
Question about arrows..

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May 27, 2006
Okay, here''s a siily question. Is there a visual difference if one round has fatter arrows than one has skinny arrows? I looked at two and it seems the on with the fatter arrows seems to give off more fire? and brilliance? Although the one with the fatter arrows is cut a little better. Any answers? Please help.
search "LGF"

but, short answer is yes.
Thanks julieN. I didn't realize how much of a differnce their performance would be. Wow...learn something new today.
this is a very basic generalization but..... facetfire's ring and dee jay's ring? they're opposites..... dee jay's ring has very LONG lower girdle facets which make for very thin arrows..... facet fire's ring (an OEC) has very SHORT lower girdle facets which make for... well they're so short there really aren't arrows LOL I heart short LGF :) I like dee jay's stone too - it seems very exotic in a way with the super thin arrows... and etherial also... but I still love the chunks :)
cehrabehra, the two round stones, the one with the very skinny arrows seems not to throw off much fire? It just seems to look very white and shiny. Is that because it is more a BIC? The one that is cut a little better seems to give of fire and just glows almost. Would that be considered FIC stone or TIC? I''m not familar with rounds at all.
Date: 2/1/2007 10:48:03 PM
Author: Gothgrrl
cehrabehra, the two round stones, the one with the very skinny arrows seems not to throw off much fire? It just seems to look very white and shiny. Is that because it is more a BIC? The one that is cut a little better seems to give of fire and just glows almost. Would that be considered FIC stone or TIC? I''m not familar with rounds at all.
No..... FIC vs BIC is more about the relationship between crown and pavillion angles than the lgf... a stone with long lgf won''t necessarily have *less* fire than one with short, but it will be smaller, more splintered, less chunky - and possibly even MORE of it just smaller. and reall it depends on f the fire is coming from under the table or the crown... if it is coming from the crown it will prob be pretty close either way, but the light reflected as "arrow" will be much smaller - but then you have to remember the light off the lgf is then greater as well.... it''s just a diferent look, not more or less per se.
You''re going to get better performance based on the combination of percentages, not just the length of the lower girdle facets (which affects how slender or fat the arrows are). Whether or not you like fat or slender arrows is just personal preference. My diamond has an 80% LGF and the arrows are more slender. It is extremely bright and firey.

Now, the LGF can be too long, and to me that makes the light and fire from the diamond too splintered. I think if the LGF is somewhere between 75% and 80% it will be fine, depending on all the other angles and combos, but there is a definite difference in personality between diamonds on the opposite ends of that spectrum.
Okay...thanks for the info.
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