The cost shouldn't be much I would have thought, give a jeweller a call and they should give you a rough figure. A bezel setting encases the diamond around the girdle half way( half bezel) or completely ( full bezel) so that you only see the top of the diamond. A solitaire setting is a setting with prongs to hold one diamond.Date: 3/27/2007 8:04:41 PM
Author: 2sell
How much will it cost? Because I might be willing to take the risk.
And what is the difference between a solitare setting and a bezel?
Thanks for your advice.
The difference between doing this skillfully and doing it amateurishly can be the difference between ending up with a chipped stone and a saleable one. It’s not especially difficult to do but it does take some practice, some dexterity and some tools.
Exactly. For the cost of...I don''t know...a fewish dollars, why risk it? It is the sort of job which is a reasonable doddle in most cases if you know what you are doing, if not it can go horrifically wrong and you are sunk. Call a jeweller and ask him how much he would charge, he can probably do it while you wait.Date: 3/28/2007 8:02:54 AM
Author: denverappraiser
Don’t do this at home. Really.
What are you going to do with the diamond when you’re done?
Set it in something else? Have it pulled by whoever you are planning on setting it.
Sell it to someone else? Have it pulled by whoever you are planning to use to grade it. On the resale market, professional grading is usually essential anyway.
Keep it in a little Ziploc bag until you decide later? Keep it in the setting until you decide.
The difference between doing this skillfully and doing it amateurishly can be the difference between ending up with a chipped stone and a saleable one. It’s not especially difficult to do but it does take some practice, some dexterity and some tools.
Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver