
Request for kitty dust...


Dec 31, 2006
Hey Misfit

Just wondering how things are going - I know you said you'd post when you got the locket, but just checking in anyway. :wacko:

How is Tinks?


Nov 16, 2008
Hi CJ,

The jeweler is taking forever to complete my pendant. She told me a few weeks ago she hoped to have it finished by the end of the month (originally she gave me a date of 1/5/13). Well, it's 1/31 and she hasn't even received the metal cast yet. The first one apparently did not come out so well and had to be redone. She told me that the cast was done on Sunday and when I asked her about it yesterday she told me she expected it to arrive in her shop this weekend or early next week, so I just sent her another email asking why the delay in delivery (where is it being sent from? She's in TX). I haven't even seen a pic of the cast yet, just the CAD. :nono:

In other news, Tinkie and Peanut are getting along SO much better! :appl: Granted, they are not quite snuggle buddies, but they have both come to the realization that they are not out to cause each other harm, and therefore can be in the same room, in close quarters, without any fur flying! :lol:

Tinkie is so attached to me, too. :love: She follows me around like my little shadow, and DH says that she gets so excited when she hears the lock beep sound on my car that tells her that I am home. He said last night she even put both paws up on the back of the couch to look out the window when she heard it! :D She's putting on some weight too and is pretty solid now. She was pretty skinny before, so this is a good thing.

Yesterday was 60 days since EQ's passing and it hit me pretty hard. I still think about her every day, and talk to her every day. I miss her so much ;(


Nov 18, 2010
I wish i could say something to make you feel better :( I lost my dog last year during the Super Bowl from liver cancer. I had raised him from a puppy and he was the biggest part of my childhood. I know how hard it is to watch your beloved pet suffer and feel helpless. I miss my dog every day and I don't think I can watch the game this year. But just know that your kitty is always with you watching over you And just know that we are sending all of our prayers and positive energy your way. *hugs*


Nov 16, 2008

Just found out that another friend lost her kitty on Thursday :(sad This has been an awful 2 months for pet loss in my circle.


Aug 5, 2010
Lil Misfit|1359647676|3368512 said:
Tinkie is so attached to me, too. :love: She follows me around like my little shadow, and DH says that she gets so excited when she hears the lock beep sound on my car that tells her that I am home. He said last night she even put both paws up on the back of the couch to look out the window when she heard it! (

Aww, I am so loving this! I can just imagine that little heart beating faster because her Mommy is coming! :appl: :appl:


Nov 16, 2008
Ugh...the jeweler is seriously PISSING ME OFF!!!! :angryfire: She is extremely slow with responding to emails and then sent me this picture of the metal cast yesterday


I asked her to please provide some back/side pics because I can't see where the vessel is to insert the ashes, as well as the fact that the whiskers look all askew...

I got an email this morning saying "The opening will be at the bottom, dont worry."

I was LIVID!!! I specifically asked for, and the proposal specifically states, that the opening will be on the TOP of the pendant I told her as such and asked her to rectify the situation ASAP. I have not heard anything back yet. I am just so upset over this that I am ready to just call the whole thing off and ask another jeweler (someone I trust) to make the pendant for me.

I need PSers thoughts. What would YOU do in this circumstance? I've already paid a substantial amount of $$$ and have been told that it will likely cost twice that amount due to the amount of black rhinestones needed, and now this...

Is it worth it? Should I stop the project? I am completely protected by CustomMade, so I would think they would refund the money I've already paid....


Nov 16, 2008
She finally got back to me and apologized for her error and stated she would correct it so that the opening is at the top. She also stated that the whiskers would be straightened out before it is finished.

I am keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm still a little skeptical... :???:


Nov 16, 2008
2,649 the jeweler I was working worth FINALLY got back to me the other day and triumphantly proclaimed that the pendant was "done".

These are the pictures she sent:

pendantfront_0.jpg pendantback_0.jpg

Um...NO!!! :nono: First of all....where are the black rhinestones on the head? Not to mention there is way too much metal showing in the body. It was supposed to be a full black body (my cat did not have little dots in her coat). Secondly, um...where's the engraving I specifically asked for? Hello? It's a memorial piece! :rolleyes:

I went back through all of my correspondence with her over the last 3 months and determined that she didn't listen to a word I said and did whatever she wanted to do. She "forgot" a lot of things she told me previously and then had to make up for them (shoddily) afterward - like the opening for the cremains (which was supposed on the top, with a screw).

