
Resize 3.25 BN Nouveau?

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Jan 1, 2009
Her fingers are so small! Initial purchase was a 5, sent back to Blue Nile for 3.25. She was sized at local jeweler this winter, 3 too tight, 3.5 too loose. The current size fits but I can pull it off with minimal resistance. Had her do the shake test and it did not fall off. Tends to spin as well. I do not want to resize in the middle of February in New England, would prefer to wait until the spring/summer. Any advice? Do they make temporary ring guards for such a tiny size? Thank you!
I wear a 3.5 and my suggestion would be to leave it at the 3.25. fingers never stay the exact same size all the time. rings will usually be slightly loose in the winter and maybe a little snug in the summer. You can get little plastic ring snuggies for about $5 at Claire's that will tightened it up and keep it from spinning. I wouldn't size it any more right now though.
Thanks for the help! Tried the Snuggies last night, they are a little tight and uncomfortable for her. We will wait for the summer and determine how the engagement ring fits with the wedding band.
Good idea to leave it alone until summer. My ring tends to spin in the winter and fit great in the summer. I tried the ring guards also and they didnt work for me. As long as it''s not falling off it should be okay
Leave it a tiny bit big. If the ring feels too loose, take it off overnight and apply a little droplet or two of silicon clear sealer caulk inside. Let it set overnight. It will be soft, flexible and removeable shouyld the ring become a bit too tight. It is a temporary fix, but you can''t size frequently without doing damage to the ring.
Thanks, David! I will try that solution, are there variations of this compound that I should avoid or is this a generic caulk I can purchase at Home Depot/Lowe''s?
Silicone caulk is a great idea. I sometimes use moleskin--that stick-on felt they sell in the foot-care section of the drugstore for preventing blisters--but it''s a little ugly.
The downside of any suggestion is the person who has some unexpected allergy to a substance. Obviously, the Surgeon General does not condone simple home solutions to ring looseness problems. There are many tubes of sealers available and a clear compund is best. One that remains flexible is prefrred and one that does not have dire warnings about health risks.... Once dry, these compunds are pretty safe to skin.
I think its good you are waiting until she has a w-band too - with the additional width of a band, plus the summer weather, the 3.25 may actually end up being perfect or even a little snug. If it doesn''t come off with the shake test I wouldn''t worry too much.
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