
Reflections/environmental factors - Thinking out loud, please advise if you can :)


Sep 17, 2020
Hi all! I received my new ACA upgrade (1.04ct) from whiteflash yesterday and as soon as I saw it I loved it! The size is perfect, it is definielty sparkly and whiter but last night I noticed something I was not expecting and now I can't stop thinking about it.

I was sitting at my laptop, and later on the couch, wearing my favourite big fluffy robe which happens to be black. I love wearing dark colours, and have dark hair. I never noticed this is my old ACA (0.71ct) buy my diamond looked so dark, with some areas looking black. It wasnt just that the arrows looked darker, but also some other areas and even around a couple of thr prongs. Its so hard to explain and even harder to photograph, but there are parts of the diamond especially on the lower portion where I am assuming my robe was reflecting back at me.

I dont really know exactly how I feel about this. I know that logically it is probably just a reflection but as this is a new experience I have to admit it does freak me out a bit because my biggest fear has always been darkness. My old ACA would slightly react to its surroundings, I remember once sitting in my daughters room and her bright pink bed covers made my diamond give off i light pink hue. I loved that, but these black reflections, I don't like :(

I am obsessed with how it looks in natural light, in the car, in the shade, in every setting except the one place I tend to stare at my ring and day dream which is in front of my laptop wrapped up in my robe.

I havent really told anyone about this yet because I really dont know how I feel and I don't want to freak out if this is just a normal part of a diamond this size. But if there is something that I am missing? Something I didn't consider given that I wear dark clothing 90% of the time?

I guess my question is, do all diamonds reflect black objects in their environment in the same way or do some reflect them in a less prounounced way? Is what I'm seeing purely a result of the larger facets giving off larger reflections than I am used to? Would love to hear what you guys think! @Garry H (Cut Nut) you have always been great at explaining these effects so I would love to hear your thoughts on this if you are around.

Edited to add: I forgot to mention that we have LED downlight in our home so I definitly think that they diamond is showing a lot of fire at the same time that these refelcitons are happening. Not sure if that changes anything!
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I managed to take a picture that is kind of showing what I am talking about but not sure if this will be obvious to anyone else. The more I look at it the more it is bothering me :( The photos are definitly not showing it as well as I am seeing it in real life but maybe its enough to get some input from someone who might know what I mean.

I copied the photo to show it with and without the markers of where I am seeing the black areas, any thoughts?

And please excuse my extremely dry hands!!!

Your new ring is beautiful! A diamond is really like a ball of mirrors and the facets will reflect whatever color it picks up. This includes clothing and wall paint too! The larger the diamond, the more apparent this can be. It is not uncommon to want a diamond to look 'the same' all of the time, but if that were the case, we wouldn't get the flashes from those facets. All this to say that yes, what you are seeing is perfectly normal. Different diamonds can behave in different ways and the larger you go, the more pronounced these differences can be. Your diamond will change looks too as you move from one lighting environment to the other and I am sure you have experienced that with your last diamond too. Worries aside - enjoy that gorgeous new diamond!!
Perhaps a bit more obstruction than your smaller diamond in combination with the increase in size making it more visible?
The larger diamond has proportionately larger facets so the areas that mirror/reflect your dark robe are proportionately larger and thus more obviously visible to your eye (as compared with your smaller diamond which had proportionately smaller facets so the mirror/reflections of your dark robe were proportionately smaller and less obtrusively visible to your eye).

I think, glory in your larger diamond most of the time, and the times it is reflecting dark colors, think, gosh this diamond is SO LARGE it reflects all the things wow!
Nothing's wrong.
It's like wearing black and seeing that same black in a mirror.

Diamonds are little boxes of facets that can either reflect what they "see" back to your eyes, a good thing ... or let light leak out the bottom (aka windowing), a bad thing.

Switch to clothes covered with many tiny LED lights.
Then instead of your ACA showing you black (doing its job correctly) it will break up the tiny light sources into a all the colors of the rainbow.

