
Remember Me??

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Oct 28, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Just wondering if anyone remembers me on here?? I''d like to apologise for my VERY long absence, I will explain where I have been until now. As some of you may remember I''d been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost 8 years and was STILL waiting for a propsal. Some people on this board were very outspoken about this (and I took their comments on board) however, I did feel that some comments were getting very judgemental. I understand that many of my threads were not the happiest as I really did want to get engaged, but some posters were very quick to comment on my relationship which is a difficult thing to do when you don''t know a couple.

Anyway this isn''t a moan about the ladies on here as most of you are great and I used to love coming on to talk to you.

Right I''ll get to my point. In April this year I discovered I was pregnant! It was an accident but my boyfriend was over the moon (I was in shock!!) He was so, so happy and our relationship has gone from strength to strength. However, I was very worried about coming and telling you all on here as I knew that I might get some very negative reactions. The longer I didn''t post the harder it was for me to come back. I hope you can understand that?

Anyway, on Christmas Day my boyfriend proposed!!! It was really lovely, just the two of us on Christmas morning. It was such a surprise as I had put all my thought into the pregnancy and was not even thinking about getting engaged. I''m due in three days and feel so happy and lucky. I always knew he would do it, although I didn''t expect it to take so long...

Thank you for reading if you got this far!

x x x x x x x x x
Wow, CF, thanks for coming back to update us! We''ve been wondering how things have been going for you.

Congratulations on your engagement and pregnancy, and I hope you have a safe, easy delivery!
i''ve only joined recently so i don''t remember you.

firstly, congratulations!!

life doesn''t always go to plan, and sometimes you have to wait a really long time for it to work out.

looks like it has for you in the end!

best wishes

Congratulations and welcome back! I love to hear a happy ending.

Best of luck with the birth and enjoy your new little baby (and fiance)!
Congrats! Happy thoughts for an easy birth, and enjoy the little one and the fiancee!
Congratulations on both parts (baby and engagement)! Best of luck with both!!!
Congratulations, and good luck with your pregnancy!
Congratulations chocolate
that''s awesome, im so happy for you
i understand you might be busy at the mo (!!!
!!!) but would still love to see a pic of the ring

enjoy being enfianced and your soon-to-arrive little bundle!
I remember you! I was just a lurker back at the time you left, but the girls were looking for you!


ETA: many congratulations to you on your pregnancy and your engagement! Show us some pics!!!!!

Thank you for coming back to update us. Of course we remember you! We were all wondering where you were!

I''m so glad things worked out for you. Congratulations on your engagement and your baby.

I''m sure you have a lot going on right now, but we would love to see some pics of your ring (and the baby pump in Pregnant Ps''ers! )

Hey girl! Wow you HAVE had a lot going on! Congratulations on both milestones! What an amazing time of your life this is!

I do hope you stick around now that you''re back. I had been hoping you hadn''t left forever, it is so good to hear from you!
good lord chocolatefudge, i just looked back on your old thread...


boy, have you been through A LOT.

how did you ever find the strength to keep going under that kind of pressure??

can i just say, you are now my QUEEN OF PATIENCE.

I am SOOO happy for you, and a bit in awe.

I am 100% sure I wouldn''t have lasted in your situation. I would have bailed on my relationship long ago.

I have to really reign back my LIWtis after this.

I am suitably humbled
It is great to see you back CF. Congratulations on the baby and the engagement. Celebration time!!!
that''s very sweet! i''m so excited for the both of you, and happy for your budding family!
Congratulations on both counts!
OMG!!!! Congrats!!!!! I was on here long after everyone had been wondering what happened to you but I am so glad you posted. The elusive chocolatefudge :) May the three of you live a wonderful life together :)
Congrats on the baby and the engagement.
Aw CF, so good to hear from you! I''m glad that you are doing well and have so many exciting changes in your life! May the new year bring you much joy and happiness as your family grows and you plan to solidify your life together! XOXO!!! And stick around, will ya? You can hang out in the brides and mommy threads!
Congratulations on your engagement and impending new arrival, CF! I am thrilled for you. Wishing you lots of happiness!
Oh my, chocolatefudge!!! SO MANY wonderful things happening for you! I''m sad that you left, but I''m so glad you''ve come back to update us on your new family!!! Here''s some ***~~~***LABOR DUST!!!***~~~*** for everything to go smoothly when the little one joins the world! I hope you''ll post pictures soon, of the ring, and the new addition!!!
Congratulations to you on your engagement and upcoming birth! It''s so good to hear from you and I do hope you continue to stay on.
Congrats on all of your wonderful good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Chocolatefudge!

I''m sure you''ll have a lovely time in your wonderful new family!
Congrats on your engagement and the baby!!! That''s so awesome news!!! It''s good to hear from you again! I was a lurker back when you left but it''s good to know that you''re doing well!
As a long time lurker who definitely remembers your story. I''m so glad to hear that things are working out for
you two...........three.
Now that you have found your way back, don''t be a stranger.
Date: 12/27/2009 9:12:48 PM
Author: vc10um
Oh my, chocolatefudge!!! SO MANY wonderful things happening for you! I''m sad that you left, but I''m so glad you''ve come back to update us on your new family!!! Here''s some ***~~~***LABOR DUST!!!***~~~*** for everything to go smoothly when the little one joins the world! I hope you''ll post pictures soon, of the ring, and the new addition!!!
I''m thrilled for you.

My best friend was with her guy for 12 years before he proposed (I couldn''t have waited that long) but she was very patient and now they''re happily married with 2 children. Everyone''s experience in life is different - you hung on in there and things worked out
Thanks so much everyone, I''m touched that so many of you remember me! Unfortunately my ring won''t fit me at the moment as my pregnant fingers have swollen to twice their normal size! Will try and get some pics up soon.

x x x x x
Yay!! You''re back! I definitely remember you! I''m so glad things are going well for you...HUGE CONGRATS on EVERYTHING! ***Labor dust***
HI ChocolateFudge! I remember you also - since you and I were with our BFs for a LONG TIME!!! We were kind of in the same category.....

Congratulations on the baby and on your engagement! How exciting - I''m really happy for you! And, FWIW, don''t worry about anyone on this board judging you - it''s none of thier business quite frankly.

(PS - I got engaged too, Thanksgivign week. FINALLY. It was worth the 9 year wait! Everything happens for a reason and like I alwawys say - life is not a race!!!)
Aw congratulations Chocolatefudge! It''s great to hear such a happy story. Welcome back!
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