
Remember our roots- why did ya join

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Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/28/2008 2:37:41 PM
Author: Linda W

Date: 8/28/2008 10:49:00 AM
Author: diamondfan
Lorelei, you are the gem here, as someone pointed out, it is the people who make this site sparkle!

You are GREAT and that''s the truth!

I agree Caroline, I so want to meet Lorelei one day and Maisie too. Let''s plan a PS overseas trip, tee hee

* Blush*!! Thanks DiamondFan, you are too kind, and right back at you friend!XOXO

Linda we would have a blast with a GTG!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/28/2008 10:35:04 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 8/28/2008 8:33:02 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 8/28/2008 8:08:37 PM
She''s at it again!



Oct 18, 2005
Great thread, iwanna!

How did you come across this community? Back in fall 2005 (wow, I can''t believe it''s been almost 3 years!), I had a very bad case of LIW-itis. My then-BF (now DH!
) and I had started talking about marriage and we had a classic case of girl-soon vs boy-soon and he was driving me CRAZY making me wonder if he''d propose in 6 months or 6 years. I googled a phrase like "how to know when he will propose" and found a LIW thread.

What made you join? I was impressed and drawn in by the camaraderie and helpfulness. It made me feel so much better to know that other people were going through the same thing and I could go to them if I needed support. I didn''t even know it was a diamond forum at first. I''m glad though, because not only did I get fabulous support through my time as a LIW and as a BIW, DH and I got fabulous rings!

What kept you around? The friendship, support and help. Planning my wedding would have been so much more difficult without PS! And Lord knows I''ll keep coming back for jewellery fixes and advice over time.


May 30, 2008
I came across this site while trying to find a good place to post pics of my ring that I could show friends before I gave it to my gf. I ended up asking some questions, learning a lot and then replacing my diamond after finding out how much better I could have done.

I stick around to help first timers, give a guy''s point of view on some topics, learn some more, and get some advice for myself. I don''t know how many people I''ve met on here, but I love this place. I never thought I''d stick around once I posted the pics, but here I am a few months later and just turned to an "ideal rock". This has become part of my morning routine and I hope to keep that up.

I also wanted to take this time to give a great big THANK YOU to everyone that has helped me along the way. I''ve gotten some great advice from so many people and I just hope that I can return the favor to more people as time goes on.


Oct 2, 2007
I found this site in the summer of ''07, from googling celebrity rings and found the celeb ering thread. I spent about 3 hours ogling thru there, and then realized this whole site was pretty much all about diamonds! There really aren''t any people in my circle that care much about jewelry and/or diamonds, so it was nice to find some common ground in this forum!


May 7, 2007
I found this site back in Jan/07 googling "diamond handshots". I first found the purse forum and it lead me here!

I lurked for a long time before joining
, and I think I finally joined when FI had enough $$ saved to start looking for our ering and I wanted the advice of the experts (now I have to go back and look at my first post, hehe).

I stayed because everyone is just so gosh darn nice and helpful. I have learned so much from this forum, far beyond diamonds. Even FI, who was very skeptical of my habit, has come around and PS''s with me before bed. He says ya''ll are a very educated bunch
. This is the first and only forum where I am an ''active'' member (besides tripadvisor, but I only post 1x a year there!).


Jun 3, 2008
Great thread, Iwanna!

I found PS about three months ago, but it feels like I''ve been here forever! I was researching diamond studs, and the wonderful people here pointed me in the direction of Whiteflash. I remember Miss Skippy was the first one to reply to my very first post, and she made a point of saying "Welcome to PS!" I thought that was so sweet!

So, I guess I came for the bling and stuck around for the people!!!


Dec 29, 2004
How did you come across this community?

Back in 2003, TGuy jokingly asked me to buy him a BMW. I jokingly replied that if he bought me a Tiffany Lucida (we were on Rodeo drive at the time), then I would buy him the car. I wasn''t serious, but found out that he thought that''s what I wanted. I googled it to see if there were cheaper alternatives out there and found PS.

What made you join?

I joined as a member in 2004, so I lurked a long time even before I joined. It was a much smaller community back then. I like the variety of people now, but miss the cozy community it was back then as well. I still lurked through 2005 mostly but finally posted more because I needed help on diamond research.
What kept me around?

