
Ring Sizing


Aug 15, 2011
So I've gotten my ring size from that ring of rings that most jewelers carry... but those rings are really thin! My finger measured out to be 5 3/4 but is that going to be my ring size on an engagement ring? Because typical engagement rings are quite thicker than those measuring ones... So my question is, am I better off going with a 6?

Anyone have any advice regarding ring size?
How thick is your Ering shank going to be, and how thick was the sizer? Most places I've gone to have two different sets of sizers - wide and narrow - for just this purpose.

My advice would be to err up, esp if you plan to wear a wedding band adjacent - the extra width once you add the wband will make the set as a whole even tighter. And I loathe tight rings, so...
Also consider if your hands swell (either when you sleep, exercise, when it's hot). I have a lot of fluctuation so mine are a little bit bigger than what my size was. You can always get it at a certain size and wear it for a while and see (as long as the diamonds aren't all the way around).
Thanks for the quick responses! I think that I'll go with the size 6 because I didnt even think about how I'm probably going to wear it with my wedding band! Now I'm thinking maybe I need to get a 6 1/4! Uh oh... :confused:
You can buy an inexpensive silver ring that matches the thickness of your planned ring, and wear it for a few days to see how it feels.
pregcurious|1313462380|2991651 said:
You can buy an inexpensive silver ring that matches the thickness of your planned ring, and wear it for a few days to see how it feels.

That's a fantastic idea! You get to wear it for a few days, make sure you're comfy with it long-term..
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