
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Jan 3, 2005
janine-i always feed Jake food exactly how we eat it. I have friends that would always make their chicken or what ever separate with no sauces and now their kids will only eat plain, non-seasoned food. I think kids will eat what they grow up getting used to so I feed him everything with seasoning. so, I''d suggest just making the chicken like you make it for yourselves and cut it up tiny so she can eat it. it will keep you from turning into a short order cook too

Jake starts his "school" in 2 days. I''m excited for the free day but I know I''ll cry after I drop him off. It''s only for 5 hours but still......


Nov 18, 2004
I second what MrsS said about the chicken.
We usually give J what we eat, unless it is spicy.
Most time, I''ll just scrape of the sauce if it''s too saturated.

woohoo...some free time for yourself!
and he''s going to have so much fun.
what are the ages of the other kids and how many are there in his class?


Jan 3, 2005
lili- his class is all kids 15 months-22 months. I know I will enjoy the time and am looking forward to my mani/pedi I have scheduled right after I drop him off but it''s still hard leaving him. He will love it there though. they go out to a playground 2x a day and my monkey boy loves playgrounds. It will be good for him to be around other kids his age for an extended period of time too.


Nov 14, 2004
We''ve been giving M what we eat with sauce and all in addition to her porridge. We even gave her some of the spicy stuffs. She''ll spit it out if she doesn''t like it.
Not sure what you can do to encourage C to walk. M used to drop down to crawl whenever she can''t hold onto something. Then she started reaching for our hands to walk. Eventually she just lets go. Don''t worry too much. C will walk when she is ready.

I don''t think I''ve ever been right on gender guesses on here, except puffy. hehe. We''ll know on Friday.

sounds like you had a great trip.
B is so cute with his little brother.

It doesn''t get easier with each kid, huh. Hope you and Jake will do well with "school".


May 9, 2006
lili~T loved the tournament-no surprise! I wish I would have actually made it to bed at 9...maybe tonight, I''m feeling awfully tired!

puffy~Glad you had a good trip! How''s the house-hunt coming?

janine~yes, she is quite stylin''
We do the same as the others-just feed T what we''re having usually. Or, if she''s ready to eat prior to when we are some other options T loves are fish sticks, rotisserie chicken, pasta (I sneak hamburger in with all the pasta), pizza (I do a variety of pizza hotdishes that all include hamburger), and left-overs are always a go-to.

mrss~Sounds like you had a great trip! I think Jake is going to love his school and while it will be sad to drop him off, you deserve a mani/pedi and some time to run errands kid free!

We took T to the state fair on Sunday. She LOVED it. DH took her on a ton of rides (including the huge Ferris wheel) and she kept asking to do them again. Then we had a wedding reception Sunday night and she was the life of the party.
We have this weekend off from volleyball so I''m just looking forward to lounging and relaxing with DH and T. Hope all the mommies are well!


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies....finally have some time and energy to try to catch up with everyone.

mrsS you must be excited about jake starting school. but i''m sure he''ll be great and you gotta love the mani/pedi time!

lili how is J? i miss her updates. i love hearing stories about her.

qt did i remember correctly, your u/s is this week? friday? i am so excited for you!!! how is M doing?

janine C''s party sounds like it''ll be great. that''s great that she will eat as long as she can feed herself. B used to be a great eater, then all of a sudden, he decided he wanted to give me a hard time about it. and now he must be one of the pickiest toddlers i know.

burk sounds like T had a great time! B loves all the rides too, it''s really fun for the kids. have you scheduled your u/s yet? i can''t wait to find out what everyone is having. oh and before i forget, best of luck with the house!!! keep us posted.

B has been super clingy since we got back. and every time i go away for 1 second, he starts to scream and tells me not to leave him anymore. so i thought he must have had a bad time with my parents. but when i asked him, he told me every thing that they did. and today he was excited to go visit my parents. and my mom said the only tears he cried were when he fell down. so strange. but other than that, he is great and fun and learning new things everyday. he''s in the repeat everything i say stage. kinda funny but annoying. i''ll say go to bed brady, and he will say, "go to bed mommy." funny kid.

and i''m over halfway done with the pregnancy and it just flew by. DH is already talking about when we should TTC #3!!! WTH?!?!

hope everyone is doing well!!!


Sep 21, 2006
mrs salvo: yay for mani/pedis!

qtiekiki: how're you feeling, any guesses before the big u/s?

puffy: aww B probably just doesn't want you to leave even though he had fun with the g-parents. And TTC # 3, wow DH sure likes you preggo I guess (hehe).

burk: what a busy weekend you had!

curly and snlee: are you out there? Any fun plans for the One for Lucy and Derek?

thanks all for the food reassurance. I'll just give her what we have...I just worry about salt b/c we like things salty! Yesterday I did make a tiny breaded chicken breast and she ate that up. Tasted good to me, so gotta be better than baby food.

C pats her chest when we say "where's C??" now. I was so excited about it until I said "where's mommy" and she did the same thing. Ah well....more work to do!


Nov 14, 2004
Sounds like you had a busy and fun-filled weekend. We wanted to take M on the Ferris Wheel when we were at the county fair couple months ago, but the sign said rider must be a certain height. I bet T is the life of the party everywhere she goes. She is just so pretty and adorable.
How are you feeling nowadays? Are you feeling more tired this pregnancy? It’s more tiring to be pregnant with a toddler. I kept saying I’d go to bed when M does every night, and then I end up doing something instead.
Yes, my u/s is tomorrow at 10:30am. I am very excited. I asked DH again if he really doesn’t want to know the sex, and he said he doesn’t know if I can keep a secret.
M is doing well. Walking everywhere. When we were at a shopping center by my parents’ house last Sun, she saw a stroller with an infant seat and pointed to it. We walked closer, and she tried to peep in to see the little baby. It was so cute.
Awww B probably just missed you when you were on the trip. So cute that he is repeating everything you say.
You are 23 weeks? I am 20 weeks today, and it had flown by. Can’t believe your DH is already talking about TTC #3.
I am feeling pretty tired still. Now I am having neck and shoulder pains from the car accident on Tues. We are going to the chiropractor tonight. Hopefully it’ll help.
You know, I’ve been calling the baby “he” all the time, but it’s probably just me subconsciously wishing for a boy. I don’t, personally, want a boy, but do want a boy for DH (if that makes sense). In the back of my mind, I think it’s another girl though. So we’ll see.


Dec 29, 2004
Hey ladies!

We made the move in one piece and no one got killed! All is good here, but the carpet...OMG, it's filthy! They said they cleaned it and we didn't notice the problem when we painted but once we moved in we realized it was the carpet and NOT the tile floor that was making our feet black. UGH! Being asian, there is no way I am going to wear shoes in the house. Obviously the people who lived here last were not asian. I am going to pay for chem dry or something like that again. I know she cleaned the carpets - I came the day after it was done and the carpets were wet. She said she did it because she didn't like the job the pro did. Look at my kid's feet! This is after only 15 minutes of walking on carpets ONLY. If anyone has any suggestions on carpet cleaning, I'd love to know.

Oh, also re: hemangioma - THANK YOU LIA, you were right! It was a pyogenic granuloma (he said that's what it was AFTER I asked, and I had to wonder why 2 weeks prior, he said it was a hemangioma...but I guess PGs is a form of hemangioma? Who knows.) That had to inject anethestic, shave it off and then cauterize it. Before all that, they put topical on and we could not get her to stop crying and squirming. I'm thinking how the hell are we going to have her sit perfectly still for the serious stuff (because if she didn't, the doc wasn't going to go through with it). The nurse couldn't get the numbing cream on, so I tried without gloves and we got it on her nose, cheek, everywhere but where it was supposed to go, not to mention my fingers were starting to tingle?

She cried the entire time, but oddly did not move a single bit while she was got shot, razored and cauterized. It was weird. It was like she knew. Then we got a band aid out and all hell broke loose! She was going to have NONE of that band aid! I stuck it accidently between her eyes and she looked like a cyclops.

What can I say - my kid already hates bandaids.

More later - still in unpacking HELL and leaving for Australia tomorrow for over a week. This is horrendous timing!! Miss you girls - MUAH!!



Nov 18, 2004
Love the picture of A.
Hehe, thought that you guys were getting her monthly footprints or something.
Yikes....that carpet is filthy. Is it even washable?
They should have recarpetted for you guys.
Good luck w/ finding a solution.
So happy that A did great w/ the removal of the PG.
Had to laugh at her bandaid episode :D

Enjoy your Aussy trip.
And hope to hear some good news when you come back


Nov 14, 2004
Glad they were able to take care of the pyogenic granuloma at the office visit.
Wow the carpet is really dirty. We rented a carpet cleaner from the supermarket to do M''s room before she was born, and it cleaned pretty well. It took a lot of time and water though.


Nov 18, 2004
I don''t think I''ve met a kid who doesn''t go crazy being outside.
Oh wait, there is this one kid in J''s class who always hang back in the classroom when the other kids scrambled outside.
Hmm...maybe he likes having the room all to himself.
I guess it doesn''t get easier w/ subsequent kids. Jake is probably going to shoo you away so he can go and play

Hope you are doing better w/ your neck and back.
Are you seeing a chiropractor or something to alleviate the pain?
Anyway, good luck w/ the u/s tomorrow.
My vote is still boy.


Sep 21, 2006
TGAL: great news and can''t believe the pedi''s got it wrong, twice. LIA is amazing!


Nov 18, 2004
Anything taste better than babyfood, except for some of the healthy stuff that my hubby eats

That''s great that C is so receptive of the meat. J didn''t start like eating meat until her molars come in.
I guess the lazy girl didn''t like chewing it w/ her gums.
Haha, too funny. Maybe she''s just imitating the gesture you do when you ask her "where''s mommy" and started patted your own chest :D

Funny B as usual. Try reversing it :D
He''s probably what it means when you leave him overnight.

Haha, your hubby is not wasting time w/ creating his brood huh?
#2 is not out yet and already thinking about #3?
At this rate, you may have a 1 yr gap betweeen #2 and #3 :D

J''s doing great. Just graduated into another class.
The good thing about her school system is that the entire class move up at the same time,
so most of them were her old classmate. The only things new are the teachers and the class.
She seems to be doing great, although she did get bitten by one kid last week.

J''s talking more but still mostly one word w/ a couple of 2 words here and there. Still really only audible to a mother''s ear.
It''s funny when she wakes up in the morning.
she''ll go through and recite words that she picked up the day before.
I usually pretend to sleep and watch -- she''ll point to the vent and say ''bent'', does the hand rotating while blowing air and say ''fan'', pat the bed and say ''bad''
I just realized how much more she''s understanding when I took off her shirt but didn''t pull it completely off her head so that it kinda create a headband for her.
I told her to go see herself and she quickly ran over to the mirror to check it out.
She is understanding more, so makes talking to her easier, though understanding her is another thing, especially when she starts getting shrilly from frustration.


Nov 18, 2004
Sounds like T had a blast at the fair.
We took J a month ago, but didn''t take her on any ride.
she did enjoy the food and the petting zoo though.
Will be taking her to the LA fair in a week or 2.
Don''t know if we''ll take her on a ride just yet.

Mmm....lounging and relaxing.....that''s my idea of weekends.


Jan 3, 2005
lili-isn''t it fun to see their vocabulary growing? Jake adds about a word a day. He''s got a picture book that he loves and will say all the animals/pictures inside. some of his words I''m sure I can only understand but others are getting pretty clear. I love when they start understanding too. I asked Jake to go and bring me a diaper and he went to the diaper basket and got one out and brought it to me. pretty cute, now if I can just get him to change himself

tgal-okay, that pic is cute but the carpet, OMG I would be freaking out. I''m already an obsessive compulsive freak when it comes to cleanliness and that would do me in. we have a steam cleaner and I''d probably just keep cleaning until the water ran clear. I hope hiring pro''s will take care of it for you. your landlord should foot that bill. I hope you have a wonderful trip and make special new memories with tguy! oh and be thankful Amelia doesn''t like bandaids. they are expensive when you have to keep buying boxes b/c your daughters like to see how they look with their bodies covered in them
my girls have to show me visible evidence that they are bleeding to the point of needing a bandaid before I get them from my secret hiding place and give them one

burk-glad you guys had fun at the fair and too cute that T liked the rides.

so, jakey goes to school tomorrow. I''ve got his bag packed and his lunchbox out and ready. I''m so excited for him b/c I know he will love it. Not sure yet what I''m going to do after my pedi tomorrow but I"m sure I''ll find something fun!


