
Question re. AGBF's Thread About the Catholic Boys


Oct 2, 2014
I have a question about the closing of AGBF's thread. Did someone come along and post something after my post, which was the last one, and did that post cause the thread to be deleted? I thought the thread was doing OK, and I posted that there is corruption in every institution whether church or not, including my own church which isn't Catholic. The thread then went quiet and just sat there. Then it was closed.

I'm curious to know if something else was posted after my last post? Because I had thought the thread was just sitting there quietly.
People were offended and reported it.
I thought it was going well also.

I have often wondered what the people who were offended by the contents of that thread do in real life. If they hear something they don't like, do they tell those people to stop talking? Seriously, the fact that we can't discuss certain things on here baffles me. We are adults. NO ONE forces anyone to read ANY thread.

We can talk about the size of certain human anatomy, squirrels peeing on stoops, and any other number of inane or offensive topics and it's A OK. But two of the most integrated subjects in this country are banned. It's sad. At least, that's the most polite way I can put it.
I thought we were treading gently so I was surprised to see it closed. I interpreted the topic to be more about the abuse of children than religion but it seems those who complained felt it was more about their religion/beliefs being under attack.
As I stated in the post - I am Catholic and took no offense to the article she had posted??
Yes, I see. I was just curious to know if someone had posted something after me that had sparked the closure, or the thread as a whole. It had gone kinda quiet, so i was just a little confused.
Hello Chrono, I just read the thread.. I thought it was not antiGod or anti Catholic, as to which I am a Catholic if I had to choose as that is what I was born into. BUT I learned a lot going to Catholic high school and catholic college (none of what I experienced was heartening in my book but it was a different time - late 50s to mid 70s)... I do think today people are different and for these kinds of 'leaders' of youth it is much harder to get away with abuse.

I also spent several years working for the Boy Scouts of America as all of the abuse of years past started coming out in the news...I had to take training every two years on youth protection, it's a very good training and all people should take it, not just people who work with kids, for pedophilia it's very very hard to catch a person, BSA has done background checks for years, they are stringent, it's the NEW abuser that can get through on these types of organizations.. if you have not been convicted of abuse it will not show up in the background check. I hope today all youth organizations take a long look at people applying to work/volunteer, especially volunteer, I think we have come a long way since 1968 (not just BSA but the whole USA :)
Ellen, you asked what people in real life do when they hear things they don't like...that's why now we have safe rooms. There is no more agree to disagree or anything "adult-ish" anymore. There is no more learning to cope and get along and handle things. We can't seem to act like grown ups. Doesn't seem to matter the level of education either, everyone is subject to being offended and self righteous and snarky.
Ellen|1452618559|3974800 said:
I thought it was going well also.

I have often wondered what the people who were offended by the contents of that thread do in real life. If they hear something they don't like, do they tell those people to stop talking? Seriously, the fact that we can't discuss certain things on here baffles me. We are adults. NO ONE forces anyone to read ANY thread.

We can talk about the size of certain human anatomy, squirrels peeing on stoops, and any other number of inane or offensive topics and it's A OK. But two of the most integrated subjects in this country are banned. It's sad. At least, that's the most polite way I can put it.

This is a big reason why a lot of regulars left.
I've stopped posting a lot bc it seems like my posts go ignored often. Doesn't surprise me in the least though since I usually have an opposite view of most posters on here and many like to hear that their viewpoint is the right one. Many a times I've posted what I consider to be decent information-in a non attacking way-but polar opposite only to have it completely ignored. I don't bother most the time anymore. A topic such as that one-esp. considering the WIDE spread issue far reaching beyond the church-people would rather pretend it doesn't happen in their posh worlds.
I was surprised this thread was closed too as I didn't think there were any offensive posts and everyone was discussing things calmly. Disappointing that we are not permitted to discuss important adult serious topics as we are all adults here.

I should have just dittoed EB and Ellen.