Obviously, as everyone said, the people and the interesting topics at the time. Most of the people I''ve clicked with have moved on. Mara I''ve met in real life and she is an absolute doll, despite what some people may think (they often don''t get her bluntness.) I miss Alj as Alj, although I understand and appreciate her in her new position. I''m definitely staying now because of the preggo/mommy threads...they keep me checking in every day and I love the gals and babies there. I also still use PS as my water cooler because I work from home, but not as fresh to me anymore because I see the same topics over and over again. There are still a few old timer members who are still here and whose posts I love to read, plus some newbies I find interesting. All in all, it''s the best community around and I have been on Internet forums a long time.

Come to think of it...I''m probably boring and old hat to lots of folks too! Hee!


Jan 11, 2006
Date: 8/29/2008 10:57:46 PM
Author: TravelingGal
How did you come across this community?

Come to think of it...I''m probably boring and old hat to lots of folks too! Hee!

Not likely, dude! You''re one of those lucky few who manages to be interesting, straightforward, and snarky without coming off as a sarcastic know-it-all. Always a treat reading your posts.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/30/2008 11:04:19 AM
Author: Selkie

Date: 8/29/2008 10:57:46 PM
Author: TravelingGal

How did you come across this community?

Come to think of it...I''m probably boring and old hat to lots of folks too! Hee!

Not likely, dude! You''re one of those lucky few who manages to be interesting, straightforward, and snarky without coming off as a sarcastic know-it-all. Always a treat reading your posts.
Absolutely agree - Tgal you are a PS staple, I always enjoy your posts! So there!


May 14, 2006
Date: 8/30/2008 11:06:34 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 8/30/2008 11:04:19 AM

Author: Selkie

Date: 8/29/2008 10:57:46 PM

Author: TravelingGal

How did you come across this community?

Come to think of it...I''m probably boring and old hat to lots of folks too! Hee!

Not likely, dude! You''re one of those lucky few who manages to be interesting, straightforward, and snarky without coming off as a sarcastic know-it-all. Always a treat reading your posts.

Absolutely agree - Tgal you are a PS staple, I always enjoy your posts! So there!

ditto. I always look forward to reading your posts.


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 8/26/2008 9:21:17 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

I really like the idea of this thread! I joined b/c I had a question about my Tacori E-ring...hence the name
I had NO idea I''d stick around. I had never been part of any other forum or blog before. Had I know I might have chosen a more creative name. Anyways...I stuck around through my wedding planning (loved sharing tips and ideas with my fellow BIWs) and then it was only natural to stay. My pregnancy also helped bring me closer with a lot of members. Sometimes I feel like I might be too invested but this is my therapy. It is fun. I really enjoy it *most of the time
Tacori, I totally think of that as your name. In my head it just goes together: Tacori and Tessa.

I really just stumbled upon this site at a time when I was going nuts waiting to be engaged. It''s fun how so many of us find ourselves in the same spans of time; wanting to get married, getting married, dealing with the first year(s) of marriage, wanting to grow our family, etc. It is a support system, and of the whole, people are polite, caring, and seek to help us learn in the area we are growing. And then there is always the joy of sliding over to the diamond threads to see sparkly happiness, too!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
fisher, you are right. It is now my identity
I would never seriously change it and honestly don''t understand why PSers do change their name (unless it is a log-in issue like some people have had).


Nov 24, 2006
Tacori, I always think of Tessa and Tacori when I see your user name too!!! I just love all the baby avatars, they are the most precious cutie pies ever on here; they always make me *Smile*!!! hehe


Dec 29, 2006
I think I accidently found PS on a google search one day. Like many others, I was researching diamonds and I wanted to learn more about them. This was when my husband and I were looking at stones and engagement rings. I lurked for a while before posting -- for some reason, it made me nervous. I was new to the whole online forum thing. I found the other boards here and began seeing what they had to offer.

I''ve had the pleasure of meeting many of the gals from the Boston area after Christmas last year, and it was a lot of fun meeting people in real life who I had been chatting with for a while. I keep in touch with Alj and I''d love to keep in touch with the others too. There are so many people that I haven''t met that I''d love to meet some day. As others have said, this is a great community. There are so many kind, thoughtful, helpful people here, and that''s what makes me stay. Sometimes I don''t feel like logging on or I don''t have time to post, so I lurk, but I enjoy it.