Nov 20, 2006
qt just wanted to say real quick, i can''t wait to hear what you are having!!! i''ll be checking in when i can tomorrow!
wow, 20 weeks already?!? time flies by...i''ll be 25 weeks on monday!
glad to hear that M is doing great.

lili awwww, J sounds so dang adorable!! it is so cute when they start to talk more and more and understand things. it makes life so much easier when they understand, now if they will only listen! haha.

mrsS hope jake has a great first day at school tomorrow!!!

tgal have a great time in australia!!! YIKES to the carpet!!! but what a cute pic!


May 16, 2006
Tgal--OMG--that carpet! i am NOT a clean-freak, but that would have me freaking out a bit. My family''s dirt doesn''t bother me that much, but other ppl''s dirt is just plain icky
. I would rip it out.
Amelia *must* have known something serious was up and cooperated for the Dr. I bet that wasn''t fun to watch.
HAVE FUN IN AUSTRALIA. Hope it is a wonderful and relaxing trip.

MrsS. Hopes Jake''s first day is going well!

Lili--very smart of j for looking at herself in the mirror!!! Isn''t it so cool they know who they are.
Co just started thinking himself hilarious and gorgeous when he sees his reflection. He''s pretty darn vain, simultaneously smiling, kissing and NODDING at his reflection in the mirror. As if to say "oh ya, iam oh so beautiful" I must try to get it on tape. I almost peed myself laughing when he did it.

Puffy--love the new avi


Burk--why aren''t you contributing to bump friday missy!? We want belly pics! Sounds like T is doing so well. Great that she loves school so much and it''s no surprise she is a ''favorite''

Co is well. He was baptized last weekend. We are not big church goers but i come from a big Italian family and my grandparents are very involved with the church so it was kinda done for their sake. They are so good to Co and so close to him. I hope to raise my kids with core Christian values but open and accepting to all faiths. It is something i''ve started to think about a bit more.
He was funny during the service. yelled" NOOOO" when the waters were applied to his head & right when the priest asked a question (nothing like good timing) and yelled at my sister when we were performing the candle service at the front. So cute.
The little monkey is finally walking more than crawling...hoping for the full switch in the next couple of weeks!


Oct 6, 2004
QT, can''t believe you''re at the halfway mark! Very cute baby bump! Good luck at your u/s today! I can''t wait to hear what you''re having! I think it''s a girl. I know your DH wants a boy. I think your third will be a boy. :)

TGal, glad the move went smoothly. Sorry about the yucky carpet. Hope you get it cleaned soon. That''s disgusting.
Have a wonderful trip!

MrsS, how exciting about Jake going to school! Have a relaxing day off!

puffy, love your new avi! B is adorable and looks so old! Can''t believe you''re already 25 weeks! Glad you had a wonderful time in vegas!

hi janine! Nothing much new here. Just more teething!
We are having a party for D''s first birthday. We''re just having family over and trying to keep it very low key.

curly, hope to see an update from you soon!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Janine, Tessa is JUST starting to eat more meet. She will eat taco meet, korean beef, *sometimes* chicken or lunch meet. She really likes spicy and flavorful food. Most toddlers do not care for meat. Just how it is. My doctor okayed peanut butter at 18 months so that also gives her some protein. I never pushed and never would push the walking. She will walk when she is ready!

MrsS, ENJOY your time alone. You deserve it mama!

Burk, how cute she loved the fair! What a fun girl!

Puffy, I still can't believe how well he communicate. I think he is just clingy b/c he missed you. I am sure he had an awesome time at his grandparents but you are the mommy. Your DH is crazy! Haha. Guess he wants to get the baby stage over with. Glad you had an awesome vacation!

Q, hope you feel better. How scary about the car accident! I can't wait to find out what you and Burk are having. So exciting!

TGal, glad you all survived the move. Make sure you use little to no soap when you clean your carpets. Soap actually attracts dirt. We have rented rug doctors before (Home Depot, etc) and it works well. That picture is scary! Glad you found out what was going on with A. Hopefully that is taken care of now. Try not to stress about unpacking. It will all get done...someday!

lili, poor J! Biters are tough. Luckily I do not have one but I have several friends who sons bite. It is fun when they start to understand huh? I can ask T to get something for me and she will. Or wipe her face or something. Of course more words means more demands. When we took T to the zoo she would NOT pet the goats. She was really freaked out by them. Can't say I blamed her.

Jas12, glad to hear Co is walking more. I bet he is getting heavy!

Snlee, can't wait to see pics from D's b-day. Can't believe he is going to be 1!


