
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Aug 12, 2005
Hi ladies! Sorry to hear about all these babies having a hard time sleeping! A has been a pretty good sleeper for the most part, with the exception of a few weeks here and there where she wakes us several times at night wanting attention or a bottle. We appease her, of course, and then she falls back into a pattern of STTN again. I have no secrets, I think it's just the natural rhythm of life. It'd be all find and dandy if no one had to get up and work in the morning, but babies don't care about that!

I am enjoying a lovely three day weekend and had a joyful day yesterday just hanging out with Alex and running errands, then today got to spend some QT with my husband and dog and baby. The weather here has turned toward spring and it was nice enough out today that we all went for a short walk around the neighborhood. Good to get out and about. Afterwards, we called some friends who have a 6 mth old and 3 year old and they came over for the evening. Alex LOVED the 3 year old boy and climbed all over him which he was not too happy about. I had to keep pulling her off him. Shes so close to walking and was using him as a crutch, plus I think she really just likes other kids. We've never had her in daycare so every experience with other kids is new. She wanted to crawl all over the 6 m/o who looked exactly like Stewie from Family Guy and that was funny. The boys' parents thought it was all hilarious but I was somewhat embarrassed about her behavior. After they left my husband and I both agreed that we need to have more playdates so Alex learns how to not be a pain in the neck to other kids!

So, spring/summer is coming...I'm worried about A being out in the dirt and sun, bug bites, bee stings. What are you gals thoughts? I love being outdoors and want A to have free roam but am probably overthinking.

Lulu, OMG that tutu!!! Love it!

Here are some pics I took about a week ago. She's 9.5 months now! Yikes!






May 21, 2009
monnie isn't A just adorable?! I think she gets cuter every pic you post!

Loving all the other little ones too! Breinz is a doll & BB Chase's eyes are gorgeous! He's going to be quite the ladies man :) and Ev is handsome as always (& does look like a little glow worm!).

Ellie's just really starting to find her voice this weekend...the cooing & "chatting" are the best! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I start back to work a week from Monday. Just trying to get a loose plan for bringing Baby girl with me, I.e. pack n play, travel swing, where to change diapers? Luckily we are easing in with 1/2 days 2 days a week for the rest of this month.

ETA: Chase & BB good luck with surgery tomorrow! I'm sure everything will go smoothly but I will keep you in my thoughts.


Jun 25, 2007
Just popping in to wish Chase a smooth surgery with a speedy recovery.


May 6, 2007
Me too! Speedy recovery!


Jun 25, 2007
Ladies, I have a question/need tips. LO is 3.5 weeks old and I'm sometimes struggling to get him back to sleep after the MOTN feeding. So much so that it's practically time to nurse again by the time I get him down. I do all the dim lights,no stimulation stuff and it doesn't seem to matter. Ironically, he passes out after nursing during the day even with a very noisy toddler around!

DS1 is only 2 and I can't remember if this was an issue or not.

Ideas? I feel like I might lose my marbles! I try to let DH sleep because he gets up with DS1 and has to go to work but I've been needing his help.


May 17, 2009
puppmom|1363012707|3401893 said:
Ladies, I have a question/need tips. LO is 3.5 weeks old and I'm sometimes struggling to get him back to sleep after the MOTN feeding. So much so that it's practically time to nurse again by the time I get him down. I do all the dim lights,no stimulation stuff and it doesn't seem to matter. Ironically, he passes out after nursing during the day even with a very noisy toddler around!

DS1 is only 2 and I can't remember if this was an issue or not.

Ideas? I feel like I might lose my marbles! I try to let DH sleep because he gets up with DS1 and has to go to work but I've been needing his help.

We went through this with O and I remember all the marathon swaying sessions followed by trying to lay him down once he was asleep without waking him! Needless to say, as soon as the twins started this up we bought Rock-n-Plays the next day! They were life savers because I could rock a baby to sleep while laying in bed and there was no transferring involved once they fell asleep!


Nov 24, 2009
Pupp, do you think he still has the night/day confusion thing going on? Unfortunately, it wasn't until Ev was about 8 weeks or so that he finally started sleeping more heavily during the night than during the day. I cannot even imagine how frustrating it would be if I also had had a toddler running around at that point. Hang in there!

BB, you and Chase are in my thoughts today. Hope it goes quickly and smoothly!

Monarch, cute pics! Getting so big!

Lulu, E is such a little beauty. She looks like such a sweetheart too! Wow, you get to bring her to work with you? How does that work? Pretty sure I would get absolutely nothing done if I had Ev around, but he is a pretty demanding little guy.

Hi everyone else!

AFU, Ev's sleep has pretty much gone to hell :( DH and I are both battling colds, and now exhaustion because he just wouldn't stay down more than a couple hours the past 4 or 5 nights. Last night was the worst. And man, the kid ate so much yesterday. Like 10-12 more ounces than usual. Growth spurt, I'm guessing. Really hoping we get our good little sleeper back, or we are going to have to move back to sleeping in shifts.


May 21, 2009
monkey that's part of the problem...I don't know what it will be like. I work part time in a office at a campground (so, I answer phones, deal with campers checkins/out, & other general office work). I don't make enough per hour to warrant paying someone to watch Ellie. As I was preparing to go on maternity leave, my boss said she would do anything for me to come back to work & this is the only way it makes sense for us. I hope that it works out because it will be he best of all worlds for me. I'll get to keep my part time job (& "my" money), see other adults daily, and still be with Ellie. As I said, I'm really easing back into it: 2 four hour days/week this month, 3 days/week next month, then I'll go to my normal 5 six hour days/week.

Hope Ev growth spurt passes quickly & sleep goes back to normal! Being sick & having a baby who doesn't want to sleep is the worst :(


Jun 25, 2007
Kunzite, MIL bought us the RNP for N2 and I have no idea how we lived without it for N1! I wish we had two actually so I wouldn't have to carry it up and down the stairs! The first few nights he slept (if you can call it that) in the bassinet and he was fussy and spit up. We switched to the RNP and haven't looked back. Since he still sleeps a ton he spends a lot of his day in it.

Monkey, I don't think it's day/night confusion because it only happens like every third night. Maybe I should just be grateful for that! :lol: A friend suggested the swing but we have so little room with all of N1's stuff littering our house! Also, someone lent us a swing but it's from her 7 year old so I'm kind of concerned about its safety.

On the bright side, last night was great. He nursed at 10:30,2:30 and 5:30 but went back to sleep right away every time so I got almost 7 hours sleep total! :appl:


Nov 27, 2010
Puppmom, do you have a white noise machine? That might help. We have a giraffe that I use to help K fall asleep. I think you are likely just in that early stage where there's probably not a lot you can do, though.

MP, sorry Ev's sleep is not great. How did he do last night? K did better so hopefully Ev did too!

BBM, how did Chase's surgery go? I hope all is well.

Lulu, Ellie is an adorable doll baby! She looks so petite - love the tutu!!! So happy she found her voice recently. I love it when K is chatty. I have a couple of great videos of her taken with my cell phone. I hope going back to work goes well. That's awesome that you can bring Ellie with you.

Monnie, glad you were able to take a walk this weekend. We also took K out and she promptly fell asleep. The magic of a stroller in motion! Too funny about Alex using the 3-year old as a crutch. Looks like you have a social butterfly! Love A's hair ribbon/bow, where did you get it? I need to start doing something to K's hair.

AMC, hope B is sleeping better too. I feel your pain.

Sunny, glad your milk supply is improving.

S&I, thanks for the support on sleeping.

Haven, how's it going out there with Brienz? I am going to look around for a baby shop for the carriers. I am in the DC metro area so I should be able to find a place to try them out.

