
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jun 18, 2004
And one from the pro-shoot



Jun 18, 2004
Last one, I had a cameo in the pro-photos



Jan 3, 2005
MG: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! look at that adorable face!! he''s so sweet..
I have an appt with my doc on the 15th (next monday)...will see what she has to say..but I honestly think it was a combination of dehydration, heat and lack of sleep!

lili: wondering where ur at and hope everything is okay!


Nov 20, 2006
mg so cute!!! what a handsome little guy!


Oct 6, 2004
Thanks Jas12, lulu, msb, and Jas!

It''s fun to see lots of toddler mommies having baby #2!

MSB, how scary that you almost fainted! I''ve fainted before and it''s scary! No fun! Hopefully it doesn''t happen again. K sounds like he''s doing great! When is your trip?? I am sooo jealous! You have to post lots of pics!

PUFFY, your two boys are so cute! I would love to meet all of you. Another reason why you should find us all on the other site! Yes, we will definitely find out the sex! We can''t wait! I love your new ring! Your DH did suck a great job! Is that your Noah ring? Your DBTY necklace is beautiful!

BURK, hope T feels better soon and Kade waits until his big sister feels better before making an appearance!

CURLY, good luck with the potty training!

JANINE, C and D are about the same size. I still haven''t been able to get D to drink from the sippy cup! He did a long time ago but didn''t drink much at all. And now he won''t drink anything! He just bites the sprout. How much is C drinking? What does your pedi consider too much milk?

JAS12, glad you''re feeling better! Good luck with names! DH and I are having a hard time with names too. I know it''s early but we have not come up with a boy and girl name that we both really love.

MG, happy birthday to Kyle! What a cutie pie! The pro picture is priceless! His expression is so funny! That is such a cute picture of the two of you!

Question for second (and third) time mommies, did you show earlier with your second pregnancy?


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks ladies! I have one more pic, I promise it''s the last one! So you can see how much my little monkey has grown, here''s 3 weeks and 12 months side by side.



May 9, 2006
Mustang Gal -- so smoochable! What great pictures!

Snlee -- I obviously can''t speak from experience, but I have read that a woman''s body "snaps" into pregnancy faster with the second baby. Nothing uncommon if you feel more preggo/showing earlier.


Jan 3, 2005
Snlee: we leave on the 18th of Feb at night! So very soon!! I will definitely post tons of pic on FB :D

as for showing early...lets put it this way...i POAS, saw the positive...looked down and there was a bloat already!
i DEFINITELY bloated immediately and it lasted through till week 10 maybe?? then the bloat went down and things were relatively normal then poof again on week 14 or so! much much faster for me the second time around!

MG: aww! he's grown up so much!


Dec 9, 2002
Hi Ladies, trying to catch up ..

Curly, Jake refused to poop for awhile. I had to get him a push present. Pun intended. LOL. He had his eye on a truck and I told him he could have it when he pooped in the potty. So he decided to poop a few days later (I kept reminding him gently every time he pooped in his pullup (he waited until nighttime) that we''d go buy the truck when he was ready to poop in the potty.

So of course one day he did and then I had to take him, right then to go get it. LOL. he still calls it his poop truck all these years later.

Burk: I loooove your ring. I picked out a band like that at my Jeweler''s and told Steve I wanted it, but he brought home a solid diamond one. He didn''t "get" that I wanted to stack some bands. Oh well. I love it, and figured I could put a blue sapphire & pink sapphire on either side and all diamonds is a very fabulous and versatile way to start. LOL.

I mean...I do not kick pretty diamonds out of bed for eating crackers.

Who made yours? Do you know ? I also have my eye on a setting at my jewelers, kind of looks like the twisty tacori, but a little more substantial, and in platinum, and I''d like to put a round blue sapphire in it. I''m thinking for my 40th bday this september. I should go put the setting on layaway before they sell it. I don''t want it before my birthday. I''m funny like that. I like to get my gifts on my real birth DAY. DH always gets too excited and tries to give them to me early, but I also don''t want to see it before then. KWIM? I''ll pick out the sapphire, I''ve already tried on the setting, but I want DH to do the rest.


