
Shane Co. Setting

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Feb 23, 2003

I found a setting on the Shane Co. website that I absolutely love
. However, I don''t know much about the company and everything I''ve read is pretty inconclusive. The price appears very reasonable, but I''m not sure what their reputation for quality is. Below is a link for the semi-mount and matching band (I do not plan on buying the center stone from them). Does this look like a quality item? If not, can someone suggest another company that might have something similar (I''ve yet to find one)?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

(I hope that it’s within the forum etiquette to post links, if its not, I truly didn''t not mean to offend.)
Hi Brandy--The Shane Co is located in the Bayarea CA for the most part though I guess they do online sales, which is something I never knew. It's a pretty reputable co but it is a bit of a large chain type store..meaning make sure you know what you are getting before you buy it. I would never buy a loose stone there but I am sure many other people do. I priced out their loose stones and a 1.20 H SI was around $4k more than it was online..ridiculous! They always have ads on the radio saying how reasonable they are on pricing as well. HAH.

They have a HUGE number of settings...I went into their store while looking since I figured I would spend the setting money with them, if they had something nice. Nothing really spoke to me, though the salesmen were really patient and friendly even when I left without purchasing. Their setting prices are reasonable.

My mother got her anniversary ring from them about 10 years ago and she really loves it and gets many compliments on it. It's a 5 stone ring. The stones have alot of fire and sparkle, though they know nothing about the cut/quality of the stones and Shane does not give any certification on their stones other than their 'own' brand of appraisal/info(!).

So if you are looking for just a setting, I would say you are probably safe...esp since that setting you posted is white opposed to platinum. If it was plat, you may want to get more info on what % of plat vs other metals etc but WG is pretty self-explanatory. Find out what their warranties are, and return policies as well..and when the setting arrives I would have it checked out by an appraiser to just be sure that all is as it should be (e.g. the side diamonds are the color/clarity that they are supposed to be). But I think for a setting, you would be fine using the Shane Co. Just get it double checked.

Good luck!!


Thank you for your quick and informative response! You are right; their loose stone prices are no "deal" at all. That's why I plan on getting only the setting from them. I will get the center stone from a wholesaler online. Shane's return and warranty policies seem pretty solid. And just as you suggested, I plan on having it independently appraised should I decide to purchase it. Thanks again!


I don't see any problems with this post
Here is the settings from Shane Co.

Thanks, leonid
! That's the one!

On 3/3/2003 12:57:35 PM leonid wrote:

I don't see any problems with this post
Here is the settings from Shane Co.


The Shane Company is extremely reputable as far as chain stores go, one of the better ones... The style indicated here is not exclusive to them however, lots of the dealers here on Price Scope can probably source it for you... Just imagine how awesome this puppy would look with another one of those wedding bands on the top side to balance the look


I don't think Shane Co. will set a stone in one of their settings unless you buy it from them. That to me was a big red flag.
Hey Tower-

Did you have any other beef with Shane Co. besides the stone setting? I had heard that they wouldn't set a stone that wasn't purchased through them, but didn't think much of it as I planned on having a local jeweler set mine. Just wondered if you had a bad experience or if it was just their unwillingness to go the extra step for the customer that bugged you.
One would think they'd be grateful enough for your purchase to set it for a reasonable fee!

Very nice setting! Have you already selected your diamond?
I bought a setting from the Shane Co. I gave them a diamond that I bought online and had them set it for me. They were not happy at all that I bought the diamond from another source. That is where they make their money. They made me sign a form that says they will have no resposibility if *anything* happens to the diamond while it is in their posession. They also charged $100+ to set a 1 ct. diamond.

The only reason I bought a ring at the Shane Co was because of their unconditional 30 day refund policy. I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with a ring, but I also wanted to give her the option to choose any wedding set that she wanted. Well, we tried to find another setting at the Shane Co, but there was really nothing that she liked. We returned the ring and, to their credit, they immediatly refunded my money, minus the $100 labor charge. No quesitons asked.

If you don't think you will need their refund policy, I would try other stores. The prices and service are only 1 step above a mall store. The work setting the diamond was not the greatest either. Are you in the SF Bay area? If so there are better places.
I haven't purchased anything from them yet, nor have a purchased the diamond...

I was planning on buying from Shane Co. purely for the setting. I've been looking for something unique and with sapphires, and have found nothing like that setting anywhere. While I know that pretty much anything can be custom made, I just don't want to go down that road again. My original engagement ring was "custom" made, and the process was lengthy and terribly overpriced.

Wish I was in the Bay area! I recently relocated to Memphis from Michigan. Although I'm new in town I found a jeweler that worked on the above mentioned e-ring and feel comfortable having him set the diamond for me, should I choose to buy the setting.

Does anyone think that the setting is overly priced at $1200?
I have purchased a diamond online and have a setting picked out at the Shane Co. They may have changed their policy, but all of my contact with them has been very positive regarding the diamond purchased outside. According to both their online customer service, and their local sales manager, they are not only willing to set the diamond, they will guarantee the ring and the installed diamond, just as if it had been purchased from their store. The catch is that there is a per point fee for mounting the diamond in their setting.

I am delivering my 1.13 EGL I, SI1, 5.93x5.75x4.02mm, Depth70%, Table 72%, Crown 9%, Medium Girdle, Very Good Finish diamond that I purchased from Diamond Trading Center in California for a very good price. I will post another entry if there are any surprises from the Shane Co., but I don't expect any.
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