
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 18, 2004
Hehe, it wouldn't surprised me if he did -- growth spurt you know.
I agree w/ Tacori-- you should get yourself the DSLR -- need the speed to capture Jake once he gets going.

Love your avi, but I have to say the kissing one is still my fav :)
T and Co would make a cute couple and their babies are going to supermodel gorgeous and brainy too

LOL....funny about gluing the hair to Co.
I bet you, once his hair comes in, it'll be so full and thick (and maybe even w/ a bit of curls too).
Nope, still haven't found you guys...but I think I found TGal.

You are not a rotten mommy --- just a rotten poster
I kid.
Hope your cuppy business and your little man are what's keeping you busy,
but not too busy for TTC for #2


Nov 18, 2004
5? I''m hoping that they''ll be able to listen and sit still by 2!
W/ curls like that, I''d probably leave it til they are half way down their back.
Nothing cuter than little girls w/ ringlets.


Nov 14, 2004
Tayva has such pretty hair.
We are going to tell MIL not to give M the bottle once I can get her to use sippy or straw cup. So hoping she will follow our instructions.
I think it was MIL who stopped giving the paci to our nephew though, so there’s some hope. It was probably laziness on SIL and her DH’s part b/c they were still giving him milk in a bottle before bed a few months ago. Oh well not my kids.
I just got M some take and toss sippy. I''ll see if we have any luck with these. If not, then I''ll go with the straw since she already know how to suck on the straw.
I am super tired/sleepy all the time b/c I also don’t get enough sleep. I get about 5-6 hrs a night. It’s my fault, but I can really get myself to go to bed earlier. So far this pregnancy is different than with M. I didn’t have any symptoms/m/s with M besides being tired. But so far, I had already felt nauseous a few times (actually that what made me think I could be pregnant and prompted me to take the HPT) and a lot of lower back pain. I hope I don’t get full blown m/s.
We were about to see the sac yesterday with an external u/s. To me, it just looks like a black spot, and OB said you won’t see that if you are not pregnant. He wasn’t helpful on BFing. Basically he prefers for me to stop BFing, but isn’t telling me to stop b/c he knows how hard it could be to wean. So I am still going to BF for a couple more months before I wean M. We go back in 3 weeks, and we should see the heartbeats.

Sorry I don’t have a chance to respond to everyone. I typed up a long response last night, but then we suddenly lost internet connection.

Hope everyone have a weekend.


May 1, 2005
Burk, love the new AV!

puffy, DH and I are thinking about #2, but our decision changes
everyday depend on how little B was that day. I have to admit little B
is not a easy kid. He is more of a difficult child, even my MIL admit that.

Tacori, she laid down for the babysitter? I guess we as parents
are the only one that get to see the bad side of them. Everyone that met
little B said he is such a mellow, easy baby...I''m like "yeah...wait until
we get home and it''s just the two of us"

lili, yes, he still smack me. I can honestly said I tried
every method to make him stop. I tried the "gentle gentle" method
you taught J. but don''t work on him. How sweet of J gently stroke the crying kids.

QT, you had u/s already? I didn''t get my first u/s until I was like
20 weeks preggo with little B. hmm...wonder if it''s because of the
insurance? I didn''t even have picture of u/s to save for little B''s baby book.
Hope you don''t have a full blown m/s.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Okay, I am kinda annoyed. Guilt prompted me to offer to address my sister''s wedding invites. I was suppose to design them for her (I am a graphic designer) but since she would give me NO direction I refused. I don''t have time to come up with a million sketches with no hints. Also I am known for my handwriting so figured it was the nice, sisterly thing to do. Well, my mom just told me they will be delivered on June 1st and she wants them out basically June 2nd. Keep in mind I have Tessa who would DESTROY them, I don''t even have the guest list, AND I have to take the to the post office to buy the stamps. I am assuming I have to assemble them too but I am crossing my fingers that is done (yeah right). *sigh*

Burk, I think kids do care at a certain age. I bet our girls will want a buzz cut or something. Haha. THEN what would be do?

