
Size does matter...size versus quality??

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Dec 4, 2002
I am struggling with size versus quality and wanted to get some feedback. I would like to get the biggest stone for the money, but I want something that looks good too not just a dull rock.

I know us men get all into the specs and over buy on quality that can only be seen by a professional. When what she would really rather have is the bigger stone.

It is great to see these different stones and how they look through the lighscope, but people are not going to look at your wife's diamond with a lightscope other than the appraiser. So, are the H&A's diamonds worth the extra money? Can you really see the difference with your naked eye? At Tiffany's I could not tell the differece with my naked eye a D to a G or the size of 1.52 to a 1.67. Am I really going to be able to see a H&A diamond as shining that much more that a well cut diamond that scores well on the Cut Advisor?

For example at Whiteflash look at the difference here:
1.52 H/A I VS1 D=60.3%,T=56%,CR=34.5,Pav=40.9 AGS $11,390
1.52 H VS2 D=61.2%,T=58%,CR=?,Pav=? GIA $8,784

So, they are the same weight and the color is even better on the non H&A. That is almost 25% more for the H&A. They inconveniently don't post the full specs on their non H&A diamonds, so I understand that it is difficult to fully compare the two, but I wanted to illustrate the huge price difference. Is this just a H&A brand mark up or is the difference even with the naked eye blatent?

Thank you and please help.


Mar 28, 2001
As an advocate of fine cut qualities I would ALWAYS recommend the higher cut quality as it impacts the look and beauty of the diamond in the face up position 100x more than that small difference in color ever will.

In the world of "non-ideals" (heh and even alot of ideals too) Bright, it's literally a crap shoot and the odds are against you.
My advice: Don't take chances with thousands of your hard earned money. Buy the best and most brilliant KNOWN stone you can for your money. Not sure how far along you are in your research but so far stone #1 is the clear choice.



Jun 4, 2002
You owe it to yourself to see the stones in person before you make a decision.

If I were in your shoes, I would find a pricescope vendor near you who will order both stones from the cutter, and then fly to the vendor's shop and compare the two stones side by side. Airfare may be $100-$150 bucks, but considering what's at stake, isn't it worth it?


Nov 20, 2002
I know us men get all into the specs and over buy on quality that can only be seen by a professional. When what she would really rather have is the bigger stone.

This might have once been true, but I don't think it is any longer, especially with younger women who are used to buying things over the internet. Quite a few of them have a good basic grasp of the 4 C's and understand that carat weight isn't everything. I would certainly not assume that my wife/fiancee/gf was only concerned with the size of the diamond. I agree with Rhino--I'd try to get the *best* diamond for the money, not simply the biggest.


Dec 9, 2002
When it comes to size vs. quality and the stones in the competition are both lovely, get your lady the larger one. Trust me, no woman is going to get all gushy over some technical spec. that CANNOT be measured with an unaided eye.

Now obviously, dead diamonds, and obvious inclusions, or any thing that is visually unpleasing, well, we'd rather have a well cut pretty that sparkles nice and is smaller, than a big hunk of carbon with black dots and no fire.

I've seen a lot of guys get all wrapped up in the numbers and totally forget that they should consider sweetie's heart and desires, not investment dollars or "rankings" (mine specs out better than yours) :)




Jul 22, 2002
On 12/18/2002 1:16:02 PM

For example at Whiteflash look at the difference here:
1.52 H/A I VS1 D=60.3%,T=56%,CR=34.5,Pav=40.9 AGS $11,390
1.52 H VS2 D=61.2%,T=58%,CR=?,Pav=? GIA $8,784


The only way to tell is to look at the stones. Your eye is the only thing that will tell you whether 25% is worth it or not. Also, in this size the MM of the stone is important. Weight can be retained in the girdle & weight in the depth is something you don't see face up.

I think you are smart in your approach H/VS2 is a great choice. An "I" should be fine also, especially if it has some blue Fluor.

As for the cut, it's very important; but, a bit over the edge on this board. A diamond with a good to very good make is sufficient for most people. I have three stones. One is an OEC that scores 4 on HCA - another that scores .5 - and another that scores 2.4.

Which one do I prefer - the 2.4 - It's the biggest! I can not tell a difference between the .5 & 2.4. The OEC is very pretty in a different way. That said, my 2.4 scoring stone has very good symmetry - something I do see - especially in a larger stone.

good luck.
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