
Quick thoughts on this GOG vs Infinity Princess?

well...the prices are NOT equal and that is a big difference. are these both within budget?
Yes they are both within budget. For comparisons sake, lets assume I can get the Infinity for within $1k of the GOG diamond.
2chevron vs multi, E vs G, VS vs VVS - there are lots of variables besides price to consider.

Both look like nice examples of their type - so the question is which type you prefer. In general fewer facets means fewer, larger flashes of light and potential for more visible coloured light output, more facets means more white light return, tons of twinkles as you rock the stone. Whether A) the generality holds true for these two specimens to the point where the difference is actually visible in real-world viewing, not just on paper, and B) whether *your* eyes can see the difference, and prefer one over the other - well, they're different questions!
I think if you examine both of these diamonds but don't have them to closely compare them, side by side, you will find both to be very high performance and very attractive. If you have them to compare side by side, you may prefer one over the other, but I doubt anyone could convince me that one would always be the chosen stone. The two Infinity pricess cuts I recently reviewed for a client were highly attractive and had a rather distinctive pattern and appearance. I thought they worked extremely well with lighting. I have also seen non-Infinity princess cuts which I felt looked a bit different than the Infinity brand yet, to me, were reasonably equivalent in beauty and performance. It is not a question that anyone can give you an absolute answer on. Keep an open mind and shop until YOU understand why you wish to select the one you decide to purchase.
Thanks for the advice. I know seeing stones is the only way judge. That's exactly why I'm considering the flight to GOG.

I know the Infinity twinkles very well, even in dimmer lighting. One thing that shocked me was the color. I usually have no problems at all seeing the color in a G colored princess stone but I found it very difficult with the Infinity to find any color at all. I didn't know additional facets played a part in that but after thinking about it, it does make sense. The VVS2 is nice, but I wasn't really looking for anything beyond a clean VS2 and I know that affects price. I will post up pictures of whatever I decide to buy though.
PCMusicGuy|1308603926|2950470 said:
Thanks for the advice. I know seeing stones is the only way judge. That's exactly why I'm considering the flight to GOG.

I know the Infinity twinkles very well, even in dimmer lighting. One thing that shocked me was the color. I usually have no problems at all seeing the color in a G colored princess stone but I found it very difficult with the Infinity to find any color at all. I didn't know additional facets played a part in that but after thinking about it, it does make sense. The VVS2 is nice, but I wasn't really looking for anything beyond a clean VS2 and I know that affects price. I will post up pictures of whatever I decide to buy though.

Would there be some way to arrange to take the Infinity in when you go to GOG, and compare both together side by side? Perhaps buying the infinity and planning to take advantage of the return policy if you go the other route..?
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