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Jan 8, 2007
You know, I''m laughing as I write this because my topics so far have inluded "ultimatums", "hiding things from future in-laws" and now this one...snooping! lol
I SWEAR I''m not a bad person!

Anyway, just wondering if anyone here has fought the urge to snoop. (To see if your FF has been planning a purchase) Because I feel like I ALWAYS have to fight the urge! I was the kid who at xmas time would unwrap all my presents and then wrap them back up again. And here I am now, with all these internet passwords of my boyfriends...and all I want to do is check his bank account or see if he''s actually READ any of the links I''ve seen him from here. (Okay I admit, I did the latter and yes he did read them.

I mean, how lame am I???? Why can''t I ever just let myself be surprised? Why, when we are driving somewhere do I secretly eye around his truck to see if there is a secret business card to a jeweler somewhere? It''s probably for these very reasons that karma isn''t allowing me to be engaged yet!

But I swear, I could be a lot worse if I wanted to.


May 23, 2006
Don''t feel too badly, I''m the same way. I HATE surprises, and so I always dig and dig at DH to pry answers out of him, lol. But fight the urge to snoop about this because I think you will definitely end up regretting it. Just let your soon to be FI have his suprise, and don''t worry too much about it. If he''s reading the things you are sending him, he''s working on it, and will be ready soon!



Sep 29, 2006
I used to unwrap presents too, lol, and play with them! I haven''t snooped, but just because I don''t want to snoop and then be disappointed when i find NOTHING!!!


Nov 30, 2006
I snooped and found jewelry cleaner in his drawer. My heart was racing when I found it. I guess they gave it to him when he ordered the ring (it was custom made), so he had it for almost a month before he actually got the ring. Then he waited a few weeks once he got the ring for the "right time" to propose. So by the time I got the ring it was almost 2 months after I found the jewelry cleaner and I was actually very surprised when he did propose because I was starting to begin to think he changed his mind or bought me some other piece of jewelry! If I would have found it closer to the time of the actual engagement I would probably have not been too surprised.

He did keep the ring in the house for the 2 weeks while he was waiting and I didn''t find it at all (I didn''t look THAT hard, but still!). And our house isn''t huge, either! Guys are pretty good at hiding things - I don''t think he would be careless enough to leave business cards around or anything like that, but you never know - mine left the cleaner!

To be honest, surprise isn''t the biggest thing in an engagement. The fact that he is down on one knee and went and purchased a ring (just picturing him in the jewelry store was enough for me!) and is asking you is enough. So, if you do snoop (which I assume you will!) and find something, don''t fret because it will still be overwhelming and emotional no matter if you are expeciting it or not! If you find a ring box, I wouldn''t open it, though. You will still have the surprise of seeing the ring for the first time when he gives it to you!

I like to think that every normal girl snoops. I wouldn''t think you''re crazy!


Jan 8, 2007
hahaha if I ever found the ring I know I'd open it. Like Carrie on SATC. Without the throwing up....or maybe I would! I really hope he hides it good!


Jun 16, 2005
Guilty too- you are not alone Luckystar! I snooped all over before I got the ring this winter, and he actually caught me! It wasn''t good- he was hurt, so be careful. He did get over it and now we just laugh about the whole thing.


Sep 30, 2006
When I first found out that the ring was "in the building," as they say, I spent about 15 seconds looking around trying to decide where he may have hid it. Then I decided... I''ve ruined other surprises in my life this way--do I really want to ruin this one? So I stopped looking. I only had to wait for four days after finding out though, so it wasn''t too excruciating! I think it''s normal to have that urge


Aug 12, 2005
I''m so not a snooper...haven''t been since I was 7 and wanted this really expensive doll that my mother went ahead and bought for me for my birthday and hid in a closet...I found it and she knew I found it and took it right back to the store to teach me a lesson. That has honestly stuck with me ever since, and even when DH told me he was looking at rings I didn''t go through his pockets when doing laundry or anything for fear of jinxing myself, LOL!


Jan 14, 2007
Luckystar, are you my long lost twin? I just came onto this forum to post about how I got caught snooping last night and I saw a post titled snooping. I was relieved to see it was started by you and not my bf, as he also found about about my PS addiction last night (you''re not him, are you?). Here''s my story, sorry to threadjack. I never told anyone besides a few friends this in fear it would get back to T. About a month and a half ago, I was snooping and found the receipt for my ring. It was sitting on the very top of a drawer in his desk, seriously, does the boy not know me? I had one of those angel and devil moments, and needless to say the devil won. I wrote down the GIA number, and did some research on GIA''s reportcheck. I even went as far as creating a second username on PS that sounded nothing like my own name to ask other''s opinion on the stone. Yes, I''m crazy.

Fast forward to yesterday, T was on my computer about to go onto google. Well he types in www.g and up pops a bunch of GIA sites on the browser''s address bar. Well he notices one for reportcheck with a report with numbers very similar to the stone he bought. He selects it, takes a look and calls me over. "Honey what is this..." So I deny all wrongdoing and quickly steal the laptop from him and turn it off. Well the rest of the night all I hear is, "Do you want to tell me something" or "Do you need to come clean about something." Eventually I break, and confess the truth. He''s not mad at me but disappointed b/c he really wanted it to be a surprise. He admitted though that he would have done the same thing. Of course then he wanted to know why I continued to give him such a hard time if I knew he had bought it. I had to admit that I partially wanted to keep my cover but also, just because he bought it didn''t mean that he was giving it to me anytime soon, or that he even had it in his possession.

So, he then told me now he''d have to wait longer (a few months) to propose to regain some of the surprise factor. Last weekend he had told me he would propose within the next few weeks if I chilled out. Grrrrrr...... Why am I such an idiot? Btw, I did feel awful after I snooped, and I''m such a bad liar, so I had to admit it to my bff and my mom who both proceded to yell at me. My bff went so far as to say that if I tried to snoop for the actual ring she would never talk to me again. That has actually kept me from snooping further.

Sorry for the long post....


Jan 8, 2007
lol that is hilarious!
Did you like the look of the diamond, at least? Really when you think about it, all you saw was the GIA information which is really nothing compared to seeing it in person and in a setting!

I don''t know what I would have done in your situation. I probably would have made the excuse that I''m constantly looking at diamonds on the internet and seeing how they match up on the GIA site. Which I am. And then my boyfriend would hopefully write it off as a

Here are some other ways I''ve snooped, to make you feel better-
He made me a xmas stocking this year and begged me not to open it while he went to work for 13 HOURS. Of COURSE I opened it....come ON! Christmas stockings are usually way better than the presents! He was pretty mad.

Although I have yet to check his bank account online (because I would feel evil, plus he still lets me on there to pay bills so I guess he isn''t hiding anything) I have looked in his wallet a couple of times...for receipts or business cards or whatnot. And when paying bills, I always play close attention to the mortgage one and the one from his credit union in case he borrowed money from

He''s punishing me though. Now he waits until the last possible minute to buy me any gifts, which puts me (and my snooping self) over the edge. I don''t even know why I do this to myself. I''m pretty sure that when he does make a purchase he will be very careful in hiding it front me because of my sneaky ways.

I think I need a stern talking to from monarch''s mom!


Jan 14, 2007
I tried that. He didn''t buy it, even though I have probably sent him hundreds of links to various diamonds and have a gallery of pics saved on my computer. He recognized the number and all of the specs....


Mar 1, 2007


Relax (I know it''s easier said than done!) and let things happen. Don''t deny your self or your sweetie any of the great stuff that comes with a surprise proposal. You''ll be happy knowing that you gave your FH the gift of being able to plan something that''s special to him, too.

Be a good girl!





Nov 28, 2006
Man I''m the exact opposite... I WANT it to be a surprise but my boyfriend is so bad at even hiding making something special for dinner and leaving his email open to the reciepts on gifts for me (I kid you not, I go to use the computer and as soon as the screensaver''s off BAM! everything right in front of me...) I highly doubt he could find a way to not trip up at least once in the process... nevermind forgetful


Jan 5, 2007
Date: 3/14/2007 6:29:04 PM
You know, I''m laughing as I write this because my topics so far have inluded ''ultimatums'', ''hiding things from future in-laws'' and now this one...snooping! lol
I SWEAR I''m not a bad person!

Anyway, just wondering if anyone here has fought the urge to snoop. (To see if your FF has been planning a purchase) Because I feel like I ALWAYS have to fight the urge! I was the kid who at xmas time would unwrap all my presents and then wrap them back up again. And here I am now, with all these internet passwords of my boyfriends...and all I want to do is check his bank account or see if he''s actually READ any of the links I''ve seen him from here. (Okay I admit, I did the latter and yes he did read them.

I mean, how lame am I???? Why can''t I ever just let myself be surprised? Why, when we are driving somewhere do I secretly eye around his truck to see if there is a secret business card to a jeweler somewhere? It''s probably for these very reasons that karma isn''t allowing me to be engaged yet!

But I swear, I could be a lot worse if I wanted to.
I do not think you are a bad person at all. I would, however, love to read the hiding things from future inlaws link LOL
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