I''ve read some of the more negative threads/posts lately, and it''s frustrating. Can''t we all just get along and play nicely with one another? It''s easier for me to turn away instead of getting involved. I often turn off the computer and do something else.

So yeah, my answers aren''t really any different than anyone else''s, but I wanted to chime in anyway.


Sep 5, 2007
How did you come across this community?
- I was on Yelp asking for help in buying an engagement ring and looking for diamonds... another Yelp''er pointed me here.

What made you join?
- I joined to ask questions about diamonds and educate myself about them before my FI and I made a decision on anything. This board led me to my jeweler and I''m really happy that we made a well informed decision with the help of people on here before making such a big purchase. I''m also an internet junkie... I spent a lot of time looking for answers to my wedding questions and nowhere else really had all the answers I was looking for. I started reading the BWW forum after I joined and realized that the answers to almost all of my questions (and more) were right there!

What kept you around?
- At first the wealth of information, later on the support of people that could relate better than anyone I knew re: wedding stuff and later on ''life'' stuff... I''ve been a part of online communities for a long time and I know it takes time to really become part of one and get to know people... there were times I wasn''t sure I could really be a part of this community but over time I''ve felt more accepted. I think what really kept me around (and I can''t believe I almost didn''t go!) was the GTG I went to in Palo Alto earlier this year. It was great seeing the people behind the posts, it made it a lot more real and more meaningful. And honestly at the heart of all of that was Gypsy... she was the most welcoming person to me on here... responded to my posts when others probably didn''t care (not everyone has to care!) and reached out to invite me to the GTG when she found out I lived in the area. And despite the drama, what keeps me around are the people I enjoy reading about... the other people, well I just hope that the good ones stick around and the other ones lost interest (and sure it''s been sad, maddening, irritating etc at times). And I''d love to name off all of you ladies I met at the GTG (you know who you are! I know who you are!) and the ladies that have since reached out to me... but I don''t want to post yet another long rambling post... so thank you!


Apr 14, 2006

I hear about the get togethers, and they sound like they''re so much fun! I''m glad you enjoyed meeting some of your PS friends.

I don''t think there are many of us from the Georgia area, though. I should have gone to one of the Charlotte meetings when I lived in NC. Back then, I thought the meetings would only be about showing off diamonds and gems (which is fun, I know), but now that I''ve been around longer, I think it would be easier to have actual conversations. There is much more to the people here than just a love of things shiny!!

It would be so funny to finally meet people who you have pictured in your head as one way, just to find out how different they really are!


Dec 12, 2006
You know I dont really remember how I happened upon this site, but I can pretty much can guess I was googling diamond rings, I have been obessed with diamond rings since I was a little girl (got my 1st "real" ring at age 11), I found the show me the ring thread and my heart stopped
my goodness there are some beautiful jewerly on there
I have learned so much from this site is is amazing, I love how for the most part everyone is very helpful and had has kind comments from the smaller diamonds to the big honking diamonds, I think it is just an amazing place to learn about jewerly and to see some of the most stunning rings! I will stay for a long time and hopefully one day I will have a ring that is pricescope worthy of posting and then I will have a ring in show me the ring thread.


Aug 24, 2006
How did you come across this community?
I actually came to PS from another forum probably back in ''03 or ''04? Despite what the dates say under my profile (my credentials got screwed up somehow), I have been around for a while.

What made you join?
I became a member to comment on a really beautiful engagement ring in the SMTR thread and have been hooked ever since. Plus the competitive side of me wanted to make Ideal Rock status.

What kept you around?
As everyone has''s the people that keep me around. I was hooked on reading the original LIW thread before it became its own forum because I just found the stories so fascinating. Then later I seemed to find a lot of posts from people with thoughts, problems and circumstances that were very similar to mine (for example TGal and Galateia with int''l LDR/visa stories), so I stayed around even longer. While I am not a frequent poster, I do lurk and I still enjoy keeping up with various members especially over in the TTC forum. I guess the growth of PS has been a double-edged sword. Sometimes I do feel *invisible* as others have said because by the time you get to a thread 30 people have already commented so it feels like what I have said means nothing. But at the same time, so many new and exciting PSers join everyday and I appreciate seeing that.



