
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 20, 2006
curly thanks!

mrsS thanks! how''s the family doing? any new things that jake''s picked up on?

lili thanks! so weird, but no one sees that B and noah look alike, they think it''s just me. and claim that noah looks more like me. i don''t see it at all.

msb thanks! hope you are doing ok. how is K?

qt thanks! you are so close to having your baby. names?

janine thanks! hope C is sleeping better.

burk thanks! how are you feeling? how''s T doing?

snlee sounds like D is doing really well. it is so cute and so much fun when they interact and do all sorts of crazy cute!!! when is #2 coming?

mustang hi!!! can''t believe your little man is going to be 1 soon.


Nov 18, 2004
Can''t believe Kyle is going to be one so soon.
Sounds like he''ll be walking around greeting people at his party ^.^

Hehe, I think sometimes people just want to be fair.
One look like daddy and the other will have to look like mommy.
And some people need to see almost a carbon copy -- not just a couple of features, before they say that 2 are alike.
I don''t think we''ve seen a good full face shot of you, but from what I can see...B does have a bit of you in him.
We can tell you for certain if you give us a good picture of you and the boys


May 16, 2006
Hi Mustang! Can''t believe you''ll have a 1 year old soon. Anything special planned for his b-day?

(warning: vent) So i posted a thread about Co possibly having a yeast infection on his legs. I''ve been trying to treat it with cream at home but it wasn''t working so we finally got to see the dr. and she took a very quick glace (annoying since she is so busy and just doesn''t take the time with anyone) and diagnosed it as eczema. I didn''t think it could be this, since i suffer badly with it and it looks so different from mine, but i guess there are multiple types. Anyway, i am so sad about it. It''s just so hard to control and pinpoint a cause. Both charlie and I are allergic ppl so that was part of the reason i BF for so long, take precautions with food choices, try to eat whole foods etc. Dr. said i am doing all i can, which should make me feel better, but it doesn''t b/c i feel like i am kinda at a loss now as to what to do for him. There are a few things we are going to eliminate from his diet to see if there is improvement, so i hope that helps, but it could be genetic. To top it off, i had a flare up with my own eczema on my hands and legs and worst of all, it''s also on my eyelids and below my eyes (ya, attractive) and i woke up so swollen. Last time i was pregnant it was bad too so something about this state causes flare ups. So i had a meltdown before breakfast. I also fighting a cold and feel frazzled, so i am a super grump. I wanted to call in sick but my co-teacher is away and can''t. So students are coming in now--guess i better buck up right. Thanks for letting me vent, i had to get it off my chest before putting on a happy face


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Jas - that sucks about Co, I hope you''re able to find the cause, and maybe if the doctor didn''t get a really good look, it might be mis-diagnosed?

We''re not doing much for Kyle''s b-day. My family is all coming out the weekend before, and we''re going to hit up the Renaissance Fair and do a BBQ at the park. Then DH''s family will come the next weekend and we''ll go out to dinner with them. We bought a few decorations and a hat, but he probably won''t go near the cake, so I doubt we''ll get any decent pics

So one of my issues with Kyle is his eating. He''ll eat puffs, teething biscuts, and cookies, but acts like we''re choking him if we try to feed him any foods lumpier than a puree. He even gagged so hard he threw it all up after a tiny lump in a stage 2 corn casserole last weekend! What were your kids eating at about a year? And any ideas on getting him to eat lumpier foods?


Jan 3, 2005
Mustang: welcome! its amazing how quickly the kids on PS are growing :) anything special planned?

Jas12: awww
im sorry ur having such a bad day!! maybe going for a second opinion would help? since this doc obviously only took a quick look? ***big hugs***


May 9, 2006
lili~I think she THINKS she''s a preschooler, or maybe even a teenager for that matter! The girl is a piece of work. We haven''t seen any J videos on FB lately!! Glad J is back to herself!

mrss~Fun when you can communicate with them...although sometimes I do wish T had a mute button!

