
Setting remake?


Sep 18, 2010
I would like to have my pave setting remade. I've lost 3 diamonds from the halo recently... So two questions 1. How much should I expect to spend? It's a 1.5 RB halo with pear sides also in halo (2.7 tcw I think). I want is redone exactly as is now. 2. Which vendors would be willing to do the work? I'm supplying the diamonds and I know some only work with their own. Thanks! (It's the bottom ring below)

What material do you want it re-made with? The costs for something like this depend on the material used, the number of diamonds to be set and the complexity of the piece, (meaning that anyone making a bid on this will need to see this piece from all sides). Since the melee is already set in a ring, it sort of implies that it's all close to the same size and that ups your chances of having someone be willing to use your melee. When I do this sort of thing I always try to get my clients to agree to some changes, mostly strengthening the piece, slightly larger prong tips and so forth. It probably needs some added toughness if you're wanting a new setting because things are falling off. With anyone you contact you can shorten your response time by giving them a list as follows:
1. Material for new setting
2. Ring size
3. Number and sizes of all stones. If you don't know and don't have the tools to measure, just include the number of melee...a person can easily estimate size by having the sizes of the main stones and number of melee.
4. Any sorts of style or quality upgrades that might appeal to you. You're getting a new ring and might as well make it as fine as possible. Stuff like Euro shank, engraving, fancier gallery, etc., fall into this category and can often cost little or nothing. I had a client a while back who wanted a small raised pear on a lobe of her new ring with a Euro shank...easily done at no increase in cost and kind of a neat personal touch.
5.Your time frame, (always helps when figuring out one's schedule).
6. Your budget range. This is always variable, but can be very helpful in determining how close a client is what can be done. If your original question was posed to get an idea of what various people charge then I would expect the metalwork to cost from $1200 to maybe $3000 depending on who does it and what the material is, (the lower value being 14K white and the upper being 950plat). Setting your stones maybe $8 to $10 per melee and maybe 10 times plus for the larger stones, depending on who does it and where they're located. This is a guess, of course, if the gallery under your halo is very ornate and the band is engraved, then the costs go up.

I hope this help!
Thank you! White gold is fine. That ball park number was super helpful thanks!
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