
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Aug 19, 2009
Hi Mamas, Hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Allie-Charlie is gorgeous and those are great pics!

B starts daycare at the end of January (provided DH gets the classes he needs--we'll know hopefully this week) I am scared about the daycare disease :-o :knockout: :-o


Jan 22, 2007
We give Charlie 1.875 ml dose of ibuprofen and 5ml of the pedia care acetaminophen or the same 1.2mls of the generic brand that I can still find of the infants acetaminophen but Charlie is only 23lbs. I bet if you are using he infants acetaminophen that you can most likely give him the 1.6mls.


Jan 22, 2007
Pupp I would think the Amox and the Augmentin should have cleared up ANYTHING that he had going on. The Amoxicillin is such a wide range antibiotic that I would think it would have covered it the first time. I am sorry he had to be on Augmentin that gave Charlie terrible stomach issues. We also had erythromycin once as well.


Jun 25, 2007
Allie, we were warned that Augmentin could be rough on the belly but, fortunately, he only had diarrhea for one day. His appetite was terrible for the first few days but I don't know if that was the illness or antibiotic. Maybe whatever he has going on now is viral? It stinks because he's been home from daycare since last Monday to let him recoup but here we are sick again. He did have a few great days though which was often. I was so happy to have my silly boy back!


Jan 22, 2007
Pupp how is N today?


Jun 25, 2007
Thanks for asking! The fever broke this morning but I took him to the doc anyway. His ear infection is not gone. The doc said the ears aren't terribly inflamed but they're still not normal. She said they should look much much better than they do after the two antibiotics. She prescribed a third antibiotic that's in a different class (Omnicef). It's a ten day course again. If that doesn't work, we'll get a referral to an ENT. Fingers crossed!

On the bright side, he was in such a good mood kisses and waving and being silly. :love:


Jan 22, 2007
We were actually on Omnicef as well once, I liked it because it was a smaller dose to get into him 2.5 mls rather than 5 mls. I think I need to bring Charlie back, he has been running a low grade fever for 2 days now, not eating like himself. I am hoping that we don't need round 2 of antibiotics.

Fingers crossed for N and his quick healing even if it means 10 more days. Antibiotics for a whole month sounds terrible even for an adult!


Jun 25, 2007
Allie, I hope Charlie isn't coming down with something. N is back to his old self which is awesome. We played hard last night and got lots of belly laughs. Tomorrow he goes back to daycare (after two weeks off) so I'm hoping he doesn't come down with anything new.

I was talking to our daycare Director and she said she's had good luck with Omnicef and the doc said it's gentle so I'm hopeful. Thing is - my insurance changes in 2012 and the cost of something like tubes would near triple on the new plan so, if he does need them, I'm hoping to do it now. Plus, DH works in education and is off the last week or 10 days of the year so that would be the best timing.


Jan 22, 2007
Hey Ladies, I just wanted to Attention-Whore myself and share a picture of my little man! I just love him so much. I can't imagine how having 2 will make me feel. Not that I am pregnant or anything just thinking ahead!



Jun 25, 2007
Allie, you got something to tell us? Who wouldn't want another with a little guy that handsome! What a great pic. We have these wooden blocks that spell "Merry Christmas". We had this genius idea to take his pics sitting with them. Every time we laid them out, he just came in like King Kong and knocked them over. We have lots of cute outtakes!

update on N's health - he's been well for over a week but has fluid behind his eardrum that our pedi thought warranted referral to an ENT. We see the ENT on Tuesday so I'll let you guys know what happens.

Oh and he's really turned a corner at daycare. It took a while but he actually seems happy there now! :appl:


May 17, 2009
Allie - Such a cute picture of C!!! I think you're in my head because my card idea was really similar. I got O the cutest cable knit sweater romper and I was going to put him in a "nest" of Christmas lights. Needless to say we haven't gotten it done yet because he's been a grouchy pants. Oh well. I'm starting to realize that I don't call the shots any more with this kid!

pupp - So happy to hear that N is feeling better finally. What a rough time! Can they do anything for fluid behind the eardrum? I don't think I've heard of that. O is the same way with blocks. It's actually one of our go-to things if he's being cranky. We'll stack his blocks on his shelf and he'll immediately forget that he was throwing a fit and come over to knock them all down! He can't stand when we organize things. He's started doing it with his changing table too. He can't stand when I put his diapers and wipes away. He'll come over and pull every single thing off the shelf. So much for my clean house!