Nov 14, 2004
Kyle is such a cutie. Happy Birthday to him!

I did show earlier with the second pregnancy. The actual bump showed about the same time, but the bloat showed earlier. I guess b/c my stomach muscle never got a chance to bounce back.

Just 10 more days before your babymoon. Have a blast over there.

We had to postpone M''s 18 months appointment b/c I made a mistake with my open enrollment, so her insurance is a mess. Good thing we have a life change event, and I could add her on again. So we''ll take her in with J for his 1 month check-up. Such a bad mommy.


Sep 21, 2006
MG: cute pics! What color are Kyle's eyes? Love the b'day shots.

MSB: have a blast! re: swimsuits, I just wore my pre-preggo bikini. My chest sadly stayed unchanged and bottoms when below the belly. Maybe you could try that just to get by and buy some nice flowy beach dresses/coverups once there?

SNLEE: D and C are exactly the same age give or take a few days I think! (and Lucy, but she's left us in the dust, haha). I think D and C are simliar size too? Anyway, C has been ok with water in the sippy cup..even if she does bite on the spout, turn it sideways and cough on the water-she does take a good amount down. I give it to her during meals and she's thirsty and goes for it. Maybe do that with D and do not give him another option so he'll be forced to use it? He's done it before so he understands the concept. Milk is a different story though.. C will sip here and there, but won't take down 4-5oz like a bottle--it's more like 2oz. I've given her every kind of sippy: straws, Playtex, nuby, and none are perfect fits, but good enough. Pedi said 18-24oz is the range..anything more than 24oz he said was too much. C did drink more now and then (with bottles). She loves her AM and PM bottle...I don't see those going away anytime soon. I'm just glad C's not the only 15+ month old drinking from bottles..


Jan 3, 2005
mustang gal-great, great pics!! love them!

snlee-yep, definitely showed faster with baby #2 and #3. it was like my body said, oh your pregnant agin, lets just go ahead and make you look like you''re full term even though you are only 10 weeks along

jas-good luck with the move lady. glad you took a little break to come in and see us!

diver-the sapphire ring sounds beautiful and like a good b-day present!! how''s the knitting coming? i finally finished a sweater I started years ago and now my daughter doesn''t want to wear it. it''s really cute with a daisy pattern and I found little daisy buttons. I''m glad I''ve got 2 girls b/c my middle one said she''d wear it. I''m working on a scarf for my sister and the pattern is supposed to be easy, but it''s a pain. I cannot to anything else when I''m working on it or I get distracted and lose stitches in the yarn overs or something. I just like my knitting to be more mindless, so I can do it while watching t.v.

qt-you''re not a bad mommy. life changes going from one to two!

lili-where are you woman? I hope you are okay. please check in with one of us here or on FB to let us know you are doing okay.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 2/9/2010 1:49:50 PM
Author: mrssalvo
lili-where are you woman? I hope you are okay. please check in with one of us here or on FB to let us know you are doing okay.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 2/9/2010 1:18:59 PM
Author: janinegirly