Mustang~Welcome over!! Can''t believe Kyle is going to be 1!! T was eating mostly table foods or the stage 2 gerber foods at a year. I would just keep offering Kyle different foods and he''ll catch on. Will he do bread or pancakes or anything with that texture? T still loves pancakes!

puffy~I am feeling pretty crappy lately....have had a stupid cold for about 1.5 weeks and am just over being preggo w/ a toddler. I''m sure you can relate! Have my weekly appt today so hopefully he''ll check me to see if I''m on my way to baby yet.

jas12~**HUGS** I so wish we lived close because misery really does love company and I''m either feeling exactly what you''re feeling (sick, preggo, toddler, busy hubby) or have been there (T has allergies and so do DH and I). Luckily T''s allergies have gotten better and she may be even outgrowing them (knock on wood!!!). Her allergist says many outgrow by age 3 so I''m crossing my fingers. I hope you''re able to figure out what is causing it. Did your doc prescribe anything for it? Does he seem to be uncomfortable and itchy?

So T has this thing where she asks "mommy, what''s that?" or "mommy what''s that for" about ten thousand times a day. As I mentioned to puffy I''m not feeling terrific and my patience is reaching an all time low and I''m so sick of answering "Tayva that''s a snow pile" ect!! Do any of your little ones do this? I know it''s probably just a phase but it''s driving me crazy!!! On the other hand, it''s quite cute when she asks and then answers for herself. Oh, and she has decided to address me as "babe" constantly. She handed me her coat this morning and said "here you go babe" I can''t help but laugh!


May 9, 2006
I forgot to mention earlier that I started my no diary and corn diet on Sunday. Doc thinks getting them out of my system before Kade gets here will help if he is indeed intolerant like T (which is very likely I guess). Miserable. Do you guys know how much stuff as corn in it?!?!?!? Dairy isn''t terrible for me (except for cheese) but the corn thing is crazy. Even the bread I was buying had traces of corn. This may be a long go if he is indeed intolerant as well and I have to keep these foods out until I''m done BFing......


May 16, 2006
are we living the same life Burk? Co asks "what''s that" all day too. Drives me nuts at times. My tolerance for anything is nil, even tho it is cute.
OMG, as if she calls you babe, does she get it from DH? That''s just hilarious.
Oh and while i was having my meltdown this morn (crying to DH but then realizing crying would do more damage to my puffy eyed state) i said "pleeeze, do not let me touch anything with dairy" I think i ate some flavored chips with dairy in them. Dairy is not too hard to avoid, but ya corn and wheat are really hard! It''s tough, BFing is the best for helping kids avoid allergies later on, but if they are allergic to you...well, it''s sucky. So i hope Kade is more tolerant than Tayva was.
Co was perscribed a cortizone with an antibiotic. It''s heavy duty and i don''t want to use it long term, so i spent the night researching things and we''ll get a good moisturizer for him, tepid baths, better house cleaning to avoid dust mites ( a good excuse to hire a service now!!), elimination diet and some probiotic supplements. His one leg is really bad and it''s so weird b/c he went from perfect skin to huge outbreak in a week. I am stressed about it, but gotta just deal. I know you have been there!


Jan 3, 2005
Jas, Jake has chronic eczema too. I've tried everything in jake's diet and that doesn't seem to be it at all. I've used hydrocortizone and it does help but you can't use it continually and when I stopped he would flare up again. I actually went to a heath food store and bought this eczema cream that's all natural with olive oil and other ingredients and it has worked wonders. Also, I bathe him in Dove soap which is a lot gentler than even most baby soaps. I usually give Jake a bath every other day and that's seemed to help too. my ped. said his kids has horrible eczema as babies/kids but now they are teenagers and have beautiful skin, no ache b/c they don't produce large amounts of oil. So, that's the good news hopefully for down the road. Jake is my only kid to have such bad skin issues. I'm so sorry about your flare up too

mustang-welcome over here!!

burk-hang in there. I totally know what it's like to be preggo with a toddler and it's exhausting! But, Kade will be here b/f you know it and it does get better, I promise!


