
So a question about finger shrinkage...


Sep 17, 2008
My fingers are shrinking. Don't know why, don't ask (I couldn't even answer) I'm more than a whole size down. i'm not losing weight (in fact I gained 5lbs?)

Considering this, my rings now all spin, the ones that are sized 8.5US are so big I now wear them on middle fingers only and even there they're loose. My ring fingers I think are roughly size 7. I say roughly because they're a bit bigger in the AM than other parts of the day .

So whats the best solution (at least temporarily) Whats cost effective to keep my rings from spinning and falling off?

There could be many reasons for the shrinkage, which I am sure is the envy of many posters. :bigsmile: The most likely culprit is the colder weather at this time of the year. There is also the usual bloating factor where a ring might be tighter or looser at different times of the day depending on amount of fluids or salt you’ve consumed, temperature of your surroundings, time of the month and etc. An inexpensive and flexible method is to wear a very thin plain band to hold the ring in place. However, it will not stop the ring from spinning. I know you can also have sizing beads soldered on the inside which should take care of the spinning and I’ve heard that Walmart or some other store sells some plastic thingy which you can wear with the ring to keep it a little snug.
Cold weather, and my fingers are shrinking too!
Arcadian, if this is not something that usually happens to you as the weather gets colder (and especially if the weather hasn't gotten colder where you are!) I suggest that you run this by your primary care physician. The kind of size change you are describing, if it is not routine for you, really sounds like something you might want to get checked out.
Thanks Chrono. I'll look into some of those options. I want to avoid soldered bumps on the band if I can help it.

I'm used to a small amount of shrinkage in the winter which is normal, but this is well beyond that ... I had shrinkage in August though nothing too major, And I really didn't think about it much. Mid September it was really noticeable. Now its just ridiculous. Even my wrists are smaller. I also had to get have links taking out of my watch band because I could get 2 fingers under the bracelet and still have room for a 3rd!

But yes, the finger shrinkage does make some of my stones look a bit bigger on my hand. That part is nice :bigsmile:

Aoife, I'm ridiculously healthy (at least right now) I had a complete blood panel done a few weeks ago as I do once a year because of past medical history (cancer survivor). The only concern my new doc has is my blood sugar which is lower than what she's used to (65-70 fasting) as is my lower blood pressure (110/60). But whatever, she loves the other numbers to bits. Said she's never seen them so good on anybody. Being I'm a longtime athlete, its not a surprise to me to me, they've always been that way. She's new, and she'll catch on eventually since I'm not the type of patient she normally sees. But I do thank you for your concern :)) .

But one thing I will do is consider getting bodyfat checked, mainly because I suspect it to be the culprit though I've gained a bit of weight.

Weight isn’t necessarily a good indicator of size; sounds like something else might be going on? I’m glad you’ve taken steps to get yourself checked out though.
It's good that you've been taking care of yourself! So far as the weight gain goes, as an athlete I'm sure you're aware that muscle weighs more than fat! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it..... ;))
A decrease in salt intake can cause it. Have you recently changed your diet so you're eating foods with less salt?
lol y'all...

I'm likely getting more salt because i'm traveling a lot right now and I don't request reduced sodium stuff either. Also, when traveling I eat out a lot. So much so that I don't bother when I have my at home weeks. (2 on/2 off)

No matter what else may be off, I'm always consistent in working out. I always make time for that (id lose my mind if I otherwise!).

So to that end, I'm at home this week and will try my local wallyworld. If they don't have them, where else would they carry those plastic things?

I have those little plastic do jobbies from Walmart. They were in the jewelry area kind of by the watches and the watch bands etc. The package has like 10 or so in there, different lengths and thicknesses. They work ok..they do rotate tho (or mine did anyway) around the shank so that the little slit that you fit over the bottom of the ring, it turns around and can work itself right off the back of the ring. I'm not sure where else would have them if Walmart is out. Target or someplace maybe?
A- that is such an excellent problem to have. I just had a baby in July so my fingers are extremely swollen from that plus the summer heat. My normal size 5.75 / 6 is way over a 7 now- it just makes me want to ;( . None of my rings fit so I'm very jealous that you are having the opposite effect! Just be glad you didn't go the other way and you can still wear all your beautiful rings!
Glad it doesn't seem to be a health issue because that was my first reaction too. (hmmm...just realized that eating out more may be the reason mine are a bit more swollen than normal).

But back to your fingers...maybe this is a silly suggestion, but maybe a grip exerciser to build up more muscle on the fingers? I dunno...but I'd go for a temporary solution until I knew if the change is semi-permanent.

Arcadian said:
lol y'all...

No matter what else may be off, I'm always consistent in working out. I always make time for that (id lose my mind if I otherwise!).


I think you answered your own question. The weigh gain is obviously muscle in a specific spot and you've lost weight all over, which includes your fingers.

Go for the plastic jobbies.
I tried our friendly wallyworld this morning (ugh! :roll: ) you know, its a shame I had to explain what the hell they were IN DETAIL. At any rate, they don't have any. Should I try a super wallyworld instead?

BTW, ilander, I don't think my pants totally agree with you lol :tongue:


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