So it's official! I am changing my plan of attack. I originally wanted a diamond, then decided on a blue sapphire and now I see the light. A beautiful red ruby is the stone for me! This will be a RHR.
Here is what I think I want so far:
Prefer no heat and no treatments but would consider heat only to stay within budget.
I want Fluorescence so I guess it would have to be a Burmese ruby?
The color I want: not sure how to term it.

I don't mind some inclusions as long as it is not distracting.
min dimensions 8.5x8.5 (3crt'ish) in a square cushion or square emerald cut or any other squarish shape.
AGL prestige full grading report
Is there any other details I'm missing?
Budget is 35k max if it is an amazing stone and amazing deal. I would prefer to stay under 30k.
So my questions are:
-do you think I can find what I want in my $ range?
-It seems to me that it is much easier to compare and contrast diamond prices through PS diamond search. Is there anything like this that exists for Rubies?
-I know that no one has a crystal ball but what is the sense of ruby prices? Will prices go up over time? Is it a good investment? Is there a Ruby price chart anywhere to see how prices have evolved over the years?
-I think I will need to see the stone in person before making a purchase like this. Is there anyone in Los Angeles area that specializes in AGL certified quality rubies?
Lastly, TIA! All opinions and info are appreciated and welcomed because I don't know much and need a ruby education ASAP!
Here is what I think I want so far:
Prefer no heat and no treatments but would consider heat only to stay within budget.
I want Fluorescence so I guess it would have to be a Burmese ruby?
The color I want: not sure how to term it.

I don't mind some inclusions as long as it is not distracting.
min dimensions 8.5x8.5 (3crt'ish) in a square cushion or square emerald cut or any other squarish shape.
AGL prestige full grading report
Is there any other details I'm missing?
Budget is 35k max if it is an amazing stone and amazing deal. I would prefer to stay under 30k.
So my questions are:
-do you think I can find what I want in my $ range?
-It seems to me that it is much easier to compare and contrast diamond prices through PS diamond search. Is there anything like this that exists for Rubies?
-I know that no one has a crystal ball but what is the sense of ruby prices? Will prices go up over time? Is it a good investment? Is there a Ruby price chart anywhere to see how prices have evolved over the years?
-I think I will need to see the stone in person before making a purchase like this. Is there anyone in Los Angeles area that specializes in AGL certified quality rubies?
Lastly, TIA! All opinions and info are appreciated and welcomed because I don't know much and need a ruby education ASAP!