SNLEE: D and C are exactly the same age give or take a few days I think! (and Lucy, but she''s left us in the dust, haha). I think D and C are simliar size too? Anyway, C has been ok with water in the sippy cup..even if she does bite on the spout, turn it sideways and cough on the water-she does take a good amount down. I give it to her during meals and she''s thirsty and goes for it. Maybe do that with D and do not give him another option so he''ll be forced to use it? He''s done it before so he understands the concept. Milk is a different story though.. C will sip here and there, but won''t take down 4-5oz like a bottle--it''s more like 2oz. I''ve given her every kind of sippy: straws, Playtex, nuby, and none are perfect fits, but good enough. Pedi said 18-24oz is the range..anything more than 24oz he said was too much. C did drink more now and then (with bottles). She loves her AM and PM bottle...I don''t see those going away anytime soon. I''m just glad C''s not the only 15+ month old drinking from bottles..
Yup, they are 3 days apart! At D''s 15 month appt a month ago he was 21 lbs, 29.5 inches. My pedi didn''t seem concerned he''s still drinking from a bottle. As long as he doesn''t use it to go to sleep. But he did say I should start getting him used to a sippy. He also said over 30oz is too much, which I thought was A LOT! D drinks anywhere from 18-24oz. I''ve been trying to give him a sippy cup with water when he''s eating but he hasn''t taken it. I''ve also tried the straw but he doesn''t suck. I''m not going to rush it though. I know he''ll do it when he''s ready. A few weeks ago he started using a spoon and fork! I didn''t push it. A few days after he started walking he showed interest in the spoon. He reached for it, so I gave it to him, and he put it in his mouth. He has pretty good aim. I was surprised! He can''t get the food himself but if I help put food into the spoon or fork, he loves to feed himself now. He also loves putting a cheerio on a spoon and feeding it to himself.


Jun 18, 2004
janine - they''re hazel, like mine. He''s got a dark blue rim around the outside, and more of a green inside, but they look different depending on what he''s wearing. They''ve pretty much stayed the same since birth. But as you can see, his hair color has changed a lot! He went from brown to red to dirty blond.

On sippy cups, we''ve got Kyle drinking formula out of one during the day, and I''m switching his night-time bottle to a sippy also. I''ve gotten him to drink water some with dinner, using this cup, since he never tips them up enough. He also likes to play with it, but I''m just happy he''s drinking water!

And it sounds like Kyle isn''t too small compared with some of your older toddlers, he''s about 21-22 pounds now, but I''m not sure on his height, they said he was 29" at his 9 month, but I think she got it wrong. We''ll see on Monday at his 12 month appointment. I''m not looking forward to the shots


May 9, 2006
First of all, I need to get this off my chest: I''m a bad mom. T is sick and miserable. She has a sinus infection and her asthma is horrible....but she asked if she could go to school today and I had errands to do and my last dr. appt so I took her. She''s not contagious and I think getting out of the house will really do her some good but I feel like I''m her mom, I should be with her when she''s this sick and I basically just pawned her off at school!
Okay. I''m done. Feels better to type it. I''m sure 10 years from now she''s not going to remember so I should just get over it!!

Quick catch up before I go to pick up my abused child....

Janine~Thanks! DH does well with instruction!
We do a lot of the same foods as the others mentioned. T won''t eat beef if it''s in large chunks (like meatloaf or meatballs) but if I ground it up good in her spaghetti sauce or on her pizza she''ll eat it. What about chicken enchillada''s, any pizza casseroles or mini pizzas, my T is weird and really likes seafood- breaded shrimp and fish sticks are two favorites.

mrss~I was up at 5:45 this morning again. Poor girl can''t breath with the stupid sinus infection. Seriously not sure how you do it every day!! Napping when they do def. helps.

Jas12~Glad you''re feeling better!!


Mustang~Adorable pics!!

Snlee~Thanks! I bloated earlier and felt like I showed earlier but stayed on a similar track as with T from what I can tell reading my journal from my pregnancy with her and comparing belly pics.

diver~Thanks! Who turns down diamonds?? An all diamond band will be so versatile for stacking with your future bands! If we have a third kid (BIG maybe right now) I think I''ll probably do all diamonds. The bands I have were both from a local line at my local jewelers. The gal that makes them does doesn''t do multiple pieces of one design, just "one of" and I love her stuff because it all has milgrain and cool details that I am drawn to. I think a sapphire in the twisty tacori sounds fabulous! You must post pics and details when you receive it in September!!!


May 9, 2006
Date: 2/9/2010 1:54:36 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 2/9/2010 1:49:50 PM

Author: mrssalvo

lili-where are you woman? I hope you are okay. please check in with one of us here or on FB to let us know you are doing okay.

