
Replace Center Stone with Sapphire in Tacori Ring


May 17, 2011
I currently have a Tacori ring with a 1ct round CZ, and my husband and I have discussed changing the stone to a sapphire instead of a diamond. Does anyone have any experience with this? And, with going through a jeweler to send a stone and ring to Tacori to do the work?

This is the style ring I have: (Though this isn't where I bought my ring)

I spoke with the jeweler where the hubby bought my ring, and they stressed that I would need to find a stone that is exactly 6.5mm diameter with a medium to thin girdle. Can I be off a little in the dimensions (a few hundredths of a mm), or is Tacori really strict about the 6.5mm diameter? Also, they mentioned that changing the stone would have a fee anywhere from $25-$100. Is that reasonable?

I would want a fancy colored sapphire that would compliment the rose gold. I don't think I would go for a deep blue sapphire. I've come across padparadscha sapphires, but I've read online that a true, natural "pad" is really hard to come by.

Any advice would help! Thanks.
MrsTulip|1305672905|2924302 said:
I currently have a Tacori ring with a 1ct round CZ, and my husband and I have discussed changing the stone to a sapphire instead of a diamond. Does anyone have any experience with this? And, with going through a jeweler to send a stone and ring to Tacori to do the work?

This is the style ring I have: (Though this isn't where I bought my ring)

I spoke with the jeweler where the hubby bought my ring, and they stressed that I would need to find a stone that is exactly 6.5mm diameter with a medium to thin girdle. Can I be off a little in the dimensions (a few hundredths of a mm), or is Tacori really strict about the 6.5mm diameter? Also, they mentioned that changing the stone would have a fee anywhere from $25-$100. Is that reasonable?

I would want a fancy colored sapphire that would compliment the rose gold. I don't think I would go for a deep blue sapphire. I've come across padparadscha sapphires, but I've read online that a true, natural "pad" is really hard to come by.

Any advice would help! Thanks.

If that is the dimension they are asking for I would stick to as close as possible - '00ths of a mm is fine but not 6.8 x 6.7 if that makes sense.

Could I ask what your budget is?

Rounds aren't the easiest shape to find in sapphire - cushions and ovals are more common. With the need for a calibrated size I would think you will need to go with a precision cut stone as native cuts can often be a little 'off' - although plenty are calibrated.

Pad sapphires are not only very rare, but the good, untreated, unheated ones are $$$$ IF you can find one.
Have you looked at pink sapphires? Or, if it doesn't have to be a sapphire, what about a pink spinel? Spinels come in other colors that would go well in rose gold too.
A sapphire will look nice in that setting. I can't wait to see what you wind up with. Have you contacted any gem cutters?
I am also looking for a round sapphire for my pre wedding setting. I think it's a great idea. I found a couple option with Richard at concave gems. That is as far as I got. No decisions still researching. Like you I will need a certain size.
The Gemburi spinel probably will be a smidge darker in person but I don't think it's going to be really dark. As yours is a prong setting, it might be a good fit in terms of size and colour.
Pandora - I've just started looking at so far. We haven't discussed the details of a budget, but I probably wouldn't want to go more than $1500-$2000. There's a peachy sapphire that I really like, but I've only started looking. I hear Natural Sapphire Company can be pricey.

JewelFreak - I like the sapphire because it's hardness is second to a diamond. How would a spinel hold up to everyday wear? I've considered a pink moissanite, but I think I would prefer a natural stone. I've found in browsing the few gemstone websites I've come across that I prefer the paler sapphires. Light pinks, blues, or yellows. I want some color in my stone, so I'm shying away from white sapphire for now.

innerkitten - I haven't contacted a gemcutter. I didn't realize there was that option. Any you recommend?

Also, I've spotted a gemstone trade show coming to Seattle at the end of June. I'm hoping it's worth the trip to go see some of these IRL. I'm also debating how patient I can be to wait until the end of June!
Actually, I'm aiming for a budget around $1k. $1500-$2K would be the high point.
MrsTulip|1305741972|2924917 said:
Actually, I'm aiming for a budget around $1k. $1500-$2K would be the high point.
If I were you, I'd contact Jeff White to cut something for you. With that kind of budget you should be able to get something REALLY amazing.

I've heard that The Natural Sapphire Company overcharges for what they sell. Just some food for thought.
MrsTulip|1305736710|2924856 said:
Pandora - I've just started looking at so far. We haven't discussed the details of a budget, but I probably wouldn't want to go more than $1500-$2000. There's a peachy sapphire that I really like, but I've only started looking. I hear Natural Sapphire Company can be pricey.

JewelFreak - I like the sapphire because it's hardness is second to a diamond. How would a spinel hold up to everyday wear? I've considered a pink moissanite, but I think I would prefer a natural stone. I've found in browsing the few gemstone websites I've come across that I prefer the paler sapphires. Light pinks, blues, or yellows. I want some color in my stone, so I'm shying away from white sapphire for now.

innerkitten - I haven't contacted a gemcutter. I didn't realize there was that option. Any you recommend?

