
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


May 16, 2006
Well, i didn''t find out the gender. I thought if the tech asked and said he had a good shot, i would cave, but he never did and i didn''t ask. We got a CD of the images and i tried to see if i could detect a little peeny in there somewhere, but i couldn''t. Some of the abdomen shots during the scan were super clear (the tech had a huge screen for us to watch on) and i couldn''t see anything b/w the legs, but does that mean anything? Really only bone showes up distinctly right? Anyway, it''s all still a mystery

MrsS. --you have such great kids. I''ve been really emotiona since i heard the news in Haiti. Seeing pics of kids caught under rubble is more than i can handle right now, and although we are tight for cash, i am going to donate something! It''s so sweet that Lili wants to help. That''s wonderful, and a testament to your parenting.

Lili--it''s winter here till march at the earliest, and may at the latest

Tacori--glad T is doing so well at school, makes your time away much more relaxing i bet


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Yay for another successful day at preschool! Maybe she will start pushing you out the door the way my T does me!
Our T''s def. have strong personalities. This morning T would not let me put her coat on so I told her she had the count of 3 or she was going to time out...she told me "okay, I go time out" and walked over to her time out spot to sit down!
But within 30 seconds she was ready to put her coat on. There is a reason I already have grey hairs at age 27!!

lili~Glad J is getting back to herself. Poor girl!! I''m so surprised T didn''t catch this cold/whatever I''m dealing with. Maybe it means her allergies/asthma are better and her immune system is stronger? I hope so. I have a few pics I need to post on FB just for you!! I should shoot a video too, but T is terrible when she knows the camera is on!!

puffy~T came with to the appt and had a great time. Everything was good. Measuring right on track. I''m at appts every week now which makes it seem so real!!

Jas12~Saw the us pics on FB. So cute!! When we had our us with Kade he would not move his hands away from his face so none of the pics are any good! Good luck with the job!!

DH just text me and asked if I want to go on a date with him tonight? How cute is that? He already lined up a babysitter and made plans for dinner and a movie!! Sooooo not like him to be so on top of things but so sweet that he wants to spends some time together before Kade gets here. It''s our last day of the semester today so we have Monday and Tuesday off next week so I just need to make it through today and then I have a long weekend to look forward to. Oh, T''s birthday part is tomorrow! So much going on.....Happy Friday all!!


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 1/15/2010 12:31:31 PM
Author: Burk

DH just text me and asked if I want to go on a date with him tonight? How cute is that? He already lined up a babysitter and made plans for dinner and a movie!! Sooooo not like him to be so on top of things but so sweet that he wants to spends some time together before Kade gets here. It''s our last day of the semester today so we have Monday and Tuesday off next week so I just need to make it through today and then I have a long weekend to look forward to. Oh, T''s birthday part is tomorrow! So much going on.....Happy Friday all!!

Burk that is the sweetest thing! Your DH is so thoughtful! (and it means so much more because it''s not like him!)


May 9, 2006
Thanks Janine! It''s very thoughtful and while he really is a sweet, thoughtful guy, he usually just doesn''t have the time/can''t think past the 400 things he needs to do for work to arrange something like this. I''m looking forward to it!


Oct 6, 2004
How sweet of your DH. Have a great date night Burk!


Nov 20, 2006
jas12 i''m going to say girl for you! but sounds like the scan went well. i can''t believe you didn''t cave...i could not do it at all.

lili noah''s doing pretty well. thanks. everyone says he''s looking less and less like B, but not too sure cause i still see B in him. B is pretty understanding so i''m pretty lucky he gets it. how is everything going with you guys?

burk that is so sweet of your DH. have a great time!! in a few short weeks, you''re going to be holding baby Kade...i am so excited for you!!


Nov 18, 2004
Jas12-- least you know that you''ll be out of the winter months by the time bebe #2 comes.
Any intuition as to what #2 is?

Awww....that''s so sweet of your DH.
Hope you had a wonderful time w/ date night.
Happy 2nd Birthday to Ms T.
Can''t believe all the PS babies are turning 2 already.

I can''t wait to see updated pictures of your boys.
We are doing well.
J is almost back to her old self.
Of course she''d become so whiny as a result of this bout of roseola
because we''d be at her beckon call when she wasn''t feeling well.
Need to deprogram her

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend (and extended weekend for some of you)


Jan 3, 2005
burk-what a sweet thing for your hubby to do, hope you had a fun date night!

puffy-add me to the bunch that would love to see more pics of your boys.

lili-i''m glad J is feeling better. I always hate it when my kids are sick.


Jan 3, 2005
Burk: That was so sweet of your hubby! hope you had a good evening out!

Puffy: hope life is well with your little one and B..!

lili: hope J is fully recovered and you''ve been able to deprogram the whining :)

QT: hope all is well with u!!! wondering if ur gonna come back with some good news soon! :D

MrsS: such great news about ur sister!!!

LIA: congrats!

Tacori: yay about T & preschool! glad to hear she is settling in so quickly..must be a relief for u!

i know i missed a few other posts!! sorry ladies, but a big shout out to u!!!

so in me news, i went to an ultrasound specialist to find out what my baby''s gender is coz they couldnt tell at my regular scan at 16 weeks(Jas12 i dunno how u managed not to ask!) and its a boy!!!! im really happy..i was a little bummed coz i really wanted a girl to slow down the hecticness that is khalid ( :) ), but a boy is wonderful too so they can grow-up together and do all guy stuff and all that :) now im off thinking of names! my mom was also hoping for a little girl, but quickly got over it..thing is, on my side of the family, after my uncle had his girl (18 years ago!) it has been boys boys boys !! so it would have been nice to introduce the "softer" side into the family, but i told them "hey, now i can''t brake our tradition of boy deliveries now can I!?" :)


May 16, 2006
MSB--congrats on the second boy
. I think there are many advantages to having 2 of the same gender. Friendship and sharing stuff are the two that appeal to me the most. I know that bros and sisters can be super close too, but i just think it''s more likely to happen b/w 2 kids of the same gender.

Puffy--i am actually not as curious about the gender now that the scan is over with and i lost my chance. I think b/c there are things i like about either scenerio.

Burk--hope you had a terrific date night!! So nice of your DH. Charlie is quite sweet too, but i would be *super* impressed if he organized something like that. It takes effort and shows he was obvioulsy thinking about you.
It''s the little things isn''t it? Last night i was (again) having trouble sleeping b/c my hips are sore and i guess i woke charlie up at 2am with my tossing and he rubbed my back till i fell asleep. Little gestures go a long way, but pre-planned date nights are major bonus points !!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I turned 31 yesterday and can''t figure out where the year went?? I went away to see my sister and had a great, very low key visit, but the drive home was loooong. I had to make an emergency stop at BRU to get a video for Co b/c he was not in the mood to sit for 4 hours and i was not in the mood to listen to him. Of course they didn''t have Yo Gabba Gabba on DVD, so i got 40 Yrs of Seasame Street. I think i enjoyed it as much as he did. For $20 you get highlight skits from 1969-2009 (over 5 hours worth!). Totally a good thing for travelling and tolerated by most adults


Jan 3, 2005
Happy belated birthday Jas!!! hope u have an amazing year!! i love low key celebrations...!


May 9, 2006
Thanks snlee!

puffy~Thanks! While on one hand I''m so over being preggo and want him here NOW, I''m also so anxious about having TWO kids.

lili~Thanks! We had a great time. There''s a video on FB for ya of T''s party!

mrss~Thanks! It was a nice night and the food was amazing!

msb~Congrats on baby boy!! I bet your two boys will have a great time together.

Jas12~You''re right, it is the little things! So sweet that Charlie rubbed you back! I have been waking my poor hubby up constantly. Yuck. Yay for a relaxing weekend to celebrate your bday! T loves Sesame Street so I may have to grab that DVD.

T''s birthday party was a success Saturday. Thank goodness I did it in the afternoon and so I only did a few appetizers and ordered the cake and cupcakes because I felt terrible most of the morning and had I had more to prep I wouldn''t have gotten everything done!! As some of you already saw on FB she was a total ham running around saying "My birthday" and "my birthday gifts" (not sure where that came from...although hubby blames me!
) but overall it was a lot of fun and pretty low key which was nice. I cannot believe my baby is 2 and I am going to have another baby in a few weeks!!

Happy Monday all!!


Nov 20, 2006
lili enjoy the extra cuddle time with J while you can. i''m sure when she is 100% back to her old self, she won''t even give you the time of day cause she''s too busy being her crazy little old self.

msb CONGRATS on a boy!! life with my 2 boys so far is going as well as can be expected. B loves to help with everything and loves holding noah and kissing him all the time. as they get older, i really look forward to watching them play together and be the best of buds. i''m sure your two boys will too!!

jas12 happy belated 31st!!! B loves that sesame street DVD. well, he still loves anything sesame street. haha.

burk heehee, that''s exactly how i was feeling. but really, enjoy your time with T before things get kinda crazy. happy birthday to T!!! i''m sure she was a hit! how cute she was saying her birthday gifts. B did that same thing on his birthday, but he was really bad about it. he would greet the guests by saying " hi, it''s my birthday, where''s my present??" oh boy did i feel like a terrible mother. but everyone thought it was hilarious. me, not so much.

here''s a pic of my 2 boys, not the best, but the best that i have right now.