Vintagelover I miss you and your posts.
Packrat, I'm not sure if you are kidding or serious, but I don't know what a safe room is.... You are totally right on the rest of your post. I don't honestly know how these folks get along in life. And I'm not being snarky, I'm serious. As I said before, we can have endless threads on stuff that doesn't matter one wit, but the stuff that does will not be tolerated, because of a few "thought police".

And just for the record, I have always admired and enjoyed your posts. They're real ;)

EB. I can see why. Why these few are being catered to, I know not....

VL, I totally enjoy your posts, we are like minded. I'm sure that's a big reason. I don't post on here much or I would respond to them. However, I was waiting until I had a good bit of quiet time to address the one you posted in Deb's thread. It would have been a great pairing (I may still post it at some future time in its own thread). But alas, I waited too long. :/ And I totally get that our views are the minority around here, and well, pretty much everywhere else. But like you, it doesn't really bother me.
Jamba, fwiw I didn't see any posts after yours. Also, I agree with Missy. I didn't find anything particularly offensive, but maybe I missed something. Anyway, I wondered about that thread so I'm glad you asked about it. :wavey:
There are many threads I find offensive. I am not one to report them. I just ignore them! I thought most the comments were very thoughtful and intelligent. Working in social services I also know the importance of talking about "real" issues, even if they can be painful.
Well, I missed the whole entire thread because I stay mostly in Rocky Talky. But I just wanted to tell VL that if I don't post on her threads, it is only because I didn't see them! I am very much on the same page!

I also don't know "the big reason why a lot of regulars left". Exactly what is the big reason?
Ellen|1452645343|3975057 said:
... I don't know what a safe room is ...
Neither do I.

I looked it up but that definition can't be it.

"A safe room is a hardened structure specifically designed to meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) criteria and provide near-absolute protection in extreme weather events, including tornadoes and hurricanes.
I did not comment in this thread until now because it used to be against Pricescope rules to discuss publicly decisions made by the moderators and administration. It also used to be against the rules to discuss politics, however, and that changed. Maybe if the discussion is kept low-key and respectful, the discussion of administration policies will, now, also be allowed.

Like many of the rest of you, I thought the the discussion in the thread under discussion was relatively civil. Given how vicious some other threads have become before they were pulled, like you I was a bit surprised that this one was pulled when it was.
I just read the thread and certainly most people stuck to the topic which was child abuse that happened to be connected to a particular institution. But a couple of people definitely stepped over the lines and made negative comments about a religion. There are evil people in churches, in doctor's offices, in schools, in corporate America, the government, etc. I am not very trusting.

This is kind of ironic, but my daughter was headed back to college today. I told her to be sure to go to the restroom here before she left, because under no circumstances should she EVER stop alone at a rest stop. In fact, she shouldn't go anywhere alone. It is sad to say that, but if you have read anything about sex-trafficking and some of the scary things Ellen was writing about, you would not be nonchalant about letting kids or young women go anywhere alone. Sad, but true.
It's easy to find out which posts were reported.
Above the post towards the right side, click on the button for "report concern!".

Don't worry, just clicking that button won't report the post because that's only step-one of a two-step process for reporting a post.
If you wanted to really report a post, step two would be to click the Submit button at the bottom after selecting a reason from the pull-down menu and typing in your complaint in the text box (see screen capture below).
But since you don't actually want to report a post, just don't do that.
Instead, close the window or click your Back button on a Mac ... on a PC I'm clueless.

When you click the 'report concern' button you'll see one of two pop-up windows.
If the post was never reported you'll see this.

If the post was reported you'll see this.

There, now you don't have to guess which posts were reported.
By my count, three posts were reported.
I may not agree with the reasons, but now that I have only three to consider I think I understand why these posts were reported.
They either offended a poster, or someone felt they broke PS policies.



Ellen and Kenny, safe rooms are rooms that we have now on college campuses and who knows where else, could be at work places for all I know. They're where people go when things are discussed or words are spoken that offend them, bother them, cause them some sort of trauma or stress.
kenny|1452652586|3975147 said:
It's easy to find out which posts were reported.
Above the post towards the right side, click on the button for "report concern!".

