
Size difference between a 2 carat and 2.3 carat MRB


Apr 2, 2015
I need some input. Do you think there is a significant or noticeable size difference between a 2 carat and a 2.3 carat MRB?? For reference my ring size is a small 5.5. For soooo long I've been looking forward to a final upgrade to a 2 carat stone. Well that time is now, but now I'm wondering if it'll be too big?! I know, blasphemy right? I tried on some solitaires ranging from 2 carats to 2.5 carats and they all seemed fine and not too big. But for some reason I'm worried it'll be too big once I get it home and wear it around! I know that's counter to DSS. I'm very casual, usually jeans and flip flops. I don't wear a lot of jewelry but my engagement ring is something very special to me and I like a gorgeous, bright, fiery diamond! I guess I don't want to draw attention to myself or have to explain why I have such a "large" diamond to anyone.

There's a 2 carat that has my dream proportions that's available but the color is lower than I'd like to go. This will be my forever diamond so I don't want to compromise. Now there's a 2.3 carat that's great too and it's a color I'm comfortable with. I guess I have a mental block where I'm comfortable with the 2 carat (like it's just big enough but not too big), but worried about the size of the 2.3 carat! Argh. I'm the first one to admit this doesn't seem logical. And finally, I'm seriously considering setting it in a 3 stone, so I'm even more worried about the size of the 2.3 carat. Again, don't ask why I'm leaning towards a 3 stone if I'm worried about size and drawing attention to myself. Apparently I have internal struggles of what I want and what others may think. :roll: It's strange b/c I usually don't get like this!

I would wait it out for maybe a 1.9 carat or 2 carat that's the color I like, but in talking with the vendor it seems like larger rough is less available these days. Not sure when that'll pick up.

Does anyone else struggle with these desires and then feel conflicted about them? Do you think there will be a significant size difference between a 2 carat and 2.3 carat? Am I crazy? YES!!
No, you're not crazy! I think we all have preconceived notions of what we like and sometimes get stuck on numbers. Truth is it depends more on the diameter of the stone than weight. I can tell you that my last stone was a 2.02 carat and the current one is a 2.22. The size difference was if you had taken the 2.02 and drawn a circle around the outside diameter (if you can picture this because the circle around the outside is a bit bigger than actual stone) and then put the new stone in that circle. I noticed the difference because I had stared at the old and new so long! The additional weight of course is throughout the stone - not just in the diameter. I traded it because I liked the specs better on the new stone and the old stone had a large twining wisp across the table. You COULD not see it with the naked eye - believe me I tried! - but somehow knowing it was there bugged me. No one really noticed the size upgrade though - and that was perfectly fine with me too. Needless to say, I had both stones in a three stone mounting and my ring size is somewhere between 5 and 5.5. I too am more casual than dressy so that's why the intricate, fussy designs don't work for me. I think many of them are beautiful but at the end of the day, I really like the diamond/polished plain metal better than the elaborate settings for me. It transitions nicely for dress up but works better for my more casual daily wardrobe.

I think you get used to whatever size stone you are wearing so that eventually, even the new becomes smaller to your eyes. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of my ring in a mirror or the car window and am reminded of its actual size but in everyday viewing, I don't think of it as that big.

I definitely wouldn't give up color preference for the size difference you are talking about. While new stones may be harder to come by, I'm sure that some of the beloved vendors here could source you just about anything you are looking for. Call a few of them and see what they come up with for you. If you don't come up with anything in a reasonable time period, I would definitely consider the 2.3. You could always buy the stone first, look at in on your hand to make sure you love it and then set it. In hand, you might even decide you would rather keep it as a solitaire. After having had the three stone for a few years, I would have a hard time going back to a solitaire even though I love them. It's all in what you get used to!
Thanks MGR, you give great advice. The 2 carat is about 8.1mm and the 2.3 is roughly 8.5mm. We're talking a 0.04mm difference, what's that like a few sheets of paper?? Maybe it's mind thing. Part of me wants to scrap the bigger diamond and go much smaller, like a 0.8 carat and have a really subtle understated look. I think I'm struggling with what I think I want (large diamond) and whether or not that matches with my style and lifestyle. I also think it's hard to make these decisions when I can't see the diamond and try it on.

I agree that you get used to whatever you're wearing. I have around a 1.7 carat and it seems small to me, lol!
Together, you would see a size difference but apart the size difference wouldn't be as noticeable. I was told that to make an appreciable size difference beyond a 2 ct. stone, you'd have to go up half a carat. I'm not sure I totally agree with that statement cause like a good PSer I study the stones like there is no tomorrow so I can appreciate small nuances in size difference. I truly never aspired to a stone larger than a 2 ct. but when this one became available, there were attributes about it that made me seriously consider it. I can't say that I've ever regretted the decision. However, it is important that you feel comfortable with the size difference and it would be ideal if you could compare them together although that is not always possible I know.