AFU, K woke up once last night at 430am and then again around 7am, but I got out of feeding her the 2nd time by taking my time responding and she fell back asleep. She was up several times per night over the weekend. Did anyone else have issues with the time change? K knows her bed time and does not want to go to sleep an hour earlier! She has been getting 2 or 3 tbs of rice cereal a day now and is refusing (pushing away) the bottle a lot. Yesterday, she drank about 21 oz of breast milk/formula the whole day which seems low, but I can't really force her to eat/drink. My supply is up likely due to the Reglan. Does anyone have experience taking Reglan? My prescription is only good for 30 days. I am wondering if I can get it renewed or not (due to the side effects), and if I don't, will my supply go down as soon as I stop taking it. K has a pediatric ophthalmologist appointment this Thursday to check out her possible crossed eye. Oh, and we're going to start story times at the local library. There is one this week in the evening for all ages, and I'll have the nanny take her during the day next week to one for infants under 1 year old.


Nov 24, 2009
Pupp, glad you are finding solutions that work for you. And yes, only one in three nights is a lot better than every night! A lot of people swear by the rock n play, and I was so close to buying one about a dozen times, but then I read mixed reviews on how they can cause flat heads and are hard to transition out of, and I chickened out. But so many people swear by them, and I might try one if we end up with another "spirited" one like Ev. Ev never took to the swing. My sister gave us theirs from like 5 years ago, so it wasn't as smooth or quiet as the new ones they have out now. But I didn't bother getting one because he pretty much needed to be held for the first 6-8 weeks of his life and didn't want to be set down anywhere in anything, so he's clearly not a good judge of baby products :)

JGator, we had a better night last night too. He woke up a few times and fussed a little bit before falling back asleep, but we only needed to get up with him and feed him once, so that is progress. Ev's appetite was down a bit for a couple weeks, and now, it has really ramped up again. Perhaps the same thing will happen for K. I bet K will love story time! Ev's daycare has a spanish teacher and a music teacher that come in every day to read/sing to the babies. It's so cute. I watch them on the webcam get the babies all lined up in their boppies/bouncers/bumbos, and they actually appear to be paying attention. My SIL said Ev always laughs and babbles a lot during his "classes."

Lulu, it sounds like your job is pretty casual and flexible, so hopefully, it will all work out with the baby being there. I just assumed you were talking about more of a traditional office type job, and I can't imagine having a baby in that environment would work. But as long as your tasks don't take a ton of concentration for long periods of time, I bet you can make it work for awhile. Good luck!


Nov 27, 2010
MP, the classes sound adorable at your day care. That's great that you can watch them on the web cam.


Nov 24, 2009
JGator, here's a screenshot from last week during one of the Spanish classes. Ev's in the blue stripes.


  • _35.bmp
    990.1 KB · Views: 699


Nov 12, 2004
Quick drive by ( just got home from work a little bit ago), but MP, OMG, that is soooo cute!! Love it!! Does Ev like the classes? I cant believe he ate so much more than usual the other day!!! He must be going through a growth spurt for sure, I think L is too! Would he just not settle down after you fed him the usual amount? I feel sometimes like Im so clueless with my little guy!! :confused:


Mar 13, 2008
MP that's adorable. Glad Ev loves his classes. Maybe you'll have a little smartypants on your hands. Also, how do you get any work done during the day if you know you can watch Ev on a webcam? Ethan's daycare doesn't have one so I don't have the option to baby watch.


Aug 12, 2005
Lulu: thanks for the compliment, A has gotten cuter and cuter as she's grown. When I look back at newborn pics now I don't think she was very cute, isn't that terrible?! But back then I thought she just looked like a baby, MY baby, and what she looked like didn't matter to me at all. It brings to mind that phrase "a face only a mother could love." There must be a lot to that, because while I never had negative thoughts about her appearance, I just never NOTICED! It's so subjective. Did you say you work at a campsite? That is so cool you get to bring Ellie to work with you! I've had A at work a few times and have brought her PNP and toys, and have changed her diaper in the private office area but had no idea beforehand how things were going to be set up since I work in a retail setting and never had a clue how the day was going to play out. You'll figure everything out once you're in the setting with her, I think. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, I say!

BB: wondering how Chase is, hope to hear from you soon that he made it through safe and sound and is fully recovered!

MP: I hope things settle down for you guys soon. No fun having a house full of sickies. Holy cow your Ev eats a lot--maybe this will be the growth spurt to end all growth spurts and you won't have to deal with it again til he's 15 and chugging gallons of milk every day! Sorry the swing isn't an option for you; we used one with A but only because my brother and SIL took pity on us and bought us one after we didn't receive one at our showers. It was a godsend but I hear more and more they are not a saving grace for every baby so don't feel bad. That is so cool you can watch Ev at daycare, what a great pic but it made me go "HOW THE HELL DOES SHE GET THEM TO ALL SIT STILL???"

JGator: I find those bows in multiples on cards for less than $5 at the checkout counters in Targets every season! LOL! Unless you are churning them out on Etsy or ebay, it is cheaper to buy them pre-made with ribbon-wrapped alligator clips (the metal clip part) and all, rather than buy all the ribbon, glue, clips, etc. Grosgrain ribbon is pretty grippy, or grippy enough to stick in A's hair so I imagine you would do well using them in K's hair. I honestly use them now just to keep her very long bangs out of her eyes, and when she's eating so she doesn't end up with food in her hair. Gone are the days of just dressing her up and putting bows in her hair with no fuss. She's too curious now and responsive to distractions not to pull them out suddenly! Your library plan sounds so fun, I made a mental note (it probably won't stick) to see what our library offers. As far as Reglan, I don't know...I took Domperidone and used Fenugreek as well without too much result but a definite improvement in production. Good luck with K's eye appointment!

AFU: A and I continue to have just enough snottiness (physically) going on that it's uncomfortable, and I am convinced I'm dying from Cabin Fever since the weather just turned cold and snowy again, in time for my day off work tomorrow. She is taking it in stride and is none the wiser that the weather is ridiculous. She finally figured out how to clap her hands and now does both hands way above her head like YAY! and then claps a lot, it's so freakin' cute. Last Friday we took her to Olive Garden for dinner. (Second time EVER we've taken her out to eat with us--I just couldn't handle it before). She was amazingly well behaved, and near the end a lady came over from across the room and complimented us on what a good baby she was and told my husband he should be very, very worried because she obviously had a charming personality. I was so glad she didn't mention looks, and I thought that was so kind of the woman to put it the way she did. It's so nice when people do that, for us it's usually older people who must have been where we are and also appreciated someone telling them they were doing a good job. Note to self: be more verbally supportive to other parents!


Nov 24, 2009
Monarch, I know, right? It amazes me too that they all sit there. There are a couple of other teachers (the regular room teachers) just outside the screen that are there to help. Some of the mobile ones get up and crawl away after awhile or start playing with something else, but they all do seem to pay attention for awhile. Yes, I think Ev's eating frenzy was because of a growth spurt. He was drinking like two extra bottles a day this weekend, and I swear he grew overnight. Last week the 6 months sleepers fit, and this week, they are too short, so for anything footed, he now needs 9 month sizes. He is so long, but he still doesn't even weigh 15 pounds yet.

LC, the baby cam is definitely distracting at times. Most of the time, he is either sleeping in his crib, being held, or hanging out in a bouncer or boppy, so there is not much to see. But once he starts crawling and walking, I'm going to be glued to the screen and never get anything done. I'm such a stalker :)

Dani, hi! How is work going so far? Hope you are adjusting to your new schedule and that your little guy is doing well. I hear you, I feel clueless half the time as well. And yes, Ev was just very demanding this weekend. He goes from seemingly content to OMG I NEED A BOTTLE NOW in a matter of seconds, so it is crazy. But his I must have a bottle now cry is pretty recognizable at this point, so we just kept feeding him every 1.5-2 hours, and that seemed to keep him happy.

AFU, Ev apparently decided to celebrate his 5 month "birthday" by sleeping 11 hours straight in his crib! Thank you, God, we needed that. I put him to bed at 8, and he was restless at times and fussing loud enough to turn the baby monitor on, but didn't need to be taken out of the crib or fed until 7 this morning.


Nov 27, 2010
MP, love the picture of the Spanish class! :love: Our babies are officially out of sleep sync. K decided to wake up at 4am. I got her to bed at 1045pm last night which was 45 mins earlier than the night before (it only took me an hour!). After her 4am wake up bottle, she went back to sleep around 445am and then woke up again at 7am. At 7am she ate about 1 oz of formula, and then she cried every time I put her back in her crib so I ended up having her sleep on me in the rocker next to her crib while I made attempts to put her down every 15-20 mins. At about 845, I gave up. I work and the nanny starts at 9am so I think she ended up eating again at 9, and then falling asleep again shortly after for the nanny. My Mom has decided we need a foam mattress or a pediatric chiropractor to fix K's digestive problems which is why she is not sleeping! What!?!! Moms!! She means well.....but........................

Monnie, so happy Alex was a charmer at the Olive Garden. I will look for the ribbons at Target next time I am there. Hope the weather is improving for you.

Dani, hi, :wavey: hope work is going well.

AFU, another restless night. Storytime is this evening.


May 17, 2009
lulu, I have to admit that for a long time we called E Ellie. Not quite gender appropriate! O usually calls him Elle Belle so we've been sticking with that lately. Although it's much better than when we were calling poor M Miley Cyrus :oops: Now he's MeiMei or Meme. My poor kids!

MP, awesome stretch of sleep!!! Go E!! :appl:


Nov 24, 2009
JGator, sorry you had a rough night. Hopefully, it will turn around soon. I don't expect Ev to sleep 11 hours again, but it would be nice if he would at least do 6 or 7 or more. Have fun at story time.

Kunzite, ha ha, I like the Mily Cyrus nickname. I call our little guy "Evie" all the time, and DH thinks it is way too feminine. I can't help it, it is just what comes out. That or "Ever," which DH also doesn't find particularly masculine.


Aug 12, 2005
Nickname story time: When my husband and I were dating several years ago, we were joking one weekend and calling each other "bacon" instead of "babe." We were modeling our conversations after those SNL "two a-holes" skits The "bacon" term of endearment stuck, and years later we now call our child "Bacon Bit." :sick: I know, it's really stupid. And sometimes I forget for a split second what my child's name is because I call her Bacon Bit so often. The truly ironic part is that we are all vegetarians.


Feb 15, 2007
I love reading about these nicknames! I think odd ones are the best! I'm looking at you, Monnie! :cheeky:

My childhood nickname was Moose, and it stuck!


Nov 27, 2010
MP, story time was fun. K was the youngest by far. Most of the kids were in the 2-3 year old range. It was 30 mins and included songs and three books about dinosaurs and bed time. As this was called a Starglight Storytime, it was suggested that you bring your kids in PJs. No one had PJs on though. K was pretty engaged. She sat on my lap and kept her eyes on the lady who was reading the stories and leading the songs. I was surprised by how alert and engaged she was. She did check out a bit towards the end, but she never cried or whined...she just started looking around the room.

My DH loves making up nicknames. I have probably over 100 from him. The baby's main nickname is Doopsie for some reason... (there is a reason I just can't recall why). She also is called Baby Doops, Doopsie Van Doopsingham, and now Hammie is derived from Van Doopsingham. So, Monnie you have a Bacon Bit and we have a Ham! I don't think we ever call K by her given name so she probably doesn't know it.


Jun 18, 2010
I call B Tinker or Tink. It started off as Stinker Head, got shortened to Stinker, the morphed into Tinker. I'm trying to call him his real name so he will learn it!


May 21, 2009
Kunzite|1363190721|3403911 said:
lulu, I have to admit that for a long time we called E Ellie. Not quite gender appropriate! O usually calls him Elle Belle so we've been sticking with that lately. Although it's much better than when we were calling poor M Miley Cyrus :oops: Now he's MeiMei or Meme. My poor kids!


I love that! We call Ellie "Ellie Belly" "Elle Belle" "Belly Belle" or any other combination or shortening. I'm paranoid she won't know her name so I repeat to her daily, "My name is Elizabeth Parker (Last Name) but you can call me Ellie!" :lol: :lol:
kunzite, I love Miley Cyrus as a nickname!!

monnie & jgator, love the foodie nicknames :D jgator I love the nicknames that you aren't even sure where they came from!