Nov 20, 2006
and just for one, one of just noah...

happy monday!



Apr 9, 2005
msb, congratulations on another boy!! I totally dig same sex siblings--I hope you saved all of K's clothes!

puffy, I LOVE YOUR BOYS!!! They are so stinking cute!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!


Jan 3, 2005
aw puffy, what handsome boys you have there. truly adorable!!


Nov 18, 2004
That''s weird.....PS ate my post.

Your boys are adorable.
I do see B in Noah.
I think it''s the eyes and nose ^.^

Yay for a little brother for K.
How sweet is that? And we can never have enough of your cute little boys -- imagine 2 gorgeous boys w/ curly hairs!
What''s in the PS many boys.
I thought this year would be a girl year since last year was a boy ^.^
Maybe Jas12 is carrying the girl eh?

Haha....Tayva is hilarious.
There''s no way someone is going to walk off w/ her "birthday gifts".
She''s too much. Love the way how she indicates that she''s 2!


Jan 3, 2005
Puffy: how adorable!!! ur guys are totally cute!

Curly: i did save all his clothes luckily!! i just have to rummage thru them and see wat works :) K was born in April and new baby in june so hopefully within the same season!

Burk: yay! glad T had a great time on her bday.Will check out FB later on today to check out those pics :)

lili: hehe yeah there does seem to be a "boy" trend over here in PS :) i wonder if Jas will have a girl :) that would be so sweet...

When DH told FIL that he was going to have another grandson he cracked up laughing so hard
he kept telling me that I was in big trouble since their 'blood' runs in their veins..that he had to suffer raising two boys (DH & his brother) and that I was in for a ride...eeeeeck! lets just say that DH and brother had done enough antics as kids to last anyone a lifetime! hahahaha...


Nov 14, 2004
B and Noah are adorable. I see B in Noah.

Happy Birthday to Miss Tayva!


Sep 21, 2006
burk: happy birthday T! How did date night go..see a good movie?

puffy: your boys are adorable!!! Noah is just too cute.

jas12: Happy birthday!

msb: yay for another boy!!

In C news she is still throwing tantrums here and there--I''m trying to show her consequences (ie don''t pick her up) but she still gets more upset and only calms if distracted--I know I have to stick to it though. She also wakes up so many times at night--it doesn''t seem to be a phase unfortunately. Mostly she just wants me to come in and give her her paci and put her down which takes 2 mins, but still not fun when you''re in deep sleep. She is a restless sleeper so ends up wedged somewhere so I''m guessing that wakes her up since she''s uncomfortable..urgh. She is learning so fast though! She was watching Dora (which I personally find annoying since they shout so much, but she loves it!!) and that one character said "OH MAN" and I heard her say "Oh ma! Oh ma!". Then she mimicked the siren sound right after (was part of the show). I couldn''t believe it! She also loves Elmo...I think these kids TV creators have figured out kiddos'' brains..they all get attached to the same characters! I will avoid introducing her to Barney though (haha).

Hope everyone had a great long weekend, I wish we had them every week!


May 9, 2006
puffy~I think our families appreciated that T was so in love with all her gifts...and thought it was funny she ran around saying "my birthday gifts." I think I was just in shock. That''s so funny that B was asking for his presents! It''s amazing where these kids come up with these things! Cute pic of the boys. I see B in Noah.

lili~Tayva is a piece of work alright. Since yesterday was her real birthday we saved her trike to open yesterday so it was a whole other day of "my birthday" and "my birthday bike" but she did add "I share bike with Kade" to the mix!
Oh, and for the showing "2" with her fingers, I worked on that for weeks but she just couldn''t get it....they must have shown her that way at daycare (they talk about how old they are there). Too funny.

msb~Def. a boy trend here. It''s crazy.

QT~Thanks! How are you feeling!

janine~Thanks! Date night went well. The restaurant service was terrible so we ended up missing the movie, but we didn''t really care because we were just happy to be out. So then we drove through some car lots (I''m getting a new vehicle) and got groceries for T''s party. Nothing super exciting, but just nice to be the two of us! Sorry C isn''t sleeping well. Have you tried putting multiple pacis in her crib in hopes she''ll find one herself so you don''t have to go in there?