I guess you would really need to assess the reason for an upgrade. Is it size alone you are trying to achieve, a better cut or color or clarity or just a new look? It might make the decision somewhat easier if you can pinpoint exactly what you are trying to achieve with the upgrade.

I understand considering a smaller stone but in all honesty, I think you would miss anything less than the size stone you currently have. As I said, your eyes get used to seeing a certain thing in a certain way and while I can appreciate a well cut stone in any size, it would be hard to go backward unless you were maybe considering something smaller to put in a halo setting or if your current size stone bothered you by being too big after having worn it for awhile.

It's a tough choice but a really nice dilemma to have!!
Yes, I'm in agreement with you on all accounts. I too study diamonds and all their nuances so I would notice just about anything and everything. The upgrade was for a better cut and larger size. I think you're right that going way down would make me miss the size of a larger stone. Maybe I can get the vendor to take pictures with each stone on someone's hand. That may at least give me some perspective on a finger. It's a very well regarded PS vendor so I know the diamond will be stunning. You're right it's a really nice dilemma to have. Makes me feel really spoiled!
That's a great idea - would love to see the pictures if they share them with you.

Enjoy the experience - sometimes the anticipation of a new sparkly is just as good as getting it!!
Reading your post made me think it could have been me writing it! lol! I am very casual, had a 1.6 ct diamond and was upgrading to an AVR. After looking at a few stones 1.8-2.3 cts, I ended up with the 2.3 and there are days I wish I had bought the 2.1 ct stone instead. It is a little big for my world even though I really love the stone!

I have pictures showing the size difference. The 2.1 was 8.1mm and the 2.3 is 8.4mm (AVRs are a little deeper than mrbs). I would not be able to pull off three stones with my 2.3 unless it was with smaller accent side stones like MGR has. The 2 ct would work better as a three stone ring if you want larger sides (like .5+). I also wear a 5.5. You can see in the last picture that there isn't such a huge size difference that others would notice, but I definitely can tell the difference. The good part, I have not for one second had DSS because I just wouldn't wear a stone larger than the one I have.



Those were all in high ring holders, so this is how the 8.4mm stone looks set.


Are you upgrading with a specific vendor or are you able to look at multiple vendors? What are your color and clarity preferences?
DS, that was immensely helpful!! Thank you for those comparison photos they totally helped confirm what I already was feeling. It helps that we have the same size finger too. in the photo of the two diamonds on the same finger and in the shot with one on the ring finger and the other on the middle finger, I can see a huge difference in size (to me at least). But you're right that they don't look hugely different size-wise on the ring finger (in your last picture with the diamonds on the ring holders). And when your 2.3 ct is set it doesn't scream "enormous gigantic diamond" but it's most definitely a substantial rock. I really think I'd be more comfortable around 8 to 8.1mm.

I guess I need to hold out, but I really don't know if the vendor is going to get anything in the near future. Last thing I want is to buy a diamond bigger than I'm comfortable with and have to sell it on my own. At least if I got a smaller diamond and decided later that I could go bigger, I could up-grade although that's really not my intention. I really want my forever diamond. The setting I'm okay with changing later on, but I'm really trying to get the diamond right! Hence, I don't want to compromise.

I had my current diamond recut and it's now a perfect H&A 1.6 carat BGD Signature stone. It was a GIA F, VS2, so I'm really curious to see what it comes back as from AGS. I should know soon I hope. I will be able to upgrade with BGD with my newly recut 1.6 diamond which is a great situation. I luurve the BGD diamonds so I would be so happy to have one. Their inventory of larger stones has been a tad limited of late so I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait it out. This has been a long process and one I'm anxious to finish but don't want to rush either. I could go with another vendor but I would need to sell my diamond on my own and that sounds so laborious. I likely wouldn't get what I would with BGD. So that's the situation in a nutshell.

My preferences are G color (I love F, but feel comfy going to a G), VS2 or VS1 clarity. I'm also wanting a smaller table and higher CA. Also, the 3 stone I'm wanting will have smaller side stones, around 0.35 to 0.4 carat. I want them to be more accenty (not a real word I know) and less traditional 3 stone.
DS, that was immensely helpful!! Thank you for those comparison photos they totally helped confirm what I already was feeling. It helps that we have the same size finger too. in the photo of the two diamonds on the same finger and in the shot with one on the ring finger and the other on the middle finger, I can see a huge difference in size (to me at least). But you're right that they don't look hugely different size-wise on the ring finger (in your last picture with the diamonds on the ring holders). And when your 2.3 ct is set it doesn't scream "enormous gigantic diamond" but it's most definitely a substantial rock. I really think I'd be more comfortable around 8 to 8.1mm.