Lili, yeah I notice she is better with my mom too (b/c she doesn''t see her that often). Still makes me jealous. I guess our girls are sick of us or something. She is always better with DH than me. She was REALLY pushing my buttons today. She kept climbing up on our glass coffee table to DANCE on it. No joke. I kept yelling NO, shaking my head, taking her off, warning her with spankings...I swear the last time she did it she has this glimmer in her eye and a look that said "whatcha gonna do?" The little devil KNOWS it is wrong. SHE was even shaking her head AND saying no. I WILL be starting time outs. The girl has GOT to learn.

Bobo, can you believe it? I was SHOCKED when she told me. The ladies at Child Watch think she is SOOO easy too. I am like if you only knew.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~ Sorry about the invites! You''re such a good sister! :) I did the same thing-offered to make the slide show for my sister''s wedding...and my she unfortunately took me up on it!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Burk, I just don''t know how I am going to get it all done (with the limited free time I have) in a matter of days...oh well. I''ll figure it out.


May 9, 2006
lili~Thanks! The kissing one is prob my favorite too but figured I''d mix it up!
I''m getting my hopes up that T will be able to sit still any time in the near future. But if not by 5 we''ll have serious issues!



Tacori~OH my...a buzz cut would probably make me stress! My mom is totally an athlete-not prissy/dress up/wear much make-up at all and when I was little I was a little girly girl (would only wear dresses, refused to play sports, ect) and my mom said she wanted to if T wants to buzz her hair because she''s acting like a tomboy I guess I''ll take it! Ha ha. So funny (but not) about T dancing on the table. My T did something similar tonight (only with stairs) and I finally put her in time out and she cried.

So they told me today at daycare that they think we should move T up to the next room (which is supposed to be 18 months) next week because T is so much more advanced than the others in her room (4 of which are older than her). While I was proud of my girl, I wonder if it''s even worth getting her into a new routine with new people since next week is her last because of my summer break....Dh and I are going to think about it over the weekend. They were awesome about it and said we could do whatever we want.


Nov 20, 2006
burk great news about T being more advanced...what a smart little girl she is!! i only let B outside by himself cause he has that gigantic play set that he never gets bored of and i do keep an eye on him. and he is really good with stairs, holding on, so i don''t worry too much. there really is nothing for him to get into out in the back yard. and most of the time, he just likes to sit at the top of the the slide and wave to me or bird watch. haha.

msb how is everything going? how is little k?

tacori B slept all those hours yesterday and woke up this morning at 1030 only cause i woke him up. when i woke him up, he said he didn''t want to get up yet but i made him get up so he would still nap later on. weird!! i doubt it''s teething cause he''s pretty much got all his teeth or all of them have broken through. maybe just growing. you are a GREAT sister for sure!! good luck on getting them done, i''m sure you''ll finish them.

lili haha, that is so funny that J acts like an angel when people are around. i''m sure she''s an angel, just an angel with tons of energy and spunk!! little bit of milk is progress. i used to give B his milk in the straw cups and he loved them, then he went on this weird cup strike where he refused to drink out of anything that was not MY cup. so i had to get him one of the water bottles that i used and he''s been using those since. but sometimes, he still only wants to drink out of mine, so i have to take a sip out of his water bottle then he will too. weird kid!!

qt 5-6 hours is sleep, but it might now be enough, you are right. i still struggle to sleep at night, but i manage to do ok in the day. hoping you get to see the heartbeat in 3 weeks. BFing also takes a lot out of your body and so does being preggo, so i think that might be a reason that your OB wanted you to wean, or at least that''s what i have heard from others. but i know plenty of friends who BFed and were preggo at the same time with no problems. do you plan to wean at 1 year? oh and if she is already using a straw, you can just skip the sippy and go straight to straw cups, she might enjoy them more.

