
Saw a Crafted by Infinity diamond wow!


Mar 24, 2014
Hi, I'm a newbie and this is my first post for a new topic. I've tried to find this information on my own by reviewing tons of old threads and still don't feel it's really been answered, and maybe it can't be because I just need to go and look for myself (beauty and diamond personality preferences is in the eye of the beholder- I get it, really I do). First, thank you to all the regular posters and diamond enthusiasts who so generously share their time and knowledge and know how to navigate so many of us to our perfect stone and setting. I've been truly humbled by your generosity :appl: Second, apologies for such a long post. I hope to help myself in my own quest, but also for other newbies to gain knowledge and confidence in theirs.

Background: Crafted by Infinity diamonds are said to have a certain consistent, on/off crisp contrast of brilliance and fire. CIB is known for cut is paramount and they have proprietary knowledge of cutting (no go zone without going over) to maximize optical symmetry and use complementary cutting angles to achieve their look (It's hard for a newbie to be clear when I know these terms have specific meanings and I may be using them incorrectly). I haven't had the easiest time finding any Ideal cut stones (ags000) let alone top of the top of that group. In my area, they sell a lot of 60/60 stones for top prices :sick: I did see one CBI diamond recently that knocked my socks off. It wasn't the largest stone or the whitest, but to me, had the most diamond beauty: fire, brilliance, dispersion, sparkliness, what have you. And had the super clear on/off appearance (contrast?) that was absolutely mesmerizing. Anyway, I was shown 2 other mrb diamonds that were supposed to be also Ideal cut (by GIA triple X), but even though the ASETs (and proportions) shown were similar to the CBI, they did NOT look as sharp, they seemed in comparison blurry, fuzzy, even milky (even though they had the same clarity and actually more colorless). By most people who never saw a CBI or compare side by side as I did, I think these 2 other stones would be considered top stones. I'm aware that all of our little tools (HCA, ago cut class, Aset, and Idealscopes) don't tell the whole picture. This sure proved it to me, which makes diamond shopping a bit precarious, especially on-line, sight unseen (I know many can relate). Probably why many of you who buy diamonds, once made happy with certain vendor, stick to that vendor. I haven't had the privilege to compare to WF ACA or BGD Signature (and Blue) or GOG Superior.

Question: Do these other top of the top cut selections really have that same laser sharp on/off characteristic that I saw with the CBI? Or is that specific to them? Not attempting to be pro CBI or disparage other offerings. It would be helpful if someone who owns multiple diamonds from different vendors or at least have actual first hand sight knowledge chime in. I would so appreciate any and all posts.
I will say that I have very high regard for Infinity diamonds and Paul Slegers, and I also have very high regard for other precision cut H&A brands. I know I have owned some from both WF and GOG that are/were outstanding. GOG provided helium scans on the original stone I bought, and it was cut with extremely tight parameters. And I was crazy enough back then to look at that kind of thing! I am proud now to wear an AVR that is one of the best cut new OEC's in the world!

Obviously none of us can comment on the other stones you saw. They should not look milky unless there were clarity problems, extremely strong fluorescence, or they were just not clean. There certainly ARE true hearts and arrows stones graded by GIA, but we really know nothing about the stones you saw and why they looked inferior.

Welcome to the world of beautifully cut diamonds! There are several great options and we are all very fortunate to have access to them!
Yes, I understand the dilemma about not being able to comment on the stones I saw. I forgot to add that the other 2 stones were presented as possible good options to the CBI stone but less expensive (only by $1k) cut to the jewelers own specific high mark, tight parameters.
I do believe that those other mentioned, high quality vendors do have exceptional diamonds, I have no doubt. Also, I tried to edit my above post to add that I don't mean to say anything negative about 60/60 stones, they are beautiful too. I just wish I lived in an area that had excellently cut stones at competitive prices. Internet is fine, but it's no substitute for seeing for one's own self and I do feel that will be the only way I'll be able to answer my question. I'll have to buy and return some stones or have them shipped to an approved appraiser locally so I may view for purchase.
Once I saw a hearts and arrows cut stone, I never had any more problem ordering those. I have ordered subsequent stones, such as for studs, then upgraded those, etc. without any particular need to see them first. All the hearts and arrows stones I have had were consistent in cut quality, so they are super easy to buy. Something with more variation like a fancy cut diamond, I still have to send for to look at first.