Enjoy your amazing ACA ... I love mine. :kiss2:
I managed to take a picture that is kind of showing what I am talking about but not sure if this will be obvious to anyone else. The more I look at it the more it is bothering me :( The photos are definitly not showing it as well as I am seeing it in real life but maybe its enough to get some input from someone who might know what I mean.

I copied the photo to show it with and without the markers of where I am seeing the black areas, any thoughts?

And please excuse my extremely dry hands!!!

Your new ring is beautiful! A diamond is really like a ball of mirrors and the facets will reflect whatever color it picks up. This includes clothing and wall paint too! The larger the diamond, the more apparent this can be. It is not uncommon to want a diamond to look 'the same' all of the time, but if that were the case, we wouldn't get the flashes from those facets. All this to say that yes, what you are seeing is perfectly normal. Different diamonds can behave in different ways and the larger you go, the more pronounced these differences can be. Your diamond will change looks too as you move from one lighting environment to the other and I am sure you have experienced that with your last diamond too. Worries aside - enjoy that gorgeous new diamond!!

Thank you so much, I feel so bad to be even questiong my new diamond because I agree it is beautiful! I just feel like this one thing is bugging me and I am finding it hard to get past it. I will have ot have a think about everything and decide how best to move forward. So greateful to have this place to talk to other's who get it!!

Perhaps a bit more obstruction than your smaller diamond in combination with the increase in size making it more visible?

Thank you that might be the case! The whole obstruciton thing is something I am still learning about. Do you now if there is a way to predict how much obstruction a particular diamond will have? And am I right in my thinking that a more fiery diamond is more likely to reflect darkness because it is so primed for optimal fire?

The larger diamond has proportionately larger facets so the areas that mirror/reflect your dark robe are proportionately larger and thus more obviously visible to your eye (as compared with your smaller diamond which had proportionately smaller facets so the mirror/reflections of your dark robe were proportionately smaller and less obtrusively visible to your eye).

I think, glory in your larger diamond most of the time, and the times it is reflecting dark colors, think, gosh this diamond is SO LARGE it reflects all the things wow!

Thank you, I am really trying to spend some time with it and see if I can snap out of it, I really do love the size so much.

Tilt your finger 3 or so degrees away from you will solve the dark area circled.
Its 100% normal and expected.

Thanks Karl! The think is though, no matter how much I tilt it away the bottom portion still shows the black areas, they kind of rock back and forth but they are definilty still there. I think part of what is bothering me is that they are only showing up on the bottom and it almost gives the look of it being off balance. Not sure if that makes any sense!

Nothing's wrong.
It's like wearing black and seeing that same black in a mirror.

Diamonds are little boxes of facets that can either reflect what they "see" back to your eyes, a good thing ... or let light leak out the bottom (aka windowing), a bad thing.

Switch to clothes covered with many tiny LED lights.
Then instead of your ACA showing you black (doing its job correctly) it will break up the tiny light sources into a all the colors of the rainbow.

Enjoy your amazing ACA ... I love mine. :kiss2:

I will definitely play around with different colours and see how I feel about it! I adored my last ACA so I am hoping that I am just overthiking things, but if not I am sure I can find an ACA that will be more to my taste.
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@kenny @Karl_K @0-0-0

Just wanted to add an additonal question, is there any chance that what I am seeing is a slight paddling of the arrows? This is another effect I am pretty clueless about but from some images I have seen it kind of looks similar.

Oh and it might help if I actually inlcuded the diamond cert! Here is the link to the dimaond in case that helps!

@kenny @Karl_K @0-0-0

Just wanted to add an additonal question, is there any chance that what I am seeing is a slight paddling of the arrows? This is another effect I am pretty clueless about but from some images I have seen it kind of looks similar.

Oh and it might help if I actually inlcuded the diamond cert! Here is the link to the dimaond in case that helps!

No paddling in an ACA. Also, you can see paddling in still shots and videos.

Obstruction is something that is there. If you move your hand away from your face or body, it should look different. If you move yourself to another lighting environment - inside to outside or just another room - you should see it go away in that particular area. If necessary to ease your mind, give the folks at Whiteflash a call. They will be happy to help address or put your mind at ease.
@kenny @Karl_K @0-0-0 ... is there any chance that what I am seeing is a slight paddling of the arrows? ...

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "paddling".

Honesty, sincerely, I respect you, but must say this as kindly as I can ... you are imagining things.

You bought an ACA from Whiteflash that's GIA graded SI1.
I looked at the GIA report and it showed no black gunk in the diamond that sometimes appears and other times is not there.

Instead, the diamond is doing its job of reflecting something somewhere in your environment.
The diamond is innocent.

IMO: take a walk, have a nice cup of coffee, or tea, wine, beer, single malt Scotch, margarita, moonshine, whatever puts you into a better frame of mind.
Stop worrying, and start enjoying what IMO is one of the very best-performing diamonds money can buy.
The light performance of your diamond blows away that of nearly every diamond ever cut.

All diamonds (well or poorly-cut) look different depending on what they "see" and reflect in whatever environment you put them in.
Mirrors also do that.

I've been deeply involved in all this over 20 years, and I'm speaking from my heart(s), oh, and from my arrows. :lol-2:
Also, give yourself time to adjust to the differences between your old and new diamond. It sometimes takes a bit to realize that different is not always bad - just different. ACAs are so well vetted that having a potential problem with the cut of one is rather slim.
How close do you like to look at your diamonds? More obstruction in the lower half of a H&A round at closer distances is perfectly normal. That’s where your body is! If you wear reflective clothing that’ll reduce the amount of obstruction.

Paddling occurs when there’s excessive obstruction throughout the stone where every single arrowhead looks like paddles. With super ideals within the 34-35/40.6-41 CA/PA range paddling is not a problem. In my own tests with a 33/40.8, roughly 34/40.6 equivalent, I only see paddling when the diamond is within 6 inches of my face. That’s pretty much the limit of how close I can focus with my eyes and not a realistic everyday viewing distance.
Congrats on the new ACA!!!!

Ok, so, I have an ACA, and I hope I can reassure you. My stone is objectively a stunner, and it reflects environmental color like nothing I have ever seen.

Here are a few illustrative photos:

Ok, this is one I like to call “where’s Waldo but with a diamond.”
My stone (Viv) is reflecting *everything* and as a result is basically camouflaged.

Ok, Viv is the smaller stone. I was using my daughter’s phone. Can you guess the color of her phone case?

Yes, it is acid green/yellow. See how my entire stone reflects it?

Neither of these whoppers are my stone, but this is the phone case turning everything green in the previous two photos.

Can you guess the color of my phone case?
Yep. Blue.

Hopefully one of our experts can check me on this, but my understanding is that this reflection of environmental color is a characteristic of a stone with great light return. I like this diagram to illustrate that an ideal cut stone is going to have light going in the top and coming back out. I assume that would mean color as well. To me it’s a great thing—it’s why they look good in all kinds of light and why you could bezel it with no notable difference in performance.


Last thing I will add—any characteristic of an individual diamond is more noticeable with a size increase. You may have had some environmental reflections with your old stone but they would be much more apparent as you go up in size. The actual facets are bigger and easier to see.

Hope that helps, and for what it is worth, I think your stone is gorgeous. My advice is to get to know it a bit, and to look at it in lots of different environments. Stick it under some flowers, change the colors you are wearing, go in different color rooms. My experience with an ACA is that it always looks fabulous, but it absolutely changes with the environment.
There is nothing wrong with your diamond. This is like buying a mirror and then getting upset that your new piece of glass reflects your face. It will reflect black when you sit in a giant black bath robe and stare at it closely. My solution if you don’t like how it looks in that circumstance is to stop looking at it in that circumstance.
I think part of what is bothering me is that they are only showing up on the bottom and it almost gives the look of it being off balance. Not sure if that makes any sense!

Ditto to all the advice you’ve been given.

Have you tried this? Put the ring on your finger the other way around:
if there was something wrong with the facets, then the dark part would be at the top.

If bottom is still darker, then you know there’s nothing wrong with those particular facets.

Just reflections from your environment.

Maybe time to buy a different coloured house coat:lol:
Yep, much easier to buy a new robe than fret over your diamond. The diamond isn't going to change, but you can change your robe.
Thank you to everyone one, you guys are honetly the best. I had a really long chat with my husband last night and he bascially said the exact same things you have all said. He said look I dont know anything about diamonds but I know a bit about physics and a mirror will reflect everything.

I think maybe my intial shock at it being different to my old ACA freaked me out a bit and made me start second guessing everything,

No paddling in an ACA. Also, you can see paddling in still shots and videos.

Obstruction is something that is there. If you move your hand away from your face or body, it should look different. If you move yourself to another lighting environment - inside to outside or just another room - you should see it go away in that particular area. If necessary to ease your mind, give the folks at Whiteflash a call. They will be happy to help address or put your mind at ease.

Thanks so much, the effect 100% changes when I change the eonvironment. I think I need to take a breath and stop freaking out so much.
Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "paddling".

Honesty, sincerely, I respect you, but must say this as kindly as I can ... you are imagining things.

You bought an ACA from Whiteflash that's GIA graded SI1.
I looked at the GIA report and it showed no black gunk in the diamond that sometimes appears and other times is not there.

Instead, the diamond is doing its job of reflecting something somewhere in your environment.
The diamond is innocent.

IMO: take a walk, have a nice cup of coffee, or tea, wine, beer, single malt Scotch, margarita, moonshine, whatever puts you into a better frame of mind.
Stop worrying, and start enjoying what IMO is one of the very best-performing diamonds money can buy.
The light performance of your diamond blows away that of nearly every diamond ever cut.

All diamonds (well or poorly-cut) look different depending on what they "see" and reflect in whatever environment you put them in.
Mirrors also do that.

I've been deeply involved in all this over 20 years, and I'm speaking from my heart(s), oh, and from my arrows. :lol-2:

Thank you!! Hahah yes I think a margarita is in order

I am completey happy as far as cliarty, so no issues there, and its not that I ever thought that there was any actual black in the diamond, it's more so that the black refelctions caught me off guard I think and I was trying to figure out if there is something about this particulr diamond that would make those black reflections more prominent, where another ACA might make them less black. Foe eg. if the pavilion anlge was bigger the black refelctions would be less, or maybe if the table was smaller it would look slighty more silver rather than black. I don;t know if that makes sense? Either way I am going to take eveyones advice and take some time to get to know it a bit better!
How close do you like to look at your diamonds? More obstruction in the lower half of a H&A round at closer distances is perfectly normal. That’s where your body is! If you wear reflective clothing that’ll reduce the amount of obstruction.

Paddling occurs when there’s excessive obstruction throughout the stone where every single arrowhead looks like paddles. With super ideals within the 34-35/40.6-41 CA/PA range paddling is not a problem. In my own tests with a 33/40.8, roughly 34/40.6 equivalent, I only see paddling when the diamond is within 6 inches of my face. That’s pretty much the limit of how close I can focus with my eyes and not a realistic everyday viewing distance.

I'm not looking at it super close, if anything when I bring it closer to my face I see less of the black, I guess because it is not picking up on my clothes as much? I think it is puerly just the refleciton of my clothes.