Don't worry, just clicking that button won't report the post because that's only step-one of a two-step process for reporting a post.
If you wanted to really report a post, step two would be to click the Submit button at the bottom after typing in your complaint.
But since you don't actually want to report a post, just don't do that.
Instead, close the window or click your Back button on a Mac ... on a PC I'm clueless.

When you click the 'report concern' button you'll see one of two pop-up windows.
If the post was never reported you'll see this.

If the post was reported you'll see this.

There, now you don't have to guess which posts were reported.
By my count, three posts were reported.
I may not agree with the reasons, but now that I have only three to consider I think I understand why these posts were reported.
They either offended a poster, or someone felt they broke PS policies.

Wow! I have been on Pricecope since 2003 and I thought that these "report concern" buttons were only for reporting people who were trying to sell mass-produced trinkets in the middle of charm bracelet threads in Jewelry Pieces! I had no idea they were available to report on one's fellow Pricescopers! I guess I assumed that one had to write an e-mail to Ella or Andrey. Whenever I have a question or concern, that's what I do. But now I may start reporting people. I don't have an "ignore" list. (That thread about ignore lists really made me feel out of it. I mean, I may be on numerous ignore lists, of course, but I don't know it. And I don't have one of my own.) How do you have an "ignore list" and use a "report concern" button? Wouldn't the people you like to tell on be on your ignore list?

Please advise. I have to get with the program!

AGBF|1452654105|3975167 said:
How do you have an "ignore list" and use a "report concern" button? Wouldn't the people you like to tell on be on your ignore list?

Please advise. I have to get with the program!

I have people on ignore.
Instead of seeing their post I see a line that says:
This post was made by X who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

If I wanted to read that post I can click on Display this post.

When it comes to reporting a post, anyone can report any post.
If I click on Display this post and read their post I can then report it even though that person is on my Ignore List.
kenny|1452654881|3975180 said:
I have people on ignore.
Instead of seeing their post I see a line that says:
This post was made by X who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

If I wanted to read that post I can click on Display this post.

When it comes to reporting a post, anyone can report any post that they can see.

Thank you.
I wasn't really meaning to discuss the moderators' decision - I was just curious to know if someone had made an offensive post after my own post that I hadn't seen before I got up. I was very curious because I thought my last post was quite moderate.

It's not surprising to me that religious discussion is carefully moderated. I mean, religion is such a touchy topic. I believe it's more touchy than politics. You've got the Grand Divide between those who are religious and those who aren't before you've even gotten into the specifics of each religion, and that's before you've even got near discussion of the things that people are doing in the world today (terrorism).

Also, it is so hard to communicate in writing with no gestures and no tone of voice.

Back in the real world, we have factions in our town that are not speaking to each other due to disagreements on these things and politics. It's sad.

What's that saying from My Fair Lady? "Stick to two topics - the weather and your health"!!!

When I was growing up, many moons ago, it was a given that you didn't discuss politics or religion - or money, come to think of it - in settings such as the family dinner table, at dinner parties, and I guess at any other formal or semi-formal social event. I guess that's because the possibilities of offending someone are endless - or, worse, making someone feel marginalized/insulted/minimized/uncomfortable.
packrat|1452654016|3975166 said:
Ellen and Kenny, safe rooms are rooms that we have now on college campuses and who knows where else, could be at work places for all I know. They're where people go when things are discussed or words are spoken that offend them, bother them, cause them some sort of trauma or stress.

So I get offended/stressed and go to a 'safe room'.
What's in there?
A bed to lie down? Couch? Chairs?
A fridge of beer?
A therapist?

Is it a room for only one person, for which you lock the door till you get over your trauma?

If more than one person can be there, what if someone says something to offend/stress you ... is there another room that is even safer?

Serious questions.
kenny|1452656362|3975209 said:
packrat|1452654016|3975166 said:
Ellen and Kenny, safe rooms are rooms that we have now on college campuses and who knows where else, could be at work places for all I know. They're where people go when things are discussed or words are spoken that offend them, bother them, cause them some sort of trauma or stress.