I agree, of course, that it would be nice to have local access to vendors like these, but I am just thankful I have access at all! Plus, the internet selling aspect increases sales and allows some of these vendors to sell the diamonds for less than they would as a strictly brick and mortar store. So I am pretty happy with the monetary savings even though it means I can't view a lot of diamonds at a time!
Yes, that's a very salient point. Perhaps I've only seen one truly H&A ideal cut stone, that happened to be the CBI. the other stones I've seen, may be ideal cut or GIA XXX, and may have visible hearts and arrows in ASET & IS, but cannot be called true H&A. Hmm, I'll have to think about this :read: ...thanks for your reply! :wavey:
luvdajules|1397950868|3656305 said:
Yes, that's a very salient point. Perhaps I've only seen one truly H&A ideal cut stone, that happened to be the CBI. the other stones I've seen, may be ideal cut or GIA XXX, and may have visible hearts and arrows in ASET & IS, but cannot be called true H&A. Hmm, I'll have to think about this :read: ...thanks for your reply! :wavey:

Sure! There definitely is a difference. A lot of people wouldn't be able to see the differences, and some don't care and are happy with ideal cuts that are near H&A. But there is something wonderful and easy and mind-clean about just being able to order a H&A stone and knowing it will have a cut at the top of the best cut diamonds! :bigsmile:
If you have the cash or credit buy one or two super-ideal cuts and carry them into stores that carry other super-ideal cuts.
Keep your favorite and return the other(s).

That's what I did.
There's nothing like comparing cut in person.
You may find that some are equally-superbly cut, but just have a different look.
I have had the pleasure of seeing Infinity stones in person (along with BGD signatures, which I have owned, and WF ACAs) and I have to say... I'm not an modern round brilliant person, but I do want to own an infinity diamond one day.
Thank you Kenny and Gypsy for posting replies, this is so educational for me. It's a revelation to me that I've only seen one true H&A stone and it was heaven to me. I have other smaller melee diamonds (pre PS) that are well cut, but not H&A. If not for the fact that I got great deals for them, I'd want to go back and be able to purchase all H&A :lol: Even at their higher prices, I'd just go for a bit smaller or lower color/clarity. It's worth the trade off: Cut IS King!! By the way, the CBI I saw was a K color and it was yum. I think if I ever want to go for my dream size (you know, the honker size) it might just be an L! The K even was white enough next to my G 0.40 cts. in my band. I'm sure in some lighting environments it would be more visible but I viewed next to a window on a sunny day. I like that CBI works with a larger range of color and clarities, it makes me feel that a larger beautiful diamond is within reach. Who knows, I could probably go to Si2 or even I1, unbelievable.
Welcome Luvdajules! Sounds like you are starting your diamond hobby by looking at some great diamonds.

Thanks for the timely topic for me. I've been looking at upgrading my diamond and think a Crafted by Infinity diamond might be in my future. I am delighted to hear so many positive opinions on them. :appl:
Hi Marcy, Thank you for the warm welcome and Happy Easter everybody, had a busy day visiting in the burbs but had to check PS just before turning in :D Just wanted to mention that the local jeweler quoted me a price $2500 for the 1.7 ct K/VVS1 over the price listed in Wink's website for CBI inventory, High Performance Diamonds. So, just thought you'd want to know as you do your homework for your perfect stone. Wink also offers fun extras like H&A viewing kit, IS, and a couple diamond holders.
luvdajules|1398046745|3656853 said:
Hi Marcy, Thank you for the warm welcome and Happy Easter everybody, had a busy day visiting in the burbs but had to check PS just before turning in :D Just wanted to mention that the local jeweler quoted me a price $2500 for the 1.7 ct K/VVS1 over the price listed in Wink's website for CBI inventory, High Performance Diamonds. So, just thought you'd want to know as you do your homework for your perfect stone. Wink also offers fun extras like H&A viewing kit, IS, and a couple diamond holders.