Teacher work day today so I had to take T to daycare much earlier than usual. She looked a little confused when I left because instead of going to her classroom it was group play so all 3 classrooms were all playing in the main room. She looked at me like "mom, what the heck is going on?"
The sub who is filling in for me while I''m on maternity leave is coming to shadow me tomorrow. I need to get all my plans in order to go through with him and get my grades done then I''m free to pop this kid out whenever!!


Sep 21, 2006
burk: sounds like a great night--movies seems so hard to squeeze in these days, even netflix ones! I have thrown in a couple pacis.maybe she doesn''t see them (I need to find those glow in the dark ones, haha). I''ve actually been in the room when she wakes up and she darts up and races to the end of her crib to call out /cry. So it doesn''t seem to be that she looks for the paci as much as she wants me to put her back down. Hmm, something I''ve done/allowed must''ve started this bad habit..


May 9, 2006
Janine~It was a great night. Hopefully we'll catch a movie prior to Kade getting here, but doubtful. Tayva is also a very restless sleeper. I often will hear her banging into the sides of the crib and look at the monitor and she is rolling around in there like crazy-part of the reason why we're keeping her in her crib. So, when she was night waking a few weeks back I'm pretty sure it was just much of what C is doing...waking and wanting me to come help her get back to sleep. I am sure you can break the habit if want, but if you're okay with it no big deal either as it sounds like it's not as long of a process as I was enduring!


Oct 6, 2004
MSB, congrats on a boy! I think there are many advantages to having two of the same sex. DH and I both really wanted a girl the first time around but now that we have D, we couldn't imagine having a girl. For the second child, we don't have a strong preference for a girl like last time. One of each would be awesome but so would having two boys! I'd be happy with that. I love being a mommy to a boy.

speaking of two boys, PUFFY, B and Noah are adorable! I see B in Noah too. Very cute!

JAS12, can't believe you held out of finding out the sex. I couldn't do it. I am thinking girl for you. There's been so many boys lately!
Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a great day!

JANINE, so sorry C is not a great sleeper. I don't really have any good advice other than let her CIO. Luckily for me, DH has been the one getting up in the middle of the night with D. D used to sleep through the night most nights, now not so much. Maybe STTN happens once a week. I blame it on teething but who knows. Isn't it great to hear them talk and pick up things?! I love it!

D is doing really well. It's so exciting to see him get things now. He copies us a lot, talking and doing. Like when I was wiping the table or floor, he'll make the same motions. He loves to copy us. He is also talking a lot! His favorites words are bus, ball, and dog. He constantly yells these words with excitement, sometimes when he sees it and other times not. He just started saying car, train, and truck too but bus is still his favorite. When we're riding in the car, he thinks everything is a bus! He loves picture books too and points out the ball, cheese, banana, bus, dog, and duck. When he poops he says poo poo. LOL. He also started saying animal sounds. So when I ask him what sound a cow makes he says moo, sheep - baa, doggy - ruff ruff ruff. It's so cute.


Jan 3, 2005
snlee-don''t you just love when the words/communication starts flowing? how fun!


Nov 18, 2004
LOL....FIL is thinking "it''s payback time".
I can picture the troubles your boys are going to get themselves time ahead for you.

That is just too cute w/ the 2 index fingers to indicate her age.
And Tayva did it so quickly too....she moves (and talks) like a preschooler.

Don''t you just love it when they start picking up words?
So fun.
I know what you mean about the toddler''s program.
J likes Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba too.
She likes elmo an his friends, but only on books and figures.
For some reasons she kept telling us to "turn it off" when she sees it.
I think she doesn''t like the non-puppet part.
C sounds alot like J in terms of tantrums.
When J was younger, I used distraction because she''ll cried non-stop.
I thought that she''d stop after 10 minutes, but only to get gather her breath to cry louder.

LOL...isn''t it just the cutest when they know what you are asking and can respond back?

How is Jake doing?


Jan 3, 2005
lili-Jake is doing great, thanks for asking. His vocabulary is really starting to take off and is finally becoming understandable which is fun. Is J all better now?


Nov 18, 2004
It is so fun huh?
Then they start putting words together, and before long, we are having conversations w/ them

J is fully recovered. Her appetite came back Monday and I think she was making up for all the lost meals too.


Jun 18, 2004
I guess I''ll just jump in over here now, Kyle will be 1 year old on February 12th, and he''s taken a couple steps a few times (just not with anyone lese in the room
). I''m also not even remembering the newborn stage anymore, so I''m not much help on the other thread with all the little babies these days!

So Hi to all the toddler mommies


Sep 21, 2006
Welcome Mustang! Can''t beileve Kyle is almost 1 (and walking early by the sounds of it!)
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