I'm also annoyed that I was initially quoted $400 and now she's talking over $1000 for something that doesn't even look close to what I envisioned. I'm sorry, but no. No way in hell.

I am covered 100% by the Custom Made Guarantee, so if she refuses to refund my money, I'm prepared to take it to that level, but this is the message I sent her tonight:


I am really disappointed in this. First of all, as I mentioned the other day, the expectation was that the body AND head would be covered in black rhinestones. This is not the case. Furthermore, the black rhinestones do not present a uniform black coat, which is what I was going for, based on the pictures that I included previously. There is way too much metal showing, and to be charged $1 for each rhinestone when the entire body/head is not covered is just outrageous to me.

In addition, there have been numerous instances in which you have "forgotten" certain key elements to the design, pricing, warranty information, etc, which leads me to believe that you were not really "listening" to what I was saying with regards to this piece.

I specifically asked for the opening of the vessel to be at the TOP and included a picture of what I wanted (a screw type lock). You said that it would be no problem to do this. Then, when I finally got a picture of the cast, the opening was at the BOTTOM. When I complained about that, you moved it to the back of the pendant, instead of the top, and assured me that it would be safe. What you have presented me with is the complete opposite of what I asked for. I did not want a "locket". I wanted a screw type enclosure to ensure the safety of the cremains.

The fact that you completely neglected to include the engraving on this piece is unacceptable. I told you, from day one, that this is a memorial to a dear cat that I lost and am still grieving over. How could you gloss over that fact?

Furthermore, your lack of communication during this process has been very frustrating. There were numerous times where I went several days waiting on a response from you, and then when you did respond it was a one sentence statement that really didn't address my concerns.

This does not look even remotely close to what I was envisioning and I am very displeased. At this point, I would like to discontinue any work on this project and receive a full refund of what I have paid ($530). I have been very patient during this process and have been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but ultimately, this is not what I asked for and I do not wish to pay over $1000 for something that is not 100% exactly what I asked for."

I guess my questions for all you PSers are:
1) Do you guys think I'm overreacting? I understand that I am very emotional right now, with what's going on with Tinkie, but I think I have valid points.

2) Would YOU pay over $1000 for this?


Aug 14, 2009
My honest opinion? It looks like a "generic" costume piece, and it's a bad caricature of your beautiful, soulful EQ :nono:

I think your message was perfect. Short and to the point, and I think you're well within bounds to demand a full refund. The product is unacceptable as a memorial piece, the communication sounds like it was unacceptable, and the final cost, given the original quote and the other issues, is outrageous.


Nov 16, 2008
Thanks Yssie. Those are my thoughts too.

This was the response I got from her this morning. Again...she's not listening to me! :roll:

Sorry I have not been online much lately. FIrst of all, engravings are always added after I finish working with the piece(because it's something I have to take out to do it). If you wish to have the head covered with black rhinestones, I could do it for you, but it wouldn't look nearly as beautiful as it currently is. There has to be some space left in between the rhinestones, or else I would not be able to set the stones for you. As for the opening, I tried to add one on top, but there aren't enough space; I could add a small opening on top, but I'm afraid it's too tiny that you wouldn't be able to put anything inside. Please let me know your thoughts.

I responded simply with:

As I stated in my previous message, I am not pleased and would like a refund.



Aug 14, 2009
There's not much to misinterpret in your last. I'm really sorry - custom work is nerve-wracking in the best circumstances and I can only imagine how much more stressful making a memorial piece with a new vendor would be :sick:

I hope she refunds you without any drama.

ETA: EQ's nose was black...


Dec 31, 2006
I don't know enough about custom artwork to say whether it looks generic or not...or whether there's too much metal showing between the stones...but like Yssie said there's a caricature element to it that doesn't quite fit the purpose of the pendant...or how you're trying to remember EQ...

At the same time I have to admit that if you had said you loved it, I would love it too...because there's so much personal / sentimental things behind this piece...