Also, I've spotted a gemstone trade show coming to Seattle at the end of June. I'm hoping it's worth the trip to go see some of these IRL. I'm also debating how patient I can be to wait until the end of June!

Do a search on here for the Natural Sapphire Company is my advice when it comes to them.

I have a soft spot for Pala Gems and have loved everything I've ever had from them. They don't have prices on their website as they are trade only but most jewellers would be able to check for you. They have some of the best stones in the world there.
Clearly, I'm new to PS, so thank you for pointing out doing a search on NSC here. I had no idea!

I'll definitely look at the gem sites you've all suggested. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to work with Jeff White yet. This will be my first loose stone purchase, so I'm still learning and researching. I'll definitely peruse the PS topics.
Alrighty, I've finally finished the "SteveNeedsARing" saga, and I'm coming away feeling way more informed about sapphires. I can't wait to see the finished product.

But, back to my hunt.

I ultimately decided against that white sapphire. It seems like a too good to be true price, and I really want some color for my stone.

I visited a local jewelry shop this past weekend, and I came away a little unsettled. It seemed to me that they don't often come across gemstone requests, and they seemed to dodge my questions about sapphire treatments. Also, I did not like how they stressed that the cost of gemstones have gone way up. In today's economy, everything has gone up in price, but I don't think my budget is low, especially if I decide to get a heated sapphire.

But, the visit was not a total waste. I did take a look at a few different colors and quickly realized that I want a pink sapphire. They source their stones from Stuller. They had a pink/violet raspberry stone that I loved, but the size was too small and not the shape I'm looking for.

I've contacted Jeff White, and unfortunately, he does not have anything in stock that would work for me. But, he'll keep an eye out for me in the future.

I'm also talking to Gary (FinewaterGems), and he also doesn't have anything in stock for me. He did mention that he's headed to Hong Kong in few months and could possibly come across something then.

I'll be visiting Green Lake Jewelry this weekend to checkout a few sapphires they have on hand. After reading through Steve's experiences with them, I feel like even if I don't find what I'm looking for with them, I have a strong feeling I can happily work with them in a future project...
My visits with Green Lake have gone fantastically! For my first visit, one of their designer directors, Melissa, was able to gather a few pink sapphires on hand to help narrow down what color I'm looking for. The top row of stones were what we ultimately decided as my top three. The top left was my favorite but turned quite brown in sunlight. The middle one hand a little too much purple, and I was hoping for a little more peachy tones. The red streak in the stone caused a really neat effect. The top right stone really held its color from different lighting sources. After listening to what I like best of the stones, Melissa searched for a stone that had the best combination of those three.

After about a week or so, she came back with the bottom row.

Bottom Left- 1.19ct Round Cut Fuschia Pink Sapphire, 6.53x6.56x3.82mm
Bottom Right- 1.58ct Round Cut Fuschia Pink Sapphire, 7.03x6.96x4.48mm


She had two in-house GIA certified gemologist look at the stones, and they both said lightly heated only. The stone's clarity is slightly included and would be equivalent to an SI2 or I1.

Now, I really love the color of the stones, but the clarity isn't as clean as I had hoped. Also, of those that I have contacted, Melissa is the first to get back with me with stones on hand. Should I wait to see if anyone will have any contenders?

Also - if I decided to get one of these stones, what kind of certification should I try for this stone? I've seen a few different options posted on the forum, but I'm not clear on one type versus another and the different options that AGL or GIA has to offer.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
As far as the certification goes, AGL has a "gem brief" report that is quite reasonable if all you are wanting is verification of lack of treatment other than just traditional heating. Sometimes they can do that at their lab (which would be the minimum cost of the brief) and sometimes they need to send it out to a different lab, which can add about $100 to the cost, but that would still be less expensive than sending it to GIA from what I understand.
If they only saw evidence of low heat-treatment then you don't need to worry about things like Beryllium diffusion as they can only be done with very high temperatures.

AGL or GIA are both great.
Pandora|1307566532|2940974 said:
If they only saw evidence of low heat-treatment then you don't need to worry about things like Beryllium diffusion as they can only be done with very high temperatures.

AGL or GIA are both great.

The AGL gem brief was $55 for my sapphire, and they were able to conclude low heat treatment (no diffusion). S&H back and forth is an additional fee, and depending on the insurance needed for the stone, it could be almost as much as the gem brief sendng it back and forth, but I think it's still worth it.
colorluvr, Pandora, TL - thank you for your recommendations! I think the AGL gem brief is the way to go for me.

After a day or two of thinking if over, I still really love those pink sapphires. If I could, I'd buy them both! Melissa will contact the Tacori authorized dealer later today to see which one will work best with my setting. I think Pandora's comment (about color should be paramount and natural inclusions should be loved) in another topic really swayed me. Honestly, I didn't see any inclusions until Melissa pointed them out to me.

I really hope all goes well. Still have to certify the stone, then send the stone and setting to Tacori. And, they have been known to take a few weeks to get things done - especially since they're probably well into high wedding season! I'll keep ya posted on how things go!

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