
So torn ...I''m strongly considering returning this stone

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Mar 4, 2009

I have been working with Barry at Excel diamonds to source an upgrade for my ering. Both Barry and Judah have been incredible to work with and this is our second major purchase from them. I highly recommend them -they offer excellent customer service and I really appreciate how candid they are about their inventory.

So I just received a beautiful RB - 3.07 G SI-1 (details can be found at

I was really worried about the 40.6 pavilion angle and its affect on the stone's brightness and contrast. I went ahead with the purchase on Barry's recommendation that it had excellent light performance -- and he was right on as usual. The stone is amazing in all light conditions and performs just as well as my Superbcert AGS ideal. It really is stunning.


I can see two black pinpoint inclusions: one underneath the table and one at the corner of a bezel facet right next to a star facet. I know my vision is excellent and I can only see these pinpoints at a distance closer than 10 inches so I guess it doesn't meet my definition of eye clean. I had a coworker and friend stop by my office while I was admiring the stone (picked it up at lunch and took it back to work = recipe for not getting any work done

) She couldn’t see a thing even when held up close with me showing her where the inclusions were. DARN my good vision! She thinks I'm crazy and should keep it and that these "features" are special and my way of identifying my stone.

My husband hasn't seen the stone yet so it will be interesting to see what he says.

So now I have a major dilemma -- keep it or go for higher clarity in a smaller size. The 3.07 is really a beauty!

I would appreciate people sharing their experience with inclusions -- do they stop bothering you after a while???

IMO if they bother you now it will get worse with time...
Date: 3/24/2009 5:43:34 PM
Author: neatfreak
IMO if they bother you now it will get worse with time...
Ditto. They would bother me down the road too.
tritto- i have an inclusion on my first stone but I also had the majority stone exposed without prongs (faux tension), so it was more noticeable than if they were slighty covered up perhaps... At first it didn''t bother me, but over time (5 years,,,it did) maybe if it was covered up and I didn''t see it, then maybe it might have been different. but your right 3ct is a nice size!
Once you see something, you can''t un-see it. It will start reaching out of the stone & slapping you on your noggin'' morning/noon/night.

Magic 8 ball says: next!
The 10x image looks fairly nice although I can definitely see the inclusions, but I would assume at regular vision they would be near impossible to see. How much down do you have to downsize to get what you want?
It depends how much you love the stone.

I have a diamond that I adore but it has a black inclusion. When I first bought it I thought I would focus on it but curiously, and I think because I love the performance of the diamond, I never notice it!!! In fact, it''s like my eyes have tuned it out.


I have a diamond that I don''t particularly like, it''s ok but not one of my better purchases. Each time I look at it I see the inclusions that annoy me and nothing else!!!

That probably hasn''t helped has it?

My only suggestion is to live with the stone for a week if you can and see if you start tuning out the imperfections and if you KNOW you''ll regret sending it back then you have your answer. If you can send it back without regrets then it''s the right thing to do.
Date: 3/24/2009 5:56:37 PM
Author: decodelighted
Once you see something, you can''t un-see it. It will start reaching out of the stone & slapping you on your noggin'' morning/noon/night.

Magic 8 ball says: next!
Ditto Deco. (I''m just going to follow you around doing this today).
Date: 3/24/2009 5:56:37 PM
Author: decodelighted
Once you see something, you can''t un-see it. It will start reaching out of the stone & slapping you on your noggin'' morning/noon/night.

Magic 8 ball says: next!
sure you can...when you get to my age,then every stone becomes eye clean.

my wife''s H SI1 3.34ct probably isn''t eye clean to most of the young PSers here but i can''t the inclusions w/o a loupe.if it bothers you then you need to look at VS clarity stones.
Thanks everyone. I always thought that once I see an inclusion it was game over. But this is SUCH a nice rock! And the inclusions are pinpoints -BUT I can see them and so far no one else can.

AprilBaby - I'm guessing I would probably have to downsize to a 2.5. Barry is looking into some other options
My previous stone was a 2ct -- Can you tell the difference between a 2.5 and 2 ct stone? I'm worrying about the diamond shrinkage syndrome some of you refer to.