Me three!! I''m worried. You''ve never been away this long!!


Nov 20, 2006
msb your babymoon is just around the corner. you must be super excited.

qt thanks! what are you thinking of getting for a PP? how is M doing with jaron? how are you doing?

burk sorry to hear T is sick. hope she feels better soon. and i saw that you are making progress....iu''m so excited for you. can''t wait to meet Kade!

jas12 glad you are feeling better. Co sounds hilarious!

snlee i assumed that the ring was a noah ring, but not too sure since we have already bought 2 of the 5 diamonds for my 5 stone and just waiting for some other ones to come in to get going on the 5 stone. but my DH must know how impatient i am so i guess he got that other ring to tie me over. haha. how are you feeing? for me, it seemed like i popped earlier the 2nd time, but up until about 20 weeks, it was all bloat for me. and even though i gained a lot less, i think i ended up around the same size.

yeah, where is lili? hope she''s doing ok.

at 7 weeks, noah decided he was going to follow in B''s footsteps and STTN!!! he went down for the night at 9, his last feeding was at 830, and he woke this morning at 830. i felt so a whole new person. but now that i posted this, the sleep gods are going to get me and he''ll be up every hour tonight. oh well, we''ll see how it goes tonight.


May 1, 2005
Burk, I love your Kade band! Sorry to hear Tayva is sick, hope she feel better soon.

MG, your little guy is so cute!

Snlee, big congrats! I'm with MSB, I bloated up right away. I'm only 8 weeks now and I look like I'm 12 weeks.

QT, sorry to hear about the insurance mess...our company is in the process of switch to another health insurance and it's a pain.

Lili, I hope you are ok.

puffy, I love your ring and your necklace!


Dec 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Baby Mustang!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsS, T is all about "MINE!" too.
I know it is a normal phase but it sure is annoying. I cannot believe you get up at 5 am everyday. You don''t even want to know what time T slept to today.

msb, I want to see your bev k! Get on it girl! I am also so jealous of your upcoming vacation. I need a vacation! T is a funny girl for sure. Make sure you are drinking enough water. I get dizzy spells and they are scary. Take care of yourself mama! T asks everyday if she has school. She loves it too.

Puffy, that must be so sweet to watch your two boys interact. Love your new jewelry. How much does N weigh? Took T 6 months to go 12 hours you lucky lady.

Q, she has ALWAYS had a strong personality. Of course so do I so I guess I know where she got that from

Burk, the end is near! I cannot wait to hear about Kade. Enjoy the last moments with T (before she has to share you). Hope T feels better soon. That kid deserves to feel good!

Janine, I was thinking 2 is too young to be sarcastic but looks like it is not! T is picky but she will eat Koren Beef, taco meat, chicken nuggets, peanut butter s/w (NO JELLY), pasta w/ pesto, mac & cheese, turkey hotdogs, sometimes grilled chicken if it has a sauce, chicken lo mein, *sometimes* rice (like fried rice). She likes flavor though she still eats those gross pasta pick-ups.

Jas, good luck with the move!

Jas12, baby names are difficult. No ideas at all? How did you come up with Cohen? What names do you love but your friends used?

MG, happy birthday kyle! T loves McD''s. I love the photos you posted.

diver, can''t wait to see your b-day present!

Bobo & Curly

Lili, we are getting worried!

I have exciting news. I got invited for an interview which is the next step for my Master''s program. Wish me luck ladies! I am already nervous.


Sep 21, 2006
Congrats Tacori!! You deserve it (and worked for it). How exciting

On another note I too am worried about Lili--emailed her on FB but nothing. I hope someone hears something soon, I miss her!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 2/9/2010 9:45:29 PM
Author: janinegirly
Congrats Tacori!! You deserve it (and worked for it). How exciting

Thanks Janine! I am really excited I have advanced to the next level in the application process. I feel like my strength will be in person so now I just have to show them that I would be a benefit to their program. I am nervous about a group interview. I would feel MUCH more comfortable one on one but it is what it is.
It is FOUR hours so maybe they do break us up. We''ll see.


