
remember me? I just got my ring guys

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Dec 1, 2004
hello everyone, I hope some of you remember me here, I posted a while back about diamonds...well I finally got mine. The former post was about size etc, and how I wanted a nice stone.... well.

the ring is beautiful, compared to others on here its a .30 ct, with a color of G, but the clarity is an I2. Some of you were right about the shane company. However I cannot blame my fiance he just didn''t know, and thought he was getting a good deal, they charged him around 600 or so for the entire ring. When I get a photo I''ll post it, it''s beautiful but I cannot help but feel mixed about the fact that shane company sold him an I2 diamond and when I showed it to a friend at work she didn''t comment on the diamond she said she liked my setting, she was wearing a whooping two ct diamond ha ha, I found that kinda funny but to me its beautiful. You can only see the flaws when you hold it up to the light and look side ways at it through the prongs, nothing major, my poor fiance said that the lady told him there were only two inclusions in the diamond. I did some research on I2 diamonds and when I found out that they were "bad", my heart was broken. But, its what my baby got me so I should be happy with it, and I am trying to be :) I clean it just about everyday and baby it, I am sure most of the gals do the same.

any thoughts or opinions on the diamond I got would be greatly appreciated....I feel a little disappointed.


Feb 8, 2003
Congratulations on your engagement! I hope you and your fiance have a long and happy lifetime together.

Regarding the ring. . .if you think it''s beautiful, who cares about the clarity rating as this isn''t as important as you liking the ring AND being with the man you love. If later in the future you decide to, you can always upgrade and make this diamond into a pendant for sentimentality. There are plenty of long-term options, but for now, enjoy your first ring for reasons much deeper than the diamond itself, but for what it represents: a gift from a man who loves you very much & wants to spend his life with you!


Oct 18, 2003
You should feel happy and excited to have found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with--your partner who obviously loves you very much and wanted to give you a beautiful ring as a sign of his committment to you. Please focus on that.

So you don't think I am a hypocrite, let me share a little something with you. Ten years ago when we got engaged, I got an engagement ring I loved from my husband. The diamond had no papers, no numbers, no nothing. but I was thrilled to have it and wore it proudly for 10 years. One day, a little over a year ago, I stumbled across Pscope and soon learned that my diamond was "shallow" with very poor "performance." It was/is also probably a slight "fish-eye" (horror of horrors!). Yes--there was no doubt--it was likely a big "loser" by the standards and God only knows if he got "ripped off" in terms of price. But at the time, he worked 3 jobs to get me a ring. We started our lives with literally nothing financially.

But you know what? All those years, it sparkled and received many compliments. It is beautiful and I love it still and wear it (I did reset it in platinum becasue that is my preference--original was YG, which was all we could afford). Yes, I upgraded last year, which is what led me here in the first place (search for diamond information) but I could never not love that original diamond, shallow cut and all. It's easy to come here and be blown away by "perfection" but this is a suspended universe of sorts and not the norm--believe me. I am so wrapped up in my jewelry but 99.9% of my friends and the people I know could care less. They get an enagagement ring, then a wedding band and forget about it, moving on with their lives and focussing on waaaay more important stuff.

I share this with you to help you focus on what this ring represents and not let numbers or diamond plots interrupt your joy. If diamonds are important to you (and that's ok!), then some day, for an anniversary, get another one that is more to your liking in terms of make/quality. But trust me--whatever future rings you might receive, the meaning and beauty of this original diamond can never be replaced or "upgraded." As for the girl at your work, she is rude. Any damond given in love is beautiful, as yours no doubt is, and anyone who cannot appreciate that and share in your happiness is a big L-O-S-E-R.

Congrats again on your engagement.


Sep 1, 2004
Jennifer - I second what you say. Hear hear.


Jan 4, 2005
Well said Jennifer! BlushingBride, I have a similar story to Jennifer''s, my hubby and I shopped together for my ring before I knew hardly anything about diamonds and before I found PS. I LOVE the rings we picked out. We are in the military and were at home on leave at the time we purchased them. I had to put them in the safe and spent many months without them in the Middle East, dreaming of them EVERYDAY!! Then I came home, put those babies back on, and found PS. It was then I realized that my diamond, a .75 princess cut G, VS1, with a deep pavillion was not "perfect" by ideal standards. There''s are a few flaws in it. At first I was kinda bummed, especially when I was seeing such "perfect" and beautiful rings posted on here. But everytime I look at it, I have to admit I feel such love for it. So much pride to be wearing something that my husband gave me with love, to wear for the rest of our lives. It sparkles like mad, I get TONS of compliments on it, and at the end of the day it may not be perfect or 3 carats or $20,000, but it''s MINE

My point is, I know you''re a little disappointed, but as Jennifer said, you can always upgrade for the future. If and when you do, put the original diamond someplace safe, treasure it, and remember how happy you were when your fiance popped the question with it! Also remember that your co-workers 2 carat ring doesn''t necessarily symbolize happiness: you can''t put a dollar amount or carat size on true love

Congratulations on your engagement!!!!!!!!


