
Small DBTY items from IDJ but big review


Feb 13, 2016
This forum has been so helpful and I would like to take the opportunity to write a review:

- Customer Serivce - Exceptional!!!! Yekutiel always returned my email promptly and when I told him I was coming in on a Sunday he did warn me how busy it was but I did not feel rushed at all when I was there. Jade brought us into the office and was very patient with us.
- B&M Store: Very convenient to get to if you are close to NY but the store is very tiny. It would be best to go during off hours. Even though they were tiny, they still had a great selection. I also called and they were very helpful. It was also very clean and had snacks and coffee in the hallway. Every time I tried an earring on, she steamed it.
- Value: I am very impressed with the value of the items. I felt like a got a lot of bling for my $. They also do not nickel and dime you. I asked for one item to have a jump ring added and they did not charge me.

Now, the reveal since a picture speaks 1000 words:
The two top items are DBTY bracelets: .30 each color G, S1
The third one is a necklace .32 I, VS2
All 14 k WG.

The above are gifts. But, I have a BGD DBTY that I recently purchased for myself and will post the review separately but can state just looking quality the chain on the BGD looks identical to the Tiffany chain. The IDJ chain is a little bulkier. Since the IDJ items are for my daughters, a little more weight may be good so it is not so dainty. It is also set differently the IDJ bezel gets slightly thicker where the chain is attached where as the BGD is completely round and then has the mouse ears attached. The IDJ one almost looks like the bezel is stretched to attach the chain.

The BGD is a .352 color I, S1 but it is GIA cert so it is hard to compare the diamonds since they are not exactly comparable and I know everything about the BGD one. I wanted my first diamond with a cert and my first platinum piece therefore wanted to go to the top of my budget and ecstatic that I did.

We (DD and I share) the Tiffany pink sapphire necklace and bracelet. (The necklace is getting a jump ring and I don't have it now.) But, the pic of the bracelet is a .13 and you can see how much of the bezel that shows compared to the other pieces. I guess because it is so much smaller. But, if you want the T name, then that is a no-brainer but if you want something bigger without the name attached that is just as sparkly, this is way to go. The T bracelet really gets lost on my wrist and does not stand out at all. The bottom pic is of the T bracelet.

To conclude, I would highly recommend IDJ for the value that you get. If you do want a lot of bling, that is the place to go! Almost forgot, their upgrade policy - they stated that if you keep the receipt and want to upgrade just bring the receipt in and the item. I love this since my DDs may want something else in the future and this was the best in our budget right now.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I was so undecided and spent so much time contemplating this process and researching. As a result, I have no regrets for any of the DBTY pieces from either co.

I will post more pics after in the reply section. We also bought three pairs of small studs and they are beautiful!

I should have added that I have extremely sensitive skin and they do not poke me. I cannot attach the bracelets on me sine they are a size 6 but did pretend. Here are more pics of the IDJ DBTY: (Please excuse the horrible mod pic - Since they are presents, I am sneaking these pics while everyone is still sleeping and I am having coffee in pjs. I would never have put one it but it does give perspective how it looks on. I am also a size 16 and this size is really good for me.)




Great review :appl:
The storefront sounds nice! Years ago when I would go in person they had a booth. nice upgrade for IDJ!
The 16 inch is lovely on you! You have a very graceful neck. I ended up doing a 17" with a 16" jump ring for my dbty bc I have weight to lose, so your lovely 16" neck is aspirational for me! :dance:
Thank you for your compliments! For my DBTY from BGD I chose an 18 in w a 16 in jump ring. I also want to lose but thought it was good to have options. I had my 70 year old mother try on the 18 in and she looks good with it. It is a very complimentary piece.