Do you think that if I got an ACA that leans a little bit more brilliant rather than fiery the facets would be slightly smaller and the effect would be reduced a bit? Maybe if it was slightly less chunky it would make those dark areas a little bit smaller and less noticable overall? I felt that it was close enough to my last one that it would have a smilar personality but maybe I didn't get close enough to mimic a similar look?
No, according to the specs of your diamond, I don’t think it could be more brilliant/less fiery. Some feel that a smaller table combined with a higher crown angle will give you a bit more fire. You have a 57 table and a crown angle of 15.0. I would think that would lean more towards brilliance than fire. However, I have never known any ACA owner to say they wish they had more fire as these stones are very well balanced

I think the issue is that the stone is larger and therefore the facets are larger. That has nothing to do with fire. Is the only time you see this when you are wearing the black robe? If after a few days you don’t feel more settled about the diamond, give Whiteflash a call. Sometimes hearing things from the horse’s mouth has a greater weight than from others. They would want you to be happy and would always be open to a conversation with you.
Congrats on the new ACA!!!!

Ok, so, I have an ACA, and I hope I can reassure you. My stone is objectively a stunner, and it reflects environmental color like nothing I have ever seen.

Here are a few illustrative photos:

Ok, this is one I like to call “where’s Waldo but with a diamond.”
My stone (Viv) is reflecting *everything* and as a result is basically camouflaged.

Ok, Viv is the smaller stone. I was using my daughter’s phone. Can you guess the color of her phone case?

Yes, it is acid green/yellow. See how my entire stone reflects it?

Neither of these whoppers are my stone, but this is the phone case turning everything green in the previous two photos.

Can you guess the color of my phone case?
Yep. Blue.

Hopefully one of our experts can check me on this, but my understanding is that this reflection of environmental color is a characteristic of a stone with great light return. I like this diagram to illustrate that an ideal cut stone is going to have light going in the top and coming back out. I assume that would mean color as well. To me it’s a great thing—it’s why they look good in all kinds of light and why you could bezel it with no notable difference in performance.


Last thing I will add—any characteristic of an individual diamond is more noticeable with a size increase. You may have had some environmental reflections with your old stone but they would be much more apparent as you go up in size. The actual facets are bigger and easier to see.

Hope that helps, and for what it is worth, I think your stone is gorgeous. My advice is to get to know it a bit, and to look at it in lots of different environments. Stick it under some flowers, change the colors you are wearing, go in different color rooms. My experience with an ACA is that it always looks fabulous, but it absolutely changes with the environment.

Thank you so much, your diamond is stunning!! I honestly think I just was not prepared for the size increasing making such a big impact on how it reflects the environment. I feel like such a noob.

From all of your photos of Viv, the one where it reflecting blue it my absolute favourite and maybe that says something about why am am freaking out a bit when I am seeing the black refelctions in mine. I probably have this unrealistic expectation that a diamond should always look like that image which I know is ridiculous. Hubby cheekily says I am just used to tiny diamonds and am not accustomed to the luxury of this ACA. That if I want to roll with the big boys I need to stop the madness.
No, according to the specs of your diamond, I don’t think it could be more brilliant/less fiery. Some feel that a smaller table combined with a higher crown angle will give you a bit more fire. You have a 57 table and a crown angle of 15.0. I would think that would lean more towards brilliance than fire. However, I have never known any ACA owner to say they wish they had more fire as these stones are very well balanced

I think the issue is that the stone is larger and therefore the facets are larger. That has nothing to do with fire. Is the only time you see this when you are wearing the black robe? If after a few days you don’t feel more settled about the diamond, give Whiteflash a call. Sometimes hearing things from the horse’s mouth has a greater weight than from others. They would want you to be happy and would always be open to a conversation with you.

Sorry I mean if it was more briliant not more fiery. I think my last one leaned even moreso towards brilliance, so maybe my new one is too fiery for my eye?

For reference this is my old one:

If I found one that was more brilliant than my new one would the facets be smaller? And then less of the effect maybe would be seen? In other words do more fiery diamonds reflect in a more chunky way?

