
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Nov 18, 2004
LOL..cute pix.
He looks so cool!
Can''t believe he''s so big already.


Feb 27, 2006
L2L - he''s just adorable. It''s clearly a lot warmer where you are than where I am!


Mar 16, 2007
Haha! It's amazing how real they make those backdrops! I'm in MI and it's COLD!!! Thanks for the compliments. I love the pic of G in your avater. All the LOs on here are just too adorable! Yes, P is a big "little" guy. His stats at his 9 month well visit were 29 3/4" long, 20 lbs 8oz. We have to put him in 12-18 month clothes now because he's so long or else everything would look like floods!

I can't believe it's already almost Monday, these weekends just fly by! I hope everyone has a great week!


Feb 27, 2006
How did I not realize that you''re in MI?! I am too, for the next couple of weeks at least, so we probably have about the same weather after all.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
L2L - So cute! He looks adorable.

I must say that all the PS babies are seriously good looking. I''m going to a family get-together next week and my FIL''s wife''s daughter and my SIL will be there with their babies. FIL''s wife''s daughter has the most hideous looking baby I have ever seen - I mean no redeeming features whatsoever poor thing. What does one say?


Nov 9, 2005
OMG Pandora - I just spit my coffee all over the place. The comment about the hideous baby was hysterical

L2L - Your little guy is so cute!!! My son is big too, he''s wearing 12 month clothes and he''s only 4 1/2 months. For the same reason...everything else would be like floods on him! He''s also 17+lbs at this point too

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Jul 23, 2006
Good morning.....dd has me bleary eyed for the past few days
....she''ll sleep from 8-2am and then she''s awake every hour or so...then she decides to go back to sleep at about 7 when ds is waking up

l2l..your ds is adorable

hahahaaa....pandora its soooo true...sometimes babies look like squashed pumpkins and theres nothing to say....kinda like when janice had her baby on friends the same time rachel did...ross'' reaction was


Dec 9, 2008
Ugh- PS ate my post! Anyhoo, guess I''m jumpin'' in over here now! Our little girl Ellison was born Weds, Oct. 7th. It''s been a bit crazy since. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up, sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches during the day and only an hour or so at a time at night. I don''t know how to get her turned around... And she sleeps so much! Is that normal?

Also, is BF''ing still supposed to be pretty uncomfortable 10-11 days in? My nipples are killing me! She seems to have a good latch, but they are cracked and feel like they are in a pencil sharpener when she first hooks on- ugh! I am not considering stopping, but wonder if I should get help or just need to stick it out. I am hoping I just need a little longer to toughen up. I would love any advice!!!

Sorry for the me-me-me post...Just needing some help to make it through these times! Can''t wait to get up and running on this thread! Good thing babies are so cute and sweet- makes this all so worth it! Here''s a pic of our Ellie:


Dec 9, 2008
Okay- can''t get the pic to upload
. Will try again later!


May 18, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 10:38:44 AM
Author: natalina
Ugh- PS ate my post! Anyhoo, guess I''m jumpin'' in over here now! Our little girl Ellison was born Weds, Oct. 7th. It''s been a bit crazy since. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up, sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches during the day and only an hour or so at a time at night. I don''t know how to get her turned around... And she sleeps so much! Is that normal?

Also, is BF''ing still supposed to be pretty uncomfortable 10-11 days in? My nipples are killing me! She seems to have a good latch, but they are cracked and feel like they are in a pencil sharpener when she first hooks on- ugh! I am not considering stopping, but wonder if I should get help or just need to stick it out. I am hoping I just need a little longer to toughen up. I would love any advice!!!

Sorry for the me-me-me post...Just needing some help to make it through these times! Can''t wait to get up and running on this thread! Good thing babies are so cute and sweet- makes this all so worth it! Here''s a pic of our Ellie:
Hi Natalina

Hope the first weeks are treating you well!

Days and night mix up is totally normal. Sophia went through it, then it got better, then she went through it again when I went back to work. And yes sleeping a lot is normal! She''ll figure it out. In the meantime, try to keep day time sleep noisy and bright and night time sleep quiet and dark. During the day I''d do things like diaper changes but at night I wouldn''t (unless she pooped which she would in the first few weeks but then stopped pooping over night).

The uncomfortableness may be that your milk came in and you are nice and full. However, bfing isn''t supposed to hurt so while it may seem that she has a good latch, she may not KWIM? I would encourage you to see a lactation consultant. They can see how you latch her on and give you any pointers. I remember with Sophia on day 5, I needed to rent a pump because my nipples were completely bruised and were bleeding from a poor latch even though she was eating well.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 10/19/2009 10:38:44 AM
Author: natalina
Ugh- PS ate my post! Anyhoo, guess I''m jumpin'' in over here now! Our little girl Ellison was born Weds, Oct. 7th. It''s been a bit crazy since. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up, sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches during the day and only an hour or so at a time at night. I don''t know how to get her turned around... And she sleeps so much! Is that normal?

