
SHOW ME...what you would do with a 1.76 carat round!!

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Jul 6, 2007
K...I might be able to work with ONE willing soul, who told me to come see him next week. He isn''t a reatailer, but a manufacturer, so he creates pieces from scratch. So....if I get the diamond remounted (maybe this time going with matching set, to avoid the band not working with the e-ring), what style do you think would showcase this size diamond best? For those who haven''t been following me ring issues for the past couple months, and what a headache I have had trying to get a decent looking ring made for me, I need a setting for a round diamond, and my finger size is 6.5! Any suggestions, pics, ideas...rings of your own to show me, would be GREATLY aprreciated. I am selling the 11 stone band, and starting from sratch, new mounting for the diamond, and band ideas too! Thanks so much!
I like this for fancy-frilly (it''s a 1.98 though):

... and this for less frilly but still very femme - maybe with smoother bezels on the side stones (the center stone here is 1.52):

Oops... that was a small image.

Maybe a killer split-shank-halo-y look?

Copy of 41EMW5738YL_SS500_ solomonbrothers.jpg
What style do you like beau? Vintage, contemporary, traditional/classic, modern?

Also what''s the budget... and how hard are you on your rings?
Hi, right now, my favourite setting is the three stone swan setting. So I would suggest put two side stones and if I am not wrong, Wink offers that setting. I saw that setting on the photo gallery recently.
Date: 10/5/2007 1:48:13 PM
Author: mercoledi
Maybe a killer split-shank-halo-y look?
where is the second ring from? I looove it!

Look at the post a few down from yours and click on "My New Pear Bling". It''s a gorgeous pear set in mountings from the Facets Collection with matching eternity bands. You don''t have to have the stones go all the way around if you don''t want them to. They can go only half around. But that''s the mounting I would choose for myself if I was re-setting and there are a few women here who have the same set with a round center. Hopefully they''ll post them for you too see. That set is a classy classic and it''s pretty much identical to what you were trying to achieve with your 11 stone band. Only this way, they''ll match in size and proportion.

I can''t post photos and it seems I can''t cut and paste to the board either. I don''t know why.
Date: 10/5/2007 2:06:34 PM
Author: MoonWater
Date: 10/5/2007 1:48:13 PM

Author: mercoledi

Maybe a killer split-shank-halo-y look?

where is the second ring from? I looove it!

I wish I knew! I found that in my "eye candy from PS" folder. I thought it might have come up in one of Gypsy''s threads. It''s a stunner, isn''t it? It was in the last 6ish months if anyone''s search skills are better than mine...
Nice pics, great ideas, but I guess I am not really into the antique/vintage look, and more of a simple, elegant, classy kind of setting gal! Remember, if this goldsmith agrees to creat a mounting for me, I imagine it can''t be too complex, so simpler is better. I don''t want to pick a gorgeous, inticate setting, with too much detail, and be disappointed when it comes back looking nothing like what I envisioned (been there, done that two months ago!). More ideas please...LOL
My favorite solitare: Bluekeet's beauty
A simple classic solitaire a la Harriet!!

You lucky gal, a new beautiful diamond band AND a reset! Yay!
Well..I am selling the band to pay for the reset...which won''t cover the entire cost, but will help. If anyone is interested...
DOH! - Homer Simpson

Maybe I missed that from a previous post, sorry!! I didn''t mean to spark any bad vibes by my reply!!

Have a look at some of the settings here. They are so reasonably priced. Are you sure this goldsmith wouldn''t allow you to buy a semi-mount on your own and just charge you to set your diamond? It''s hard to know what skills she has. Does she do pave, and do you like pave, for instance? I think you''re right about going with something classic and simple. One of the simplest but classiest looks I''ve seen is just the solitaire with baguette sides. Always looks nice. JMO. I also love the pear sides. You might look at Tiffany, see if there''s anything there you love and see if she could do an "inspired". Tiffany always has the most classic time-defying styles. Personally, this week I''m looking at halos, but that might be temporary.
No worries, NO bad vibes...really. I can''t use the band, wish I could.
I love your band...but when I talked to DH about it - he really felt that I should wait for what I really really really want, which is a full eternity band (over the 11 stones).