Just to clarify, I do now fully see that there is nothing wrong with my new ACA, it is simply just a reflection. But, I am wondeirng is there a way to reduce this effect by maybe trying an ACA that leans more brilliant.
Sorry I mean if it was more briliant not more fiery. I think my last one leaned even moreso towards brilliance, so maybe my new one is too fiery for my eye?

For reference this is my old one:

If I found one that was more brilliant than my new one would the facets be smaller? And then less of the effect maybe would be seen? In other words do more fiery diamonds reflect in a more chunky way?

Just to clarify, I do now fully see that there is nothing wrong with my new ACA, it is simply just a reflection. But, I am wondeirng is there a way to reduce this effect by maybe trying an ACA that leans more brilliant.

I guess my response wasn’t clear. Your current diamond would probably lean more brilliant. If it were leaning fiery, it would perhaps have a smaller table and a higher crown angle. I don’t think what you are seeing is due to the specs of your diamond. I really would call your diamond consultant at WF and discuss it with them. They can maybe provide pictures or something that could help you decide if you want to go in a different direction.
Ditto to all the advice you’ve been given.

Have you tried this? Put the ring on your finger the other way around:
if there was something wrong with the facets, then the dark part would be at the top.

If bottom is still darker, then you know there’s nothing wrong with those particular facets.

Just reflections from your environment.

Maybe time to buy a different coloured house coat:lol:

Yep I did this several times and you are right, the effect always stays at the bottom, so definitely just a reflection. I think I am just overthinking things because I am not yet used to my new ACA.
I think you have a beautiful diamond. Arguably, one of the best cuts available. I just wanted to comment my own experience with color reflection. My diamond reflects EVERYTHING. I spend a lot of time driving and my car interior is gray and black. It makes it look awful "to me". I stopped analyzing it in my car because it just looks grayish. It literally picks up color from all the things in the environment. So if there is a color I dislike I see that as well. I think it's just the nature of the reflective properties of how the light bounces around. I am not well versed on the how's or why's......just know it from posts on here. You have some great advice on this thread from super knowledgeable people that would definitely tell you if they saw a problem.
Just let your diamond get a little dirty and it will stop doing this so much lol. That is probably why you didn’t notice it so much in your other one (no shade, I can’t keep my diamonds spotless either). Oils really diminish the optics.
I guess my response wasn’t clear. Your current diamond would probably lean more brilliant. If it were leaning fiery, it would perhaps have a smaller table and a higher crown angle. I don’t think what you are seeing is due to the specs of your diamond. I really would call your diamond consultant at WF and discuss it with them. They can maybe provide pictures or something that could help you decide if you want to go in a different direction.

Ok thank you that makes sense. I think I am just overthinking things way too much. Right now I am at my laptop in a light pink top and my diamond looks different once again. Its bright white but also looks softer, with smaller flashes. I think I need to appreciate that this is part of having a super ideal diamond and not expect it to look the same all the time.

Thank you so much for taking the time to put my mind at ease, I know I probably sound nuts!
I think you have a beautiful diamond. Arguably, one of the best cuts available. I just wanted to comment my own experience with color reflection. My diamond reflects EVERYTHING. I spend a lot of time driving and my car interior is gray and black. It makes it look awful "to me". I stopped analyzing it in my car because it just looks grayish. It literally picks up color from all the things in the environment. So if there is a color I dislike I see that as well. I think it's just the nature of the reflective properties of how the light bounces around. I am not well versed on the how's or why's......just know it from posts on here. You have some great advice on this thread from super knowledgeable people that would definitely tell you if they saw a problem.

Thank you so much. I think you are right, it's just part of owning something that reflects light so well. One thing I did notice when I was playing around with it today was that when it is in that dark state that I was desciribeng, it was shooting off bright flashes, so maybe thats what I should be focussing on instead. Either way I am going to try and do what you do and not obsess over the times when it take son a colour I don't particularly like, and just enjoy it!