
Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Adde

Re: Refund Problems

Another update: Still no responses from Yosef, and the "Luxe" numbers go nowhere, but his cell phone message has changed. Now it says he'll be "out of the office" until the 29th, which means he had to go into his voicemail system to change it and would have gotten all of my messages. I've talked with an attorney in LA (and actually am one myself), and I've done all the research I think I can do, and in my gut I really have a sinking feeling that I'm never going to see this money again. I can't express how mad and frustrated I am. I had the call with Leon the same day that I wired the money, and based on his advice had a serious conversation with my future fiance, and then called Yosef to call off the deal--literally the same day, which is now over a month ago! I'm pursuing several courses of action, but the reality is really hitting me this morning that my money is very likely gone forever. :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad
Re: Refund Problems

I really, really, really hope you are able to get your money back. I'm so sorry this happened to you and that you had the unfortunate luck to run into this SLIMEBALL of a person. You are very fortunate that you are able to still get your fiance to be a beautiful ring in spit of losing this money. Best wishes to you in getting your money back and with your fiance for a wonderful life together!
Re: Refund Problems

Hmmm...this might sound silly, but anything is probably worth a shot at this point in time. Have you tried calling him with another number besides your own? Borrowing a friend's phone? Perhaps he's blocked you off his phone so that whenever you call it goes straight to voice mail...Might not work, but give it a try.
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308765455|2952101 said:
Another update: Still no responses from Yosef, and the "Luxe" numbers go nowhere, but his cell phone message has changed. Now it says he'll be "out of the office" until the 29th, which means he had to go into his voicemail system to change it and would have gotten all of my messages. I've talked with an attorney in LA (and actually am one myself), and I've done all the research I think I can do, and in my gut I really have a sinking feeling that I'm never going to see this money again. I can't express how mad and frustrated I am. I had the call with Leon the same day that I wired the money, and based on his advice had a serious conversation with my future fiance, and then called Yosef to call off the deal--literally the same day, which is now over a month ago! I'm pursuing several courses of action, but the reality is really hitting me this morning that my money is very likely gone forever. :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad

That is a sickening thought, but if it turns out to be the case, someone needs to go to jail for stealing your money!!!
Re: Refund Problems

diamondseeker2006|1308765996|2952111 said:
dmd4ever|1308765455|2952101 said:
Another update: Still no responses from Yosef, and the "Luxe" numbers go nowhere, but his cell phone message has changed. Now it says he'll be "out of the office" until the 29th, which means he had to go into his voicemail system to change it and would have gotten all of my messages. I've talked with an attorney in LA (and actually am one myself), and I've done all the research I think I can do, and in my gut I really have a sinking feeling that I'm never going to see this money again. I can't express how mad and frustrated I am. I had the call with Leon the same day that I wired the money, and based on his advice had a serious conversation with my future fiance, and then called Yosef to call off the deal--literally the same day, which is now over a month ago! I'm pursuing several courses of action, but the reality is really hitting me this morning that my money is very likely gone forever. :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad

That is a sickening thought, but if it turns out to be the case, someone needs to go to jail for stealing your money!!!

Yes, this is horrible and goes down I think as the worst experience by a consumer that we have ever seen on PS :blackeye: I am so so sorry!
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308765455|2952101 said:
Another update: Still no responses from Yosef, and the "Luxe" numbers go nowhere, but his cell phone message has changed. Now it says he'll be "out of the office" until the 29th, which means he had to go into his voicemail system to change it and would have gotten all of my messages. I've talked with an attorney in LA (and actually am one myself), and I've done all the research I think I can do, and in my gut I really have a sinking feeling that I'm never going to see this money again. I can't express how mad and frustrated I am. I had the call with Leon the same day that I wired the money, and based on his advice had a serious conversation with my future fiance, and then called Yosef to call off the deal--literally the same day, which is now over a month ago! I'm pursuing several courses of action, but the reality is really hitting me this morning that my money is very likely gone forever. :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad :angryfire: :(sad

No no no!!! Please don't think like this. Don't give up yet.
Re: Refund Problems

dmd, since you said it was okay if we tried to call, I called the "corporate number" on the website and got through! Yosef himself answered and said he is in Belgium until June 29th. He said you will be getting your money back, but he kept insisting on the 60-90 day window. I told him that there is a lot of bad publicity on Pricescope right now because of him being MIA and not answering your calls or e-mails. This is what Yosef told me: he said he can't agree to the bank initiated wire reversal because "he is not getting the entire amount of money back...there is a re-stocking fee." He said you will get a check back after the 60-90 days. I said that sounded like BS, but that's what he kept saying. I told him I hope he is being honest and that he will do the right thing.

I hope this was okay to do. Maybe this will light a fire under his butt. :angryfire:
Re: Refund Problems

Laila619|1308775117|2952260 said:
dmd, since you said it was okay if we tried to call, I called the "corporate number" on the website and got through! Yosef himself answered and said he is in Belgium until June 29th. He said you will be getting your money back, but he kept insisting on the 60-90 day window. I told him that there is a lot of bad publicity on Pricescope right now because of him being MIA and not answering your calls or e-mails. This is what Yosef told me: he said he can't agree to the bank initiated wire reversal because "he is not getting the entire amount of money back...there is a re-stocking fee." He said you will get a check back after the 60-90 days. I said that sounded like BS, but that's what he kept saying. I told him I hope he is being honest and that he will do the right thing.

I hope this was okay to do. Maybe this will light a fire under his butt. :angryfire:

Finally! Kudos to you Laila619! :) Hopefully this will bring the OP a little closer to getting his money back!
Re: Refund Problems

Verdy said:
Hmmm...this might sound silly, but anything is probably worth a shot at this point in time. Have you tried calling him with another number besides your own? Borrowing a friend's phone? Perhaps he's blocked you off his phone so that whenever you call it goes straight to voice mail...Might not work, but give it a try.

Good thought! I've tried various numbers here, but they all have Portland area codes, and I'm sure he knows my DC cell phone number by now.

Laila619|1308772171|2952218 said:
No no no!!! Please don't think like this. Don't give up yet.

I haven't given up!!! I'm not feeling confident, but I'll fight this out to the end!!! My friends could tell you that there's a reason I chose a litigation career path! I'm pursuing multiple approaches (one of which involves an attorney), and if he has the money, I'll get it eventually, that I can guarantee you. Even if I have to spend most of the money to get it back, if that makes sense?

Also, to clarify the criminal point. This could become criminal in the eyes of the law eventually, it's just that the police view it as a civil dispute at the moment (i.e., a disagreement about *when* he will refund money). Because I have no money and no diamond, this could be a fraud case, and that's not something he can get around via bankruptcy, although again, if he doesn't have the money, he can't give it back...
Re: Refund Problems

I would absolutely insist on no restocking fee. If he never had to pay a fee to obtain it then there is no way you should have to reimburse him for that fee. By him not charging you a restocking fee, would certain buy that amount of goodwill on this site alone. Hopefully he will do the honorable thing, reimburse you 100% of your money and you both can come back to PS and write it off as a misunderstanding and that he has corrected any wrongs.

Good luck!
Re: Refund Problems

Laila619|1308775117|2952260 said:
dmd, since you said it was okay if we tried to call, I called the "corporate number" on the website and got through! Yosef himself answered and said he is in Belgium until June 29th. He said you will be getting your money back, but he kept insisting on the 60-90 day window. I told him that there is a lot of bad publicity on Pricescope right now because of him being MIA and not answering your calls or e-mails. This is what Yosef told me: he said he can't agree to the bank initiated wire reversal because "he is not getting the entire amount of money back...there is a re-stocking fee." He said you will get a check back after the 60-90 days. I said that sounded like BS, but that's what he kept saying. I told him I hope he is being honest and that he will do the right thing.