Jul 7, 2008
How did you come across this community?
I was on the oh-so-famous Google looking for stories (and having little success) on women that proposed to their boyfriends. A few threads popped up and I followed the "yellow brick road" here.
What made you join?
The fact that there was a lack of "women proposing" stories and I decided that I wanted to share my journey in detail in case there are some women looking for advice out there.
What kept you around?
All of the awesome people here. I thought that I would recieve quite a bit of criticism from the "traditionalists" at first but everyone welcomed me on with welcome e-arms. It''s also cool to know that there''s a lot of local ladies right in my hometown (well not really my "hometown" but my current city of residence).

Oh, and my new found love for colored stones, more particularly sapphires...I was strictly a "diamond girl" before

Great topic!


Jul 7, 2006
I stumbled on PS when I was looking for my upgrade. I''m still here because of you folks, some of whom I''ve had the pleasure to meet (you really need to try Eva''s lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting). Incidentally, I blame PS for starting me on coloured stones!


Apr 25, 2008
I found PS while suffering from a terrible case of LIW-itis. I''m still an LIW, but the symptoms have calmed significantly since I''ve been here.

I joined because the LIW board seemed like a great place to get some advice, and I love hearing other people''s stories.

I stayed because the continued support and advice on PS is a great tool for the LIW process and beyond.


Feb 5, 2002
I am SOOOO glad that this is such a positive maybe my imagination, but I sure haven''t come across much nastiness in the last week or so!! Maybe my head is in the proverbial wedding sand! lol

Much love,




Oct 21, 2007
I found PS while googling asscher diamonds. What an awesome place to learn about diamonds and jewelry of all kinds. The best part, for me, was meeting so many wonderful people who are willing to share and offer their support and encouragement to those who need it. After lurking for a bit, I finally found my dream ring and was able to post a photo of it and was immediately welcomed to PS by so many precious members.

It is a true pleasure reading the many posts and seeing the beautiful photos.......I look forward to checking in for a long time to come.



Feb 27, 2007

How did you come across this community? I bought a colorless, ideal cut AGS0 diamond and was devastated it looked dark in sunlight. I came home and starting searching online trying to make sure I wasn't ripped off. I found this site and it answered my questions - that was perfectly normal for an ideal cut diamond.

What made you join? I lurked for about a month then saw some negative comments about a store I like so I just wanted to chime in and say I'd had good experiences with them. I also stayed up that night taking and posting pictures of many of my gemstone rings.

What has kept you around? I love looking at jewelry and I love PS because so many people share the same passion I have for jewelry, diamonds and gemstones. I also have found some great cyber friends I really identify with - namely many in the HLT thread.

ETA: I posted this answer first then read through the thread. I too agree there are so many wonderful, caring and friendly people on this forum. I have learned a lot of things not only about diamonds and gems but about life. I would LOVE to meet so many of you someday.


May 15, 2005
I lurked forever---and think I joined because I wasn''t sure about my e-ring and wanted to learn more about diamonds :) Things haven''t changed much, have they?! But what I learned most, was how nice and diverse everyone is, and that we are all united in a love for a piece of coal :) :) (well, sorta).


Jul 18, 2007
I came across PS while searching the internet for pictures of Tacori rings; because my FI had just purchased mine and it was still being made. I needed a Tacori fix in the meantime! My Googling turned up Tacori-E-Ring''s post about her ring in SMTR. I spent weeks looking at the SMTR and celebrity ring threads, and just lurked.

Somebody posted an outrageous scenario in the LIW thread, and that made me unlurk. I had to respond; heck, I think everyone else here on this thread posted much the same thing. It was all "get the h-e-double l out of that relationship!". I don''t think she has even come back; we sort of surprised her with our vehemence, I guess.

I have enjoyed PS until recently. I am rethinking my involvement with this forum. PS has a tendency to be quite insular; and only some people seem ''allowed'' to express their opinion on the more ''intense'' threads without garnering rebukes that go on for pages and pages. I seem to be the current magnet for criticism; and while I know why, and make no apologies for my posts, it''s still not playing fair. Unfortunately, some people are so enamored of their own ability to ''put others in their place'', that they don''t see their own ugliness. And if you actually point this out to them, they just poop all over you again.

When we behave like this, we keep people from posting. That''s not what these threads are about. If we cannot have open and honest dialogue about the important stuff, we''ve failed each other in our attempts to understand, communicate, and foster a sense of community. It doesn''t just belong to a chosen few. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of us here on this forum; not the same 12-20 people who believe they are PS.

