Took today off to burn vacation. What else to do but look at diamonds. So off to the maul again. This time with my Ideal-Scope. Found a store which just starting carrying Hearts for Eternity. Novice that I am, I had never seen an H&A in person. They had the H&A scope and showed me a 0.83 ct, E color, SI1, AGS 000 H for E. It looked bigger than 0.83 and the arrows were quite good. I thought the hearts were not as good as some of the photos I've seen posted here, but it was nice to see those images in person. The young lady mgr was knowledgeable (a certified diamontologist, per her card). I showed her my Ideal Scope and the slight light leakage around the girdle of the H for E. I wasn't negative about it at all, and she seemed impressed with the view through that tool. The major problem was that they wanted $6,495. Payments for Eternity.The Rodentman