Thanks, luvdajules. Wow that is quite the jump in price! I have been dealing with Wink and he has been great. Both he and Melissa have been very helpful in my search.
luvdajules said:
Question: Do these other top of the top cut selections really have that same laser sharp on/off characteristic that I saw with the CBI? Or is that specific to them?
Luvdajules, you have stumbled upon one of the best cut brands on the market. I've had recent experiences similar to yours. I've not owned other branded diamonds which are popular here, but I have see a few of them up close. I also own non-branded "quality" diamonds that I can compare to. After extensive research both online and numerous jaunts to local vendors, I also stumbled upon CBI. The difference between any diamond I had ever seen or purchased before and what I purchased from Wink, is like the difference between driving a Prius and a Maserati. Like the difference between a tenement house and an oceanfront house on Maui. Like the difference between a sun shower and a Category 5 hurricane. I could go all day, but you get the drift.

When I received my precious from Wink, it made me feel as if I had never seen a well-cut diamond ever before. The difference is so obvious once seen, yet so hard to describe. I've seen more expensive stones, higher colored stones, higher HCA rated stones, branded stones, but the moment my fiancé and I laid eyes on my CBI - we instantly recognized its vast superiority to anything we had ever seen in person before. The blinding sparkle, fire, reflection, luster and abundant scintillation has no comparison. I pulled my few other diamonds out and every single one looked dead and lackluster by comparison, regardless of their color. I steam cleaned them all and tried again - made no difference.

The precision of the CBIs cut makes a world of difference. In every other diamond I have seen and actually own, the facets of the crown themselves are not clearly distinguishable; not so on the CBI. The facets near the girdle are pure precision and moving the stone almost imperceptibly makes the most dazzling light show! Its beauty is almost unearthly and I spend a LOT of time gazing into it to watch the kaleidoscope play of color and light. I will never buy another significant stone from anyone other than CBI because the quality of their product is incomparable and without equal as far as I have seen. As in most things, you get what you pay for, but in this case, my expectations were blown away and I got better than I hoped for. Keep looking around to confirm what you already know - you've already found the best there is.

I must sound like a love-struck fool because I absolutely am. People everywhere comment on its brilliance. Just this weekend I had a lady come across the room to see it. She said she thought I was holding an LED flashlight until she saw that it was moving with me and had to know where I got it. I would have posted real pictures of it when I received it but I had a battery leakage issue and my camera is now ruined beyond repair. But they will be coming soon. In the meantime, here is a picture Wink sent me before shipping my custom rings.

They are AMAZING diamonds. Seriously. Amazing. I, too, wish to own one, or more than one, in the future. I am normally a modified cut person, but these are pretty spectacular stones.
Thank you SandyinAnaheim, your wedding set is stunning, I can see why people come across the room to see it up closer. It's even more impressive closer up. Oh my, that's a lot of finger coverage! I love that look too. Wear in health and happiness! I hope we can get CBI melee eventually, although I'm sure they would work with a client for a specific setting need on a custom piece. I feel like WF has the market on that right now with their preset tennis bracelets and other melee required styles.

I can't believe my luck in finding PS that led me CBI an other producers of precision cut H&A stones. It's crazy for a newbie to understand what their eyes are seeing. I'm still scratching my head trying to wrap my mind around what I saw and what happened during my visit with the local jeweler who showed me only stones, CBI being one of them. In my local market, there's no one that carries these type of stones in-house, so it's not really possible to do a big side by side comparison of differently cut (but excellent cut) stones: like a 60/60, a CBI, other H&A stones, and other GIA triple X or AGS0 stones altogether. But I have time to figure this all out as I didn't really expect to pull the trigger on anything this soon.