I don't think you're "over" reacting because after all this time it's such a huge disappointment - and the lack of communication has been building the same time I wish you had stopped the project sooner - the lack of communication and then her almost putting the hole at the bottom were huge red flags. But I do understand that you were hoping it would all turn out great in the end...

She didn't really capture your vision - but that's why custom pieces are so risky because you never know until you see what they come up with...that said - the fact that she ignored your instructions on specific elements is what makes it worthy of a refund and not an "over"reaction...


Nov 16, 2008
She is NOT cooperating with me. AT.ALL. I am so flippin' pissed right now :evil: I have had a very stressful day, with Tinkie going in for surgery, that reading THIS was the last thing I needed:

I'm sorry but I could not refund your payment because I've spent a tremendous amount of time/effort on your project already. Please let me know how you'd like me to finish your pendant.

I am seeing RED! :angryfire: Of course, I will be pursuing a dispute with Custom Made, as their website states that satisfication is 100% guaranteed. And as much as I want to do it tonight, I'm emotionally drained and am afraid I would react too emotionally to be effective, so I am going to think about what I want to say in my dispute and send it out tomorrow.

Ya know...the more I think about this, the more I think that the jeweler is just a cold insensitive bitch (pardon my French). She doesn't seem the least bit compassionate as to the reason why this is so important to me and why I am so upset. Maybe she's never owned a pet :confused:


Dec 31, 2006
I am so sorry to hear this Lil Misfit.

It doesn't surprise me at all - she seems to have a very nonchalant attitude.

Infuriating. :angryfire:

It might help if you draft/brainstorm what you want to say and post it here so we can help.


Nov 16, 2008
That's a great idea. I think I will do that. Thank you for the suggestion.

In the meantime, if and when I DO get a refund, I'm going to want to commission someone else for the project and have no idea who to ask. I originally went into this thinking I'd spend $400-$500 since the only gemstones were the tiny diamonds on the collar, the citrines for the eyes and the tourmaline for the nose. If I had known it would end up costing over $1000 I would have asked another, more respectable jeweler to do the pendant. I'm still not sure how much someone else (like BGD or IDJ) would charge me, or if it's even something they would undertake. That's why I didn't come here looking for a jeweler in the first place.



Nov 16, 2008
Ok...I've had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it, and this is what I sent. Thoughts?

I am writing to file a formal dispute against Liz Song and Ashdone Jewelry. The piece that I commissioned from her is not what I asked for, and she is refusing to refund my payment of $530.

All of the communication that I had with Liz was done on the Custom Made website, so you can see, by reading the messages, that there were lapses in communication on her part, and an unwillingness to have me as involved in the process as I was under the impression I would be. Specific design elements were completely disregarded or "forgotten" about by Liz, as well specifics relating to warranty information. First I was quoted a 3 month warranty, then later when I expressed concern over losing stones, I was quoted a 1 month warranty.

The piece that I envisioned looks nothing like what Liz has created. The piece was to be a memorial pendant for my dear sweet 16 year old kitty who passed away a few days prior to me commissioning the pice. My original idea, which is stated in my Creation Story, states that I was seeking a silver or white gold cat shaped pendant that had black rhinestones on the head and body, as well as yellow topaz/sapphire/citrine for the eyes, a pink sapphire/tourmaline for the nose, and diamonds to form a collar. I also asked that the pendant be hollow with an opening on the top to insert cremains and a way to seal the opening with a screw cap, and to have special engraving on the back of the pendant. I submitted several pictures to give LIz what I thought was a rather good interpretation of what I was looking for. I was told the piece would take about a month to finish, maybe more, and was given an estimated completion date of January 5, 2013.

Along the way there have multiple instances in which Liz did not seem to be interested in creating the piece that I wanted, or involve me in the process, but rather to do what was convenient for her, and I had to remind her several times to refer to the original proposal.

