
Question about Jewelers Mutual


Nov 27, 2009
So I posted before (i think?) that my black diamond band is missing. I did the initial claim file at the beginning of February and kinda procrastinated around until yesterday and today hoping it would turn up so I could just cancel the claim instead. And uploaded our very useless statements once I realised what I hoped for wasn't gunna happen. They said 7 to 10 business days from them getting the info. Obviously when they get to me is when they get to me. But if anyone has filed a claim recently. How long did they take to get back to to you after you gave them your statements and the name of the jeweller to work with? Was it very difficult? I'm worried because it was lost in my house that they will decline to help me and that they'll take forever to decide about it.

Stress :(


Sep 20, 2009
I have not personally had a claim but do have Jeweler's Mutual.

I know a few have had claims - I am digging into old threads:



Mar 3, 2018
If we filed a claim every time we thought we had lost something, I'm sure I'd be in prison by now. :cool2: This is usually when each of us is "pretty sure" that the other did something with it (took it back to the safe deposit box or frantically hid it in plain sight when a repair person showed up, etc.) I do wonder what fraction of "lost at home" claims turn up again. This has happened to us way more than a dozen times.


Nov 27, 2009
If we filed a claim every time we thought we had lost something, I'm sure I'd be in prison by now. :cool2: This is usually when each of us is "pretty sure" that the other did something with it (took it back to the safe deposit box or frantically hid it in plain sight when a repair person showed up, etc.) I do wonder what fraction of "lost at home" claims turn up again. This has happened to us way more than a dozen times.

Haha in this case we definitely lost something. We suspect the 4 year old snatched it and doesn't remember where she put it. But we looked everywhere and are just stumped :( Most of my stuff I would be just kinda like /shrug sucks to suck for losing it ya ding dong! (me here obviously not anyone else lol) But this is my wedding ring from my husband so definitely more sentimental and thus going to replace.

I have not personally had a claim but do have Jeweler's Mutual.

I know a few have had claims - I am digging into old threads:

Thank you! I appreciate these! Hopefully they will help me on the rest of my adventure.

As for my update JM got back to me on Friday surprisingly. So I dragged my also vampiric husband from the house today to the jewellers to sign the go ahead form and get things going. I just can't believe I derped and didn't confirm the size lol. I was so busy rubbing my fingers all over the rings to see if they hurt me or not it just slipped my mind. lmao. Going to call on Monday immediately at opening to find out what she ordered. If she already placed it. I'll update this with my experience just so we have a fresh thread in case anyone else is wondering about potential speed.
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