Has anyone ever been told to re-cut their OEC or have they ever done it? When I asked what the benefit would be I was told
it would be brighter.
When I asked what cut they would do they said a modern cut that would decrease the size a little but increase the value
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm new to diamonds but I thought the whole point of loving a OEC was because of the cut and pattern?
I have MRB and while I love them I really love the floral pattern of a OEC.
Just curious what people's thoughts are and if they've ever heard this before.
Has anyone ever been told to re-cut their OEC or have they ever done it? When I asked what the benefit would be I was told
it would be brighter.
When I asked what cut they would do they said a modern cut that would decrease the size a little but increase the value
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm new to diamonds but I thought the whole point of loving a OEC was because of the cut and pattern?
I have MRB and while I love them I really love the floral pattern of a OEC.
Just curious what people's thoughts are and if they've ever heard this before.