
Some advice on these 2 stones

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Feb 19, 2003
I''ve been trying to decide between these two stones. The price difference is almost none. My questions are would the diameter differences be noticeable to the naked eye once set in a ring, and which do you all feel would be the better stone. I think I''ve done my homework pretty well. Let me know if I can provide any additional information! Thanks in advance! BTW, the info is from the AGS certificates/Sarin reports.

Carat weight: 0.79
Cut: Round AGS Ideal 0
Color: F
Clarity: SI1
Depth %: 60.2%
Table %: 56.4%
Crown: 34.0 degrees
Pavillion: 40.8 degrees
Symmetry: Ideal
Polish: Ideal
Girdle: Thin to medium, faceted
Culet: Very small (1.2%)
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 6.01x6.05x3.65 mm

Carat weight: 0.87
Cut: Round AGS Ideal 0
Color: G
Clarity: SI1
Depth %: 61.3%
Table %: 56.1
Crown: 34.7 degrees
Pavillion: 40.6 degrees
Symmetry: Ideal
Polish: Ideal
Girdle: Thin to medium, faceted
Culet: Pointed (1.0%)
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 6.17x6.19x3.80 mm
From the point you've come to thus far rocky my next questions would be (remember now... I'm being anal)

1. What are the minor facet measurements (as these also impact brilliance and scintillation)? GIA has determined that long star/lower girdles increase DCLR (dispersed colored light return) and
2. What is the internal or optical symmetry of each of these stones (3d symmetry affects the beauty of the stone in diffuse light conditions)
3. What kind of SI1's are we talkin about? (ie. are we talking black crystals under the table or white inclusions on the side, or something in between?)
4. Other gemologists may ask does one have strain while the other doesn't (IMO a non-issue).

It looks like your basic proportions are fine and that may be as much as you might need to know and be content. Before I dropped the bucks however I'm a stickler for the details above (except for #4).

Looks like you're on the right track though.

Okay not being as 'anal' as Rhino (you said it not me!)...I like the G stone for the following reasons:

1) the spread/diameter is a slight difference and in my opinion will be slightly noticeable.
2) if the price is the same, go one up to G and get the bigger rock ....they are both pretty ideal from specs
3) don't let the hca score faze's a neglible difference, both are still under 2.0 and you have all the other specs.

That said...what sort of SI's are these (seconding what Rhino said). Make sure that they are eye-clean and does the F or G have any big clouds or black carbon? If the F has a very clean look to it and the G has a big cloud in the middle, that may be a mark against the G even with the 3 reasons I liked the G above. Or vice versa. So the SI1 grading, in my mind, may be a good factor in helping you decide.

If they are both very eye clean-then again we're back to my top 3 reasons up above.

You may bring up the fact that the F is in the colorless range while G is in near colorless. I know that others may disagree, but in my opinion, I could not see a difference between an E stone and a G stone...and I doubt I could see a difference between F and G. You are paying the slight markup for the F color which is why it is a smaller stone in cw.

Rhino--on your comment about symmetry, will the fact that both stones are Ideal as graded by the AGS/Sarin reports mean that they are in fact Ideal symmetry as in 'near perfect' or is their symmetry range as broad as the cut range?

Good luck..whatever you choose. Sounds like both are near winners...maybe Rich can post a DiamCalc image for you to see potential light returns.
I'd choose the G one too. Just make sure it's correctly graded and that the inclusions aren't eye visible. The diameter difference could be slightly noticeable...
Also, once the stone is set in a ring, you won't be able to tell F from G...

I agree with Mara, for all of the stated reasons. I'd go with the G, too, *providing* that it is eye-clean.

More stone for the money, and the color difference to the naked eye is negligible once set.

Very nice choices!! Good luck.
Dear Rhino,

In your reply to Rocky555, you say that long star/lower girdles increase DCLR...
8*'s star/lower girdles are shorter than by other branded H&A, but everybody agree to say that they have more dispersed colored light return...
How do you explain?


P.S. The stones you sell are all very beautiful, but I live in Belgium so it's difficult for me to visit you...

Thanks for all of the advice thus far. I'm going to get more information about the inclusions, then try going from there. I was leaning more towards the G stone as well. I suppose the inclusion information will help me decide. I'll keep ya posted, and thanks again for the input!
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