bobo haha, that''s how DH and i were before i found out i was preggo. we were always back and forth on trying for #2 depending on how B was acting that day. it could just be a phase that little B is going through, just being difficult. B was like that a few months ago and i swear i was going to kill myself. he just basically refused to listen to me and did everything that i asked him not to do. kids i tell ya!!

hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


Nov 14, 2004
Yeah my OB uses the u/s to confirm pregnancy b/c he says the HPT is as good as the one they give. For M''s pregnancy, I had u/s at the first three appointments (to confirm pregnancy, to check for heartbeat and to estimate due date), the big u/s at 19 weeks (done at the radiology clinic) and then another one around 28 weeks. He gave me print outs for the first two u/s, and the tech gave us a few from the big u/s.

Sorry you got stuck with addressing all those invites. Hope they come assemble, so at least you don''t have to do as much work.
Interesting that T is better with your mom and DH than you. Maybe b/c she spends the most time with you, and she is testing your limits.

How did T do with time-out besides the crying?
I am sure T will do fine whatever you decide b/c she is so advanced and sociable. She''ll have no problems adjusting. Though I see what you mean about moving her for just a week.

OB''s reason was b/c BFing stimulates contractions. But everything I''ve read says it''s ok to nurse while pregnant, so I am not worried. I was definitely planning to wean the daytime feeding, so I can stop pumping at work. I was thinking that I might still nurse at night. I am not sure what I want to do now. Though I''ve heard from a few people that the taste of their milk changes as their pregnancy progressed and their babies self-weaned, so there''s a chance that M might end up self-weaning.
M is sipping from the take and toss sippy, so we''ll let her use the sippy and learn to hold the cup for a little while. I''ll give the straw cup in a couple months.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Well Tessa got her first sunburn today
It isn''t too bad just some redness on her shoulders but I feel badly (of course). I guess I need to remind myself to reapply. We were only at the pool for an hour so I didn''t think of it. This afternoon we hung out outside and she pushed her baby stella and her stroller around. She is so funny b/c she will pick but the baby and pat her back, kiss her, etc...I have to remember that she is ALWAYS watching and obviously follows our examples.

So my neighbor says it is a HUGE mistake NOT to trim T''s hair. She said it will start growing in better (not as fine). Has anyone experienced this? I don''t understand how cutting the ends will change the way the roots grow.

puffy, I bet he is growing. I hope I finish them. I wonder when the box will come.

Q, my sister told me they are NOT assembled. *sigh* T tests me ALL day long. I took her to Walmart this morning and she kept wiggling out of the seat belt and STANDING up on the seat. She would then start dancing, jumping AND laughing.
I told her no, that it was dangerous, to sit on her bottom but I finally had to PHYSICALLY make her sit every time. She did it 3 times before I gave up and started carrying her. She *knows* it is wrong but thinks she is the boss.


May 9, 2006
puffy~Thanks. I shouldn''t have used the word "advanced" as I hate parents who think their kid is advanced....just that compared to the others she is further along as far as social skills and communication at this time. Anyway, we decided to keep her in the "infant" room this week (she has the 4 others who are older than her in there still and she LOVES to help with the babies so it''s win win) That''s awesome that B does so well outside by himself. We have so much landscaping and stuff that I would probably look out to see T digging a huge hole in our mulch.
So could not trust her alone. And lately she''s been so hooked to my side I doubt she''d go out without me.

QT~T does good with time-out. She is usually a "pleaser" and will test me but really dislikes being in trouble. She cries pretty hard while in time-out every time (like can''t catch her breath hard) but when I take her out she does fine.

Tacori~Sorry about the sunburn. I can totally relate because yesterday on our way home from the pool I was certain my T had burned and I felt so bad. Turns out she was just hot (the girl is an over-she sweats more than I do). So cute about playing with her baby. I don''t think I agree with the cutting the hair so it grows could that possibly help the hair at the roots? One of my friends went to hair school so I''ll ask her!
Good luck with the invites!!