May 9, 2006
jas12~Glad to hear T isn''t the only one doing the "what''s that?" constantly! And, yes, she got the babe thing from DH. She has called him babe a few times as well but mostly me and it''s quite entertaining....hopefully she''s not calling her teacher at school babe, though!
I find it crazy how they sneak dairy and corn into things I would least expect. I am hoping he doesn''t turn out to be a soy or wheat intolerant baby because that would make corn/dairy look like a picnic! The other thing that''s so hard for me right now is he''s not here for me to look at and go, "okay, I''m starving myself for you. All worth it" like I could with self control is NOT good. I hope the cream helps and then you are able to find some other solutions. I am terribly allergic to dust mites so that is part of my excuse to have a cleaning lady! Hang in there!

mrss~Thanks. I knew you''d be able to relate. I think what''s so hard is that I wish I had more patience and I wish I was able to enjoy this time right now when it''s just her. I''m just feel so crappy sometimes it''s hard to have patience for anything.
She did lay in my bed with me this morning and cuddle and watch Elmo since I wasn''t feeling well which was super cute...not the normal "get up mommy" I usually hear!


Jun 18, 2004
burk - my nephew was out to visit a few months ago, and kept on and on with "what you doing". He wouldn''t even wait for your answer before he asked again! 3 days of that was more than I could handle, so I hope she gets over that stage soon. And nope, Kyle won''t eat any bread or pancakes. We try to give him things to "play" with, but he will hardly even touch them. I tried a muffin a few weeks ago, to see what he might do to a cupcake for his b-day. He poked it once and didn''t want anything to do with it. The pizza crust got even worse treatment, he threw it off the high chair. Yet he''ll attempt to eat junk mail


Nov 18, 2004
Awww....hope you feel better.
Hang in there a little longer.
You are in the home stretch.

Haha...I think we are to blame for their constant asking "what''s that?"
I know I ask J that often when she started picking up words -- entertainment for mommy and daddy :D

I haven''t put videos of J lately because I think my page is already overwhelmed w/ clips -- I think I''ve got like 30+ on there :razz:
Also, it is literally impossible to get her to do anything in front of the camera.
She''ll either skirt around me to see what I''ve captured, or just stand there mute :D
And if I do capture her saying anything, it probably sounds like gibberish

Oh, hope Co''s rash clear.
Do you think you can post a picture of it?
J''s rash (ezcema) flare-up gets pretty bad too.
She''ll go from smooth baby skin to rough and rashy in a day.
I''ve been using vaseline on her and it seems to control it.
I may go and try to find this mosturizer that MrsS was talking about.

Oh, hope you feel better soon.
The cold dry weather is probably not helping either.


Nov 18, 2004
Have you tried banana and frozen vegetables (peas, corns) and fruits (blueberry)?
The daycare offered those to J's class when they were about that Kyle's age.
And expect them to play w/ him initially.
He'll want to feel the texture w/ his hands before putting them in his mouth.

ETA: At 21 months, J still eats her stage2 baby food.
Noodle is a good option to try. My girl is a total noodle baby -- udon, ramen, spaghetti, pho..


May 9, 2006
Mustang~T did the "what you doing" thing for a while too...she''s luckily slowed with that one and moved on to this. fun fun. I really wouldn''t worry too much about his food aversions. We fed T baby food for a long time (probably 14 months or so) because she loved it and it was easy. I would just keep trying to offer it. Fruits and veggies like lili suggested maybe? Will he eat noodles?

lili~Yes, you are right, home stretch! I think you''re also right about us causing the "what''s that" fascination because I did do that for the longest time to try and encourage her vocabulary....lesson learned!
I don''t think there can ever be enough J videos! I do understand not getting much, though, because T wants to be in charge of the camera every time I get it out too!!


Oct 6, 2004
Mustang - welcome! Can''t believe your little guy will be a year soon! Isn''t it funny how we forget the details to the newborn stage so quickly? It wasn''t THAT long ago but I still have the hardest time remembering the details.

Burk, so sorry to hear about your no diary and corn diet. Can''t imagine how tough it is. Hope it doesn''t have to last that long. Hang in there! Hugs!