I guess I need to hold out, but I really don't know if the vendor is going to get anything in the near future. Last thing I want is to buy a diamond bigger than I'm comfortable with and have to sell it on my own. At least if I got a smaller diamond and decided later that I could go bigger, I could up-grade although that's really not my intention. I really want my forever diamond. The setting I'm okay with changing later on, but I'm really trying to get the diamond right! Hence, I don't want to compromise.

I had my current diamond recut and it's now a perfect H&A 1.6 carat BGD Signature stone. It was a GIA F, VS2, so I'm really curious to see what it comes back as from AGS. I should know soon I hope. I will be able to upgrade with BGD with my newly recut 1.6 diamond which is a great situation. I luurve the BGD diamonds so I would be so happy to have one. Their inventory of larger stones has been a tad limited of late so I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait it out. This has been a long process and one I'm anxious to finish but don't want to rush either. I could go with another vendor but I would need to sell my diamond on my own and that sounds so laborious. I likely wouldn't get what I would with BGD. So that's the situation in a nutshell.

My preferences are G color (I love F, but feel comfy going to a G), VS2 or VS1 clarity. I'm also wanting a smaller table and higher CA. Also, the 3 stone I'm wanting will have smaller side stones, around 0.35 to 0.4 carat. I want them to be more accenty (not a real word I know) and less traditional 3 stone.

DS, if you have time and don't mind the trouble, would you post a hand shot of your 1.6 carat?? :))
That is awesome that BG will let you upgrade since he recut the stone! You are right that it is easier to upgrade! My favorite specs are G VS1 (although F would be fabulous other than the price), so we have a lot in common!

The first two pictures are of a 1.6 ct 7.6mm diamond in two different settings. I also had a diamond that was 7.5mm that I have on with 2 AVRs that I looked at before the two I already showed you. My ring had a 1.58 ct, 7.5mm diamond, then there was a J 1.9 ct AVR but it was less than 8mm, and the largest stone was around 2.2 cts and about 8.2mm. I sent those back because I couldn't do J color, and at that time, I thought the 2.2 was too big!!! So I went on to buy a 2.3 which was kind of crazy! Keep in mind that my diamond was in a setting and much lower than the diamonds in the ring clips.



Oh, and I am very curious as to what your stone will come back as, too. I have had two stones sent to AGS and they came back a color grade higher! Good luck because that makes your diamond more valuable if it does!
I know! The upgrade situation is really a win-win. Again, DS these photos are hugely helpful, thank you!! Is it just the far away shot of the first two photos of your 1.6 carat that makes it look smaller than your 1.58 carat in the last photo?? Because the 1.58 in the last picture looks huge! The shot with the 1.58, 1.9 and 2.2 is a fantastic perspective. I really think around 8mm is my sweet spot! I feel like Goldilocks, lol. Again, thank you for posting these.

I'm so curious to see what my diamond comes back as! If it came back an E, then that's just icing on the cake :).
Yes, there is most definitely a visible size difference between a 2 and a 2.3 MRB, even when not next to each other. I've compared them in person.
Carebear!!! :wavey: Wow, nice to see you here!

I am so glad the pictures were helpful! It was pretty amazing you were asking for something I happened to have! I think around 2 cts is my true sweet spot, too. If Jon ever gets a higher color (G-H VS) AVR closer to 2 cts, I will likely trade. I do love my stone and am happy to have it, but I also think eventually my daughter could wear the 2 ct more easily, too.

I guess it is the distance of the 1.6 that makes it look smaller in the pics, because in real life viewing, I could tell the difference. Plus one of the settings by LM was so low and that made it look smaller. I have a 1.65 now that I am thinking about making a 3 stone ring with.
Do you think there is a significant or noticeable size difference between a 2 carat and a 2.3 carat MRB??

You can use a visualizer to compare the two. Google "diamond finger visualizer". The "Diamond Database" is what you want. It is for regular RB, but you can input the actual dimensions. You can also adjust for your finger size.
Thanks Carebear, that's what I was suspecting.

Miraj, thank you for your suggestion. I've used that tool in the past and it's helpful but because it's a rendering, it doesn't give me the real live sense of what the size difference is.

DS, I know, I'm totally psyched that you had all those comparison photos and in all sizes in question! Not to mention our finger sizes are the same :)) . I'd love to see a 3 stone with your 1.65 center! :dance:
diamondseeker2006|1447338210|3948734 said:
Carebear!!! :wavey: Wow, nice to see you here!

I am so glad the pictures were helpful! It was pretty amazing you were asking for something I happened to have! I think around 2 cts is my true sweet spot, too. If Jon ever gets a higher color (G-H VS) AVR closer to 2 cts, I will likely trade. I do love my stone and am happy to have it, but I also think eventually my daughter could wear the 2 ct more easily, too.