May 9, 2006
puffy~Cute new av! I am not much for rides (afraid of heights) but DH took her on a ton of rides and she just couldn''t get enough. My u/s is scheduled for October 2nd. They wait forever in my clinic to do it (I''ll be close to 21 weeks). Boo. Thanks for the house luck....haven''t heard back from the couple but hoping we do soon.

janine~Busy last weekend but taking it easy this weekend and SOOOO looking forward to it!

QT~Can''t wait to hear the results of your u/s!!! There were a few rides that had height requirements at the fair but they were all okay if you rode with an adult...therefore my DH was on cloud 9 because he got to ride on a ton of rides!
I feel pretty good these days. No more MS...some heartburn though.
It is def. more tiring being preggo with a toddler. I have been trying to go to bed early, too, but there''s always something that needs to be done.

Tgal~Congrats on the big move!! Yuck to that carpet, though.
So glad that everything is good with A''s pyogenic granuloma. Have a great time in Australia!

lili~T did have a blast. She begged to try the rides...we just couldn''t say no. DH went on all of them with her (except one, my SIL went on that one with her). It still made me nervous because I''m afraid of heights and some of those rides go up a ways. I bet J would love to ride some rides at he LA fair!!
Sounds like J is doing great! I love the constant naming of items. T does it all the time. They told me she wakes from her nap (prior to any of the other kids, imagine that) and will sit up and start labeling all her body parts... "arm pit, knees, elbow, ect" and then she''ll start with "shoes, socks, pants" They''ve finally realized she will NOT go back to sleep and just take her out and let her play so the others can sleep.

mrss~The fair was a blast. I have some pics I need to post on FB of it. I hope Jake''s first day of school goes great! Enjoy yourself!! got me. I went into the bathroom and took a belly pic just for you! I''ll post it. So funny about Co at his baptism. Do you remember the pics from T''s? It was a circus! I think I''ll be baptising the next one when he/she is super young so I don''t have to do that again.

Tacori~Oh, yea, she loved it. No surprise I guess-she''s crazy. I so think our T''s would make quite the pair! Indy 1 and Indy 2...oh my!!!


Nov 20, 2006
jas12 thanks!! Co sounds so funny during the service.

snlee how are you and D doing?

tacori haha, DH is pretty crazy!!! guess he forgot what he is going to be in for when the new baby is born. but he''ll be so busy at work, it''ll mostly be me. Bn is seriously verbal. he yaps all day, and with his height and how much he talks, people think he is so much older than what he really is. and now he sings his ABC''s all the time.

hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Nov 18, 2004
How did Jake like school?
And how were you after dropping him off?
Haha, I much preferred that J is PTed.
Hate to think what a big stink she''ll make w/ a poopy diaper if she changed herself.
She did attempt to change herself on several occasion.
I ignored her when she grabbed her diaper and did the diaper change sign because I had just put a clean diaper on her.
So, she grabbed the cloth and lay it out herself and grabbed a diaper and a diaper wipe.
Lay out and started wiping down there

So I had to change out her perfectly good diaper.
Actually, I didn''t ignore her the first time.
I did undo her diaper and then put it back on.
Apparently, that wasn''t good enough and she took matters into her own hands.

Cute new avi.
B looks younger in that one than his previous ones for some reason.
Haha, I know what you mean. Understanding is one thing and listening is another.
I''ll probably have to be a little more strict and let her knows who''s boss.

Hehe, J is the same here.
She''ll look at herself and smile, point, said "jadie" and give herself a kiss.

In fact, she''ll kiss any shiny surfaces that she can see her reflections.
Hehe, Co''s too cute and funny at the baptism.
Did you guys happen to record the ceremony?
And yay for Co switching over to walking more.

Pictures of the first bday please.
Poor baby w/ the teething. Molars? Those are a PITA.


Nov 18, 2004
Wow, another spicy food lover.
I''ve not yet let J tried spicy since my spicy food are pretty spicy.
It is fun when they understand and talks more.
And yes....more words means more demands, especially when we deal w/ feisty girls like ours.
Who wouldn''t be freaked out by the goats.
You need to watch out for them...especially those at the fair.
I think they are starved so that they won''t run away from the kids if they have food in their hands.
One goat was nibbling at my pants and bit me -- actually drew blood and I could feel the sting for the next couple of days.
It was a good thing it wasn''t nibbling at J.