Jas12, sorry to hear about Co''s skin issues and that you''re having a bad day. Hugs!

For eczema, I highly recommend cetaphil skin cleanser. I LOVE this stuff and it''s really good for your skin, very moisturizing and gentle on the skin. Just don''t use cetaphil moisturizers, as they have macadamia nut oil so it''s not good to use on baby/toddlers in case they are allergic. I thought since the skin cleanser is so good the moisturizers would be good for baby too but my pedi told me otherwise.


Nov 14, 2004
Been lazy posting on DH''s netbook since my laptop went out. Was supposed to get the new one today, but it was delayed and won''t be here til tomorrow. So in the meantime, just some quick responses.

Yes, I think we finally have a name. Jaron Jett. We are pronouncing it jare-on.

So sorry about the dr not taking her time to diagnose Co, and your eczema flaring up. M''s eczema had been flaring up lately too. Hope you feel better soon.

Welcome to the toddlers thread.
Kyle probably just needs some time to get used to textures. At that age, M could eat some pieces of food. Ditto lili on noodles, M loves all kinds of noodles/pasta.

Our 4.5 yrs old nephew constantly asks "why?" and "what''s that?" about the same thing, and it drives me nuts. I figure at that age, he should be able comprehend enough to not repeat the questions. I can understand a 2 or 3 yrs old doing it though. But maybe I am expecting too much of a 4.5 yrs old. I dunno.
How cute T is calling you "babe".

I''ll have to try the cetaphil cleanser. Thanks.

How is Miss J?


Nov 18, 2004
I just thought of another culprit for their "what's that?" -- YoGabbaGabba.
Oh boy, now that song is in my head. "what's that" "it's a salmon....a salmon swim upstream"

LOL....the "why's" can go on endlessly.
My nieces used to ask why and how come all the time.
You answer their "why" only to be asked another "why" after it.

J is doing well.
Fully recovered and making up for that loss time in terms of play and meals.
I kinda miss those days when she just dozed off to sleep

Now she's back to stalling to stay up at night and taking her nap.
Whenever it's time to sleep, she'll ask to go downstair. And when I ask her why she wants to go downstair, she'll smile coyly and said to eat something (cuz she knows that that's one thing we wn't deny her at the moment to get her back to her original weight.

How's M w/ the new bed?
Is she sleeping better?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I am way behind. Poor T has a cold (I think). She was super watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, sounds hoarse. No fever and she is acting normal but is sleeping more. I also posted on FB about the family tree T made in school. They did it in Spanish class and had cut out people. She put on there a grandmother, grandfather, a daddy holding a baby and another daddy holding a baby.
So apparently I don''t exist and there is a mystery twin. It''s funny though. I took a picture and will post it when I get a chance. I asked her where mommy was and she ignored me. Of course my kid is not as verbally advanced as most PS tots. Tessa is not asking "why?" yet but she will ask "where?" T STILL eats baby food sometimes. She loves the banana/strawberry and the Pedi said go for it.

Puffy, love the pics of Noah!


Nov 20, 2006
lili that''s great that J is back to her old self, but it must be exhausting for you guys! i think everyone from DH''s family says that noah and B look more like me because i think they are in denial. haha.

jas12 sorry you are having such a rough day. hope Co''s eczema gets better as well as your flare up.

burk hope you start to feel better soon. it''s no fun being sick. B used to ask what''s that or what''s that for ALL the time. now he just thinks he''s mr. know it all and will tell me what things are or what things are for. and B called me "honey" for a period of time. it''s was so funny cause he used to do it in public too and people would just think it was the funniest thing. now a lot of the time, he will call me his wife. haha. DH tells him that i am his wife, and B will say, no she is MY wife. haha.
sucks about the no diary and corn diet. sorry.

qt how is M in her new bed? hope she is sleeping just fine without having to be held. i like your little guy''s name..super cute!

Dh went out yesterday and got the double BOB. he''s totally in love with it. haha. he was so in love with it and wanted to use it right away, he got the car seat adaptor so we can put noah in it as well. crazy guy.