Nov 12, 2004
Haha, these nicknames are funny!!! I thought I was the only crazy mommy out there. I call L Pookie, or Pookie Bear!! Sometimes, its just Pooks!!! I have NO IDEA where that came from. MH kept making fun of me for using it, then the other day I heard him go into the baby's room when he was crying and heard on the monitor, "what's the matter, Pookie bear???" So, apparently he uses it too!! LOL!

Girls, work is going OKAY. I just miss the little man so much when Im there. I know he is with my Mom most days (and my Dad one), but still, it just sucks. I hate that Im not with him every minute, and I hate relying on other people for things. Today is the first day my Dad is getting him, and Im super nervous. My Dad is great with him, but I dont know how he is going to be one-on-one with him and for half the day, you know? Plus, I have to drop L off to him today instead of my Mom coming here to relieve me, and that is a whole stressor in itself. Making sure I have everything, packing the car, and most of all...L has been TERRIBLE with taking the bottle, and TERRIBLE with sleeping outside of his own house/crib. He hates the pack and play at my parents house, and just wont sleep in it. So, Im sure today/tonight is going to be horrible!!! :blackeye:


Nov 27, 2010
Lulu, Ellie has such cute nicknames. That's a good starting name to work with for nick names!

Dani, sorry it's hard, but I think you will get used to the routine. And, your dad will be great with L. Just think how close L will be to his grandparents as he gets older from having this quality time with them now. That is very special. I wish my Mom (my dad passed away) or my husband's parents lived closer than they do so K could see them and get to know them better as she grows up (also it would be great to have them babysit). I don't know if you ever feel this way, but I like having someone else responsible for K for part of the day - otherwise, it's a lot to be "on" 24 hours/day in mommy mode. I work from home so I can see her during the day, but I do often think when I start watching her at night, what am I going to do with her for the next 4 hours until she goes to sleep! If it was 24 hours X 7 days/week, I don't know if I could handle that. Also, my husband travels for work, and he is not home 4 days/week so I have that feeling of being the only care giver when the nanny is not here, and it can be overwhelming at times.

AMC, cute nicknames. I like how yours evolved to different variations too!

AFM, today is the eye doctor for K. And, last night, K woke up at 345am, and I decided to pump after she had her bottle since we'll be gone part of the day today at the doctor. And, when I finished I went to bring the milk downstairs to the refrigerator, and proceeded to slip and fall down a 1/2 flight of stairs - thank god we have a landing half way down. So, I am bruised and was pretty shaken up. Thank god, I did not have the baby with me - only a container of breast milk. Lesson learned: I will not be doing that middle of the night refrigerator trip again.


Nov 24, 2009
lulu66|1363241189|3404580 said:
love that! We call Ellie "Ellie Belly" "Elle Belle" "Belly Belle" or any other combination or shortening. I'm paranoid she won't know her name so I repeat to her daily, "My name is Elizabeth Parker (Last Name) but you can call me Ellie!" :lol: :lol:

Too funny. I was concerned about this too, so I made up a little song, that is just me singing "we love you" first name, then his first name, middle name (Andrew) and our last name, and then his first and middle name repeated several times, and then his whole name again. It is a catchy little tune, if I do say so myself, and I even sing it when I'm by myself sometimes :) It was my and Ev's little secret until DH heard me singing it in the shower!

JGator, ouch, that sounds painful, and thank goodness you are okay and didn't have the baby with you. I've found I still haven't gotten over the clumsiness that started when I was pregnant, and I seem to trip a lot more than I used to. Maybe it's the sleep debt I can never seem to make up. Hope the eye doctor appointment goes well.

Dani, glad to hear things are going okay. It is so hard, I know. Some weeks are fine, and other weeks are hard and I cry when I have to say goodbye to Ev in the morning. I think you will find it gets easier when you start getting a routine and getting back into the swing of things. It is nice that L gets to spend some time with his grandparents once in awhile too.

