
Sarin reports

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Dec 2, 2004
I have been told by bluenile that they cannot give me pavillion or crown angles on princess cut diamonds. Is this information correct?

Thank you.


Mar 15, 2004
Well, since they don't own the stones, if the supplier won't give it, then they can't get it and give it to you. But when I was dealing with GOG and was really into getting a sarin for princess stones, J got it no problem on any stone I saw on the net.


Sep 11, 2003

It may be correct. Most internet vendors work with suppliers (or wholesalers) that actually own and house the diamond in question. Whenever you contact the internet vendor to inquire about a particular diamond listed on their site they then contact the supplier to see if that diamond is available. The information that the internet vendor aquires for you completely depends on what the supplier can provide. Certain bits of information include, certificates, sarin reports, ideal-scope images, brilliance scope analysis, digital photos of the diamond, and an actual verbal description of the appearance of the diamond. Most suppliers can provide the certificates, sarin reports, and obviously a description of the diamond to us by phone, email, or fax. Usually, the diamonds that internet vendors can provide all of the above information for are actually held right at the internet vendors office. For example, we can provide color scans of the GIA or AGS reports, sarin reports, ideal-scope images, digital images and photos, as well as complete visual analysis of each of our Signature Series Collection diamonds for our customers. We can do this because we own and house the Signature Series Collection here at our office. So sometimes certain bits of information aren''t available for a diamond simply because the supplier can''t provide it. In these circumstances see if the internet vendor will be willing to have the diamond shipped out to an independant appraiser for you for complete evaluation or have the diamond shipped into their office so that they can provide you with the information that you require. You may be charged for this service, but at least you''ll find out the information that you need regarding the diamond. Hopefully that helps explain the whole process......



Jun 8, 2003
Just curious, does DCD have a sarin machine?


Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004

Do you mean you have Ogi?

On a recent sick day, I reached both Sarin & Ogi at their offices...they had ignored my e-mails, and I guess are somewhat smaller operations. I inquired who in the DC area has these things.

Could have been operator error (mine or theirs). But only Ogi mentioned you guys. Did I understand wrong?

Dave Atlas says having one or the other is fine, and I''m inclined to think so -- though I''ve read Sarin may be favored. For some reason, Charleston Alexander in VA has both.

Not many more places have either, apparently.


Sep 11, 2003
I call it a sarin machine simply because most customers identify with the word "sarin" over "ogi". However, it sais "OGISCOPE" on the side of the equipment. It came from OGI Tech. To be honest, it would be nice if all of our suppliers would invest in this technology and buy one. Is it an expensive piece of equipment, yes, but a minor investment for a diamond wholesale supplier. I feel bad whenever customers call into the office requesting a sarin report just to find out that the supplier cannot provide one for the diamond. If each supplier would buy an ogi machine it would definitely increase the amount of sales that are generated. Crown and Pavilion information has become very important to customers, so it would be nice to always be able to provide what is requested. Hopefully each supplier that works with retailers (both internet and B&M) will soon be able to provide full details regarding the angles and percentages of diamonds. It''s not just round diamonds anymore. I''ve had customers request sarin reports on every shape that you can name. As we all know from Pricescope, customers are educating themselves more and more each day. So the more information that we can provide will help our customers make an informative decision on what they would like to buy. Unfortunately, we can''t always have diamonds shipped into our office to run a sarin analysis, because that would become quite expensive. So it''s very fortunate that most of our suppliers can provide this information. However, there are some suppliers that just do not have the equipment. Sometimes though the only way to gather that information is to have the diamond sent out to an independant appraiser, but even then you can run into a problem with the appraiser not having the equipment either. I''ve worked at DCD for over two years now. During that period of time I have seen a significant rise in crown and pavilion information or sarin report requests from customers. So eventually, we are all going to have to own one. Anyways, that''s my 2cents.....Sorry, for ranting.....

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