Funny, today T burped and looked at me and said "thank you"
I said, "do you mean excuse me" and she said "excuse me." At least she''s trying to use her manners.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. This week is my last of school and I''m sooo excited!


Nov 20, 2006
qt i''m sure you will do what''s right for you and M as far as BFing. how are you feeling? hope you feeling pretty good.

tacori oh no, poor T with her burn. she''ll recover quickly though i''m sure. as far as hair cuts go, we gave B his first hair cut at 3 months or so. and before then. he had the softest hair with the curls at the ends also but too many people were mistaking him for a girl, so i knew it was time to cut it. it grew back a lot thicker. he still has soft hair but it is definitely NOT baby hair. might just be a coincidence, so i don''t know. i sure hope you get those invites soon to address them!!

burk heehee, that''s so cute that she said excuse me. when i am in the middle of a conversation, and B wants my attention, he says excuse me mommy. he still kinda doesn''t really get that it can mean so many things cause when i am in his way, i tell him to say excuse me, but he''s like huh? so he will say, move please mommy. haha. you must be so excited to get school over with so you can be home with T. have a great last week!!

hope all the mommies had a great weekend!


Nov 18, 2007
Question for you experienced mommies: Am I nuts to have planned a 3 night trip to Vegas when my LO is 3 and half months old? I''m considering bringing her now and taking turns staying the room with her!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/1/2009 12:11:10 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Question for you experienced mommies: Am I nuts to have planned a 3 night trip to Vegas when my LO is 3 and half months old? I''m considering bringing her now and taking turns staying the room with her!
Not a nexperienced mommy yet, but I just took a 10 day trip with Hunter and the trip itself was fine! The three hour time difference was annoying, I don''t think he ever re-set his clock to be honest, but it was good. Or were you thinking of leaving her behind? If she isn''t a very reactive/sensitive baby you can probably take her with you in her stroller most places in Vegas, no need to leave her in the room!


May 16, 2006
Court--i would not have been able to do it (but i still haven''t left my son for a night yet so i may not be the best judge)
She won''t be able to remember it so it wouldn''t be tramatic for her i don''t think but a) if you are breastfeeding you are going to need to pump TONS to ensure your supply stays up. B) you''ll probably be *as* relaxed with her there as you would if she were not (worry vs. baby maintenance)
Babies travel so easily at that age. Personally i would bring her and maybe you can steal a few hours of relaxation a few times while you are away. And like DD said-just bring her along everywhere else.


Nov 18, 2007
Yes, Dreamer, the plan was to leave her with my parents and that we''d be ready to take a weekend trip somewhere. Now I''m not so sure.

I''m not even 100% sure that I will still be BFing, but I very well may be. I had just planned on pumping!


Dec 29, 2004
Courtney, not sure how anal you are about these things, but thought I''d mention it. It seems like you can smoke everywhere in Vegas. The casinos don''t really smell too much like smoke (it''s amazing how they do that) but it''s still there. It''s not like the kid is going to die if you take her to a casino, but some people are more sensitive than others about that kind of stuff.

Personally, for me, I wouldn''t have left Amelia at 3 months. She barely started sleeping through the night at 3 months (meaning a full 12 hours, not the textbook STTN definition), and I know the other babies on PS took a bit longer. I would have felt it was an imposition to my mom to do the middle of the night wakeups.


