m so looking forward to hearing the results of the stone type - and seeing your new pendant! I also wanted to say what a nice photo you took:kiss2:

Thank you
its a one in a million shot for me

You know back in the day before digital cameras i had a little Minolta that never took a bad shot

have had two digital cameras and 4 cell phones with cameras and i hate them

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Whatever the stone might be, it is pretty.

DK :))

Thank you DK
I think its the cut
Even if its glass im going to get it set into a cheap silver pendent setting - with the back to the front just because it is so pretty
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