An expert poster (can't remember now) once requested that any owners of AVC or AVR please post stones they wish to sell to PSers. I feel the same way about these special precision cut true H&A stones too (from CBI, BGD, GOG superior, WF ACA). I know that some people have tried to sell theirs and maybe they don't sell due to high price. I'm torn about that because the trade in policies of these outfits is 100% credit toward another stone to the original vendor. Whereas in a sale, they get cash to do whatever they want, take a dream vacation. They may have had the stone for 5-10 yrs or more so the retail price has far outpaced what they paid for it. They can't offer transfer of the lifetime upgrade (or can they?). They may not have all the proper original documentation or images. Then what? How do they price their stone? Maybe it's 20-25% below current retail or somewhere between that and what they paid for it? I'm not sure what the fair answer is, maybe we should have a poll so can get more happy sellers and buyers within our PS community :D I'm just a newb so I'm just throwing it out there.
Resale market is a tough nut. There have been some lucky stories. But really, what you need to look for is a great buyback policy. That's the "resale insurance" right there. Have you looked into buyback policies for other stones you're considering outside of CBI? Because you really should. This sets the floor (lowest price you will ever have to accept) on your diamond. If prices go up--and they will, you might even get more than the floor, but you will never have to take less than that.

Some companies have no buy back or limited time buy back, such as one year, or they lay down a set percentage, and that might hose you later. A great buy back policy is a testament to the value that those diamonds are to the vendor. No buy back means that they are happy to get rid of them and never have to see them again and really don't care if you're a repeat customer of theirs or not. A strong buyback, the stronger the better, means that the vendor knows what his diamonds will always be worth to him and that he is glad to have an old friend back to play with again and again. Any vendor worth a damn-and worth your money-is going to want the latter, vs the former.

Also--I keep EVERYTHING, in duplicate, on all my pieces, stones, etc. I keep one locked up at home, one in the safe deposit box. That ensures I never am missing anything later. My first set was stolen (rings I mean, not papers) and having the paperwork really did help me out in replacement. But if I upgrade my current stone, I will have all the paperwork at the ready--including copies of the vendor's upgrade and buyback policies available for when I do so. I do love this stone, so I forsee it being more like a separate buy.
luvdajules said:
Thank you SandyinAnaheim, your wedding set is stunning, I can see why people come across the room to see it up closer. It's even more impressive closer up. Oh my, that's a lot of finger coverage! I love that look too. Wear in health and happiness!
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind comments. I was actually only wearing the engagement ring this weekend as my mean fiancé has hidden the wedding band till we're actually married. :nono:
luvdajules said:
I hope we can get CBI melee eventually, although I'm sure they would work with a client for a specific setting need on a custom piece.
I was concerned that my melee wouldn't match the dazzle of my center stone. But Wink and Melissa work with a top notch bench, who has access to the same if not better melee than WF, BGD, ERD, etc. I'll explain this below. I'm afraid to tell you that my melee's arrows are ALL visible to the naked eye. Every single last one. They are all a perfect match to my center stone in terms of color, clarity, cut, brightness, fire, color dispersion, and so on, on BOTH rings.

luvdajules said:
I feel like WF has the market on that right now with their preset tennis bracelets and other melee required styles.
Here's what's not readily apparent to most newbies and/or buyers. CBI means crafted by Infinity. They buy stones, from what I understand it could be rough or a previously cut stone, and then they cut it to their specifications, with the intent of creating perfection, not of maintaining diamond weight or mass producing inferior products. This is one of the factors that pushed me, also a newbie, over the edge.

However, the great majority of the other vendors on this site select and buy pre-cut stones. Some pick the best of the best from what they have available, and some carry a "virtual" inventory that they may not have seen or will ever see, and simply act as a middleman to get the product to market. They can find the stone when they have the buyer and make money by connecting the two. This is why once you've been looking at the diamond finder on this and other sites, it will become apparent that there are multiple vendors listing the same stone at different prices. It's because no one of them has it, but they can all get it. And that's how some of these places get you. You mentioned WF for instance. I was in love with one of their custom settings, but you can't buy that custom setting at any price unless you buy the stone from them. Period. So I looked and looked for a few weeks to try to find just one of their stones that met my exacting and inflexible requirements to no avail. I repeated this exact same procedure, without the setting complication, with three other vendors from this site and not one could find me a stone that satisfied me.