Nov 20, 2006
courtney i honestly feel like that age is a fine time to travel as they are alert enough to know what is going on pretty much, but not yet mobile so they have to be up and about all the time to explore everything. and at 3 months, all you really need are a few toys to entertain her. how long is the plane ride? the smoke is an issue, but like tgal said, don''t know how sensitive you are to it. and i''m sure she would love to be in the stroller looking around at all the new surroundings.
but i''m not sure about leaving her IF she is not STTN. and if you BFing still, you will be pumping so much to make sure you keep up with your supply. so i would honestly take her but don''t keep her locked up in the room.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Courtney, we took T to a wedding in Vegas when she was 8 months old. I am glad we took her since my college friends got to meet her but it was NOT as much fun as going just DH and me. We love to go to shows...can''t bring a baby. Love to gamble...can''t bring a baby. Even taking turns...just wasn''t the same. I left T the first time at 5 months and I had to pump and dump the whole time. PITA but worth it. Also I find it harder to leave her as she gets older. I think I am an odd ball and if my baby was sleeping through the night and she was with someone I trusted I would leave her behind. If you do take her we stayed at the flamingo in their awesome GO rooms. The bathroom is so big it fits the hotel crib which is awesome since she sleeps better in her own room. Make sure you bring duct tape in case you have to fashion a bumper out of towels. She will be so young though you probably will be fine.

Burk, the redness is gone so maybe she was just hot too
Let me know what your friend says about baby hair. So you sorry reminded me of T. When she farts she GIGGLES now. Maybe b/c it feels funny. I don''t know. I guess the whole gas humor starts YOUNG.

puffy, I need to track the invite box and see when I am suppose to get them. I did buy some nice pens so I am ready to go. If I had a boy I am sure he would have had several hair cuts by now!


May 9, 2006
puffy~"excuse me" is a hard one with all it's different meanings. My 8th graders still have a hard time using it when interrupting me!
At least B says "please" when he asks you to move!

Courtney~Tough one. At 3.5 months my T was sleeping through the night, but I don't know if I would have been ready to leave her at that point. I'm also not really sure I would have wanted to bring her to Vegas either. That age will be pretty easy for travel...she'll just hang out. Sounds to me like you booked the trip meaning for it to be a vacation for you and DH to spend some time, no? Could you just reschedule to a later date?

Tacori~I bet she was just hot! My T is ALWAYS hot and sweats like crazy...I just didn't realize how red she gets when she's super how until yesterday. So funny about laughing when farting. NO wonder my 8th graders still think it's hilarious...never ends
I'll let you know about the hair thing when she gets back to me. She doesn't still do hair but she used to and went to school so she should know.


May 1, 2005
Tacori, you are such a good sister! crossing my fingers
for you that you will get it done in time. Sorry to hear Tessa
got sunburned, did you try putting aloe on her? That is what everyone said
about the hair will grow better so we shaved little B''s head(DH insisted)
when he was six months old and honestly I don''t think it made a difference.
sorry I had to laugh at your outing with what little B would do too.

puffy, I really hope it''s just a phase. But I have a feeling
it''s his personality

QT, the printer was broken on the day of the u/s and they didn''t
saved the files so that is why we didn''t get pic. of our u/s. So we pay
out of pocket to do a 3D u/s at 32 weeks so I have something for his baby book

Burk, Tayva is so well manner. little B still don''t say "Thank you"
or "excuse me"

Courtney, my kid wasn''t a easy going baby so I don''t think I can
do it. It will be more like work then vacation for us.


Dec 29, 2004
Hi gal pals!

lili, the toddler''s creed it cute! Not looking forward to when Amelia gets to that stage.

Bobo, I did the same thing that lili did. Kept trying to direct her into touching "gentle gentle." Sometimes she still forgets but I just don''t let her continue. It''s tough to teach them sometimes, for sure.

Tacori, too funny about Tessa showing the babysitter where the diapers are. She IS a charmer, lol. I always love it that kids seem to reserve their "special" side for their parents, ha. Also, you have my sympathies on the invite thing!

Also wanted to thank everyone for the food suggestions. I am going to try some of them. Fortunately, eating is going better and better every day.

Burk, you got a cutie smarty pants on your hands...daycare proves it!