Also, is BF''ing still supposed to be pretty uncomfortable 10-11 days in? My nipples are killing me! She seems to have a good latch, but they are cracked and feel like they are in a pencil sharpener when she first hooks on- ugh! I am not considering stopping, but wonder if I should get help or just need to stick it out. I am hoping I just need a little longer to toughen up. I would love any advice!!!

Sorry for the me-me-me post...Just needing some help to make it through these times! Can''t wait to get up and running on this thread! Good thing babies are so cute and sweet- makes this all so worth it! Here''s a pic of our Ellie:

Hang in there Nat! Unfortunately for many women BFing is very painful for the first number of weeks-I think it took me maybe 6 weeks for it to get better. That being said, you should see a lactation consultant to make sure there isn''t anything you can do to make it better right now. Everyone''s issues are different.

And yes-sleeping that much is normal for now. Again in a few weeks you''ll be singing a different tune unfortunately about the sleeping. But new-newborns sleep a ton. Enjoy it while you can!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/19/2009 6:14:29 AM
Author: Pandora II
L2L - So cute! He looks adorable.

I must say that all the PS babies are seriously good looking. I''m going to a family get-together next week and my FIL''s wife''s daughter and my SIL will be there with their babies. FIL''s wife''s daughter has the most hideous looking baby I have ever seen - I mean no redeeming features whatsoever poor thing. What does one say?
LOL. Well, perhaps that the ugliest babies usually turn out to be stunning adults?


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 10/19/2009 10:38:44 AM
Author: natalina
Ugh- PS ate my post! Anyhoo, guess I''m jumpin'' in over here now! Our little girl Ellison was born Weds, Oct. 7th. It''s been a bit crazy since. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up, sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches during the day and only an hour or so at a time at night. I don''t know how to get her turned around... And she sleeps so much! Is that normal?

Also, is BF''ing still supposed to be pretty uncomfortable 10-11 days in? My nipples are killing me! She seems to have a good latch, but they are cracked and feel like they are in a pencil sharpener when she first hooks on- ugh! I am not considering stopping, but wonder if I should get help or just need to stick it out. I am hoping I just need a little longer to toughen up. I would love any advice!!!

Sorry for the me-me-me post...Just needing some help to make it through these times! Can''t wait to get up and running on this thread! Good thing babies are so cute and sweet- makes this all so worth it! Here''s a pic of our Ellie:
Some newborns will only be awake about 30 inutes in every 4 hours, and "awake" includes eating! LOL! Normal! I might consider waking her in the days so she isn''t sleeping as long. Let her sleep about 2 hours then wake her and feed her. It may take a couple of days but that should switch her around. Also do the things Fiery suggested.

I had various pain issues with BFing for about the first 4-6 weeks, then it became totally fine. I think there is something to the idea that your nipples have to toughen up... BUT if you are bleeding it does suggest a latch issue. Try seeing an LC or look up Dr. Jack Newman online.


Jun 28, 2006
Blen, I wanted to try the BM up the nose trick, but I''m way too uncoordinated for it and DS fights me putting the bulb in his nose, so I don''t know how I''d be able to get milk up there.

PenelopeJane, the stupid syringe sends him into hysterics at the moment and I''m worried that I''m going to end up hurting him. I don''t know why he hates it all of a sudden. He used to think it was funny when he was smaller.

Dreamer, is Hunter sleeping any better?

Sabine, doesn''t weight gain generally indicate that your thyroid is hypo? Are they trying to keep you hypo or just not hyper? How was the weekend now that DH is surgery free?

L2L, super cute pic!

Pandora, you could always go the Seinfeld route and say their baby is "breathtaking."

Natalina, congrats and welcome! BFing was really painful for me from the get go and the pain lasted until about 5 or 6 weeks. At the hospital the LCs told me he had a great latch so I figured I just needed to toughen up. I was blistered, cracked and bleeding, but it did eventually go away. I would actually cry out in pain when he latched onto the left side for a while. One thing that helped me was to rub breast milk on my nipples after he was done and then allow them to air dry. Also, if you have nipple shells, they can help to keep your bra or shirt from rubbing and give them some extra time to heal. Lanolin helped me when I got sore after pumping a ton when I went back to work. The day and night mixup is pretty normal. DS eventually sorted it out for himself.