Aug 19, 2009
Yay Tacori! Good luck on your interview.

OMG-Tessa''s "maybe not" is cracking me up. what a smarty pants


Jan 3, 2005
tacori, congrats on the interview. you are going to do great!


May 9, 2006
QT~How are you doing?

puffy~Thanks! Progress is good. Doubt I''ll go on my own, but at least Friday is the end.
Yay for Noah! I can''t believe such a little guy is sleeping that long. You''re a lucky mommy!

Bobo~Thanks! How are you feeling?

Tacori~I can''t believe I can say I go into the hospital TOMORROW. Crazy. I am so glad that T is feeling better today so we''ve actually got to play and enjoy one another. I was really sad that she was sick and not herself in our last days without Kade. Congrats again on your interview. Crazy it''s 4 hours long. They have to break it up somehow you would think. At any rate, you''ll do great!

T is doing much better today. Thank goodness because yesterday was rough. Her fever was up at 103.7 and I could not get it down. Ended up calling her pedi and he changed her antibiotic and told me to double the tylenol dose which got the fever to 100. Never thought I''d be happy to see 100! She just laid on my for hours. Yuck. By evening, though, she finally started to play like herself and today has been almost back to my crazy Tayva. Anyway, she''s sleeping now so I should nap too while I have the chance!


Jan 3, 2005
burk, wow tomorrow!! i know you are just so excited, i''m just so excited for you!! I''m glad tayva is feeling better too!

in jake I''ve been moving his bedtime up to 7:30-8:00. I don''t like putting him to bed that late b/c I really liked the staggered system I have with my girls but, the past 2 nights he''s slept until 6:00-6:30! So, if moving it a little later causes him to sleep until or just past 6:00 I think it might be worth it. Last night hubby played with Jake while I read with the girls and got Lily down. I then put Jake down second and spent half hour reading with C b/f putting her to bed at 8:00. So, I''m going to try it for a few more nights and hope it sticks!


Nov 14, 2004
Thanks. I just dropped the ball on the insurance. Totally my fault, and careless mistake at that. But hopefully it''ll get straighten out soon. I called the insurance company, and she isn''t on their system yet. I called my work''s benefit dept, and they say that the insurance is effective as of 2/1, but it can take up to 3 weeks before it gets fully processed. And I can pay for the doc visit, and file a claim to get reimburse if she isn''t on the system at the time of the appointment.
Hope moving Jake''s bedtime helps him sleep in until 6-6:30am. I know how you feel b/c M wake up at around 5:30am when I was working, which is ok on weekdays since I get up at that time to get ready for work. But it sucks on weekends. Now she''s been waking up at 4:30am, and walks over to our room to get in our bed. She, then, sleep with us until 7:30-8am.

I am thinking some kind of pendant for PP. I do love the eternity bands that you ladies have, but I don''t wear rings much besides my ering and wband. So I thought I''ll get more use out of pendants. I really haven''t look into anything yet.
M is dong well with J. Much better than I anticipated. I thought she would be really jealous, but not so much. At times, she does point for me to put J in the crib or PnP, so I can hold or play with her. I am doing well with recovery, feel like everything is back to normal. Appearance-wise, I still have a 5 months belly.

Yay for the interview. You''ll do great.
It''s so cute that T is a mini you, both look and personality. Great combo.

Good luck on your L&D Friday or earlier if Kade decides to come today or tomorrow. Can''t wait to meet him.
We are doing well. As you know, we went for a weight check and we also did a bilirubin stat test since we think J looks a little yellow. His bilirubin level is 11.5, so nothing to worry about. We did have a scare as J throw up fresh breastmilk out of his mouth and nose a couple times the last few days. His pedi said that it''s ok, but call if it happens more frequently. DH is taking few days off here and there, so I''ve been able to spend more time with M when he is home. M is doing pretty well with J still. She isn''t helpful with him, but she is very curious and wants to hold/touch him.
Glad T is feeling better. It must be rough for you too. Hope T is fully recovered before Kade is here.