What does this mean in real world terms? Vendors are sourcing and buying diamonds from either known or unknown cutters, but they have no actual control over the cut of any of those diamonds. They simply pick the best from what is available. If you've done some reading, you will know that there are some goals or points that cutters consider and try to get to in order to maintain the dollar value of a stone. For instance, you will note that there is a significant price jump between a .9x ct diamond and a 1.0x ct diamond. It is common for cutters to sacrifice cut to maintain the additional weight that will increase profit. Just like that 1 ct marker, there are others, which is why you will find many stones around those marker weights that are not particularly well-cut, or have inclusions in areas that are more visible than they should be, because the cutter is trying to balance all those factors while maintaining weight.

You can see that precision of cut is not always the number one factor, it is just one of the factors cutters consider along with those mentioned above and I'm sure dozens more in producing stones. That's the key difference between CBI and everyone else in my opinion, and what distinguishes them from the rest of the pack. Precision and perfection of cut is their primary goal and it is an obvious visible and tangible difference. Like I mentioned before, once you've seen it, every other one looks deficient by comparison. That's why you can't wrap your head around it.

luvdajules said:
In my local market, there's no one that carries these type of stones in-house, so it's not really possible to do a big side by side comparison of differently cut (but excellent cut) stones: like a 60/60, a CBI, other H&A stones, and other GIA triple X or AGS0 stones altogether. But I have time to figure this all out as I didn't really expect to pull the trigger on anything this soon.
First, many if not most of the vendors here will create a video for you to see the candidates you have narrowed down to for as close to an "in person" comparison as possible. I have read there are a couple that can even Skype it for live interaction.

I did try to pull the trigger early on because I wanted my engagement diamond NOW, and bought an expensive pre-made ring from Costco after looking around the local jewelry stores for a style I might like. The center stone was a 1.51 I VVS1 GIA XXX. When I opened the box the first thing that struck me was the dull grayness of the center stone. The side stones were gorgeous brilliant G/F VS, which further contrasted with the gray center. I promptly returned that ring and set out to learn how something that is rated XXX by GIA could be so disappointing, and what could make a diamond so gray so this wouldn't happen to me again. Remember those markers I mentioned previously? 1.5 ct is another one of those markers, and on this stone, cut was sacrificed for weight. The poor cut changed the angles for light return, making it dull and lifeless in most lighting situations. What I learned is that I cannot trust that a GIA XXX = an excellent cut diamond. It really doesn't mean that at all. AGS on the other hand has far more exacting standards and is much more exclusionary in their grading. Plus, they check light return for you so one can see the results of their grading. I have learned that I can trust AGS 000 to be an excellent cut in a truer sense of the word excellent.

luvdajules said:
I know that some people have tried to sell theirs and maybe they don't sell due to high price. I'm torn about that because the trade in policies of these outfits is 100% credit toward another stone to the original vendor. Whereas in a sale, they get cash to do whatever they want, take a dream vacation. They may have had the stone for 5-10 yrs or more so the retail price has far outpaced what they paid for it. They can't offer transfer of the lifetime upgrade (or can they?). They may not have all the proper original documentation or images. Then what? How do they price their stone? Maybe it's 20-25% below current retail or somewhere between that and what they paid for it?
I had many of your same concerns. I had difficulty wrapping my mind around the fact that I would buy a diamond and lose 60-80% of its value the moment I walked out of the store. Take a look at eBay. There are literally tens of thousands of diamonds and rings for sale. Sellers understandably want to recoup the majority of their money. Buyers want a deal. But do you know what I found was the common denominator between most of those stones that are now devalued? Endless combinations of poor cut, poor color and poor clarity. Most buyers walk into a store and are awed by the sparklies under the pretty lights and are told why this stone or that stone is better than all the others in town. They pay good money for a perceived quality and trust what they are being told, and many never do any homework on what makes a diamond well-cut, valuable or high quality. Many stores seduce buyers by offering easy financing, free cleanings, and the ability to exchange a stone if you spend double the value on an upgrade (Robbins Brothers).