May 9, 2006
Bobo~She doesn''t say it all the time yet. They''re still little. Yesterday she asked for string cheese and I said "Say please" as I was handing it to me and she grabbed it right out of my hand, looked at me and said "thank you" like that''s good enough mom!
If she doesn''t say it, I will ask her to do so and repeat me to just remind her. Like I said, they''re still super young.

Tgal~Glad that A is eating better! It was a battle with T around the one year mark, if you remember. She was super picky and I was still feeding her the baby food veggies because it was the only way she''d eat them
She''s much better now! Thanks for the compliment...I sure hope I didn''t sound like "one of those moms" who thinks her kid is superior because I so don''t. I know the rest of the kids will catch''s just that she has more verbal skills now.

Tacori~My friend got back to me and said there is NO proof that cutting will lead to it growing in thicker/better/anything. She did say it couldn''t hurt...then remembered how much of a wiggle pants T is and said there is no harm in waiting!


Dec 29, 2004
Yup Burk, I remember. I''ve been going back and starting to copy and paste all my entries on Amelia, so I am reading about your little ones along the way.

Speaking of, what a difference a year makes! I am so far at about late April 2008. Back then, we were all discussing BPA free bottles and what to buy. Now everything as BPA free plastered all over it!


Nov 18, 2004
Just get rid of all the bottles once M is on the sippy or straw,
then you don't have to worry about MIL giving her the bottles

for M taking the sippy.
I don't think you need to transition her to the straw now, instead just go straight to a normal cup?

for seeing the little sac.
Hope you get to see more of your little bean at your next appt.
And hope you don't get full blown ms.

Haha, they always do save their "special" side as TGal said for us huh?
Like I told you before, it's because they love us that much more

Hehe, they always know how to push our buttons huh?
Sometimes when J misbehave, I want her to get hurt just so she'll learn.
She's into walking on the sofa now, not on the table yet and that's because our coffee table is on the high side.
I'm sure she'll be doing the happy jig once she gets on.
That's good that T didn't get sun-burned.
Hate to see any damage on that lovely porcelain skin

RE: shaving/trimming hair to get it fuller.
It's a whole bunch of baloney. Don't buy into it. My nieces had little to no hair during their first year (and my sister refused to shave them),
but now their hair is so thick and full. My cousin (whose kid is born the same time as J) shaved her daughter's head and her hair is still light and thin.
Of course they could argue that it would have been thinner if they didn't shave her. Or my nieces would have been much thicker if they had.
I think T's hair is full and thick enough for a baby.
Being the hot blooded girl that she is, can you imagine how much more red and sweaty she'll be if her hair is any thicker? :)

Good luck w/ the addressing the invitations.
You may need to give a couple spare ones to T just to keep her at bay

But if T is like J, she won't want those except the ones that you are working on, haha.


Nov 18, 2004
T is just another smartie too!
Glad you kept her in the infant room, pointless to have her in a new class when you are going to take her out this week.
That''s so cute that T is saying thank you, please and excuse me.
She''s so well-mannered.

Haha, J is at a point where she wants to eat out of our bowls and cups.
How are you feeling?

Haha, somehow I just don''t see your laid-back girl in a tug of war w/ others on toys

She''s probably content seeing other kids fighting it out.
Oh, happy 14-month to A!
I see you starting a thread on potty train.....thinking about getting A started soon?


Dec 16, 2007
Moms, I am looking for some advice about sleep issues in the newbie-mom thread
If you have time I''d love if you can pop on over to give me your 2 cents!


Dec 29, 2004
lili, not sure about the potty training. Kind of hard to train a girl who can''t walk.
But I''m interested to see what books and sites people have been reading!


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 6/1/2009 6:01:45 PM
Author: TravelingGal
lili, not sure about the potty training. Kind of hard to train a girl who can''t walk.
But I''m interested to see what books and sites people have been reading!

haha, that may be a good time to PT...
then you don''t have to worry about chasing them to wipe their bum
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