I hope this was okay to do. Maybe this will light a fire under his butt. :angryfire:

You're my hero! Thank you so much for doing that. I actually just responded to Verdy's comment about calling from another number and now see that you've already done it on my behalf :)

I find it interesting that he was willing to give more information to a complete stranger on the phone than he would to me, as some of these assertions have not even been made in an email to me. He simply hasn't responded at all (email or phone) since I suggested the wire recall, and it seems like if the reason was a restocking fee, he could have simply emailed and said, "no can do because there's a restocking fee." He DID NOT DO THAT. No communication whatsoever. Nor has he ever said anything about a restocking fee in any of our conversations. Nor has he ever indicated that I am not getting a full refund. When I look at his website, it says 10% restocking fee for an exchange, 20% for a refund, but in any case, I never had a stone! I called him the very same day I wired the money and said, hold on, don't do anything, I don't think I want to do this! And he said no problem! He did say he could find a different stone, but never mentioned that me agreeing to that would affect my refund. I wonder how much of a fee he intends to withhold, assuming he actually intends to refund my money at all. And I agree this nebulous 60-90 days makes no sense. Citibank (his bank) did not seem to understand what he's saying, nor did my bank, and nor did any other vendor I called, including Blue Nile, which he told me was an example of someone with a similar policy. This is so ridiculous!!! The fact that he picked up the phone and talked to you makes me even more mad, but I'm grateful that you did it. Thanks again, everyone.
Re: Refund Problems

MxMom|1308776806|2952273 said:
I would absolutely insist on no restocking fee. If he never had to pay a fee to obtain it then there is no way you should have to reimburse him for that fee. By him not charging you a restocking fee, would certain buy that amount of goodwill on this site alone. Hopefully he will do the honorable thing, reimburse you 100% of your money and you both can come back to PS and write it off as a misunderstanding and that he has corrected any wrongs.

Good luck!

I'm not sure if he paid a fee or not. The stone was allegedly in Belgium and he told me that he would send money to Belgium once I sent him my money, but after I sent it, he said that actually he had already requested the stone and had an invoice, which was news to me. I actually felt bad and offered to cover any costs he had in sending back the stone and the wire fees, etc. in refunding my money as he had been very helpful up to that point and I had simply changed my mind. But he never commented on my offer. If that is the amount he is referring to (and assuming it's an honest amount), then perhaps that is ok, but waiting 60-90 days is NOT ok, and after the way I've been treated, especially the failure to communicate, I feel that a full refund is warranted. Also, when he first said it might take a couple of weeks to get my money back, I said ok to that as well in the spirit of cooperation. It was only when he started saying 60-90 days that the red flags really went up.

To summarize, I was voluntarily ready to wait 2-3 weeks for a refund and suggested myself that I pay him for any out of pocket expenses he incurred on my behalf. Had he done that, I would have been here giving him a glowing review for his efforts and understanding. And for those who have been following this thread, you will recall (and some gave me angst) that I DID NOT REVEAL HIS IDENTITY UNTIL HE QUIT RESPONDING TO ME!
Re: Refund Problems

I just sent the guy an email stating that I was interested in a 2carat diamond and settng in platinum...let's see if he responds.
Re: Refund Problems

Restocking fee?!! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! What's he restocking?!?
Re: Refund Problems

athenaworth|1308785519|2952358 said:
Restocking fee?!! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! What's he restocking?!?

His excuses, maybe.
Re: Refund Problems

One of the worst vendors out there - I hope he realises how much more money he will lose through the spread of words from this forum. If he had any commercial sense he would refund the money now and "explain" to people here what had happened.

EDIT: also sent him an email noting a "keen" consumer is looking to purchase a 1.7-1.9ct stone + ring. Let's see if he is really MIA :angryfire:

EDIT 2: I would ask the mod to change the topic to make his company name STAND OUT. He deserves all the publicity....
Re: Refund Problems

RayEarth|1308789930|2952428 said:
One of the worst vendors out there - I hope he realises how much more money he will lose through the spread of words from this forum. If he had any commercial sense he would refund the money now and "explain" to people here what had happened.

He's posted here before. If he doesn't want to talk to me, he should at least be thinking about talking to everyone who has read or may read this forum. This is by far the most informed and helpful forum I've found online for prospective diamond consumers.