For instance:
1) I asked if I would be able to see pictures of the stones before they were set, to evaluate the color/quality. I was told that I would be sent pictures. I was sent pictures ONLY of the yellow citrines that she was planning to use, and was told that she would "just pick a pink tourmaline from her stockpile". There was never any mention of her willingness to show me the diamonds or the black rhinestones. In fact, I didn't see ANY of these stones until AFTER they were set and she triumphantly proclaimed that the piece was "done". I was envisioning the black rhinestones to be larger, so as to avoid having a lot of metal show between each one, as the rhinestones were to represent a solid black coat. Had I seen how small the rhinestones were, I would have asked her to obtain larger ones.
2) My idea specifically indicated that I wanted the body AND head of the piece to be covered in black rhinestones. When Liz sent me the pictures of the "finished" pendant, there was only black rhinestones on the body and none on the head. When I questioned her about this I was told that she could add them to the head, but the piece wouldn't look "nearly as beautiful as it does now". During the last 3.5 months there was never any mention of her NOT putting black rhinestones on the head. If I had known that she was going to completely ignore my very specific request, I would have stopped production. If she knew that having black rhinestones on the head would detract from the piece's beauty, she should have communicated that to me right away, and let me make a decision on whether or not I wanted to continue with the project or abandon it. This is complete negligence on her part.
3) The "finished" piece that I was shown a picture of did not have any engraving, as I specifically instructed there to be. WhenI questioned Liz about this, she stated that she had to "send it out" afterward because she doesn't do engraving in house. Our communication previously indicated that SHE would be doing the engraving. I was not informed that the piece would need to be sent out for engraving. And if she still had to send it out for the engraving, why was she telling me it was "done"? It seems to me that she yet again "forgot" something very important, and is now covering herself by saying it has to be sent out.
4) I specifically asked for an opening at the top of the pendant with a screw cap so that I could insert some of my kitty's cremains. When Liz showed me the cast, I didn't see the opening, so I asked for additional pictures. I was told "Don't worry, the opening will be at the bottom". I told her that that the was unacceptable, and referred her to my instructions, which indicated that the opening be on the TOP! She then told me that there was not enough room on the top to put the opening, so she went ahead and put it on the back of the pendant, with a buckle to seal it. This looks nothing like the picture I sent her with what I wanted the opening to look like. Had she been referring to my instructions during this process, I feel as if she should have ensured that there WOULD be enough room on the top for the opening, and recasted the piece if there wasn't. This is also a case of complete negligence that resulted in her then using her own Plan B, again making the piece NOT what I had envisioned.
5) There were numerous times when I requested an update and/or estimated completion date and my requests were ignored. In fact, at times, I would not hear back from her for several days, and then I would be told she wasn't on the internet. If you have a business that you are promoting through an internet site, you should be on the internet on a daily basis to ensure good customer satisfaction. I also was NEVER given an estimated completion date, despite numerous inquiries. In fact, as I stated earlier, I was quoted an estimated completion date of January 5, 2013. Today is March 23, 2013 and according to Liz, the piece is "finished", but not quite "finished" as she still has to send it out for engraving.

Due to all of these things, and the piece not being exactly what I asked for, I asked LIz for a refund, to which she refused. I am not pleased with her lack of communication and involving me in this process, and I am not at all pleased with the piece she created. She stated that she has put a tremendous amount of time and work into this piece, but truthfully, had she communicated to me properly during this process (showing me stones before they were set, telling me she wasn't going to put stones on the head, making arrangements to have the opening at the top, etc….) I would have stopped production earlier. I do not think I should be penalized and have to pay for something that is not 100% what I asked for just because she put a lot of time into it. She neglected to follow my very specific instructions and that is not my fault. This has been a very emotionally charged time for me. I am grieving over the loss of a cherished pet and wanted something special to remember her by. The lack of compassion on LIz's part with regard to the meaning behind this piece is appalling to me.

Please help me get my money refunded so that I can find another, more reputable jeweler with which to have this special memorial piece made.

Thank you


Nov 16, 2008
Bumping this up, because I'd really like opinions on what I sent to Custom Made. I haven't received a response yet. I'm guessing I won't until at least Monday. But I want to know if you all feel like I have a good, solid case.



Jun 23, 2011
I think it's very well worded and thoroughly explains your reasons for requesting the refund. Thank goodness all communication was done through the website! Do they have the power to get your money back to you or just "strongly suggest" that the vendor refund you?

I certainly hope you can get the refund and find a jeweler that will create your vision. It's such a shame that she's tarnished this commemorative piece. :nono:


Dec 31, 2006
I don't know what Custom Made's criteria for refunds is, but in general I think your strongest points are the ones where specific instructions were not followed/met. I think you have a shot.