DS has been going back and forth between being his happy go lucky self to being really cranky since this weekend. On Saturday night he was with DH while I was shooting my SILs hs reunion and DH said he almost called me to come home because he couldn''t get him to stop crying. Poor little guy refused to take a bottle and cried for an hour and a half. Eventually DH got him to take one and he downed it along with another 3 oz about an hour later. I really think his congestion is making it hard for him to eat. I''m not really getting anything out of his nose when I suction (when I''m actually able to get it in his nose at least). So far today he''s only taken 1 bottle (3.5 oz) from my mom and he spent half of the morning screaming and the other half sleeping and giggling. I tried to call the pedi to see if they want me to bring him in and they''re having phone issues so my mom is going to keep trying to call. She said he doesn''t have a fever, but it worries me that he''s eating poorly and when I thought about it, I leaked a ton this weekend so he probably wasn''t nursing well either. He also spit up all over after I fed him at about 7:15 this morning. Thank goodness my little sister wears the same size as me because I did not have time to run back home to change. I just raided her closet and went on my way. She will definitely be getting more clothes from me for Hanukkah and her birthday though because there were very few long sleeve things that seemed age appropriate for her. She''s 18, but it looked like my mom''s closet (mom does her shopping). I grabbed a sweater I got her for her last bday.

I think the reunion gig went well. Someone asked if I went to hs with them though, which did NOT amuse me considering I was 6 when they graduated. Apparently my new haircut (or perhaps just having DS) has aged me 12 years

Here''s a pic of DS from this weekend when he was actually in a good mood. I put his changing table pad on the floor and he thought it was the best thing ever. I think this one looks like he''s taking an eye exam.



Dec 16, 2007
So I was in baby sleep hell for about a month, sleeping in the same room as Hunter and average night involved waking at 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am, 6am for the day! And with the time difference there were additional wakeups!

Last night my mom went to stay at her boyfriends house, so we moved Hunter into the living room (it is a 1 bedroom apartment) when he woke to feed at 11 and we went to bed in the bedroom. He only woke at 3am then not until 7:30!!! Woooooooo!

I can live with that kind of sleeping! When we move we will try to get rid of the 3am feeding, but getting up once a night is so much better than 3 times with a 6am wakeup!


May 18, 2008
L2L-He''s adorable

Pandora-LOL!! Um...what an adorable outfit?

Robbie-I really hope Des isn''t sick
Poor guy

DD-Woohoo for some sleep

Not much here. The one night of STTN was pretty much the only night. We discovered that her room has an insulation problem. We didn''t notice it because the AC keeps it nice and cool but with our cold front (in the 60s lol), her room was freezing! I put mittens on to keep her warm but of course in the middle of the night she took them off and decided to play with them

I don''t think she has been feeding well. She''s starting to do the latch, pull off thing on my left breast again. I''m not sure if there is an oversupply (I don''t think so since I''m not getting any more milk when I pump as I usually do) or if my let-down is fast again. I''m going to see a LC on Saturday to figure it out.

She''s also starting to sit well on her own when propped up. Usually we would prop her up and she''d either slink down or tip over to the side. Maybe this means she''ll be tripoding soon



Jun 28, 2006
Dreamer, that''s great that he''s sleeping a bit better!

Fiery, I think the temp in Des''s room sucks too. I feel like it''s either too hot or too cold and it''s always hotter or colder than the rest of the house. Des has been doing the latch and pull off thing too, but I think it''s a distraction thing with him. He kept doing it this morning until I moved to a dark room where we were by ourselves. That''s so cute that she sits like that! Des still hates sitting and slinks down immediately.

I was pumping when I wrote my last post and when I stopped, I realized that I either have a blood blister or a bruise on my nipple. Totally didn''t feel any pain while pumping, but the darn thing hurts a lot now! Boo. Today S-U-C-K-S! Pedi seems to think Des is just teething and they said not to worry about it unless he has a fever of 99 or starts acting sick.


Jun 18, 2004
L2L and Robbie - cute pics!

Pandora - my sister told me what she says when she gets confronted with an ugle baby is "ooohh, look at the Baby!" in a nice voice, and it seems to please the moms

Welsome Natalina! Good lukc with BFing pain. Have you tried the lansolin cream for the nipples?

I''m home now with sick baby
. Kyle was fine all weekend, but woke up this morning with a little bit of a cough, and he felt a bit warm. I dropped him off at daycare and told her to call if he had a fever, 2 hours later she called, he was 100.4. He''s acting fine, I gave him tylenol for the fever, and he''s only coughing like once an hour, so I don''t know what he has. I wasn''t too busy at work anyway, so it''s an excuse to get the house straightened up before my family invades this weekend.