Does anyone have any advice on sippy cups? I'm ashamed to say that my baby is still drinking from a bottle!! We've tried giving him liquids in his sippy cup, and he knows how to do it, but chooses not to. He has no interest in drinking!! I'm starting to realize that I have an extremely stubborn baby.

This is where we get with cups....



Jun 25, 2007
Kunzite! We're learning that N is the boss of us too. :lol: He's like a little prince! We're *trying* to teach him how to just suck it up sometimes but he likes everyone to know when he's not happy. We had the same issue with the sippy cup. We just put it out at every meal and eventually he just started to use it. Now, we just keep it full at all times and he just picks it up when he wants a drink. It was a little different for us because he never really liked the bottle so it was boob to cup not bottle to cup. He's doing this thing recently where he has to have two of everything he's eating - one for each hand of course! Anyway, since his hands are full of food, he tries to drink out of his sippy cup with no hands. It's hilarious! Sometimes he starts to cry when nothing comes out!

So - the fluid behind the eardrum will probably warrant tubes...eventually anyway. As luck (or lack of) would have it, my health insurance is changing to an account based system next year and getting tubes in 2012 will cost us 3x more than if we get them in 2011. We obviously don't want to rush it because it IS surgery but GEEZ!

PS - I can't wait to see your holiday pics!


May 17, 2009
Thanks pupp. We've had the cup out for every meal since he started solids. He does take a drink here or there, which is how we know that he can do it, but not nearly enough to sustain him for the day. They have a little more luck at daycare. Some days they can get him to take a total of 4oz of cow's milk. Which is great! Much better than we accomplish at home, but still not enough for the entire day. He's also starting to lose interest in the bottle during the day. Which again, is great! I don't want him to need the bottle. But I have to get fluids in him somehow! I've also tried leaving the cup out on the floor during the day while he's playing to see if he would take drinks here and there, but he doesn't even acknowledge that it's around!

It's funny because I knew that kids were challenging, but the sticking points that we've had with him so far are things that were never on my radar! Most kids love to be independent and eat and drink by themselves. At least I thought they did!

Sorry to hear about the potential ear tubes and the insurance. We sort of have the opposite thing going on with insurance. We switched to a cooperative this year which will end up being much cheaper, but they're a little more strict about what they cover. For instance, we just found out that they don't cover any genetic screening tests. We were on the fence about the NT anyway, but I certainly didn't appreciate having the decision made for us! Oh well. I just have to remember that O's birth cost us thousands out of pocket, and this one will cost us $250. So I guess you take the good with the bad!


Jun 25, 2007
Little bugger! N doesn't really crave independence so much either. He likes being babied. He's very *young* compared to his peers. His teachers at daycare love it because he's very cuddly and most of the toddlers don't even want to be picked up.

re: insurance. Even with the *best* insurance offered by our company, it cost us $1500 out of pocket for N's delivery. We had to pay 10% up to a max of $2k. The way our new plan will work is all preventative care is covered 100%, then we pay for EVERYTHING else (at the negotiated insurance rate) up to a max of $1,900 and my employer puts $700 toward the $1,900. Once we hit the $1,900 deductible we pay for 10% of everything. Once we hit a total of $3k out of pocket, insurance pays for everything. This would be great if no one ever got sick, had some chronic issue, needed a procedure or birthed a baby! Sucks...

Oh, I know you're struggling with solids and I thought of a go-to for N (I know you can't tell by looking at him but he's VERY picky!). I make him sweet potato pancakes. I use Bruce's brand and make them silver dollar size. I make a buzzilion and freeze them. I microwave them for like 20 seconds and they're ready to go. He loves them.


Aug 19, 2009
Oohhhh, I wish that one of you were here to unravel our insurance. Everything seems to cost money, but noone seems to be able to say what it will cost from the get go. And since we pay most of the premium (we pay $1250 per month out of pocket for family insurance) it really makes me angry that we keep getting these bills :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: seem to be really on top of it :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

charlie is ADORABLE!

I'm still waiting to officially hear about this other opportunity and I wish that I knew what was going on with that...they said that they were playing phone tag with my third reference and that they'd probably get back to me this week, but nothing...I am following up on Monday...