I hope you hear back from Custom Made soon.

Does Custom Made specify how long the process usually takes?


Nov 16, 2008
This is what it says on their website:

Protect yourself from fraud and misrepresentation

We know the Internet can be a scary place, especially for something like a custom project! That's why we're here.
As long as everything happens on the CustomMade website, we can get involved in the unlikely event of fraud or misrepresentation on the part of a maker. Your ring never showed up? You sent money and the Maker disappeared? You asked for Cherry and he sent you Maple? You asked for white gold and she sent you silver? We’re on it! We'll get involved to help make it right, because we have a record of everything that happened, from the payments you made to the changes you requested. And if we can't make it right, we'll write you a check.

Be sure you get what you order

We know you might be nervous that you won't get what you ordered, or it won't be right. Not to worry.
CustomMade hosts a very structured process to be sure there aren't misunderstandings. Once a maker proposes to do a project, and you accept, a legally binding project agreement is created. If there are changes to the agreement, both sides have to agree. Once the agreement is made, we charge the maker a small service fee. If there's a problem or a delay, be sure you communicate about it with the maker through the website. We'll watch your back. Worried about delays? Concerned that he said he shipped it but it never arrived? We're here and you're protected.

Get help resolving disputes

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you aren't happy and the maker can't or won't make it right. We've got it under control.
CustomMade allows makers to upload periodic project updates and progress pictures to help keep you informed of what's going on with your project—automatically. Once a project is completed, those photos and updates can be made into a "creation story" that makers can share on their profile, and you can share with your friends. It's cool, it's fun, and it prevents disputes and misunderstandings. But if you still can’t get resolution, CustomMade can step in and mediate when customers and makers can't resolve issues on their own.

Review your maker

You get to review and rate your experience on every project—and makers value your feedback!
Our makers want to hear from you when you are satisfied and when you aren't. And other customers want to know too. Had a great experience? Shout it from the rooftops so your maker can use your positive experience as a marketing tool to acquire more custom projects. Had a bad experience? Hopefully, that never happens—but if it does, you can warn others.


Jun 23, 2011
Well based on what you just posted, you certainly are well within your rights for the refund. Please keep us posted and good luck!!


Nov 16, 2008
Got an email from the folks at Custom Made last night stating that they would reach out to the maker and get back to me as soon as possible.

No news today yet.


Nov 16, 2008
Still waiting to hear back from Custom Made about my dispute/refund. Jason, the guy I've been talking to, has informed me that Liz (the jeweler) is out of the country. Very convenient for her, huh? :nono: And apparently I'm not the only one who's taken issue with her. He mentioned that he needs to speak to her about some of her other projects, too. He's learning firsthand how difficult it is to get in touch with her, so hopefully that will help my case.

In other news....finally got my EQ memorial tattoo today! It looks awesome! And, yes, her ashes are in the ink :love: My tattoo artist said it was his first time incorporating ashes, but his dog died a few weeks ago, and he and his wife are thinking of doing the same thing.

Here it is, and yes, that is her actual paw print on the coin :love:


Jul 27, 2011
:love: :love: :love:


Nov 16, 2008
So...after a huge hassle with the folks at Custom Made - the first person I was in contact with is no longer with the company, which explains why he wasn't returning my calls, no one being re-assigned to my case, the 2nd person not returning my calls, the phone number on their website being incorrect, etc....and finally having to threaten legal action - I FINALLY got in touch with someone who took charge. The jeweler was not responding to their calls, so they finally had to threaten her themselves with legal action if she did not reply within 48 hours. She did....and actually had the nerve to tell him that she could re-do the entire thing in 10-14 days. Are you kidding me? HELL NO!!! I don't trust this woman as far as I can spit! I don't want her having any part of this project anymore! So....she agreed to refund my money. Only problem is, I paid her $540 via paypal. She sent $526.20 ($13.80 short) and furthermore, paypal charged me $15.56, leaving me with only $510.64. I told the rep at Custom Made that that was unacceptable, and he was supposed to get back in touch with her to make sure that I am refunded the additional $29.36. I'm still waiting on a response...but I'm getting closer to a resolution. Sigh.