Haha, your hubby will have a thrill ride buddy :D
J is the same when she wakes up. She''ll name her body parts after she named all her stuff animals -- blue blue, bear bear, baby, nemo, dolly, heppo.
Sometimes she''ll use my face and poke my eyes and nose when she named those parts, yet very gentle w/ the eyebrow

Hehe, one morning, I was sleeping on my side and the top of my boob was peeking out...and she pointed to it and said "boob" even left and right boob.
Then point to her own and said "chi chi"
She can only say some body parts, but does know most of them. incidently, what term do you use for the private.
W/ little boy, we can use "wee wee" or "pee pee", what about girls. I''ve just told her "private".


Jan 3, 2005
Jas12-okay, that is too funny about Co's baptism. we just had Jake dedicated at our church last wed. night and he did not cooperate at all. there were 9 babies being dedicated and we were all up on the stage. My hubby was holding Jake and he wanted down. he wanted nothing to do with the ceremony at all and kept making a ton of noise. after the service my pastor came over to my hubby and said "was that your kid making all the noise up there?"
We had the girls dedicated at around 9 months and it was a much better age. My sister's little girl was dedicated at 5 months which is the perfect age IMO. those babies just hang out...oh and that is hilarious about Co and the mirror. you have to try and get it on tape.

tacori-that is funny t likes spicy foods. so does jake, he actually will eat the salsa at mexican restaurants.

burk-i'm going to go to the preggo thread to see the latest pic. i bet you are darling though...

puffy- is little B getting used to you being back and being less clingy?

lili-too funny about J and the diaper. she is one hilarious kiddo!

So, Jake did great at school today. I surprisingly did not cry when I dropped him off so maybe it does get easier by the time you get to #3?? He cried when I left though and I heard him saying 'mama...mama" broke my heart
they had a meet and great breakfast for all the parents so I went right to that which was fun and then hit the mall for some shopping and then my pedi. It was a really great day and I'm already looking forward to next friday. Oh and when I picked Jake up, he was happy to see me but then very serious on the way home. I could not get him to crack a smile for anything. I don't know if it was because of the short nap they take or what but he was very pensive...

ETA- burk, went and looked at your pic and I was right, you do look adorable!!


Nov 20, 2006
burk you are so cute with your little belly that isn''t even there!! i can''t wait for oct 2nd to roll around, but it''ll be here before you know it!! i think i''m more into the rides than DH. sometimes i have to bribe DH to take B on the rides and give me a break. haha. how is T doing?

lili hopefully J will listen soon, but that would take the spunk right out of her. heehee. B is pretty good at listening now which is a huge plus. he cleans up after himself, and me sometimes too. haha. he brushes his own teeth in the am and before bed. he just seems way too grown up to be my little boy. and he tells everyone that he''s a big brother. how was the dentist? and when is #2 coming!?!?

mrsS awww, it must have been hard to hear him cry for you. but glad that you had a good day, you deserve it for sure! B is getting better with being clingy. but he still has his moments. before when we go to the park, he would run off and play and just make sure that i was still there every now and then. but now, he has to hold my hand almost the entire time. i could barely go to the bathroom without him following me just this past week, but it''s getting better.


May 1, 2005

working backward here...

Burk, went to the preggo thread to check out your belly. You have one very cute bump!

puffy, your are so tiny too, I was a whale when I was preggo with little B. love your new av, B look so big in the AV.

QT, you are all belly, still so tiny...can''t wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl. Hope you are feeling better from the accident.

MrsS, must be heart breaking to hear Jake called out to you. But sounds like you had a relaxing day.

Jas12, mental image of Co yelling "No" at the service really cracks me up.

lili, sorry to hear J got bitten. How did J react? I always wonder why will little B react if he is hit or bite by another kid.

TGal, glad to hear the PG is taken care of. I will probably go rent a rug dr. and run thru it until the water is clear. love the picture of Amelia with her dirty feet.
Maybe she''ll love bandaids with hello kitty on it?? Have a great time in Australia

So little B''s appt went well but the pedi told me he dig up little B''s old blood work and found the tyroid # was already high back then and he did''t catch it. So the blood test they did this past tuesday will be the third test and if the # is still high then he is off to the specialist. The pedi said "if he don''t get treated then his glands will poop out" which is really depressing to hear.



May 16, 2006
Burk--you look fantastic girl!!! Yay for adding a bump pic!