So I get offended/stressed and go to a 'safe room'.
What's in there?
A bed.
A fridge of beer?
A therapist?

Is it a room for only one person, for which you lock the door till you get over your trauma?

If more than one person can be there, what if someone says something to offend/stress you ... is there another room that is even safer?

Serious questions.

You know what, I'm not really sure. I've never been in one so I've no clue. I'm not even sure when they started becoming necessary. I've only just heard about them in the last year or so.
I don't get it.

Let's say someone says the word faggot or put soy sauce on a taco and I get offended/stressed ... so I go to the safe room to (I guess) recover from my trauma.
Uhm ... I have to eventually come back out into the world where someone might micro-agress via culinary cultural appropriation or say that upsetting word again.

Don't I eventually have to grow some thicker skin?
So what was the point of that so-called 'safe room'?

Are there college kids who intend to remain in one of these safe-rooms for 70 years?

Kinda reminds me of a sanatorium or asylum (sorry if these are not PC terms) where people reside because they cannot function in society.

I must not understand because this all just sounds too ludicrous to be true.
Nobody can be THAT delicate. :roll:
kenny|1452656865|3975216 said:
I don't get it.

Let's say someone says the word faggot or put soy sauce on a taco and I get offended/stressed ... so I go to the safe room to (I guess) recover from my trauma.
Uhm ... I have to eventually come back out into the world where someone might say that upsetting word again.

Don't I eventually have to grow some thicker skin?
So what was the point of that so-called 'safe room'?

Are there college kids who intend to remain in one of these safe-rooms for 70 years?

I must not understand because it just sounds ludicrous.
Kinda reminds me of a sanatorium or asylum (sorry if these are not PC terms) where people reside because they cannot function in society.

Back when I was in school (around 10 years ago eep) they were adopting a "safe space" program where different school admin people could volunteer for training on how to be PC. Students who felt discriminated against could go to those school officials for whatever issues they were having. There was big signs saying "safe space" on office doors.

Anyone being un PC in a safe space would be asked to leave.

Then a group of self labelled homophobes came forward to say the safe space program was discriminating against them.

The school ended up cancelling the program.
chemgirl|1452658214|3975230 said:
kenny|1452656865|3975216 said:
I don't get it.

Let's say someone says the word faggot or put soy sauce on a taco and I get offended/stressed ... so I go to the safe room to (I guess) recover from my trauma.
Uhm ... I have to eventually come back out into the world where someone might say that upsetting word again.

Don't I eventually have to grow some thicker skin?
So what was the point of that so-called 'safe room'?

Are there college kids who intend to remain in one of these safe-rooms for 70 years?

I must not understand because it just sounds ludicrous.
Kinda reminds me of a sanatorium or asylum (sorry if these are not PC terms) where people reside because they cannot function in society.

Back when I was in school (around 10 years ago eep) they were adopting a "safe space" program where different school admin people could volunteer for training on how to be PC. Students who felt discriminated against could go to those school officials for whatever issues they were having. There was big signs saying "safe space" on office doors.

Anyone being un PC in a safe space would be asked to leave.

Then a group of self labelled homophobes came forward to say the safe space program was discriminating against them.

The school ended up cancelling the program.

Ah yes.

Can't KKK members claim they don't feel safe?
How bout pedophiles?
Members of religion X, Y or Z?

What a total shitfest!

Now I'm very curious about these.
I'm no help. I'm under the impression it's for, say...a discussion about rape in a classroom, someone who has been a victim of rape and feels upset, can leave the class and go to this place and not be penalized. I'm not sure how it "works" really, as I've not seen much in depth on it, other than what I've read in articles, and I don't have the articles to look back on to see what I've missed. I find it ridiculous, personally, but I'm of the Suck It Up Buttercup Brigade, so...

We've become *so* PC we've come to the point where we can't have rational discussions about anything. And we all have the "right" to not be offended or hurt or upset or..whatever.