DancingFire -- If only I could count on my eyesight getting worse. I have better than 20-20 vision now, early 30s, and am like my mother, can read the smallest of fine prints really really up close. Oh and my mom still can read the tiniest things up close and she is in her mid 60s.
Date: 3/24/2009 5:48:34 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 3/24/2009 5:43:34 PM
Author: neatfreak
IMO if they bother you now it will get worse with time...
Ditto. They would bother me down the road too.
Double ditto, once you see it, you can never un-see it
I disagree that it''s this stone, or look for a VS2.

The problem is not that it''s an SI1 with a visible inclusion, the problem it that it''s an SI1 with a visible BLACK inclusion IMO. Tiny little crystals, naturals, wisps, may be eyeclean. I have an SI2 that''s absolutely eyeclean.

Personally I abhor black inclusions. Others, not so much.
There are gorgeous SI1 out there, in this case the black inclussion scares me...yep, if it bothers you now, wait a few years will drive you crazy. I'd honestly go smaller vs1 even 2 or still Si w/ no black inclussions.
I checked out your old post, and you said this:

Diamondseeker2006: Believe me, I'm just as clarity sensitive. I never thought I would go below VS1 but the vendor that found this stone says that it has very small white inclusions that blend in with the facets of the diamond. He even says this stone is like getting VS quality at an SI price. It is completely eye clean (face up and profile). If I saw an inclusion from the side I wouldn't buy it. --- Period.

You made it very clear that you were clarity sensitive and were assured that you were getting an eye clean stone with "white" inclusions. I would return it.
Did Barry have this in house or did he bring it in from somewhere else? I can''t see actual images on his website.

I would return a stone if I could see anything at all. I just bought an SI2, totally eye clean to me. I am taking it to an appraiser tomorrow morning and will report back after the trip (I''m concerned about a feather and structural integrity).

If you see it now, you''ll always see it. It stinks b/c you had your mind set on this stone. I''ll be sad if mine doesn''t get a clean bill of health -- in the long run though, we''ll both be better off making changes now rather than dealing with upset later on...upset that was easily avoidable
I remember that stone and I''m sorry it didn''t turn out to be eye clean

I was in a similiar situation as you. I didn''t want to sacrifice my color or clarity so I went with a 2.52 G, VS2. I know how you feel but like other have said, it''s possible to find eyeclean SI''s. I''m just wondering how common they are in stones that size.
We have decided to return the diamond. My husband and three friends couldn't see any of the inclusions but I could. I guess it’s an eye clean stone to some and not to others. My husband must think I'm crazy - first my diamond obsession and now seeing pinpoints that no one else can see. He finally believed me when I explained where they were and then gave him a loupe. He then decided to play a game – spin the diamond. He would get me to close my eyes and he would turn the tray the diamond was on and ask me to point to the inclusions. He would then get the loupe and check. After five “spins” he said “Your unbelievable”

So the tally is 1 person - not eye clean, 4 people - eyeclean. My biggest learning has been that eyeclean must be defined by the beholder.

Personally for me though, I think I better stick to VS.

About2begin: Barry called in the stone and previewed it before recommending it. I believe this stone to be eye clean for most people – just not me. Good luck tomorrow.
Good Luck in finding a new stone. :)
I think you have made the right decision.
Date: 3/25/2009 12:25:21 AM
Author: DKinLA

We have decided to return the diamond. My husband and three friends couldn't see any of the inclusions but I could. I guess it’s an eye clean stone to some and not to others. My husband must think I'm crazy - first my diamond obsession and now seeing pinpoints that no one else can see. He finally believed me when I explained where they were and then gave him a loupe. He then decided to play a game – spin the diamond. He would get me to close my eyes and he would turn the tray the diamond was on and ask me to point to the inclusions. He would then get the loupe and check. After five “spins” he said “Your unbelievable”

So the tally is 1 person - not eye clean, 4 people - eyeclean. My biggest learning has been that eyeclean must be defined by the beholder.

Personally for me though, I think I better stick to VS.

About2begin: Barry called in the stone and previewed it before recommending it. I believe this stone to be eye clean for most people – just not me. Good luck tomorrow.

I'm sorry it didn't work out, and yes, I think a VS2 would be in order for you. I hope you can find what you want in short order!
Date: 3/24/2009 5:56:37 PM
Author: decodelighted
Once you see something, you can''t un-see it. It will start reaching out of the stone & slapping you on your noggin'' morning/noon/night.

Magic 8 ball says: next!
LOL this is probably true. The slapping will grow increasingly violent as well.
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