
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Sep 21, 2006
Awwww that is so cute mrssalvo!! They don''t look as much like jeans as they do in the ad. Adorable!


Sep 24, 2009
heheheh cute mrssalvo! I had never seen the commercials before and saw these for the first time in wal-mart and did a double take.


Sep 24, 2009
darnit is not my day...mommy brain.

Just finished doing kicked my butt!

Axel has been waking up in the night the past week and when I go in there his diaper is completely soaked and heavy and I have to change him. No leaks, but it looks uncomfortable being so full. He wears size 4 and is fine during the day, but do I need to move up a size or just buy overnight diapers?? Never had this problem with P when she was a baby so I'm not sure.


Nov 18, 2004
Yup, it never ceased to amaze me how much and fast they absorb information.
They can hear it in passing and it just sticks with them.
Too cute that Co asks for fresh water for his wilted daisy.
J learned that flowers need water just like she needs food and water when she asked me one hot day why her flower is all ''wrinkled''? :D

Anyway, saw your update on FB and glad to hear that there is an end date for you.
Funny how so many of you second time mommies are baking their kiddies longer.
I''ve always thought that you don''t carry the second as long.
Let''s hope that the what they say about second delivery being faster and easier ^.^
Sending you lots of contraction and labor dust.

She pretty much claimed that iphone as hers.
She''ll ask her dad "daddy, can i have my iphone?"
Then she''ll sheepishly corrects herself when I asked her "whose iphone?"
That''s great that Axel can hold his breath.
I think J would come up watery eyed if I have her do it :D

Yay for A going potty!
She might be trained before J

J''s actually regressed in that area.
She woke up this morning and said "i''m sorry mommy. I pee pee. but that''s ok. i have diaper"
Usually we''d use the toilet in the morning.

Anyway, was meaning to say don''t worry about A not playing w/ the other kids.
Like Jas12 said, at 2, they are still very me-centric.
Also, A could be one of those kids that just get along better w/ older kids.
J is like that....she much prefers playing w/ her 14 yo cousin than her 5 or 3 yo cousins.
Even the teachers made the comment that she was more interested in the bigger kids from the ajacent school who come over to the daycare to play w/ them.
She plays w/ the teachers most of the time when we come pick her up...but we do see the other kids always talking to her.

Yay for crawling. Time really flies. N is around 7 months?
That''s so sweet that B is so helpful.
Hehe, smart kid wanting the ipad.
Any applications on there that you recommend for J?
Good luck w/ the packing.

woohoo...happy early birthday and good luck w/ your exams.
school is almost out we should see more of you here.
how is MsT doing?
Still struggling w/ the early wake-up?

How cute.
I can just imagine them chanting "gampa" all over the house ^.^

MrsS--''s either the iphone or our sanity :D
yeah, it is interesting to see how kids just know instinctively how to work electronics.
Love the denim diaper :D
Strut it Jake!
I didn''t see the commercial, but did see the box when I was at a store a while back.
Thought it was kind of cute (clothed looked w/ clothes) since most kids hate wearing pants on top of their diapers (especially w/ summer just around the corner).
Is Jake swimming on his own now?

How''s your FIL doing?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Checking into PS is SO much more fun than studying
I am nervous for my exam tomorrow b/c it is the one and only test I have in this class so the amount of information it is on is crazy and I have no idea what his "testing style" is.
I am a bit concerned.

Tessa HATES getting up early. I get her up around 7:30 on days where I have school (but tomorrow is the last early morning until fall! Woohoo!) and she is pissed. She groans, moans, squats me away. Imagine a teenager...that''s her. I am taking a class next session but it is online so I''ll just take her to daycare whenever she wakes up. BTW I picked her up today and this little boy shoved her right in front of me. To make it more complicated his mom is their teacher. I know he is 2 and it wasn''t a big deal but it is heartbreaking to hear your kid not want to go to school b/c of him. I am sure she was just annoyed b/c usually she tells me how funny and silly he is. She even calls him a friend. He is just so hyper.

PSA: Okay, I thought about if I should share this or not b/c I don''t want to be paranoid or freak anyone out to just stop reading here if you want.

In my ethics class there is a woman who works in a residential home for girls who sexually abuse (most are also victims). Her stories make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Also is another woman who works for DSS. They both said that a child can be molested in the same room as the "innocent" parent. I seriously cannot imagine but believe their professional experience and that a capable, experienced molester probably can. Anyway, I expressed a concern now that T is in daycare (NOT that I have any reasons to be freaked) but she is getting exposed to a lot of people and other children are often violators (learned behavior). The one woman told me when I am bathing her or changing her diaper I should just tell "this is your bottom. Only mommy, daddy, [fill in the blank] can touch it. This is your privates. It is only okay for mommy, daddy, [fill in the blank] to touch it. Tell me if someone else does." She said her son caught one pretty quick and she remembers him at 5 telling her that his friend accidently bumped into him and touched his bottom. I am going to start b/c I do think it is important for her to know what is ok and what is not ok. Just thought I would throw it out there for you all. Feel free to permanently ignore my warnings
As I get more exposed to my education I just see how traumatic sexual abuse is. I know I cannot protect her forever but I can try right? I also decided she may never go to a sleep over. Just not worth it unless I REALLY know the family. Even then, people surprise you.


Sep 24, 2009
Tacori, very good luck on your exam tomorrow. Your post is my number 1 fear in life, truly. When I was in middle school, I started watching the show "Profiler" and have had a healthy (or unhealthy) fear about being attacked. Then I would watch shows like SVU, Dateline, 20/20, etc about child predators all the time. So when I got pregnant that was one of my first worries...what steps I need to take to protect my child from that sort of thing. P has been to 1 sleep over and that was at SIL''s house with our niece. It may be a bit extreme but when it comes to that, I think better safe than sorry. A very good friend of mine has been talking about our girls having a sleepover and I''ve been putting it off cause I''m not ready yet. If I do decide for that to happen, I will be sleeping over, too, and her DH will go surfing and spend the night with his buddies. Overprotective much?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
PJ, ignorance is bless. I think that''s just going to be one of the side effects of working in the helping profession. My clients will be victims and predators. Just the nature of the job. I am not planning nor do I think I could work with children. That would just be too difficult for me. I am also learning lots of scary, but necessary stuff.

I don''t think you are being over protective. I would feel comfortable having my daughter spend the night at her aunts, uncles, or grandparents. Even though most abuse is committed by someone you know I 100% trust our family when it comes to that.


Feb 27, 2006
I'm not going to be able to catch up, so sorry in advance to everyone I miss!

Tacori, good luck on your exam tomorrow! I have a hard time thinking about all the awful stuff in the world but agree that knowledge and awareness is the first step to combatting it. Thanks for the reminder.

MsSalvo - heehee, cute!

Jas12b - thinking of you! Sending lots of labor dust your way.

Burk - I'm sorry for your loss.

Speech question - So, we had to get the health form filled out by George's previous doctor for his daycare paperwork, and I noticed on it that she said something about monitoring him for delayed speech. I asked DH about it, as he's the one who took G to that appointment, and he said that he thought it was because of the way that he answered the speech questions that she asked him and so apparently DH blew it off at the time as George seems fine to him. Sigh... But I have been noticing that he's not saying as much as I'd expect him to, but I hadn't been worried - yet - because I seem to recall others here talking about their kids having "delayed speech" per the charts and then exploding with like a million words at 20 months. Am I remembering? Or am I making this up?

For reference, G is now 14.5 months. He can say bubbee (puppy). He now can say no.
Sometimes if I ask him where his duck is, he'll pick it up and say duck, but that's one not 100% consistent. He also makes siren noises when he sees his firetruck, and barks at the dogs, if those are considered language? But that's it. Does this seem normal or delayed?

ETA - Einstein had delayed speech and was initially thought to be mentally disabled, if I'm remembering correctly. So maybe G's just the next Einstein. And maybe this is how parents think that their obese toddlers are on the skinny side.


Dec 29, 2004
Blen, Amelia exploded at 20 months. I may have mentioned here that when I took her for her 15 month appointment, the ped (who was not my normal ped, but a stand in) said she should be saying 30 words. I was a bit freaked out and thought, no way was she close. She could barely say 5 at that point. At the 18 month appt, I had my regular ped. He asked about speech and I told him she was lagging and mentioned what the other ped said. He said in an ideal world, sure, but if she could say at least 5 words at 18 months, he wasn''t worried.

Sure enough, 2 months later, I couldn''t stop her from talking all the time. I still think she''s on the slower side of normal, but she''s definitely in range. I wouldn''t worry about it. They don''t start thinking about speech therapy until usually the 2 year appointment.


Sep 24, 2009
Tacori, that is an admirable profession you're going's gonna take a lot out of you but the rewards will be worth it I think. We have date night regularly but are usually back at a decent time so haven't had to to spend the night away except for that one night. And I've gone away on a moms weekend/getaway a few times but DH was on duty.....hmmm, reminds me that we haven't been on a vacation of just DH and I since before P was born. Yikes.

Blen, FWIW, I am amazed that G can say bubbee (sooo cute!). Axel--also 14.5 months--babbles a lot, but only clearly says mama and dada and makes noises usually in the form of multiple grunts to communicate to us. When I ask if he's hungry he'll smack his lips so I know he understands but he hasn't really tried to say anything that I know of. IIRC, P was the same way. Said a few words here and there then around 18 months exploded and hasn't stopped talking since. I think G may be the next Einstein, too.


Feb 18, 2008
Date: 6/22/2010 7:32:00 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

PSA: Okay, I thought about if I should share this or not b/c I don''t want to be paranoid or freak anyone out to just stop reading here if you want.

In my ethics class there is a woman who works in a residential home for girls who sexually abuse (most are also victims). Her stories make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Also is another woman who works for DSS. They both said that a child can be molested in the same room as the ''innocent'' parent. I seriously cannot imagine but believe their professional experience and that a capable, experienced molester probably can. Anyway, I expressed a concern now that T is in daycare (NOT that I have any reasons to be freaked) but she is getting exposed to a lot of people and other children are often violators (learned behavior). The one woman told me when I am bathing her or changing her diaper I should just tell ''this is your bottom. Only mommy, daddy, [fill in the blank] can touch it. This is your privates. It is only okay for mommy, daddy, [fill in the blank] to touch it. Tell me if someone else does.'' She said her son caught one pretty quick and she remembers him at 5 telling her that his friend accidently bumped into him and touched his bottom. I am going to start b/c I do think it is important for her to know what is ok and what is not ok. Just thought I would throw it out there for you all. Feel free to permanently ignore my warnings
As I get more exposed to my education I just see how traumatic sexual abuse is. I know I cannot protect her forever but I can try right? I also decided she may never go to a sleep over. Just not worth it unless I REALLY know the family. Even then, people surprise you.

Just wanted to pop in real quick and make a note on this....

My brother was sexually abused when he was about 13-14. The guy that abused him was a very well known lawyer, an active member of the PTA and more. He went and spoke in my brothers history class and that was how my brother met him. My brother admired his profession and the guy acted as a mentor for my brother or so we thought. Long story short my brother stopped wanting to hang out with the guy (who had 2 kids and was married) and when i saw hang out, the son was around my brothers age and would sleep over at the guys house with his family and stuff. My parents never thought anything of it because why would such a prominent well known lawyer who was a member of the PTA and frequently talked in classes be a sexual abuser. We never knew the guy had done anything like this until someone finally came forward and the guy was being brought up on 40 counts of molestation in Montana and even more in Florida. The guy ended up committing suicide because he didnt want to deal with the ramifications of his actions i guess. My brother was always different after he had stopped hanging out with the guy and we never knew why, it was just weird. About half of the kids that were sexually abused by this guy committed suicide, including my brother. Things like this people always say never would happen to them but in our case we didnt know until after my brother had died and we couldnt get him the proper help he needed. My godfather actually i think was a sexual abuser or something. Many times when i stayed at my godparents house he would be overly touchy with me and I hated it. When i was old enough, I would flat out tell my mom I was NOT going there and I just wouldnt go. Luckily nothing ever happened to me, but apparently he was really touchy with my younger sister too, and we later told my mom because she asked why we didnt like him. Not trying to scare anyone i promise...just giving some extra input from someone who has had a family member have it happen to him. I know when i become a mother one day, I wont be crazy overprotected but I will not let my child sleep at someone elses house unless we really know them really well and my child will understand that if someone touches them they need to tell me ASAP, which i think my parents were just so consumed in their own stuff they never talked to us about that so my brother never felt comfortable telling anyone except a few people.


Sep 24, 2009
blondebunny, I''m sorry for your loss. Thank you for coming out and sharing that.

So today is a big day for me.... I got my braces removed! I had them on for 2.5 years and now I am free! Feel very excited but a tad bit sad as they were on while I was pregnant & during Axel''s first year. But I don''t miss them enough to want them back.
Some would say I was a masochist...braces WHILE pregnant?? hehe

Having friends come over to go swimming and out to lunch! I''m going to find the messiest thing on the menu and chomp into it without worrying about food getting stuck everywhere. Hope everyone has a great day!


Aug 31, 2005
Hi everyone!
My kiddo turned 1 on Saturday, so we belong over here now.

Tacori- I don't know if I'm too late, but good luck on your exam today! Re: Being cautious, I think it's a great idea to let kids know early on what kind of touching is appropriate and what isn't.

Blen- I don't know what the norm is for a year, let alone 15 months, but I have wondered if H is speaking normally for his age. He makes several sounds, but other than Mama and Ball (which he's said only twice), they're just strings of words. Mamamama, babababababa, etc. He babbles a ton, but nothing makes much sense. I'm glad to hear (from TGal) that 30 words isn't necessarily the norm, because I can't imagine H adding that many more in just 3 months. Not even close.

George just may be another Einstein! You never know.

BlondeBunny- What a tragic story. I'm so sorry about your brother.

Penelope- Congratulations on getting your braces removed!


Jun 18, 2004
Blen, I asked the pedi about talking at Kyle''s 15 months appointment in May. He said 3-5 words was normal at that age, and as long as he seemed to be understanding things not to worry. Kyle has said a few words very sporadically, the most reliable being "vroom" when he plays with toy cars. Other than that I get cave man grunts when he wants soemthing, and long strings of babble with intricate hand gestures


Jan 3, 2005
welcome to the toddler thread!! wow, I can''t believe it''s been a year already!!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Blen, I always heard that comprehension was more important than speech. I was a delayed talker b/c according to my mom my older sister took on their role for me
My pedi was never concerned. I would NOT be worried. T''s verbal explosion happened but later than 15 months.

PJ, my program really drills it into us that we have got to take care of ourselves first. Burnout is pretty high in the field and it is stressful. I have my limitations though. I know I could not work with abused children. I could also not work exclusively with rape victims (though I know I will get some). Yay for getting your braces!!! That is a big step. Go have dinner of popcorn and bubble gum.

blondebunny, I am sorry to hear about your brother. It is important to be aware. No one likes talking about the bad, ugly stuff but that is the stuff that really molds our life. I was actually talking to that lady and asked her the basic signs that sexual abuse was happening. She said the child will become withdrawn, quiet, avoid eye contact, etc. I don''t think my daughter is being abused but think it might be good info to have.

EB, thanks lady. I honestly never thought of having that type of conversation with her. Like I said my mind doesn''t naturally think in certain ways b/c luckily I have never been exposed to abuse.

Feels pretty awesome. The exam was long, some tricky questions, BUT was fair. I have two papers and another exam on Wednesday to finish off the session!!! I am tired though and plan to have an "easy" day tomorrow. I mean, I deserve it right?!?


Nov 18, 2004
Thanks for the PSA.
I actually started teaching J about her privates when she started identifying body parts.
But I''ve been slacking off on it in the last 8 months :razz:
Anyway, whenever I wash or clean her, I let her know that it''s her private and she''s not to let anyone see or touch except mommy/daddy or during diaper change or bathtime.
Good luck w/ your papers and exam.
Summer is just a day away for you!
So, does that mean we''ll see more of you on here or FB? :D

So sorry to hear about your brother.

George is fine.
At J''s 18 months, the pedi said that they should be saying around 10 words.
Like Mustang said, comprehension is more what they are looking for.
If I recall correctly, I believe you can count animal sound as words, provided that they make the same sound that animal.

EB --
Happy late bday to H.
Cute collage of him on his birthday in the newborn thread.

Wow, you are tough to tackle braces and pregnancy at the same time ^.^
Congrats on the braces coming off.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lili, you are smarter than me! I never even thought about teaching her that. Not sure why. Oh well, I am starting now. I am taking one class next session so I am not totally off.

Proud mommy moment, T went into the bathroom (they have one in each classroom), took off her diaper on her own, went potty, wiped herself, and then flushed like a pro.
They want me to bring pull-ups in so they can start working with her on it. I kinda (selfishly) hope we can get through august in diapers b/c we have a 10 hour car drive and plane rides coming up. T seems FREAKED by the adult size toilet.


Feb 27, 2006
TGal, EB, MG, PJ, Tacori, Lili - Thanks so much for weighing in. He''s been doing a lot of babbling and understands a fair amount of what we say to him, so I feel better reading what all of you wrote.

Lili - the funny thing with the animal sounds is that he doesn''t saw woof or arf or anything like that. He actually barks. He also sometimes tries to faceplant into the high chair and eat without his hands, and he throws balls and then fetches them for himself, and sometimes he tries to drink out of the dogs waterdish. We think that he looks up to his big "bro" and "sis" a bit too much at times.

PJ - Hey, Axel has Mama and Dada on George.

Tacori - congrats on finishing the class! That must feel really good.

Blondebunny - How awful. I''m so sorry.

Ebree - happy first bday to Henry!! And welcome over here.

DH and I signed up for a 5-miler in Sept in hopes that it will force us to get off our butts and train for it. I even came up with a training schedule so that we can get prepared for it. But then it was 93 degrees and humid when we got home from work today, so we decided to tune it down and just do a 2-miler, but even then we were struggling at the end with the heat. And then we got home and discovered that someone threw his glasses out of the stroller at some point during the run. GRRRR. Fortunately FIL lent me his bike at this point so that I didn''t have to keep running all over the neighborhood, and I was able to find the glasses and they hadn''t been run over or anything. Thank God. I keep the shade on the BOB all the way down so that I can see his head through the little window and I can tell if his glasses are still on (due to the teething on the glasses tendency), but I was just so tired at the end I didn''t pay as much attention.

SIL keeps Mardi Gras beads on her door knob, and George pulled them off this evening and put them in a trash can and then carried the trash can to DH and handed it to him. LOL. I never know what he''s going to do next.


May 9, 2006
Thanks everyone for the kind words, thoughts and prayers! The past few days have been interesting. My sister and I have been trying to keep peace with my aunt and mom who don''t really get along in the best of circumstances... my mom is trying so hard to accommodate my aunt-who lived with my grandpa and was the one who found him- but really nothing she does makes my aunt happy so it''s been difficult. My aunt doesn''t have kids so she uses us as her sounding board so we feel stuck in the middle. Anyway, funeral is tomorrow. It will be nice to have some closure.

mrss~Cute! I wondered what the diapers actually looked like...Jake is a good model. I can''t believe how much blonde hair he has too!!

Tacori~Congrats lady! I can''t believe you''re already finishing up classes! Yay for Tessa deciding she wants to go potty by herself. How is she doing at daycare?

Blen~Glad you found G''s glasses! Yay for getting a run in!

lili~Add me to the list of those who enjoyed the update. That J cracks me up!! Hope you get your BFP soon!

Jas12~Hope you''re not around to read this, but baby dust!! Can''t wait to meet the new little one!

Hi to everyone else!! I don''t have time to properly catch up because I need to go bake for tomorrow morning. Hopefully my life will start to slow down after tomorrow.

Oh, and real quick T has decided she''s ready to be potty trained. She''s been in underwear since Sunday and has had only one accident (even then she was trying to get to the potty but didn''t make it)! I am almost sad about it because it means she''s growing up....but I like that I don''t have to buy diapers anymore!


Sep 24, 2009
EB, thanks and welcome to the toddler side! Henry is adorable.

Tacori, thanks! I didn''t have popcorn or bubble gum on hand, but did have yummmy mexican food for lunch and a snickers bar (I used to cut these up with a knife to eat them!). HUGE congrats on finishing your first class!! Time to break out the bubbly.

lili, thanks, it was tough at times to be an adult with braces, but most of the time wasn''t so bad. My options were to get the braces while TTC #2 or wait until after we were done TTC, being pregnant and baby was born which would equal 1 year or more. I wanted them immediately and I''m glad I didn''t wait because now they''re off!

Blen, whew, glad you found his glasses! How stressful for those few moments of being lost. G is so cute collecting beads in the trash and handing them out.

Burk, that stinks to be stuck in the middle of your mom and aunt in the midst of this sad time. Hugs

yay for BOTH T''s going potty!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Blen, it is excited but I have a looong way to go. Haha. Plus I doubt myself with every new syllabus I get (just got e-mailed my new one for July). I try to break it down so it isn''t as intimidating. I know I will be well prepared when I get out in the real world! Good luck on training! I am really out of shape. I could not do full time summer school + working out. Hopefully I will ease back into it. Glad you found his glasses!

Burk, sorry to hear about your grandpa. I missed that the first time around. Yay to T for waiting to be potty trained. I don''t think my T is really ready. Who knows. She is so strange. I took her in late to daycare today (her b-day present to me was sleeping in until 10:30
) and the kids were so excited to see her. She was less than thrilled when I left. Does it get easier? I know she is probably just manipulating me...and it totally works.

PJ, not sure it will stick. I am not pushing it but I did send pull-ups to school today. 2.5 seems young to be potty trained but what do I know. Selfishly I am not sure if *I* am ready. Haha.


Aug 31, 2005
mssalvo, lili, Blen, and Penelope- Thanks for the welcome! I can't believe I have a toddler. But he isn't walking yet. Can I call him a toddler if he still crawls?

Tacori, Congratulations on finishing your first class!

Blen, Good luck training for the 5 mile run! It's SO hot and humid here, too, so I feel your pain.

Today, Henry figured out how to pull the plastic outlet covers from the outlets, and when I pulled his hand away (several times) and gave a few firm NOs, the lip started to quiver and the tears started to flow. I'm such a mean mom.

RE: Exercise, I bought Wii Fit with the balance board since I know I'll never get enough exercise when it's muggy outside. And according to my husband, I'm practically the last person using Wii Fit these days. I can't even keep up with the latest video game workout trend.


May 9, 2006
EB~Happy belated birthday to Henry!! Saw the b-day pics and loved them. He''s such a cutie!

Penelope~Thanks! Today was actually good and my aunt apologized to my mom so that was nice.

Tacori~Thanks. It was a pretty rough few days but I''m on the other side now. My T has been very ready to be PT trained for a long time but she would only go when *she* wanted to and I just figured she''d do it when she was ready and I never pushed it (much to my MIL''s dislike...but that''s a whole other story). It took a little prompting from me to start wearing underwear and we still have a ways to go to be habit(she had a couple accidents today which I expected with the crazy day) but we''re close. Yay for T sleeping in-WOW! My T has always loved daycare (as in, she asks to go frequently!) and really never has been upset when I leave her but I would guess that''s because she''s been in daycare since she was 9 months so it became her "normal" and your T was older when she started? Do her teachers say she has fun once your gone? Have you ever spied once she thinks you''re gone? I bet she is just manipulating you and is happy as can be once you''re gone. She''s probably still just adjusting.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 6/23/2010 8:46:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
TGal, EB, MG, PJ, Tacori, Lili - Thanks so much for weighing in. He's been doing a lot of babbling and understands a fair amount of what we say to him, so I feel better reading what all of you wrote.

Lili - the funny thing with the animal sounds is that he doesn't saw woof or arf or anything like that. He actually barks. He also sometimes tries to faceplant into the high chair and eat without his hands, and he throws balls and then fetches them for himself, and sometimes he tries to drink out of the dogs waterdish. We think that he looks up to his big 'bro' and 'sis' a bit too much at times.

PJ - Hey, Axel has Mama and Dada on George.

Tacori - congrats on finishing the class! That must feel really good.

Blondebunny - How awful. I'm so sorry.

Ebree - happy first bday to Henry!! And welcome over here.

DH and I signed up for a 5-miler in Sept in hopes that it will force us to get off our butts and train for it. I even came up with a training schedule so that we can get prepared for it. But then it was 93 degrees and humid when we got home from work today, so we decided to tune it down and just do a 2-miler, but even then we were struggling at the end with the heat. And then we got home and discovered that someone threw his glasses out of the stroller at some point during the run. GRRRR. Fortunately FIL lent me his bike at this point so that I didn't have to keep running all over the neighborhood, and I was able to find the glasses and they hadn't been run over or anything. Thank God. I keep the shade on the BOB all the way down so that I can see his head through the little window and I can tell if his glasses are still on (due to the teething on the glasses tendency), but I was just so tired at the end I didn't pay as much attention.

SIL keeps Mardi Gras beads on her door knob, and George pulled them off this evening and put them in a trash can and then carried the trash can to DH and handed it to him. LOL. I never know what he's going to do next.

Occasional poster popping in here....