MrsS--glad your day of freedom went well--such a cool idea

Lili--teehee, neat that J knows her name. I haven''t heard Co say his yet--but we call him so many things so he''s probably confused lol

I have been trying to get ahold of one of my close friends for days and days now b/c she just had a new baby boy and all i knew is that she had a section (first baby was vaginal). I was getting worried, b/c although we live hours from one another, she is good with keeping in touch. Turns out she JUST got out of the hospital--nearly 2 weeks later!!! She had the section due to the baby being breech (and they realized this as he was being delivered --he turned or something). So the section happened but trapped abdominal gas caused her to have a perferated bowel. She ended up needing emergency bowel surgery and they had to remove 4 inches of her large intestine. She couldn''t take care of her 20 month old, or her new guy up until yesterday. I''ve never heard of this and it''s really shocking. I don''t know any other details, but i am hoping it is something she can recover fully from. Anyone know anything about this sort of complication??

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
TGAL: so glad that you finally got an answer to the bleeding monster! removing PGs in toddlers is NO FUN (i've done it several times)...but it sounds like amelia was a real trooper. her dirty feet are hilarious! coby gets BLACK knees from crawling around in our house. it's from the travertine though. our nanny is also our housecleaner and i literally had her spend an ENTIRE day trying to clean the floors, and it STILL happens!!! so gross. i can't wait until he starts walking (well, kind of!). have a safe and fun trip in oz!!

BURK: glad the volleyball tourney was fun. tayva is such a cutie! your BPF pic was so cute! i'm glad you're feeling well.

JANINE: can't wait to see pics from the bday party!! thanks for asking about the food...coby has already turned into a picky eater. i offer him whatever we're having, but basically the only things he will eat are: cottage cheese, cheddar cheese (ok, really ANY kind of cheese!), turkey, cheerios, and raspberries. it's ridiculous!! i'm always looking for things to entice him.

MRS. S: that's great that jake is in 'school.' i would LOVE to have an afternnoon or morning to myself! i only work part time, but i have sitters ONLY when i work. i'm trying to find someone to watch coby for a couple hours on a regular basis when i can just have some me time. mani/pedis are THE BEST!!

QT: where are you? i can't wait to hear what you're having!!!!! i keep checking to see if you've posted. your belly pic was also so cute!

LILI: your stories crack me up! i can't believe that she will change her diaper herself!! too funny! it sounds like she's doing great in school.

PUFFY: can't believe you're already 25 weeks. you're going to have 2 boys before you know it!

JAS: glad that c is starting to walk more! the nodding to himself in the mirror sounds sooo cute!!!
that is scary about your friend's c-section. i don't remember very much from gen surgery in med school, but my understanding is that people usually do pretty well after abdominal surgery. do you know if she had to have a colostomy? sometimes patients have to get them for short periods and then the surgeons "reattach" things... i hope she's ok! i can't imagine how hard it must be to not be able to care for your 2 little ones!!

SNLEE: hi!!! i can't believe you're going to have a bday boy so soon. where did this year go??? any plans for TTC soon?

TACORI: that's interesting about the spicy foods. dh and i love spice...i usually tone things down for coby, but maybe i'll just offer them to him as is... how are you doing?? when do you get the flower girl pics??

BOBO: i hope little b's thyroid is ok!! poor thing (and poor you!)...hopefully you will get some answers soon!!

as for us, everything is good. coby is turning into quite the little monkey. he loves pulling up and is quite mischievous... he's still not really cruising, but that's ok with me!! he FINALLY got his first tooth (at about 10 1/2 months old). he is still nursing a TON...i don't really know even how to start weaning him. he still refuses all bottles. he'll drink water from a sippy but no breast milk. i'm hoping that maybe he'll like real cow's milk better?? he's almost 11 months, so i guess i can try it out kind of soon?? i love the nursing, and wouldn't be all that opposed to continuing for awhile, but dh and i are pretty much ready to start TTC again. AND I STILL HAVEN'T STARTED MY PERIODS!!! it's great on the one hand, but it's hard to know what's going on in there, you know?? i imagine all the nursing what's delaying things, but who knows? and i was told by my ob, that one i do get preggo, she really doesn't recommend nursing past the first tri. UGH!!

ok...hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

xo, LIA


lover in athens

May 21, 2006
and just cuz it''s been a LONG time...
here is a pic of my (not so) little guy:

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