
questions from someone who knows zero about diamonds

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Dec 27, 2002
My apologies for in advance for my horrific diamond terminology. :))

Between my wife and I, we have 2 diamond rings. Mine has a .63 carat diamond, and she has just gotten one that is around 1 full carat. My appraisal is 8 years old, hers is 20 years old.

Is there really a need for us to have a full blown GIA certification thingy done? I know there are other certs out there, is there another one that might be a better bet for us? Both these diamonds are family heirlooms and we don't plan on ever selling them.

Any thoughts?? If you want/need more info, let me know. Thanks!
Hi unabomber,

Perhaps you may want to explore the
independent evaluation avenues provided
by the Rock Doc, or Dave Atlas.

Even without the intention of selling
your diamonds, it would still be advisable to
have an updated evaluation for security
and assurance.

How did you decide on your username? Were the following too offensive?

1. Benedict Arnold
2. Adolf Hitler
3. Judas
4. Jeffrey Dahmer
5. Osama bin Laden
Considering this is a global forum, some of you may not know who the unabomber is/was. "The unabomber" was the nickname of a man in the United States who sent bombs in the mail to complete strangers who he considered to have political views contrary to his own. The intended victims included publishers and university professors. Sometimes the bombs found their intended targets, and other times they found someone else. This crime spree went on for quite some time, but fortunately he was eventually caught and successfully prosecuted. Why anyone would want to identify themself with such a cowardly serial killer is beyond my understanding. Why anyone would want to give free advice on this forum to someone who identifies with the unabomber is also beyond my understanding. But they're your electrons, so use them as you see fit.
Lets just try to measure the merits
of the questions and not the people.

This person is obviously not the
unabomber, and although a choice to
have a name like that may not appeal
to all of us. We also are not in the
position to judge this man either.

Lets stay on the subject, not the people.

On 12/28/2002 11:44:42 AM

Lets just try to measure the merits
of the questions and not the people.

This person is obviously not the
unabomber, and although a choice to
have a name like that may not appeal
to all of us. We also are not in the
position to judge this man either.

Lets stay on the subject, not the people.



You are entitled to your opinion of course. But by any reasonable definition of the word, the unabomber was a terrorist, and a cowardly terrorist at that. Why would you want to defend someone who chooses to identify with him? Don't you have ANY standards of decency, or do you think that this display of "tolerance" will somehow be good for your business? Would usernames such as "child molester" or "axe-murderer" be okay with you? From your post, it seems that the answer is "yes." It seems you think that we should just ignore what is blatantly offensive and concentrate on answering the questions of the offender, and that we shouldn't insist that those who come to this forum seeking free advice adhere to certain standards of common decency. Regardless of what you may think Kirk, judgments are being made on this forum all the time, not only about diamonds, but also about the professionals who choose to post their comments here.
Hi Jetcaptain,

I agree with you about the use of
obscene user namer names, but I would
prefer to think that the person behind
that name is not obscene, perhaps
he or others were simply not thinking
about the ramifications and reppercussions
of using such names.

I try to dismiss it as the shock-jock, shock-talk
or taking the low road to acknowledgement.
And protesting people like that is our right,
but judgement of such individuals will be left
to a higher authority.

I would just prefer that pricescope doesn't becomes
the cesspool, and den of eniquity that other
forums have become. So with my personal feelings
aside I will try to just to answer diamond questions,
and leave peoples personal lives out of this.

But you may be surprised, that my feelings are very
similar to yours about this topic, but I just have a different way of handling it.

On 12/28/2002 2:15:58 PM

Hi Jetcaptain,

I agree with you about the use of
obscene user namer names, but I would
prefer to think that the person behind
that name is not obscene, perhaps
he or others were simply not thinking
about the ramifications and reppercussions
of using such names.

I try to dismiss it as the shock-jock, shock-talk
or taking the low road to acknowledgement.
And protesting people like that is our right,
but judgement of such individuals will be left
to a higher authority.

I would just prefer that pricescope doesn't becomes
the cesspool, and den of eniquity that other
forums have become. So with my personal feelings
aside I will try to just to answer diamond questions,
and leave peoples personal lives out of this.

But you may be surprised, that my feelings are very
similar to yours about this topic, but I just have a different way of handling it.


I would like to think that the majority of the members of this forum would much rather discuss diamonds than personalities. But who is going to police this forum if we don't do it ourselves? If, by our silence we tacitly condone such outrageous behavior, before long this forum will degenerate into that cesspool that you claim to want to avoid. You may not agree with me. It's possible that nobody on this forum agrees with me. But I'm okay with that, and I'm not backing down, and here is why. I am an American Airlines captain. I lost eight of my fellow aviators on September 11th, 2001. I was in the air that fateful morning, and got to pick up the PA and tell my customers that we were not going to be able to continue to Toronto as planned, but would be landing in Tulsa instead because the FAA had closed our national airspace due to a terrorist attack. I had no idea what had really happened--I just knew that it must be bad in order to warrant closing our airspace. It WAS bad, extremely bad! So bad in fact, that no amount of left-wing liberal nonsense is going to convince me that it is ever acceptable to utilize anything related to terrorism for its "shock value." Your desire to leave the judging to a higher authority is nothing but an abdication of responsibility. I noticed that there was plenty of judging on this forum not too long ago when some of the "professionals" thought that an appraiser was too aggressively pursuing clients on Rocky Talk. Were they correct in voicing their concerns, or should they have allowed some higher authority to take care of it?

Sometimes you just have to call 'em as you see 'em. That is what I have done. I have absolutely no financial interest involved on this forum, and I'm more than willing to sign off and never come back if that is what the majority of the forum members would prefer.
On 12/28/2002 6:36:24 PM

No, stick around Captain. I've always enjoyed your posts and your forthrightness.


As I reread this thread, I realize that this time I went beyond forthright into harsh and insulting. I owe the members of the forum an apology for that, particularly Kirk. I would much prefer to persuade others with a reasoned argument rather than bludgeon them with an angry tantrum. No excuses--I was wrong, and will try to do a better job controlling my emotions in the future.
Hi Jetcaptain,

No need to apologies to me.
Perhaps I owe you an apology for seeming
a little insensitive to his whole thread.

I hope that people like , unabomber, can
understand that certain presentations
of themselves can be little outrageous,
and serve no constructive purpose on an
educational forum.


Please stop using that username as it reminds me of 9/11 and I find it offensive. :devil:

Love and kisses,
Una Whoever,

Yes, you should have your diamonds inspected if you want to have them insured.

No, you should not provoke another heated discussion here for your own entertainment. Let us stay on the topic of diamnds.

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