GIA and AGS stones have their serial numbers lasered onto the girdle, so the data can always be retrieved for a price - so that's not much of a concern. And certain vendors have excellent exchange policies - that's another criteria that was met by Wink. If I wanted to upgrade in the future, he will give me 100% of my paid value towards my next CBI, or buy it back at 80% of my paid value - as long as it is undamaged. So you pay a little more up front for exceptional quality and one of the better guarantees on the market. That was quite important to me as this is a significant investment of money for someone like me.

I could go on all day about the things I've learned here and elsewhere, but my posts arte already 20x longer than yours!! :eek: I do hope some of this helps you realize you are not the first making this trek towards educating yourself, and in the long run, investing the time to learn some of this sometimes complicated material will help you make a financially sound and reasoned decision on a stone that will hopefully please you for years. But be aware, there are rumors floating around that prices are going up and the selection of stones in certain sizes are shrinking. When I was still searching for my stone a few months ago, Wink had a handful in my price and size range that evaporated rather quickly and have not been quick to be replenished. So maybe you shouldn't dilly dally too long.
Thanks ame and Sandy again for posting your wealth of knowledge for us newbs. I'm glad to know I'm "stuck" with only finding a true H&A stone, that makes my net casting more targeted and hopefully, more successful. You've given me so much to chew on :read: and at first glance, completely agree with your assessments.

As far as the selling pre-loved stones, I mostly asked this from a buyer's perspective, open to pre-loved stones. Sometimes I feel that sellers are a little too high, but only by a little. I always think to myself, if they would only come down $2k or 10%, we could find a middle ground. But, understandably, the seller has a right to get what they want, if they can. Not that I've gone that route cause I'm too green to chose. I'm still figuring out what specs to zero on. I'm getting closer though. I think I/J or better, H&A, clarity open but eye clean or nearly, 1.5 ct minimum, really want 2 ct. I don't think I'll trade up down the road but you never know, especially if we can find a 2ct. that fits the bill. So, your point ame and Sandy about 80% buy back from CBI and 70% at GOG and BGD (I think) are floor prices. It's good to keep in mind from both buyers and sellers of H&A of pre-loved stones. But this is maybe a new topic thread (hijacking my own thread). I still feel most comfortable buying from a known, trusted PS vendor.
luvdajules said:
I'm still figuring out what specs to zero on. I'm getting closer though. I think I/J or better, H&A, clarity open but eye clean or nearly, 1.5 ct minimum, really want 2 ct. I don't think I'll trade up down the road but you never know, especially if we can find a 2ct. that fits the bill.
My pleasure to share my experiences. May I ask what your budget is?

I too wanted an excellent 1.5 ct D-F VS2 or higher. When I realized just how important cut was and that I wasn't willing to negotiate on that factor, I had to drop something. For me personally, I can see things that other people say I shouldn't be able to, so clarity and the "mind clean" factor were huge considerations. I ended up buying a 1.21 CBI G VS1 AGS0 and I am beyond ecstatic with it. I have seen MANY a GIA VVS certificate that isn't anywhere near as clean as my stone is. It has one teensy invisible feather along the upper pavilion and that's it! If it wasn't for that one tiny feather it would be IF. And this G is SUPER DUPER white. I told Wink exactly what was important to me and why, discussed price range and he instantly told me what he could get that fit my requirements. He had them in hand the next morning and I had videos that afternoon. Being chicken I still hemmed and hawed for a week, and then I saw prices jumping and my size range options disappearing overnight. So I pulled the trigger.