How was your appointment today?
That''s great that D is using a spoon already.

Sounds like C is doing great too.

Where are you? We are worried and miss you.


Nov 20, 2006
bobo thanks! how are you? how is little B?

tacori noah is a big 1 month he was up to 11 lbs!!! he was born at 7 bs 13oz. i''m sure he''s gained a few more lbs this month..we''ll see at the end of the month for his 2 month visit. CONGRATS on the interview!!! you''ll do great i''m sure.

burk glad that T is doing better, sounds rough what she went through. will T be able to visit when you are in the hospital?

mrsS that''s great that jake slept past 6!!

qt a pendant would be really nice! that''s good that M is doing well with jaron. you never know, she might turn into quite the little mommy''s helper soon. when we first brought noah home, B was excited but scared at the same time. i could tell he kinda knew it wasn''t all about him anymore. anyways, we stepped in the door, closed the door, B ran to me gave me a giant hug and kiss and opened the door and said "baby noah OUT!!" haha. DH and i didn''t know whether to laugh or what! but he is totally in love with noah now and loves helping me with everything.

noah slept until 830 again this morning. i really hope i don''t jinx it cause i am loving getting more than 3 hours of sleep at once. and i can spend some time with DH when he gets home from work.

any plans for valentine''s day mommies?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Thanks everyone. I am excited. Not sure how many people they grant an interview but they only take around 40 applicants (around 200 apply). With the economy being the way it is I imagine it is even more competitive. I am NOT a competitive person at. all. I think I am good in person and they obviously like my written application (grades, test score, recs, essay) so I figure half the battle is won!

Tessa had a great day at school today. They had a valentine''s day party. I got her the cutest t-shirt at ON. The parents were invited *but* it was at 11:30 and I knew if I went she would NOT let me leave her again. The teacher told me not to worry about it on Monday and said she was hoping none of the moms would come! So my guilt was eased until I went to pick her up and there was only her and this other little boy.
I felt kinda bad but the teachers assured me she was not sad and didn''t notice her mom wasn''t there. It was so fun to read her little cards since I don''t really know any of the kid''s names. She was invited to some random b-day. Don''t think she can make it but it reminded me that now she is in school we are going to be invited to 11 random parties (give or take) a year.
Oh, I shared this on FB but when I dropped her off this other mom heard me say her name and said "Oh! That''s D''s valentine!" It was pretty cute. But she is obsessed with this other kid and keeps talking about a Mary but there is no Mary I know of. Kinda strange.

Bella, she was running around today saying "I''m gonna get you" in kinda a creepy voice chasing me. Her favorite question is asking "what was that noise?" in a whisper at ANYTHING odd she hears.

MrsS, yay for Jake sleeping in. 5:30 is WAY too early!

Burk, 2/12/10 is a cool b-day of course so is 2/10 and 2/11 so you are good! Glad T is feeling better. Kade''s arrival will be here SO soon! Are they using cervidel (sp?) They made it sound like the first 2 hours is some sort of info session which is confusing b/c obviously we are interested otherwise would have not applied but whatever and the last 2 are the interviews. Fingers crossed!

Qt, we are human and make mistakes. Sounds like it was fixed easily with J''s arrival!
That is kinda cute she sleeps with you guys in the morning. Poor thing probably needs some extra love. Glad you are feeling good! You are so sweet. It kinda freaks me out how similar T looks like me when I was a little girl. I kept thinking she would get more of her dad''s traits but besides her mouth and her eye color she is my clone.

Puffy, wow! I think it took T like 6 months to be up to 11 lbs. No wonder is is sleeping so long. You must make whole milk
My friend always teased me I made skim.
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