
Rotary International - a four way test good for diamonds, too.

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Sep 3, 2000
The Four-Way Test asks the following four questions:
"of the things we think say or do:
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

This is a concise statement on making any purchase, especially costly ones. Will the seller impart the entire truth?, Will the deal be fair to the consumer and to the seller? Will you remain satisfied and recommend this dealer to others? Will you find that the purchase made you happy and satisfied in the long run?

You can find good people in the diamond and jewelry business who do not think the world revolves simply around them. You may not find such a seller the first place you go, but if you shop in just a few places I promise you that you will locate excellent people who truly want and deserve your business. NEVER buy something important from a vendor who acts as if they are doing you a big favor. Make a decision about how you are being treated BEFORE you commit to a major purchase. Get a sense of how the seller acts in advance of the exchange of funds. You can do great business with people you trust, but you will suffer every time you do business with someone you just know does not have your best interests in their mind.


Mar 1, 2004
Great post, Dave. I have experience with both types. I like the ones who treat you as special because you took the time to come into their shop no matter how you are dressed. I have left places where I felt that if he had to wait on me, he would, but he wouldn''t enjoy it. Know what I mean?
Seriously, you cannot tell my bank account from the way I am dressed, and it would be a mistake to judge me and a lot of people I know in that manner.

My DH and I were out for dinner the other night. We had had a long and tiring day and just wanted a relaxing dinner at a nice restaurant with our kids. (oxymoron, I know) Across the aisle from us was a booth with four women who ran the gamut in age. One of the younger ones noticed my ring, and I heard her mention it very quietly to the others. One of them actually looked at me and my kids and husband, and said "yeah, it''s probably fake!" It was all I could do not to laugh. I told my DH after, and he said (from the man whose eyes glaze over at the mention of PS and diamonds) "oh, yeah! Why didn''t you talk diamonds to her?" It was so funny I almost died laughing. He was like WHAT? I said you make it sound like a duel at dawn or something. LOL

Bottom line: I don''t do bidness with people who judge me. there are great jewelers out there that treat all clients and potential clients like gold. You just have to be patient.



Sep 9, 2004
"You had me at hello," Dave. I've been doing a diamond education presentation on college campuses and for private groups. This 4-way test was brought up at the first Rotary luncheon I did and I've used it with other Rotarians ever since. Nice post.
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