On the job subject, I'm really frustrated right now and trying to figure out what to do. I've been trying not to talk about it because I don't want to bore anyone with the details, but there are two really difficult people I am assigned to work with, and I'm just at the end of my rope trying to please them and kill them with kindness and always failing. These two people are known to be difficult and several others beneath them have encountered the same thing, but it is hard not to take it personally. Reviews are coming up, and I just know they will give me horrible reviews. I am seriously contemplating requesting to go part-time and/or switch to a different group, but there are a lot of politics involved, so I'm trying to figure out the best strategy and who the best person would be to talk to without stepping on any toes. But it is making me pretty miserable right now. I'm at the point where I'm ready to quit if they won't work with me. Sorry for the little vent!


Feb 18, 2008
Just a quick post as I know Chase is going to wake up any minute!

Surgery went great! He ate last at like 1130pm then we tried some pedialyte at 3am but he hated it and we only got maybe like 2oz in him.. we had an alarm set for 5am but didnt get up till 530am so we were running late.. go into the kitchen to get my pump stuff.. and my cat is staring at the bag of potatoes and im like ahhhh crap.. we had a mouse the week before but caught it and got rid of it.. and now we know if the cat is really going crazy there is a mouse.. so to top off us being late and having to leave at 6am.. there is a mouse in the kitchen.. it was a mess.. but we literally made it JUST in time to check in at 630am! it was like 629am haha We got checked in.. and Im thinking Chase is going to start screaming any minute because he is hungry but thankfully he was such a trooper and was amazing until they wheeled him back.. i was upset because they said one of us could walk back with him for a minute and of course i was going to send hubby because i was already a mess but then they told us no because he was under 6 months.. i dont care how old he is he is still aware that we arent there and ughh i was just mad.. The time passed a lot quicker than I thought it was going too though so that was nice.. It was torture though after the dr came and talked to us to tell us it went smoothly and what not.. I could see the recovery room doors in sight and just wanted to barge thru them to get him haha They finally came and told us we could go see him and it was the best feeling i was running back to see him. He was still really out of it from the anesthesia.. it took him almost 5 hours to really wake up from it.. so we there for a while.. but he woke up fine without any crying at all! I was starting to get nervous that it was taking him so long to wake up though but his vitals were always good so.. I think he was just getting some sleep in because he slept like crap the night before and it was around his nap time anyways so. When we got home we took a nice long nap together and then he slept pretty good that night and the next morning and was the happiest kid on tuesday no crying.. Wed he had PT like normal and was a little fussy and then today.. Oh boy has today been one for the books lol He is teething like a CRAZY person lol Refusing to eat ANYTHING and just being a nutball.. he woke up and then was up for 2 hrs then just back down.. has barely eaten anything (this message was being written then he woke up now hes back asleep lol) but ya he has been a complete handful today...

Okay I posted a few photos.. They are in order of the day haha.. Me and my Chasey-bear.. then after surgery.. then going home and home nap and then the next day the happiest kid ever.. I dont think you want to see a photo of him today.. it just consists of him shoving his blanket in his mouth 24/7 :razz:

Okay just wanted to update really quickly! Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes and thoughts! We appreciate it!! It was definitely a lot harder than I thought it was going to be on me... Hubby and i had some serious sleepless nights leading up to it and are just happy it is over now :) Okay Ill be back when things calm down.. hopefully tomorrow if he isnt a nutball again lol






May 17, 2009
Jgator, good luck today!

lulu, I love it! We started with Ellie Belly too and it just keeps morphing. Now it's mostly Baby Belle!

MP, I feel bad that the twins have no songs, but O had a ton!

You're the Oliver Liam (last name)
You are my best buddy!
You're an Ollie, Ollie, Ollie
A monkey, monkey, monkey
You go ee ee, oo oo, ah ah
You are the Oliver!
Oliver (last name)
Best buds!

And nobody worry about your LOs not knowing their names. Somehow O figured his out, although he does call himself Ollie and not Oliver. I'm okay with that! My current NN for him is either bug or buggy and he does get a little excited when we see a bug in a book. He says, a bug!! Points to the book, points to himself, and then goes OLLIE! Adorable :love:

ETA, glad everything went well BB!
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