I guess it is the distance of the 1.6 that makes it look smaller in the pics, because in real life viewing, I could tell the difference. Plus one of the settings by LM was so low and that made it look smaller. I have a 1.65 now that I am thinking about making a 3 stone ring with.

Hi diamondseeker2006! I'm still around, just posting less =)
I read your post wrong the first time. The 2.3 has the desired color and the 2 has the lower color? Then definitely the 2.3! If you can be comfortable with a 2ct, you'll be comfortable with a 2.3 about a week after you wear the 2 :tongue:
I also think a bigger center looks better for a 3 stone. The stones don't "blend" as much.
m-b-2 posted a 3 stone a while, with a 3ct center, that has great proportions!
CareBear|1447357198|3948882 said:
I read your post wrong the first time. The 2.3 has the desired color and the 2 has the lower color? Then definitely the 2.3! If you can be comfortable with a 2ct, you'll be comfortable with a 2.3 about a week after you wear the 2 :tongue:
I also think a bigger center looks better for a 3 stone. The stones don't "blend" as much.
m-b-2 posted a 3 stone a while, with a 3ct center, that has great proportions!

Exactly - this was my point. I wouldn't give up the color I wanted based on size alone between a 2 ct and a 2.3 ct. If the color of the larger stone was exactly what I wanted, I would surely go with the 2.3. Is there a size difference? Of course there is but the weight is distributed throughout the entire stone - not just in the diameter. CareBear is right - the size difference would take only a few days to get used to - and beyond that, it will shrink before your eyes way more than you would imagine - ha!
The only problem is, if she later decides she would rather have a 2 ct stone, she'd have to go up in color again in order to make the trade in work (so price would be higher than the 2.3). But I totally agree, don't settle for a color that is lower than what you want. That's not the answer either!
Ugh, I'm getting even more conflicted, lol!! I was sent a comparison photo of the diamond in question, plus a G and an F. Oddly, the one that's the perfect size but a color grade lower than I'd like to go looks the whitest out of the 3 diamonds!! It definitely looks whiter than the G and about on par with the F.

I totally hear what Carebear and MGR are saying about the 2.3 not looking too big after a short while. I'm thinking it may be a mind thing then? It would seriously help if I could see these bad boys in person. I think 2 carats is just big enough for me and above that I feel it's too big even if it doesn't look much different. But then, I don't know......I don't know.....

I'm fine holding out for a G diamond, but seeing the warmth in the G in the photo has made me feel like I couldn't blindly go with any G diamond.
There really shouldn't be any appreciable warmth in a G color stone but you may be extremely color sensitive. Perhaps the best choice for you would be a 2 ct. F colored stone. Pictures can be deceiving though - especially if all the stones were not in the exact same lighting environment. At any rate, you could order the one that you think you like the best just in a temporary ring holder to see how you feel about the size and the color. You could then always return it if it didn't suit you. You could spend extra dollars in shipping but it might be worth the cost to get the stone that you love best.
Can you post the pic? Of course, you can't really tell a lot about color without seeing the stone in person. Plus, AGS can be soft on color grading, so a low G could be graded as a GIA H. So what color grade is the 2 ct stone, H?

Okay, here's the side by side.

Which one do you think is the F, G, and H going from Left to Right??
MGR, again you give good advice! I totally agree that pictures/photos/videos can be deceiving. But sometimes it all one has to go on to make an educated choice. Yes, a 2 carat F would be great, but I would feel better around the budget of a 2 carat G. Hubby says get whatever I want, but that doesn't help. I know, makes no sense. I know that seeing the diamond in person is the only way to have total assurance that it's to my liking. And yes, the shipping is nominal to get the right diamond.

DS, yup you guessed's an H that's in question.
I think having the black background makes it much harder to judge color than against a white background. They all look the same to me in that picture. But I have owned stones in G and H, and was not able to see any color in the G, but do see color in the H. I have also compared the G with a friend's F and could not tell a difference. Is there a Tiffany boutique near you? They usually have a few 2-2.5 MBRs that you can try on. On the issue of budget, isn't a F in one clarity lower the same as a G in one clarity higher? I think a F-VS2 is about the same as a G-VS1.
Carebear, I was thinking the same thing with respect to the black background. And I think you're right about an F, VS2 being roughly the same prices as a G, VS1 (in the same carat weight). I would be comfortable with a VS2 as long as it was nice and clean.

I did go to Tiffany and tried on a 2 carat, a 2.25 carat and a 2.5 carat solitaire. The 2.5 was too big for me, and the 2 and 2.25 felt like nice sizes. But that was several moons ago, so maybe it's worth another trip.

For the G and the H stones you had, were those GIA or AGS graded?
The G was originally AGS graded, but when I traded it in, it was re-graded by GIA, also a G.The H stone is GIA graded. The stones I own(ed) are all in the VS1-VS2 range, and they are all super eye-clean. So for me personally, a stone being VS1 or VS2 does affect my decision.