Right after I first got it, my fiancé and I were at a high end mall in the area and went into a jewelry store to look at comparable stones just for fun and to confirm the beauty of my precious. They didn't have any D colored stones in my size range, but they had Es and Fs that I was able to compare to, and I have to tell you - even under their lights with all my sticky fingerprints all over it - my G was whiter than their Es and Fs. The sales lady thought my stone was an E. She about fell over when I told her it was a G. I think it's because of the cut.... :lol:
Hmmm, good question. What is my budget? I've been wondering about that myself. Well, I'd like to maximize the size of the H&A stone :lol: My upper limit is maybe $15k, but for just the right stone maybe a little more (for instance if it was bigger and whiter than the I/J I've seen). Although, the K CIB I saw was very bright and the fantastic cut made it face up very white, but I could see a slight warmth that the J did not have. So, I'm wrestling with that right now cause Wink has a 1.7 ct K/VVS1 and a 1.93 K/IF. I think it would be cool to have an IF stone, no? But it's a little more than I wanted to spend. I was thinking this process would take me 6 mo. to a year, so I'm way ahead of the curve. For a pre-loved stone, naturally I'd like a deal and for the same budget would like slightly bigger and maybe an H? For anyone whose considering selling their H&A in about a year for an upgrade :lol: I admit, when the hunt is over, I'll feel a little sad that it's all over. At least I still have PS to live vicariously for those buying their first ER or their upgrade! But, if I do find a 2 ct (or close) that will probably be my forever stone.
Well, it's good that you will give yourself some time to find that elusive stone. You're in the same place I was 4 months ago. IF would be FABulous! But I do not think that realistically speaking, you are going to find this quality, size, color and clarity in your price range. That's precisely the beauty of the upgrade policy. You buy what you can afford now, and get to enjoy it while you save up for the next size. Personally, I wouldn't go as low as K because the warmth would bother me. Neither would I ever go below VS, I don't care how eye clean anyone says the stone is. There's a reason AGS would grade a stone's clarity that low and the fact that there are specks or whatever in there would bother me to no end. But I'm in the minority in that aspect. Many people here wouldn't notice the inclusions and think it's a waste of money to go with high clarity. I would be constantly trying to see if I could see the inclusions. That's what I love about my VS1. I can't see the tiny clear feather even with a loupe! In my mind, it's as good as flawless without the price tag.

Did you see this 1.613 I VS1? It has the teensiest feather like mine, and just a tiny crystal. Very clean, higher color than you were looking at, HCA of 1.2, nice small table and contrasty.

You can ask Wink to make you a video. Those are fun! I looked but he doesn't have one up of that one.

By the way, all CBIs will have H&A - but not all H&As have the cut of a CBI. ;))
Hi Sandy, that's gorgeous and an I to boot! I agree with you on the plan to maybe get in on the smaller range and then get the upgrade later. That's how I thought it would go, but my initial entry point thinking was $8-10k, then moving up to the full $15k (or thereabouts) at a later date. However, I kind of like the idea of really honing my specs and then finding the one that fits and keeping it forever. You have great taste! I'm probably not as color sensitive as you and clarity may not be too much of an issue either as long as it doesn't create a performance problem in the stone. I do feel like I need to actually see more stones. I could do a J with CBI for sure, but only because of an amazing cut, I could NOT do a J in the run of the mill triple X. I've seen other J's and I couldn't do it. Now, I'm thinking maybe K! Maybe I love K :lickout: It's terrible, I'm so early in my search that I'll probably let a few good ones go before I can make a real decision (kind of like house hunting and you see the perfect house on the first go around but don't know it cause you've only just started?) I'm sure we'll see more CBI stones filling up the inventory as they become available, I can't wait to see what's around the corner :P
luvdajules said:
My initial entry point thinking was $8-10k, then moving up to the full $15k (or thereabouts) at a later date. However, I kind of like the idea of really honing my specs and then finding the one that fits and keeping it forever. You have great taste! I'm probably not as color sensitive as you and clarity may not be too much of an issue either as long as it doesn't create a performance problem in the stone. I do feel like I need to actually see more stones.
Sorry Jules - I didn't quite catch that your budget was lower than your overall budget :oops: If you're not as color or clarity sensitive, then that opens the field up for you quite a bit! Lucky you!! :mrgreen: You can just concentrate on cut, size and cost. And I agree - you need to see more stones! A lot of the vendors here give you 20-30 days to see and return and it'll just cost you a few dollars to ship back. It would be great if you could see side by side though, it's easier to compare. Good luck on your searches and I look forward to seeing what you find!
Hi Sandy, no worries! I'm still trying to decide how to do all this and I have 2 ways of going about it, either getting in at the lower range sooner and upgrading in a few years to the 2 ct mark. Or wait and find the larger size that maximizes my budget. I've been waffling back and forth, but feel strongly that I'll know when the right stone presents itself (just like house hunting!). Thanks, again for your input and good vibes. I've had a good bit of fun :P And I'll definitely keep you posted as I learn more about diamonds. I feel like I've taken a huge step forward this past week.
It would not make any sense, in my opinion, to purchase a K VVS or IF. The VVS and IF are invisible attributes, so really, a VS1 or VS2 will look just as good to the eye. But there is absolutely a visible difference beween H-I color and K color. I can easily see tint in my I color stone and couldn't even consider K color in a round. You are better off going to I VS and getting the largest stone within your budget.