My boss is on my LAST nerve :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: I put in my vacation request for January (we work 50-60 hour weeks in December and can't take any vacation during Nov/Dec other than some of us being able to take Thanksgiving +1 or Christmas +1 (but some people still have to work)...anyway, I put in my request for 5 days when no other Sr staff are on vacation and that works around my project deadlines, and she pushed back saying "I am really surprised that you are asking to take vacation, you JUST got back in October from maternity leave. I didn't think you would take vacation until March or April...or really, probably June.

:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:


Also, please note that 3 of the 5 vacation days are left from this year, they would'nt let me take them as part of my maternity leave and they can only roll over until march, they will disappear after that.


Also, B's potty adventure took a new turn last week as he got himself off the potty, came to see DH in the living room proudly saying "B wipeded up" with poo all over his hands and legs and the toilet seat and 3/4 of a roll of TP strewn around the bathroom :rolleyes: :lol: :cheeky: It's way funnier to me since DH was home with him at the time and had to deal with clean-up ;))


Jan 22, 2007
Kunzite - I have no advice about cups except that we tried so many of them much like bottles before settling on some that we like. We use the take and toss style cup because it is easy to drink from, and we also use nuk cups with the soft nipple that is like a bottle.

We I recently started the straw cups with him but for now he just plays with yanking the straw out. He still does not drink very much cows milk at all. Maybe 2-3oz a day, I am still nursing him 2 sometimes 3 times a day. The doctor told me to cut out any other liquids at home besides milk. I tried for 2 days but during that time he drank NOTHING at home. So I started to give him water again, I just don't agree with denying water to a child that is thirsty.

Pupp- I am glad that Nolan is on the mend, we went back for our ear recheck and they were clear thank goodness but I am glad you are getting some resolve with the tubes. I am sorry your insurance is so high. I am a teacher and think that I have pretty good insurance but I have never had anything big needed (thankfully knock on wood) besides the birth and I only paid for the first visit of the pregnancy and nothing after that.

Bella- I don't know how I will do when we start to potty train! I am glad you guys are progressing but OMG on the poopy everywhere :)!


Jan 22, 2007
Oh and Kunzite!!!!!!! Mazel Tov many times over on your two bundles of joy!!!!!!


Mar 21, 2008
officially joining this thread now...

Kunzite - we have the same problem with S and her sippy cup, so I just let day care take care of that and let her have the bottle at home. we were practicing drinking out of a normal cup (because the doc said it's way past time she started), but now that she's sick, I prefer she just get as much fluids as possible. we will start again soon.

Allie - adorable pic! how could you not want two of C???

- - -

let's see what's happening here. Skye turned 1 and has 3 teeth. she doesn't walk yet. we think she is saying "Dada" on purpose to DH. no "Mama". :(( sometimes I get a "Nana". her favorite thing to say is "Ai-ya!" which sounds like "Hi ya!" without the H. she is still pooing on the potty, and when she farts, she thinks it's SO funny that she has to make the sound with her lips. she now can turn circles while sitting, but doesn't do it often. there's a lot of pointing going on. she still loves animals and gets excited when she sees real ones, stuffed ones or even statues. she also loves music and will rock back and forth and stick her index fingers in the air when she hears it. she is really digging the Lego Duplo she got for her birthday. we put it together and she pulls the pieces apart. the bead maze and stacking cups are also a big hit.

here are 2 pics from today. one on her rocking moose and the other catching bubbles. as you can see, her toys have taken over the living room.



Oct 30, 2002
The kids are all so cute, ladies!! Love the pictures, and Allie, that hat, precious.


Mar 21, 2008
this morning, Skye rolled over on the changing table, picked up her brush and started brushing the hair on the back of her head! :love:

it's so amazing what these kids can do.


Mar 21, 2008
okay, I'm pretty much talking to myself now, but Skye finally decided to take a few steps behind her push-car thing.

other developments: when I take out a Q-tip, she points to the inside of her ear (I don't clean IN there, but around the outside). she places her socks on her feet, so she knows where they go.