I''ve loved PS, and enjoyed being part of this community. But I''m beginning to feel that we aren''t the same welcoming and accepting place we used to be. And welcoming and accepting doesn''t mean we all have to agree on the same subjects, and have exactly the same values. Does it?


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 9/11/2008 1:14:35 AM
Author: HollyS
I came across PS while searching the internet for pictures of Tacori rings; because my FI had just purchased mine and it was still being made. I needed a Tacori fix in the meantime! My Googling turned up Tacori-E-Ring''s post about her ring in SMTR. I spent weeks looking at the SMTR and celebrity ring threads, and just lurked.

Somebody posted an outrageous scenario in the LIW thread, and that made me unlurk. I had to respond; heck, I think everyone else here on this thread posted much the same thing. It was all ''get the h-e-double l out of that relationship!''. I don''t think she has even come back; we sort of surprised her with our vehemence, I guess.

I have enjoyed PS until recently. I am rethinking my involvement with this forum. PS has a tendency to be quite insular; and only some people seem ''allowed'' to express their opinion on the more ''intense'' threads without garnering rebukes that go on for pages and pages. I seem to be the current magnet for criticism; and while I know why, and make no apologies for my posts, it''s still not playing fair. Unfortunately, some people are so enamored of their own ability to ''put others in their place'', that they don''t see their own ugliness. And if you actually point this out to them, they just poop all over you again.

When we behave like this, we keep people from posting. That''s not what these threads are about. If we cannot have open and honest dialogue about the important stuff, we''ve failed each other in our attempts to understand, communicate, and foster a sense of community. It doesn''t just belong to a chosen few. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of us here on this forum; not the same 12-20 people who believe they are PS.

I''ve loved PS, and enjoyed being part of this community. But I''m beginning to feel that we aren''t the same welcoming and accepting place we used to be. And welcoming and accepting doesn''t mean we all have to agree on the same subjects, and have exactly the same values. Does it?
Holly, do you want an answer to this, or are you asking rhetorically?


Jan 18, 2008
I can''t recall exactly how I came across PS - googling something to do with diamonds..
I had never been a member of any forum before, or blogged etc - infact, this is still the only forum I belong to..

I joined initially to get some info/advice, and to be 100% honest, thats where I thought it would end. But, even though I wasn''t familiar with forums, I knew there was something special about PS - it just seemed so well organized, with great advice and resources, and such friendly people posting.
I had made my attempts to learn a bit about diamonds in the past, and have always had a "thing" for jewellery, but PS really opened my eyes!

I quickly became enamoured with all the lovely posters putting up with my silly questions and "internet etiquette" blunders, and seeing long-time members answer everything so confidently, it made me want to learn more of what they knew, lol !
PS has since helped me with upgrading my ering to something 100 times more fabulous than we could''ve afforded without the info and help.
But, perhaps more importantly, it has become a favourite hobby of mine and is developing nicely into a passion !

I stick around because I find everyone and their discussions very interesting, I am challenged all the time with everything I don''t know
. Rarely a day or so goes by that I don''t learn *something* here, whether about gems or people, or more

I like to help other Aussie posters discover the exciting retail doors in the US that PS can open (yes, read enabler, lol)..
And of course, all the pretty pictures don''t hurt...


Jul 18, 2007
TGal, I don''t know that I do want a response. The last thing we need to do is start a hijack of this thread to discuss what I feel is ''wrong'' about PS, and whether I''m misguided or right on the mark. Page after page of that would be tedious indeed.

There is no fix to this problem. There are those so entrenched into the fabric of PS, that they will never be held to the same standard as others. One gal is always sarcastic, no matter the topic or mood of the thread, and that''s always okay with her minions. A couple more are so abrasive (to everyone) that many people are actually scared to join the ATW thread; they said so right here in this thread. Honest opinions are an excuse to heap abuse on the poster by the ''elect''. (And no, I''m not having a pity party; this has happened to many more posters than just myself.)

I''m certainly no one''s idea of a shrinking violet; not afraid of a good fight as long as it''s a clean one; and even I''m discouraged. I think I may just have to content myself with the inocuous threads about bling; usually no one''s ugly there. Oh wait. There was that hijack of Crooked Rock''s ring thread.
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