You'll be looking at 13k if you want to go over 1.5 cts: ($13,283)
Hi DS, I totally understand where you are coming from and I tend to agree with you, from a maxing out stone perspective, a balance of color and clarity makes sense and what I would normally intend to do: e.g. H/I and Si1 or Si2 eye clean or mostly. It's just that there is not a huge inventory of all kinds of options in this range for CBI right now, but more stones are being released is my understanding as they come back from being graded by AGS and I'm not in a hurry to pull the trigger. However, within the current inventory going to my lowest color, which I think is a K there is an IF, which is kind of cool. It's about $18k. Overkill, definitely. But I kinda like idea of being able to say it's an IF when asked about the stone. The cut masks the tint of color super well, maybe to my eyes up to 1 or 2 color grades face up. I've said I'm maybe not too color sensitive. But really I mean that I'm accepting of lower colors with exceptional cut, but I see just as well as most in a critical sense. In fact, I really don't think I'll have to say what color it is cause people will be so blinded by it and mesmerized by all the color flashes :lol: I know there's many experts out there, much more than me on this forum and if you've never seen a CBI in person, please do so! I'd love to hear your input. I'm definitely keep my mind open to WF ACA and BGD (and Blue) and GOG Superior. The second 2 especially along with CBI, because if I ever do want an upgrade, they have a similar position of carrying lower colors and clarities to get to honker size :cheeky: For that, I might even go to L!
Very informative thread as I start my research to buy a CBI diamond in the future.

luvdajules - what did you finally end up with?
Hi cflutist, here's what I bought! You may have read this thread last month? It's from Wink but not a CBI or H&A, lol,but a beauty nonetheless. It's a real sparkler and I think I got a good value for a recut stone. Thank you for sharing your FIY parcel with us PSers. What a bracelet and pendant! Uncomparable!!

Just to preempt the obvious question. The budget of the 2.07 J/Si2 allowed me several cbi options, but they were quite a bit smaller than the 8.2-8.3mm stone. The largest one was a G Si2 1.64 cts, about 7.6mm. The larger flashes of the AGS000 2 ct. won out in the end. Wink and I jokingly discussed a custom cut 3 ct. cbi maybe j-k-l color, eye clean stone in the future. One can dream! They are exquisite stones and if any cbi owners would like to resell in pre-loved to upgrade, I would imagine they would get more than their money back if they have had their stone for a few years or more. Just a thought...
I've bought a CBI stone for an E-ring solitaire - I've still to commission the setting and pop that question :? but the stone is ridiculously white with phenomenal light return in a flat light, and under sunlight it goes dark (like most well cut diamonds do, as I understand it) but has loads of sparkle and fire! So far I've only managed to look at it under kitchen spotlights but the scintillation is amazing with multiple light sources :))

To be fair I've not seen other well cut diamonds in real life yet so my comments may not be technically valid! lol
Hi Oooohsh, I've followed your diamond journey to your cbi with great interest. I agree, cbi are great stones and Wink is a gem too! I did do an in person, side by side comparison with my husband and an independent third party. I'm pretty sure in a fairer size comparison, the cbi would have won out, so we weren't really comparing apples to apples, that's certainly true.

We just picked up my finished ring and I'll soon be able to post pics!