I emailed and left another voicemail today telling him that I need to hear from him and that while I have talked with an attorney, I'd rather him give me a reason to resolve this without both of us spending thousands of dollars in fees and court costs. Also mentioned the restocking fee issue, although to be clear this is never something he's mentioned to me, so I really have no idea what he intendes to charge or not charge, and that's assuming that he even intends to refund any of my money, which I am still skeptical about considering that I have yet to receive any response or acknowledgement from him regarding the wire recall.
Re: Refund Problems

This could be a ploy to buy him more time to vanish before you report him to the authorities.
I would not wait.

Restocking fee on what was never sent?

YOU should be charging HIM a restocking fee for the time and hassle of getting back YOUR merchandise . . . $20,000! :angryfire:
Then another huge Butthead Fee!
Re: Refund Problems

I think he's just pulling excuses out of hat at this point. I find it hard to believe that any vendor in his/her right mind would charge a restocking fee if the stone never even left their possession. He kept the diamond and your money, refusing to answer any of your questions. What would he be in Belgium in for, anyhow? If it had been an emergency, he should have said so. None of this is making sense, he's just going around in circles at this point. How could he give information to a stranger but not even bother to give you a call? :nono:
Re: Refund Problems

I find it rather difficult to believe that a jeweller is going to pull a vanishing act over $20k... it's a lot of money for an individual, but for a business - well, not so much! To destroy one's professional reputation over 20k... how utterly bizarre.

dmd - Huge Butthead fee is just about right :nono: :nono: Do consider contacting the mods about changing the title of this thread to name the vendor, I think only good can come of that.

I do think other people should stop contacting him for the purpose of pushing dmd's cause. No point in giving him cause to begin a harassment case of some sort and blame dmd for it... yeah, I wouldn't get it either, but cornered animals sometimes do manage to pull off some very stupid and dangerous tricks to free themselves.
Re: Refund Problems

Yssie|1308807710|2952670 said:
I find it rather difficult to believe that a jeweller is going to pull a vanishing act over $20k... it's a lot of money for an individual, but for a business - well, not so much! To destroy one's professional reputation over 20k... how utterly bizarre.

dmd - Huge Butthead fee is just about right :nono: :nono: Do consider contacting the mods about changing the title of this thread to name the vendor, I think only good can come of that.

I do think other people should stop contacting him for the purpose of pushing dmd's cause. No point in giving him cause to begin a harassment case of some sort and blame dmd for it... yeah, I wouldn't get it either, but cornered animals sometimes do manage to pull off some very stupid and dangerous tricks to free themselves.

Yssie, totally agree with your logic, but can't figure out why he'd act the way he is if he was legit either, know what I mean? Without any communication from him, I don't feel comfortable waiting to see what he decides to do or not do. I asked him for the name of someone at Citibank to back up his 60-90 day excuse with no reply. Asked him if the recall was acceptable. No reply. Told him I need to hear from him or else I don't know what to do except pursue legal remedies. No response whatsoever...

How do I contact the mods? I agree with your idea, but don't know how to make it happen.

As for other people contacting him, I agree that it can only make things worse at this point. I very much appreciate Laila619 calling because I have been unable to get him on the phone, perhaps because he recognizes the numbers I'm calling from. But thanks everyone else for the support!!!
Re: Refund Problems

dmd4ever|1308810528|2952689 said:
Yssie|1308807710|2952670 said:
I find it rather difficult to believe that a jeweller is going to pull a vanishing act over $20k... it's a lot of money for an individual, but for a business - well, not so much! To destroy one's professional reputation over 20k... how utterly bizarre.

dmd - Huge Butthead fee is just about right :nono: :nono: Do consider contacting the mods about changing the title of this thread to name the vendor, I think only good can come of that.

I do think other people should stop contacting him for the purpose of pushing dmd's cause. No point in giving him cause to begin a harassment case of some sort and blame dmd for it... yeah, I wouldn't get it either, but cornered animals sometimes do manage to pull off some very stupid and dangerous tricks to free themselves.

Yssie, totally agree with your logic, but can't figure out why he'd act the way he is if he was legit either, know what I mean? Without any communication from him, I don't feel comfortable waiting to see what he decides to do or not do. I asked him for the name of someone at Citibank to back up his 60-90 day excuse with no reply. Asked him if the recall was acceptable. No reply. Told him I need to hear from him or else I don't know what to do except pursue legal remedies. No response whatsoever...