Meanwhile, I found this guy online and I'm going to email him about actually using black onyx for the piece, and adding bezel set gemstones, as well as making it a vessel in which to hold some cremains. The laser inscribing he does on onyx is amazing, too, so that would be awesome for the engraving I want on the back. I'm kind of excited to see if he can do this memorial piece in the way I have envisioned it! :D



Nov 16, 2008
Ok...I need thoughts on this. This is the email I sent to Denton at the website listed above:

Hi Denton,

I am really happy that I found your website and I really hope that you can help me design a memorial pendant for a cherished pet that passed away a few months ago. This is going to be a long email, so I apologize in advance for the length, but I think you need to know the backstory about why I am asking for your help.

My kitty of 16 years passed away on December 1, 2012. She was my heart and I have been heartbroken ever since her passing. She had been through so much with my husband and I for 16 years, including 3 cross country moves. She was such an amazing cat and the energy in our home is just not the same without her. So, naturally, I wanted something to properly memorialize her and had the idea for a custom piece of jewelry.

I found a website where I could post my story/request and have jewelers contact me if they were interested. I agreed to commission the piece with a particular jeweler and spent 3.5 months working with her on this project, only to be deeply disappointed in the final design. It was not at all what I had envisioned, and ultimately, I had to ask for a refund.

So, now I am back at square one. Here's what I'm looking for:

* A piece of black onyx, in the silhouette of a cat, with an opening at the top that would allow me to add some of my kitty's cremains, and a screw top to seal it. I'm not sure if the top of the onyx can be hollowed out or not, since there would be stones imbedded (see below).
* 2 Yellow/gold citrine/topaz/sapphire marquise shape stones set in the onyx to represent her beautiful gold eyes. She had HUGE gold eyes! :)
* A pink sapphire/tourmaline set in the onyx for her nose.
* Silver or white gold tail and whiskers.
* Engraving/inscription on the back that reads "In loving memory of EQ 1996-2012"

I understand that making the piece able to hold cremains is the most complicated part, but it's also the most important part, so I'd appreciate your input/ideas. If hollowing out the onyx at the top and adding a screw top isn't an option, I was thinking that maybe the gold posts that would be holding the stones could be hollowed out and ashes added in, before they are sealed. Is that possible?

I've attached some images for your reference. One of them is of my cat, which really showcases her eyes. The others are various cat silhouettes made with onyx or other materials, gemstones I'm thinking for the eyes, and screw tops for cremains. Please let me know your thoughts! I really appreciate your consideration in helping me make this memorial piece a reality.

I hope to hear from you soon!


Nov 16, 2008
And this is the FIRST response I got:
I am not going to read all of that. My time is very limited because we are very busy. Just tell me what you want cut and I will tell you if we can do it and what your cost will be.

I was pretty peeved, but then got this 45 minutes later:
When I opened your email with my laptop I could see it wasn’t as long as when I opened it with my smartphone.

I understand in general what you want. But we don’t do designing. Everything you see on our web site are items we made after the designing was done by a jeweler. The jeweler or jewelry designer designs it and then they come to us and explain what they want. We do the cutting. We don’t have any experience with designing.

What city are you located? Maybe I can direct you to a good designer.

I did email him back, thanking him for reading my email and asking him to direct me to a local designer. But, for real? Was it necessary to be that RUDE?!

I am just beside myself. I mean, I just want a memorial piece to honor a cherished pet. Why is it so damn hard for people to understand that???? :nono:


Jun 23, 2011
I'm so glad you've gotten at least most of your money back on the pendant! Regarding the rude designer, I'm afraid that is pretty common. Most talented (and even just self proclaimed talented) designers seem to have an air of superiority that makes me want to retch.

I do think it's nice that he attempted to redeem himself and offered to try to help direct you towards someone that could help though. It seems like he had time to think about it and realized that he was being a jerk. :rolleyes: I hope you find a good designer to help you with your memorial piece ASAP!


May 11, 2012
Have you seen these rings? I have been thinking about getting one myself, perhaps the woman that makes them could custom change the eyes, custom change the metal to make it black gold or black silver or put a tiny part that opens in it for some ashes (I have no idea about this you would have to ask her) but I like this a lot more than the pendant that thankfully you did not have to pay for....
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