Apr 20, 2004
Jennifer, you are so wise.

Blushing Bride- You have every right to feel how you do. This place is awesome, and packed with good people and good info, but if you hang out here with any regularity, you will become totally delusional about ''average'' size of engagement diamonds. The Shane Co. is big-ish company, I wouldn''t be at all surprised if they had a trade in policy, if the I2 really bothers you. But I would love and cherish your ring, HE picked it out, and proposed with it. Get a nice blingy eternity or 5 stone ring to wear as your wedding ring.

When my husband and I got married, we couldn''t afford a diamond, even one of those frozen monkey spit diamonds from e-bay was too expensive.
No e-bay back then, though. Our plain gold bands were a stretch. So I didn''t get a diamond- but I got a husband, a wonderful one, who for the last 11 years has made me a happy, happy woman. A few years ago, I finally got my diamond- and it''s gorgeous, but for me, it''s just a piece of jewelry. We now have money, and lots of material things- but most importantly, we have a MARRIAGE, a good one, and many, many women who were proposed to with big ol'' honkers don''t.

The ring is a symbol of something much, much greater. Your union, the love you have for one another, is worth far more than ANY piece of carbon.


Jul 10, 2004
i had a white gold band to start.....................the rings mean nothing


Apr 17, 2003
BBTB, welcome to Pricescope!

I never even had a diamond when we got married.
But I got a kicked up one now
even though it took 12 1/2 years. I was like windowshopper, I had a gold band and a man, and guess what, I have the same husband 15 years later.

The ring is nothing but a symbol of your relationship. Remember the important things in life. It will make your marriage much stronger when the time comes.
Even without seeing it I can tell you it's beautiful because it was given with love. That's the most important thing.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 1/16/2005 11:20:19 PM
hello everyone, I hope some of you remember me here, I posted a while back about diamonds...well I finally got mine. The former post was about size etc, and how I wanted a nice stone.... well.

the ring is beautiful, compared to others on here its a .30 ct, with a color of G, but the clarity is an I2. Some of you were right about the shane company. However I cannot blame my fiance he just didn't know, and thought he was getting a good deal, they charged him around 600 or so for the entire ring. When I get a photo I'll post it, it's beautiful but I cannot help but feel mixed about the fact that shane company sold him an I2 diamond and when I showed it to a friend at work she didn't comment on the diamond she said she liked my setting, she was wearing a whooping two ct diamond ha ha, I found that kinda funny but to me its beautiful. You can only see the flaws when you hold it up to the light and look side ways at it through the prongs, nothing major, my poor fiance said that the lady told him there were only two inclusions in the diamond. I did some research on I2 diamonds and when I found out that they were 'bad', my heart was broken. But, its what my baby got me so I should be happy with it, and I am trying to be :) I clean it just about everyday and baby it, I am sure most of the gals do the same.

any thoughts or opinions on the diamond I got would be greatly appreciated....I feel a little disappointed.
Blushing Bride
who cares what others think.just remember... love comes first, money & diamonds will come later. with others, money & diamonds comes first and love never thats sad.


Oct 2, 2003
What I''m understanding from your post is two things: you yourself have mixed feelings about the ring, and you are disappointed with what others might think of it. You have to try and not care what other people think because it will probably drive you crazy, first of all. There''s always going to be someone with a bigger rock out there, you just have to enjoy your own.

You said that you think it''s beautiful and that it''s from the man you love. I think that''s lovely. You also probably should remember that he bought what he could afford. When you guys have a bit more money, if it still nags at you, then you could upgrade it. For now, enjoy it, enjoy being engaged, and enjoy the compliments that you do get on it, ignoring the other non-comments!



Dec 6, 2004
Congratulations on your''s not about the ring...its about the commitment you two share.....Enjoy these times together.......Make the most of all of your experiences and good times......that''s way more important than the size, color clarity of the ring!! What it STANDS for is what counts!!
Dec 13, 2004
There''s so much wisdom in the posted responses.

It sounds like your fiance loves you very much, and the ring will be a constant reminder of that. I think it''s especially sweet when a man selects a ring for his bride-to-be. So romantic!

Smiles, Mary


May 16, 2004
Sometimes ignorance is bliss! Had you not discovered pricescope how would you feel about your diamond? I knew nothing about diamonds when my DH and I got engaged, we chose what we thought was pretty and he could afford. We both felt proud and happy about the purchase and still do. I still remember shopping in a grocery store wearing my brand new ring when an older lady wearing what must have been a 3 carat honker passed me, patted my hand said "ooooh, pretty ring" and kept going. It''s not all about size and as far as inclusions go I''ll have to admit that even with all of my pricescope knowledge I am not very good at picking out inclusions.

Congratulations!! Wear that ring with the love it was given with and ingore the snobs! The size of your love and strength of your commitment has nothing to do with the size of the ring.


Oct 18, 2003
Date: 1/17/2005 1:16
3 AM
Author: MrsFrk
Jennifer, you are so wise.

Blushing Bride- You have every right to feel how you do. This place is awesome, and packed with good people and good info, but if you hang out here with any regularity, you will become totally delusional about ''average'' size of engagement diamonds. The Shane Co. is big-ish company, I wouldn''t be at all surprised if they had a trade in policy, if the I2 really bothers you. But I would love and cherish your ring, HE picked it out, and proposed with it. Get a nice blingy eternity or 5 stone ring to wear as your wedding ring.

When my husband and I got married, we couldn''t afford a diamond, even one of those frozen monkey spit diamonds from e-bay was too expensive.
No e-bay back then, though. Our plain gold bands were a stretch. So I didn''t get a diamond- but I got a husband, a wonderful one, who for the last 11 years has made me a happy, happy woman. A few years ago, I finally got my diamond- and it''s gorgeous, but for me, it''s just a piece of jewelry. We now have money, and lots of material things- but most importantly, we have a MARRIAGE, a good one, and many, many women who were proposed to with big ol'' honkers don''t.

The ring is a symbol of something much, much greater. Your union, the love you have for one another, is worth far more than ANY piece of carbon.
MrsFrk, I think my "wisdom" last night stemmed from the conversation I had had with a friend earlier in the day who was very depressed. She''s 45+ years old and after a string of bad relationships, has given up on finding a man, a partner (this is a woman who wants very very much to be married, have a family etc.--not all women want that--t''s okay to be 45 and not married--just to be clear!).

I tried to talk to her but I was probably of little help--she kept bringing up how lucky I was to have found that best friend, a partner and be still very much in love after 10 years. I am not qualified to speculate on why she hasn''t found happiness in a lasting realtionship--who knows--but the bottomline is that she is lonely and sad and almost constantly depresed about it...and who knows if someone will come along to fulfill her needs at this point. Maybe--my mom found the man of her dreams at 50 after a horrible divorce from my father...and 3 years into their marriage, my wonderful stepdad died suddenly of a stroke when he bent down to kiss her good morning one day. Really puts things I perspective huh?

So, when I read BlushingBride''s post, it just was so clear what is really important after the day I had.

I know it''s easy to say, BlushingBride, when we live in such a materialistic society and we''ve been indoctrinated to believe big diamonds = better love, but trust me--an ering suddenly devoid of the man giving it to you would instantly be nothing more than a worthless piece of glass. I think you--and all of us--know that but it''s easy to forget, especially in a place like this.


Dec 21, 2004
Try not to thing of inclusions as ''bad''. I had to break myself of that too. Some are undesirable, depending on the location and size, because they create points where the diamond could break. Others are just eye visible.

I like to think of inclusions as birthmarks of the diamond. It also makes it easier to identify your diamond. If I would have continued to think of inclusions as ''bad'' I would never have the diamond I do now. I have an I1 diamond and I am happy with it because the eye-visible inclusion could be hidden by a prong when set. Because I could accept this, I have a 2.19 carat, F color diamond. I never thought I could have a 2 carat, let alone a ''colorless'' range diamond, but because of my diamond''s "birthmark", I do.

If you can''t see the inclusions from the top, nobody else will either. Only YOU know they are there. I agree it was rude of your coworker to not comment on your ring as a whole, instead of just the setting. Yes, I now have a 2+ carat diamond, but I would never think to be that inconsiderate of someone''s feelings. Way back when, I started out with a smaller diamond too.


Sep 8, 2004
I met a lady last weekend whose ering diamond has a fairly large black inclusion visible in the middle of the table. Honestly, even with my PS eagle-eyes, I didn''t even notice it until she mentioned she and her hubby are saving up for an upgrade and she pointed it out. She didn''t notice it either until she was inspecting her diamond with a magnifying glass about a month after he proposed (LOL!). Also, my ering diamond is uncertified, bought by my wonderful fiance because it was the "prettiest one" he saw, not because of numbers, or L-W ratio, or anything! Even though my PS education screams at me about getting an uncertified diamond, it is the most beautiful and meaningful piece of jewelry that I could ever have wished for! He spent so much time and energy choosing a ring that he loved and could be proud of giving to me, and that completely outweighs everything else!

My point? You love your ring, you think it''s beautiful, he loves it and gave it to you because he loves you! Don''t let the numbers or anybody else''s honking rings get in the way of that!! Enjoy!!!!!!! And post pictures!!


Nov 2, 2003
Now, listen up --
YOU, yourself, said that the inclusions can not be seen without major close-up scrutiny, of which NO ONE but you will be doing. DON''T think that others think your diamond not worthy now that you know it is I2 -- NO ONE else knows it is I2, nor do they care, NOR do most people even know a fraction of all the stuff we, PSers, here know!!!

I MUST tell you that the others posts in regards to ignorance being bliss is SO true. I DREAMED of the major rock for 14 years. Finally, I got the upgrade to my 3.29. I thought I died and went to heaven. It was, to me, the most spectacular diamond and HUGE. VERY pretty. Sure, I knew it was an SI2, H (probably more like I) color, but it was BIG and sparkly and made an impressive "showing". THEN I found PS! I guess it is a blessing AND a curse! After I discovered that my stone''s table is a little larger than "desired", it totally soured me on my stone. And then the clarity and the color began to bother me, too. Oh yeah, and the fact it isn''t a H & A, etc.

My DH said that prior to my knowing all this, I was in love with that diamond. And you know what -- he is RIGHT.
Don''t let that I2 be a head trip for you. I''m sure your ring is gorgeous and I, personally, cannot wait to see it. The place it was purchased has lovely settings and I''m sure it is a treasure.


Jan 13, 2005
Honey, all that matters is that you have a wonderful fiance, a man who loves you enough to go searching for a beautiful ring to put on your finger, a ring that signifies the promise of a beautiful life together. The ring could be made of plastic, really...all that matters is the meaning behind it.

I''m not engaged yet, so I''ll tell you the story of my parents...when they got married, my mother got her yellow gold band and wore it with absolute pride for several years. No diamonds, just gold. It wasn''t until several years later, when my mother miscarried the first pregnancy she and my father achieved, that my father took her ring while she was in surgery and had a small pear-shaped diamond placed on it! Many years later, when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, my father bought her an anniversary band with tiny round diamonds halfway around it when she began chemotherapy. When she finished the chemotherapy, he bought her an anniversary band that exactly matched the first, so she then had an anniversary band to wear on either side of her wedding ring. This is the wedding set she wears today, 13 years later (and yes, she is healthy and cancer free, thank God.)

I think their story is a good example of how diamonds don''t have to be perfect to have great stories and meanings behind them. None of my mother''s diamonds are perfect, in fact I think her pear is probably SI2-3 and H-I in color, and the stones on her anniversary bands aren''t the whitest I''ve ever seen; what makes them perfect for her and my father is the story they tell. I look forward to wearing these "imperfect" diamonds some day, because their meaning is so much deeper than what meets the eye, and they signify the incredible love that my parents share, the same love that they passed on to me.

BlushingBride, many congratulations on your engagement!!! Wear your ring with pride, and always remember the love with which it was given to you.


Nov 2, 2003
Absolutely beautiful and touching story -- thank you for sharing that with us and reminding us what is really important.


Apr 17, 2003
I''m such a sucker for inspirational threads.
Here''s another one that will take your breath away: Rocksteady


Jan 13, 2005
I''m glad you enjoyed my story. :)

OMG, I stumbled across Rocksteady''s story a few days literally knocked the breath out of me. Remember to keep Mrs. Rocksteady in your prayers.


Jan 29, 2005
Date: 1/16/2005 11:20:19 PM
hello everyone, I hope some of you remember me here, I posted a while back about diamonds...well I finally got mine. The former post was about size etc, and how I wanted a nice stone.... well.

the ring is beautiful, compared to others on here its a .30 ct, with a color of G, but the clarity is an I2. Some of you were right about the shane company. However I cannot blame my fiance he just didn''t know, and thought he was getting a good deal, they charged him around 600 or so for the entire ring. When I get a photo I''ll post it, it''s beautiful but I cannot help but feel mixed about the fact that shane company sold him an I2 diamond and when I showed it to a friend at work she didn''t comment on the diamond she said she liked my setting, she was wearing a whooping two ct diamond ha ha, I found that kinda funny but to me its beautiful. You can only see the flaws when you hold it up to the light and look side ways at it through the prongs, nothing major, my poor fiance said that the lady told him there were only two inclusions in the diamond. I did some research on I2 diamonds and when I found out that they were ''bad'', my heart was broken. But, its what my baby got me so I should be happy with it, and I am trying to be :) I clean it just about everyday and baby it, I am sure most of the gals do the same.

any thoughts or opinions on the diamond I got would be greatly appreciated....I feel a little disappointed.
I am so glad to have found this post. I am disappointed too, a month after my engagement. My diamond is SI3 clarity, and "the problem with the SI3 today is that GIA, the largest and most widely accepted Gem Laboratory in the world, does not recognize SI3 grades." So what does that mean? I noticed a few days ago that it has a huge black speck in it. I was furiously trying to clean it and my fiance was acting all nervous, and kept trying to make me stop. I was like, it''s dirty, and he said, well, it might not be. So I said, this is stuck in there? And he kept trying to change the subject. I felt kind of down, which surprised me b/c I''m not really materialistic at all. I am now afraid he got ripped off, b/c he went through a broker. I have the appraisal from a jeweler out of state...
And it''s an H color grade, but it looks pretty clear to me! It''s a .72 carat which is big enough for me. But this stupid inclusion is glaring at me every time I look at the ring......
I know it doesn''t matter, and I know love is what matters, but what if you are not happy w/ the ring?? Should I just live w/ it and get it changed later? I think I hurt his feelings a little b/c I kept staring at it and it was really bugging me....I feel bad.........


Jan 29, 2005
HOUMedgal, thank you so much for that touching story. It makes me realize I''m being shallow for worrying about the large black speck in my diamond......


Nov 15, 2004
I have been meaning to post on this thread but have never got around to it, partly because I wanted to say something that was particularly meaningful or helpful to you gals, but I will just tell my story-

My wonderful FI propsed with a gorgeous ring, and it was the most romantic evening EVER. And I LOVED the ring. We had gone ring shopping, and it was the exact style I wanted, and way beyond my expectations in size. (I had been obsessed about researching the ring, and FI finally said it was really important to him that he do the final selection of the setting and stones, so that it would be a gift from him, not ''something I picked out.'')

I had come across PS before my engagement, but never actually got into PS until AFTER he proposed. Then - I read all about all the crazy details of percentages and angles etc... etc.. I became OBSESSED with my ring, comparing the GIA specs of my .82ct F SI2 RB with the ''ideal'' proportions and OH MY GOODNESS (I almost had a heart attack, believe me) my stone was most definitely NOT ideal cut. I have to admit, I was crushed.
I started going nuts (and driving my FI nuts, poor guy, he put up w/a lot of my anxieties) about the diamond and shared really honestly with him that all this ''stuff'' I had learned about diamonds really made me feel badly about mine... like you gals I worried he may have paid too much for it, that he could have gotten a H&A online for the same price, all that kind of thing. (Although I don''t know how much FI spent on the ring, and I don''t want to know)

To add to all of this, I found the two side stones were loose after only a few days of wearing it, and this freaked me out beyond reason. I had it fixed at a local jeweler, but it made me really suspicious of the jeweler my FI had originally purchased from.

After obsessing about this for about a month or two, and spending a lot of time talking (and crying too, I must admit) to my dear, dear, wonderful FI about the issue, how I felt really guilty for feeling the way I did, and felt really materialistic and selfish. Finally he said to me, "I know it''s not the perfect ring, but it''s the ring I chose for you, and you can either decide to love it, or not. We''re not perfect, we don''t have a perfect relationship, and that''s okay with me, just like this ring isn''t perfect. It doesn''t mean I don''t love you enough to buy the ''perfect'' diamond, I simply can''t afford it right now. I know you love jewelry, and I''m sure I will get you more in our lifetime, and you will outgrow this ring, but I want you to love this ring for what it is. And besides, I think it''s done it''s job, which is basically to impress all your family and girlfriends (which it pretty much has) and scare all your guy friends (which it most definitely has)."

And so I made the decision to love my ring! And I do! And I feel MUCH MUCH better about it now. I''m not saying this is the solution for everyone, but it has worked for me. Also, I think sharing very honestly with my FI about it has only strengthened our relationship, and has only been a good thing.

I don''t know if this helps, but I hope it does, somehow!! Congrats! and Best of luck to you and anyone else out there that''s silently worrying about the same thing, I was there too! I absolutely LOVE the bling-age on PS, it makes me sublimely happy to see everyones gorgeous jewelry, but I find I always need to do a reality check and remember that the average ering in the US is only about a third of a carat!!
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