How do I contact the mods? I agree with your idea, but don't know how to make it happen.

As for other people contacting him, I agree that it can only make things worse at this point. I very much appreciate Laila619 calling because I have been unable to get him on the phone, perhaps because he recognizes the numbers I'm calling from. But thanks everyone else for the support!!!

I understand... it's baffling, and I'm not coming up with any reasonable or rational explanations for the behaviour you describe. Actually, I must say I admire your restraint and your levelheaded approach to this - I know I'd most likely have given in to the urge to fly down and throw an in-person tantrum well before now!

Despite the overt lack of tradeperson participation in this thread I am very sure that all and sundry have been following closely, and are taking notes re. how never to treat a customer. Not that it would require much more than some common sense and some courtesy, mind..

Contact the mods by hitting the "report concern!" button in grey at the top R of your original post, beside "post reply" and "quote".
Re: Refund Problems

The possibility of bankruptcy is concerning. I don't know bankruptcy laws but is it possible for his lawyer to advise him not to make contact because it can inpign on his best interests in the case of bankruptcy?

I sincerely hope this isn't the case because if he is getting ready to declare bankruptcy, he has a lot more creditors than you. How the courts work that out hardly seem fair or equitable to the creditors involved.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

This probably doesn't make you more comfortable, but it's public information.

Adde Enterprises, Inc.
Adde Enterprises, Inc. was a corporation registered in the state of California.

It was a domestic corporation, meaning it was formed, as well as registered, in California. Its articles of incorporation were filed on March 24, 2006.

All of Adde Enterprises, Inc.'s powers, rights and privileges in the State of California have been suspended. This could have happened because they failed to file a return and/or pay taxes to the California Franchise Tax Board, or because they failed to make certain informational filings with the California Secretary of State. The specific reason for this suspension can be found by ordering a status report from the Secretary of State.

Adde Enterprises, Inc. was a for-profit entity.

Read more:

A little more background on yosef:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

MxMom|1308849400|2953025 said:
This probably doesn't make you more comfortable, but it's public information.

Adde Enterprises, Inc.
Adde Enterprises, Inc. was a corporation registered in the state of California.

It was a domestic corporation, meaning it was formed, as well as registered, in California. Its articles of incorporation were filed on March 24, 2006.

All of Adde Enterprises, Inc.'s powers, rights and privileges in the State of California have been suspended. This could have happened because they failed to file a return and/or pay taxes to the California Franchise Tax Board, or because they failed to make certain informational filings with the California Secretary of State. The specific reason for this suspension can be found by ordering a status report from the Secretary of State.

Adde Enterprises, Inc. was a for-profit entity.

Read more:

A little more background on yosef:

Thanks, MxMom. I did come across that information, and I believe that Yosef ran Adylon under the umbrella of Adde Enterprises, Inc., which was identified as his business name in his Bankcruptcy filing in 2009 (discharged in 2010). This is also public record in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, Case No. 2:09-BK-34836 (all public). I suspect that this bankruptcy was the impetus for the suspension. This corporate alter ego was also the named in defendant in a civil lawsuit brought by Bank of America during the same time period in the LA Superior Court. Adylon seems to have been a legitimate store, but my concern is that Luxe/D3Luxe/Etc. has an address that is shared with numerous small vendors in the diamond district and may be a very small venture with limited assets. In any case, if I never get a refund then that begins to sounds more like fraud, and I'm not convinced that could be discharged through another bankruptcy proceeding. Thanks for the research!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Give him some more bad press at :angryfire:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

I have been following this thread, and wanted to say how sorry I am that you are going through this, and that I admire your class and restraint in dealing with this man.

I do have a question that goes to payment method and might help those in the future, as you never know when a transaction even with an established vendor can go bad.

Is there any protection at all for the buyer when using a cash wire transfer?
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

ruby59|1308854368|2953105 said:
Is there any protection at all for the buyer when using a cash wire transfer?

Based on my experiences thus far, I'd say no. I knew this was a risk, but (obviously incorrectly) thought I had done sufficient homework in this instance. The FTC, for example, has warned consumers about the risks of paying by wire: