
sick kitty

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Sumbride, that poem had the tears streaming down my cheeks.

It is such a tough but selfless decision to make, because we want our pets not to suffer but do not want to be without them.

I hope things settle down with your other two, in time I think it will.

Hang in there.
Sum, I just found this thread, and I wanted to say how very, very sorry I am for your loss. I hope the ensuing days have brought you some comfort and happy memories of Max.
Date: 5/7/2007 11:04:33 AM
Author: aljdewey
Sum, I just found this thread, and I wanted to say how very, very sorry I am for your loss. I hope the ensuing days have brought you some comfort and happy memories of Max.
Ditto Aljd, I am so sorry Sum.
Thank you. It''s been tough, but it''s nice to know he''s not sick any more. We have many many happy memories of Max and I''m working on a shadowbox with some pictures, his pawprint, and his collar.

The thing that really surprised me... when we got his ashes back I thought I would probably just bury them... I didn''t see the need to keep them around, but they came back to us in a lovely wooden box with a nameplate on the front that has a simple litle epitaph (Beloved & Unflappable) and it''s been on the coffee table since it arrived. It makes me smile every time I see it, and it''s comforting. It can''t stay on the coffee table forever, but neither M or I have wanted to move it yet. It''s like he''s still there with us, and I can also say "Max, GET OFF THE TABLE!"

The other cats are coping. Bill is extremely clingy but seems to be taking on some of Max''s roles... like waking us up in the morning and sitting on the sofa with me. It''s surprising because he was never a lap cat, but he''s always there beside me now. I can''t take a step without him. I think we''ve both stepped on his feet a few times because of that. Lucy still cries when she''s upstairs alone, but not quite as often. They still don''t want the other to be around, but that may work itself out eventually.
I am also late to this thread, but I am soooooo sorry to hear about Max.

Oh how sad. Very sorry for the loss of your precious cat. I also had a paw print made of our late Nahla--it is a lovely treasure.

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