B''s been doing really well. doing so much, it''s crazy. he''s been learning to write letters, which to my surprise, he''s pretty good at. and noah''s been the typical newborn. i can''t believe noah will be 1 month tomorrow. in a way the month flew by but there were times where i swear the day would never end. it''s been a super crazy but love filled month.

and as for me, still going to the gym..YAY!!! i now fit into everything pre-preggo without ''love-handles" popping out. i was so proud of myself, i treated myself to a little shopping spree, haha.


Nov 18, 2004
Love the name you''ve picked out.
Now, is there any reference to the martial master Jet Li? :D
Not much longer for you huh?
I wonder if M''s little brother is going to make an earlier appearance than she?

LOL...can''t wait to see the family picture.
Do you wear dresses? Maybe T just pick the cutoff that resembles most what "pretty mommy" wears daily?
Hehe...they do love to asks where huh?
I love it when J screams out "Daddy/Mommy, where are you?" whenever one of us stepped out of her sight even when it''s just behind her.
And she''ll repeat it until we are right in front of her face

Wow, you go girl.
I still have my "love handle" or muffin top.
Man, B is just so advanced -- he''ll be writing stories by the time he starts school :)


May 16, 2006
Lili, i''ll try to post a pic later. I think winter is def. worse for eczema sufferers , i am surprised so many kids have it.
The cream is working a bit , but it has spread to his hands now

Burk--i know how hard it is to avoid a food, it''s a daily battle. If you go to a local health food store or bulk store they should have lots of alternatives and they know their products well. I suspect i may have a gluten intolerance myself, but i love food so much, i would really, really have to improve my will power if i were to elimate that.

MrsS.--do you have the name of that moisturizer? Right now we are doing barely warm baths with the aveeno eczema wash (just for diaper area but not other soap exposure), i re-washed *everthing* that he touches in a natural soap (we usually use natual detergent but ran out so 2 weeks ago i got some tide and we think that could of been the trigger), omitted citrus, peanuts and egg for a trial period and i have him in light cotton clothing right now. Fingers crossed. I''ve read that food is rarely the cause, but it can aggravate the proble. You are right about the acne. That is one thing i''ve never had and is rare with eczema sufferers. However, i am kinda wrinkly for my age. I think i look older than 31 and i blame that on super dry skin

Mustang--the party plans sound lovely and low key. Enjoy !
Co was eating what we ate by 12 mos, but he was an easy baby to feed.
Hmm, have u tried a toast with some smooth no-sugar fruit jam or hummus.. Something that is smooth but combines textures. If he eat smushed banana or avacado you could slowly start to make it a little more lumpy each week. I''ve read that it can take up to 15 tries before a kid will like something. (I think we are on try number 20-something with brocoli
, but i am not giving up!) I think some kids are just natually picky, but just keep trying. Tastes change too. Co used to gobble chicken, now he picks at it. He loves rice one day and won''t eat it the next. So once thing i''ve learned is the just keep offering, some days they will take it and others no.


May 16, 2006
for loosing the baby weight so quickly, that''s crazy quick. You deserve a shopping spree! I hope i can follow in your footsteps.
Amazing that B is writing letters, that''s adorable and really impressive!

Tacori--the family picture story is so funny. Ya gotta wonder what goes through their minds eh?


Sep 21, 2006
tacori: sorry T might be sick. And I find the 2 dads drawing kind of funny, T certainly has her own style of doing things! I guess I can look forward to drawings in under a year then..yay! C eats babyfood too-it just seems like a good fall back when she doesn''t eat her veggies, plus I can''t find any other way of getting her to eat prunes!

puffy: what?.. you lost the baby fat including love handles already? Can you give a fellow PS''er some tips on what you did in the gym to lose the handles b/c I''m still sporting them plus a poochy stomach! In clothes I can pull it off, but not in low rises, ugh! Congrats, what did you buy on the spree?

Burk: any day/week now! Cute about T''s constant questioning but I can see how it can get annoying when you''re very preggo! My friend just had a baby yesterday which weighed 9lbs and it was a girl!

qtiekiki: not much longer for you either--what kind of netbook did you get?


