
Read about my wonderful expierence with James Allen!!

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Nov 28, 2005
As some of you may have read I am upgrading my ering. I looked and did a lot of research finally settling on Smyth which is a local independent B&M here in maryland. I still had some issues about the cost and size of the stone that we got there so I did some more research and found a stone I liked at and after making contact with them and talking to Josh and Jim, which can I just say they responded politly, warmly and very very quickly, decided to ask if I could check out the stone and they said yes! So here is my expeirience:

I left work early and so did Chris and we headed out to Frederick, which is about a 50 min drive from where I live. Upon actually finding the office we were greeted by Josh with a very warm welcome. I will say this, what Jim did for us is not the norm and I am EXTREMELY grateful for him seeing us. It''s a shame that this guy is an internet dealer and gave us more information, know how and customer care then ANY jewelry store I have visited. Even Smyth. He made Smyth seem like a mall store. Granted he knows more than your average sales clerk but a lot of the stuff he went through with us was very basic and would of been easy for any sales associate to do, especially in a place like Smyth that makes it seem like they have such an intrest in customer in thier little booths with scopes and lets not forget the soda and cookies. So we sat down with Jim and he had the stone we wanted to look at:
.83 carat $2,780 GIA certified
Color: G
Cut: Ideal
Clarity: SI2
Depth: 60.7%
Table: 56%
Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Very Good
Girdle: Very thin to medium
Flouresence: None
Then he also brought in a diamond he had just purchase in our price range from his signature collection so we could compare ours to something, this one was:
.81 carat $2,980 AGS certified
Color: H
Clarity: SI1
Table: 55%
Girdle:1.5 - 2.3
Flouresence: None
So he sat down with both certs and went through each part of the certification to make sure we understood what the numbers meant. Then he explained to us how color grade is determined and put both stones in the white paper thing and had us pick which one was the G and which one was the H. It showed us how the color could be seen viewed through the side and against white, but then he put both in a black case and face up they were both so very white I could only tell them apart from the .83 being larger. He had different lighting that we viewed the diamond under and I was sooo impressed by both of them. With my bare eye I could see the slightest difference between the ideal and signature. They signature I could see the ''pattern'' in a little more. The ideal was DEFINATLY ideal however. It sparkled and shone in each facet just as much as the stone at Smyth. Then he pulled out a hearts and arrows viewer and showed me the difference between the two. The .83 had both patterns and the .81 just showed the pattern a little more stronger than the .83. After that I decided I was quite happy with the original stone that I had picked. In the beginning of my search I was looking for a good quality diamond that was cut very well for optimal sparkle, as close to 1 carat as I could get for under 3k. Thats what that stone was for me. I know the symmetry and hearts and arrows pattern was a little better in the .81 as well as the clarity but none of these thing were things you''d notice with the bare eye, size is. He pulled out some loupes and let us view both diamonds. My .83 has two inclusions, one on the side where a prong could be placed and one in the table. The one in the table was smaller and even after locating them with the loup I could not for the life of me find them with my naked eyes. I suppose this stone would be eye clean then. After that I expressed some concern about the girdle and he looked at it and assured me that the part that was ''very thin'' was a VERY small little spot on the girdle and the rest looked fine. He was informative and upfront and I feel so very stupid for not just ordering off the internet now. I will never question the quality of anything at or He was very thourough and you could tell he really cared about his buisness and saw what he gives people as a reflection of himself personally. To me it seems as if he takes pride in this, not just out to make a quick buck. I recommend him to any of you and trust me I do not think you will be dissapointed. So I got up to let Chris talk with him about mounting the stone and changing the head which was going to be a surprise for me. I discussed with my hubby some options beforehand . Part of me wants to stay with the 6 prong for security....another 4 to show off my new way bigger sparkly. If 4 prong i''d like it to be north, south, east and west and I think split prongs are pretty too. So I had to leave my engagement ring there and my hubby is working with Jim in what kind of new head to put it in and this will be my surprise on christmas morning!!! I can''t wait!!!! I knew when I left Smyth I didn''t have that 100% secure excited feeling and thats why I kept looking. I should of known then that I hadn''t found my diamond yet. I truly feel like we got the best possible diamond for us and many thanks to Jim and Josh at James Allen for all the wonderful help.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like you got a beautiful diamond. Can''t wait to see pics!


Jul 27, 2005
Congrats on finding an excellent diamond!! I'm another thrilled JA customer and can't say enough good things about them. Too bad I live in California, otherwise I would've loved to work with Jim in person! (we did our search and entire transaction via phone and email) You're so right that he takes his work as a personal reflection of himself and it's apparent how much he cares. Your hubby is in good hands...I can't wait to see the finished product!!


Jul 25, 2004
Congrats on your wonderful experience!

And you better post pics as soon as you get it


May 1, 2005
Congratulations! We can''t wait to see pictures!


Nov 1, 2003
way kewl!

for Josh and Jim :}


Mar 1, 2004
What a great story. I am so glad it was just as you''d hoped. I can''t wait for hand pics.



Nov 28, 2005
Update......much to my nervousness with shipping my ring got to and from Texas just fine. Chris, my hubby, picked it up at the Fedex place yesterday. I''m shocked with Chris''s reaction, our original expierience with buying my engagement ring was like this.....upon looking we came across one at Gordons.....
Me: That one is pretty, do you like it?
Chris: Yes, it''s cool.
Me: Thats an excellent price, I don''t think we''d find something like that for this price. Do you think we should get that one?
Chris: Yea...sure.
Me: Well do you like it? Really?
Chris: Yes, I really like it. I think it''s a cool ring.

Now I know it''s jewelry and he''s a guy so he can''t be all that excitable over it so I wasn''t really upset that he wasn''t amazed my by original. When we went to view the diamond at James Allen he was impressed but he starts calling me yesterday FLIPPING OUT....Oh my God it''s goregous!! It''s the most awesome one i''ve ever seen!! It''s amazing! He ran around work showing everyone and told me how amazing everyone else thought it was.....then he came home with a HUGE goofy grin on his face ranting and raving about how amazing the ring was and he couldn''t wait to give it to me. This is amazing. I will have to send Jim a freaking fruit basket or something.....I never thought i''d ever see my husband so excited about jewelry.

Chris laughed at me cause I got gifts for the precious. He jokingly asked me "Is this precious''s first christmas?" but I couldn''t help it. I got a loup, just cause I like looking at all my stuff with it now and after reading a long thread about refurbished ultrasonic cleaners from Sharper Image I picked up one of those!


Nov 1, 2003
You got the bug
welcome to diamond insanevile
where the motto is "diamonds are our insanity"!
its infected your hubby too!
powerful stuff that carbon ice.
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