
Some Pics of a Pretty Stone


Aug 5, 2010
I've just bought a new stone, which is surprising as I was not in the market for one; it just kind of leaped into my life. A recent thread here led inadvertently to an unexpected (and great) offsite interaction with the vendor Beau-wy of ebay. As a direct result of that thread, and followup discussion, I am now the proud owner of this tourmaline. 1.91 ct Namibian, strong saturation, medium dark in tone, asscher cut by Dan Stair (first Dan Stair stone for me). Of course I wanted to show it, but I also wanted to illustrate the differences in appearance under various lighting situations. So one of the pics is the vendor's. One is mine in bright morning sun. One is a hand shot taken in indirect sunlight later in the day, and one is taken in indoor, very low ambient light. Please note how green it looks in low incandescent light.




Beautiful Minou! Congratulations on your new pretty! :appl:
Lovely, Minou!
Thank you Jbk and rsn. It was such a serendipitous - and easy - purchase!

ETA: and I would buy from Beau again in a heartbeat. :))
I love it, especially the cut!! Do you have plans for it yet?
Pretty, indeed! :appl: :appl:
I love Dan's step cuts. So pretty minou!

You gonna set it? :naughty:
Love this!
MrsM|1394673185|3633012 said:
I love it, especially the cut!! Do you have plans for it yet?

Oh MrsM, you slay me! :lol: :lol: Have plans for it yet?! I am the worst setter of stones in the world! If I had the results that you have (which clearly requires a set of skills beyond my capability), I'd set it in a heartbeat, but alas... ;(
Pretty, Minou! I haven't bought a Dan Stair stone yet, either; he cuts nice ones. Your demonstration of the differences in lighting in photography is educational. Thanks!

--- Laurie
Gorgeous Minou! I like that seller too.

Love the asscher cut.

It's gorgeous! You really should set this one! :lol:
Lovely stone, the color is wonderful!!!
Odd coincidence, I bought a Dan Stair asscher last week too
VapidLapid|1394735272|3633390 said:
Lovely stone, the color is wonderful!!!
Odd coincidence, I bought a Dan Stair asscher last week too

Coincidence you say? I think not! Great minds, my friend, great minds... :bigsmile:

ETA: So let's see it!
I really like this color, and in such a sought-after cut!

What are the dimensions?
The glow in the second photo is :love:
Very beautiful! I've heard only good things about Beau, but it's nice to hear your review as well. I've got quite a few of his gems in my watch list. I love his blue spinels and black opals.
CC: dimensions are 7.1x7.1x5.4.

Yes, Beau is a gentleman and the stone is well cut (Dan Stair's doing).
Is the strong shift an artifact of the photography or is that what you see? I think it's neat that it goes from bluish green to completely green.
Good question Chrono. Its definitely exacerbated by the camera (which is part of the reason I wanted to post to show how stones can appear so different in various setups), but in artificial light, at least incandescent light, it does take on much more of a green appearance. I haven't tried CFLs yet.
So it doesn't shift to a greener hue, just not as green as pictured?
Yes, it seems to emphasize its green personality in low incandescent light. But now I'm afraid to answer the question, Chrono, because I don't know whats real any more - my reality and what I see, the camera, or some other impartial third party! :lol:
What your eyes see are real. Cameras, as Kenny says, are dumb devices and don't always show what human eyes see.
Very pretty stone indeed! And, I really like its color shift - I would have never guessed as stone with such pretty blue tones would shift to a perfect green apple color!
Hi Minous: Great stone - really like the color and love the shape. Dan and Cindi cut some great stuff!

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