Nov 14, 2004
It''s DH''s netbook that I am using until I get my new laptop today. It''s an acer aspire one. I don''t know anything specs about it. He got it for when we go on trips, and I think he also takes it to work. He modified it, and made it touch screen. I am not sure why he chose this versus other netbooks.


May 9, 2006
snlee~Thanks for the encouragement. I''m not even a week into it and feel like it''s been months.

QT~If T is still asking "why" at 4.5 I may have to commit myself!
How''s M sleeping in her new bed? Are you feeling ready for your little guy to arrive?

lili~Oh yes, Yo Gabba Gabba....I could probably since the song word for word!

Tacori~I think you should count yourself lucky that Tessa isn''t asking "why" or "what''s that" constantly. While it''s cute, it can wear on one''s nerves!
Hope T''s feeling better!

puffy~So funny that B calls you his wife! Congrats on being back into pre-preggo clothes! That''s such a great feeling. I think you very much deserved shopping spree!!

Jas12~I am planning a trip to our health food store this weekend to find a few more options. Gluten intolerance-that''s no good! You poor thing! That would be VERY hard to completely eliminate. I don''t have great will power and really like food so this is a battle for me. I know it''s the best option but that doesn''t make it much easier! Do Co''s legs look better?

Janine~Wow to your friends 9 lb baby girl! Was it her first? My doctor said yesterday he thinks this one will be quite a bit larger than T. I figured he would (we thought T was going to be bigger too, though) but not sure I am ready to birth a 9 lb baby!

Happy Friday all!! This week went fast since we only had students 3 days. I''m thinking that next week is going to drag on and on.


Sep 21, 2006
burk: yes it was her first and they are not big people. She was a week late, but still...C wasn''t 9lbs till 3 months or something!


May 9, 2006
Date: 1/22/2010 1:21:54 PM
Author: janinegirly
burk: yes it was her first and they are not big people. She was a week late, but still...C wasn''t 9lbs till 3 months or something!
Is your friend doing alright? I was induced with T because we thought she was big and I was so certain I did not want to push out a 9lb baby on my first try at this labor stuff!
My mom had all big babies so we figured so would I. I guess time will tell if I have myself a 9lb baby this time!


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 1/22/2010 1:31:10 PM
Author: Burk
Date: 1/22/2010 1:21:54 PM

Author: janinegirly

burk: yes it was her first and they are not big people. She was a week late, but still...C wasn't 9lbs till 3 months or something!

Is your friend doing alright? I was induced with T because we thought she was big and I was so certain I did not want to push out a 9lb baby on my first try at this labor stuff!
My mom had all big babies so we figured so would I. I guess time will tell if I have myself a 9lb baby this time!

She seems good, she posted the info on Facebook! She had a Caesarian so didn't have to push it out. Hope I'm not scaring you..I'm sure K will be in line with T or just a bit bigger! They thought C was big too, even just minutes before. But she was 7lbs 4oz, so I think it looked bigger bc I'm small..


May 9, 2006
Date: 1/22/2010 1:34:35 PM
Author: janinegirly
Date: 1/22/2010 1:31:10 PM

Author: Burk

Date: 1/22/2010 1:21:54 PM

Author: janinegirly

burk: yes it was her first and they are not big people. She was a week late, but still...C wasn''t 9lbs till 3 months or something!

Is your friend doing alright? I was induced with T because we thought she was big and I was so certain I did not want to push out a 9lb baby on my first try at this labor stuff!
My mom had all big babies so we figured so would I. I guess time will tell if I have myself a 9lb baby this time!

She seems good, she posted the info on Facebook! She had a Caesarian so didn''t have to push it out. Hope I''m not scaring you..I''m sure K will be in line with T or just a bit bigger! They thought C was big too, even just minutes before. But she was 7lbs 4oz, so I think it looked bigger bc I''m small..
Nope, I''m not scared. T had (and still has) a small head so even at 7lb 11oz she was easy (should I use that term in association with labor?
) to deliver. I would guess I have myself a good size 8lber this time and many a woman has delivered 8 lb babies and lived through it!
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