Its so beautiful though. I love the side profile - I think you''ll find a buyer. Try Craigslist!

xo Good luck!
If I was going for the more classic solitaire, wear a wedding band with, non-vintage/non-pave look:
-Mark Morrell Flame.
-Harriet or Boston Jeff''s Mege
-or the Mege with two pear sidestones
Date: 10/5/2007 12:29:06 PM
K...I might be able to work with ONE willing soul, who told me to come see him next week. He isn''t a reatailer, but a manufacturer, so he creates pieces from scratch. So....if I get the diamond remounted (maybe this time going with matching set, to avoid the band not working with the e-ring), what style do you think would showcase this size diamond best? For those who haven''t been following me ring issues for the past couple months, and what a headache I have had trying to get a decent looking ring made for me, I need a setting for a round diamond, and my finger size is 6.5! Any suggestions, pics, ideas...rings of your own to show me, would be GREATLY aprreciated. I am selling the 11 stone band, and starting from sratch, new mounting for the diamond, and band ideas too! Thanks so much!
If I were to get a solitaire, I would go with the tiffany replica from whiteflash or superbcert. I don''t think I would get someone else to do it though...I''d just order from them and have him reset it!!

Simple, elegant. Amazing with a diamond band (down the road!)

Good luck!
Beau, what you really need to do is go to some jewelers that carry fine quality settings and try some rings on. I wouldn''t even consider having a ring made until you do that. Many of us deliberate for months (or years) ebfore we decide on a setting. Take a look at Pearlman''s site. he has a million beautiful settings. I would not rush into a big decision like this.
Date: 10/5/2007 1:48:13 PM
Author: mercoledi
Maybe a killer split-shank-halo-y look?
There it is -- the setting on that pink sapphire. Perfect. (dro-o-o-l)
I would do a rosebud type setting, like October2008bride''s. Only without the pave donut underneath, so that I could wear a plush fit band. Or I''d do a WF Harmony setting ala Lynn B''s... but with her integrated Legato head, not the peg looking Legato head.

I also wouldn''t rush into anything. I''ve been looking at settings FOR YEARS, so I know exactly what I like, and don''t like, and what looks good on me.

Another setting I love is the tacori graduated rounds setting. I would love one like that. But that one is REALLY expensive.

Alternately, I''d do something a three stone. Either a round and two pears with a round eternity band, or a round and bullets-- with a baguette eternity band (set long ways not up and down).

But, like I said, I know what I like. And really, it doesn''t matter what I like. It really only matters what you like.
Three ideas:

If I wanted a plain solitaire, I would get harriet''s setting. It''s simple and elegant and won''t break the bank.

If I wanted a stand alone unique ring, I would get this split shank style from leon: I''d get it with a crown like the setting of these earrings, since I think micro pave all over the head can get a little crusty looking:

I love love this idea because it really makes the center stone look round and the profile is really unbelieveable:
Date: 10/5/2007 7:39:14 PM
Author: Gypsy
I would do a rosebud type setting, like October2008bride''s. Only without the pave donut underneath, so that I could wear a plush fit band. Or I''d do a WF Harmony setting ala Lynn B''s... but with her integrated Legato head, not the peg looking Legato head.

I also wouldn''t rush into anything. I''ve been looking at settings FOR YEARS, so I know exactly what I like, and don''t like, and what looks good on me.

Another setting I love is the tacori graduated rounds setting. I would love one like that. But that one is REALLY expensive.

Alternately, I''d do something a three stone. Either a round and two pears with a round eternity band, or a round and bullets-- with a baguette eternity band (set long ways not up and down).

But, like I said, I know what I like. And really, it doesn''t matter what I like. It really only matters what you like.
I had NO IDEA that was what October2008Bride''s setting style was called.

thank you. love you. owe you.

This is my current favourite. I cannot stop drooling over it.
Gorgeous ring isn''t it Mela Lu! Update...nobody wants to reset my diamond so out on a whim today, I purchased yet another band. Plain gold, kind of unique with 4 tiny diamonds, will have it in a few hours (getting sized) will post pics. I am keeping my solitaire as is..for about 6-12months anyway. This band will work with the ring, better than the 11 diamond band. Another fab Tacori ring I would love (if ever I can find someone who can commit to creating a setting for my diamond) would be this one...very unique!

yummy tacori.jpg
have you seen this one by michael b.? it''s along the same theme as the last one you posted. it''s featured on pearlman''s website, here''s the link.

sounds like you are having one heck of a time, but i would highly recommend working with pearlman''s. i understand you are in canada and that presents some additional fees, but considering what you are going through, it might be well worth it. bill is great to work with, has international customers, and if anyone could make this as easy as possible on you, i would think he could. just my .02!
Hey mercoledi and moonwater, that was a pic I posted! The 2nd ring is from here:


(**sorry for the thread-jack!)
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