Blen - Aaron is George's age and we were at his 15 month well child check today. I asked the doctor about speech, and she said Aaron is doing just fine with his 6 words at 15 months. She said they like to see 18 words at 18 months, but that it's just a guideline and not to worry. Just wanted to let you know.... I wouldn't worry! Also, that's great about your 5 mile run coming up!


Sep 24, 2009
Tacori, potty training will go up and down for a while at first. She''ll do great and when she does there will be regressions but those will be overcome like anything else. It''s a frustrating road for sure at times and I totally get YOU not being ready hehe.

EB, he will walk when he''s ready. I miss the crawling stage. H is so smart pulling off the cover oulets. Axel totally does the lip quiver ALL the time when we say no. He looks to the ground, to the side, up at us and then quiver city! Oh and ummm, you''re definitely ahead of me...we don''t even have a Wii! I''ve always wanted to try Wii Fit, too. I am old school and still use workout DVDs to exercise. I lost the last 15 lbs of baby weight this year doing old Tae Bo VHS tapes haha. Hey, whatever works right

Burk, glad to hear things going smoother now.

Not much here, Axel is getting into EVERYTHING now. He pushes little tables around, climbs on top, then proceeds to grab whatever it is up high that he wants or turn off/on light switches (he''s obsessed with those). When I go to rescue him and set him down he runs for the bathroom or something else that he''s not supposed to do like play in the toilet. We need to get a toilet lock but for now resort to keeping bathroom doors closed. And he likes emptying out the lower cabinets in the kitchen so that he can get inside, open and close the door and play peek-a-boo. Keeps me on my toes all day that''s for sure. Also in the middle of planning P''s 5th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese''s. I''m excited. I secretly wish to be 5 again

Hope all the mommies have a good weekend!


May 9, 2006
Hey mommies I posted in the newborn thread about my issues with K''s sleeping. Weigh in if you have a chance please!


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/22/2010 10:25:38 PM
Author: Blenheim
Speech question - So, we had to get the health form filled out by George''s previous doctor for his daycare paperwork, and I noticed on it that she said something about monitoring him for delayed speech. I asked DH about it, as he''s the one who took G to that appointment, and he said that he thought it was because of the way that he answered the speech questions that she asked him and so apparently DH blew it off at the time as George seems fine to him. Sigh... But I have been noticing that he''s not saying as much as I''d expect him to, but I hadn''t been worried - yet - because I seem to recall others here talking about their kids having ''delayed speech'' per the charts and then exploding with like a million words at 20 months. Am I remembering? Or am I making this up?

For reference, G is now 14.5 months. He can say bubbee (puppy). He now can say no.
Sometimes if I ask him where his duck is, he''ll pick it up and say duck, but that''s one not 100% consistent. He also makes siren noises when he sees his firetruck, and barks at the dogs, if those are considered language? But that''s it. Does this seem normal or delayed?

ETA - Einstein had delayed speech and was initially thought to be mentally disabled, if I''m remembering correctly. So maybe G''s just the next Einstein. And maybe this is how parents think that their obese toddlers are on the skinny side.
Just popping in to represent another late speech kid. I didn''t really say anything until I was around 2 years old. Prior to that I would shake my head yes and no and I would say "juice" and "more." Then apparently I just started speaking in full sentences at around 2 years old. My mom said her friends all were convinced I was mentally disabled but the pedi would test me and tell her I was just a late bloomer with that stuff. I''m no Einstein but I am about to get a PhD in mechanical engineering, so I think I turned out OK. I know its anecdotal evidence, but I just wanted to share to soothe your fears a little bit about George''s lack of a huge vocabulary.


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies...again, i am a very bad PSer lately. things are CRAZY!!

burk yay for T being in underwear! life is so much easier with only 1 kid in diapers.

tacori congrats mama!!! you are a very hard worker!! yay for your T going potty all by herself.

lili N just turned 6 months. i think J would love all the kiddie apps on the iphone. every single kiddie app, we have. haha. but B really likes the animal and counting ones.

EB awww, your little man is 1 already?!?! time sure flies, but welcome to the toddler side of things.

things are super crazy....DH had to go to vegas for work and it''s been me and the boys. seriously, i am not having another child!! i mean, with both being great sleepers is wonderful, but it is tiring during the day, esp with N trying to follow B around everywhere. both kids are happy as can be...seriously melts my heart when i see them together. N loves B so much...the kid can''t take his eyes off B! but it is hard.

hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
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