Regular Guy
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maybe - I''ve talked to celina, john, and bob before though, so if it is he not only has a masterful voice, he has three VERY distinct personalities! hahaDate: 1/11/2007 6:41:34 PM
Author: Regular Guy
Probably he does both, WF is maybe in a quansut hut in Houston, and he & John are probably even the same guy (notice the resemblance). Is Lesley you, too?
so if I decide to run with you guys this is the guy I'd be working with? because this could tip it in your favor - seriously LOL Working with my local person didn't turn out well, but I'm nervous as hell about having a go-between person or relying on emails.... being able to make swoopy motions with my mouse directly to the person designing would seriously be major major bonus points for you guys (not that that you lack any in the personality dept haha) I know your work is awesome, but I'm afraid of communication issues.... am I getting this straight john??Date: 1/11/2007 7:14:09 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
Never underestimate the power of schizophrenia...
Being serious, I think Leon deserves a proper introduction, as he has overseen countless creations posted here.
Leon Rocha is currently our Production Manager. He started in the trade as a bench worker and eventually became a custom jeweler. He joined Whiteflash in 2004 as manager of our processing operations. Eventually we grew large enough to split that position into operations and production mgrs. Leon was appointed Production Manager and oversees all jewelry fabrication and finishing, including custom designs.
The reason you see his distinguished face above is because we think Leonid's tool will set a new high water mark for over-the-net design. Leon is our custom authority and soon he'll be interacting with the occasional client in a 121 session.
For years we've heard that we are crazy to perform custom jewelry design via the internet. We won't argue; it's challenging (and exciting). This tool may revolutionize the process. Over 20 people watched Irina and Wink in a sample session earlier and saw its power. This afternoon I completed a design with Belle in 15 minutes that would have required several emails and phone calls before. We're anxious to see where it takes us.
Thanks again Leonid & Irina and welcome, Leon.
Hi Cehra. I think it''s a no-brainer. Whoever you decide to work with, this enables a live, ''sitting at the drawing board'' feel. It''s going to be great for designers and clients; especially those with firm concepts in mind. If you''re so-inclined, I suggest you create drawings or photos ahead of time (as Irina has done with her designs). Then, whether you work with someone local across the table or with someone over the internet, you''ll be able to show exactly what is in your mind first. This allows the designer to see the design through your eyes and make practical recommendations. To your point; yes, I think this will greatly reduce some of the over-net fear-factor.Date: 1/12/2007 6:42:53 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
::bump for john::