Jun 25, 2007
Bella, I'm sorry your boss sucks. I have many complaints about my employer just like everyone else does but I've always taken my PTO when I need it - no questions asked. It sounds like your manager just likes to be in control of things and is maybe a bit frustrated at her lack of. Or maybe she hasn't gotten any in a long time...just kidding! :lol: I hope your job search is successful!

Noel, isn't it so cute when they imitate? Nolan loves to brush his hair and brush the crumbs off of himself after he eats.

Allie, I'm glad Charlie ears are all clear! We've tried the straw cups too and Nolan gets it in the sense that he sucks on the straw and liquid comes out but when the drink gets low, he holds it upside down like you would a sippy cup then nothing comes out. Sometimes doctors make the dumbest suggestions. :rolleyes:

AFU, Nolan saw the ENT last Tuesday. The doctor was great with him and explained a lot to me. He thought that it was too soon to assess whether or not N needed tubes. He said it was normal to have fluid on his ears after the ear infection. He was concerned with how long it took to treat the infection but thought it prudent to see how things develop over the next 8 weeks. That sounded good...until N got another ear infection on Friday. :(sad Our antibiotic options were limited as N had been on 3 in the previous month. So, he's on Zythromax for 5 days with a follow visit in 10...if we make it that long. So, it's looking like tubes will be a likely outcome.

On the bright side, daycare is really bringing out N's social side. Before daycare, he was very shy and clingy at family and friend functions. Just last weekend, I took him to a family party and he was off playing with my nephews for an hour! Yesterday, I took him to a cookie exchange and he was playing with the other kids and exploring my friend's house after just a few minutes. It was funny though - whenever he needed reassurance, he would just approach any woman wearing jeans and put his arms up to be picked up. Then he would cry when they picked him up. I guess we all look the same from the knees down! :lol:


Jan 22, 2007
Holy crap Pupp sick again? As sick as Charlie was over the course of his first year at daycare he only have an ear infection 1 time. 2 times if you count this last time. We have a hand foot and mouth outbreak in our classroom of daycare. I took him home Friday with a fever, off to the doctor, everything was clear. His fever was around 102 from Friday night into Sunday morning when he finally was feeling a bit better but exhausted. He ate very little and cried in a lot of pain which made me think of an onset of sores but nothing so far. Another case was confirmed today and I am hoping that we will make it out hand foot and mouth free.

Noel...I seriously love it when they copy us. It was the brush for Charlie first, and then the phone. It is so cute!


Mar 21, 2008
pupp - poor Nolan! how do the tubes work? what a tidy boy to brush the crumbs off. Skye just rips off (velcro) her bib and throws it on the floor.

Allie - I hope it doesn't get worse for Charlie. it's so sad when they're sick and don't want to eat nor play.

over here we've been dealing with the stomach bug. I had it on the weekend, DH has it now... hopefully it will skip Skye.


Jan 22, 2007
Charles is all about making the biggest mess possible. Seriously! I feel like it is his mission to make a huge mess. I like to let him explore with food so he self feeds most meals, except for like oatmeal or something hot. As soon as he is done, everything goes flinging to the floor.


Jun 25, 2007
RE: throwing things. Nolan does this too. He doesn't really self feed anything messy. But that's mostly because he's a picky eater. He does constantly throw his cup on the floor though. :nono: And starts smearing things on his tray when he's *all done*. He's taken to throwing his toys too. He loves to play catch but this kid has a great arm and pelts us with hard plastic balls!

ETA - Zythromax has done a number on this kid's belly. He's happy so I don't think he's uncomfortable but he took a poop this morning that required a bath. The entire diaper was COVERED and it was in the feet of his pajamas (hey, what happened to the throwing up smiley?). Of course I was on my way out the door so, in my work cloths, I chucked him in the sink and washed him down. I guess I'll send extra spare clothes to daycare tomorrow!


Jan 22, 2007
A let him self feed yogurt to practice using a spoon...can you imagine that mess?


Jun 25, 2007
Did you try it yet? We tried letting N self feed yogurt and he flings it everywhere!


Jan 22, 2007
Yes I let him do it every day, when we come back from daycare. Most of it ends up on his bib or the tray but some actually makes it into his mouth.


Jun 25, 2007
I guess I need to suck it up and let N make the mess. Do you have a bowl that suctions to the tray? N will just chuck the whole bowl if I don't hold it. But I need to get out of the way of flying food!
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