Mar 29, 2008
OMG, your kids are adorable! I am crashing your thread.

I crashed BWW as a MOB, and now I am crashing New Mommies as a Gramma. So sue me!
I loved reading about most of your weddings, so it''s such a joy to read about your babies too! I have to post a picture of the gem of a Granddaughter that I get to babysit tonight because it''s my daughter''s 30th birthday. Say Hello Veda Claire to PS Mommies!! 9/23/09 7 lbs, 12 ozs. She''s usually one of two ways these days... Like this....

Veda snug as a bug1.jpg


Mar 29, 2008
Or like this....

veda screaming1.jpg


May 18, 2008
Robbie-The teething makes sense. I have heard from other moms that when they teeth, a bottle hurts since they suck in air. Don''t know if that''s true but that''s what I''ve been told. Poor guy. Teething so young either sucks because you don''t know how long it''ll be before they cut their first tooth or is a blessing that they get it out of the way earlier lol

MG-Poor Kyle. Seems to be something going around then! Hope he feels better.

MR-I can''t believe your DD had her baby already! For some reason I thought she still had a ways to go (I remember lurking on your Who''s Who and seeing the hotel pic of her jumping up on the bed lol...that felt like just yesterday). She''s such a beauty
and I love her name! So do you live close to your daughter? Do you get to see Veda a lot? I wish my mom lived close but she''ll be here in two weeks


Mar 29, 2008
fiery- I am about 10 minutes away from her. I took 2.5 weeks off from work to help DD out after her DH went back to work. I go back to work on Wednesday. I have been with my "girls" for pretty much the entire time, except that I got sick at the beginning of my vacation and couldn''t see them for a week
I was going crazy. That is why my daughter sent me the pictures, so that I could still "see" Veda. Tonight is my DD 30th birthday and she decided she did want to take her DH to the Monday Night Charger Football game, so I get to babysit tonight. I wouldn''t normally give up my tickets...but for Veda..Gramma will do anything. And I know my daughter is weak for football games.

It did go by really fast, didn''t it. I remember her jumping around the bed too. She doesn''t jump anymore...she uses the Boppy as a donut pillow for her not so happy perineum.

You are going to love having your Mom around to help.


Sep 24, 2009
L2L cute pic!!!

Natalina congrats! LOVE the name. With DD, it hurt every time I nursed her for 5 months & with DS, it didn''t hurt at all. I would see an LC to check her latch.

Fiery I''m really enjoying our "cold" front...I like that I can still wear flip flops. Sophia is SOOOOO cute. She''s sitting up so well!

Robbie that picture is gorgeous. Axel hates the bulb too but he had so much snot that I struggled through the crying and screaming...once I was done he''d stop crying immediately and look at me like "oh....that''s better." Since you said Des isn''t eating much, I''d bring him to the DR to rule anything out like an ear infection.

Mgal poor Kyle...and you! Hope it''s nothing!

Miracles absolutely adorable.
You''re one lucky g-ma!

DH and I decided last night that we should dress up as Jon & Kate for halloween. (He''d be Kate and I''d be Jon.) We have the half Asian kids, but need more so we thought it would be funny to cut out some paper sized kids, string them together, and attach them to DD and one of us. haha

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Awww, more gorgeous baby pics!

Thanks for all the suggestions on what to say to the proud parents!

Welcome Natalina! Make the most of the sleeping at the moment as it doesn't last, I found that co-napping made the nights easier to cope with. On the breastfeeding side, I found that the really bad toe-curling pain went by about 3-4 weeks. Pumping helped when I really couldn't stand the idea of putting my poor battered nipples anywhere near her mouth. My main problem was having a low supply so I think she was working very hard to get anything and I paid the price. Even now I've never had engorgement and half the time my breasts feel so soft that I am amazed they've managed to create a 16lb baby!

Great news on the sleeping Fiery and sounds like Sophia will be sitting soon - then they play with their toys more on their own 'apparently'!
CDT - wow, Lex is big! Daisy is now 5 months and still in 3 month clothes - despite which people are always telling me that she is big...

DD - Yay for great sleep after all that!

DH and I went to the Baby Show here in London yesterday which was fun. I picked up one of the hippychick hip seats to use with my sling and help my back a bit now D is getting heavy, and some cute bamboo outfits.

I was a very proud mummy on the Fisher Price stand - I thought I'd see whether Daisy would have liked swings (she's pretty much too big now) so I put her in one to try it. Wow, she went crazy smiling, laughing, playing with all the toys - making me feel guilty... Anyway, the staff on the stand came over and asked if they could take photographs of her in all their products for promotional purposes. So we had to put her in all the different toys - she was an angel and performed perfectly.

DH is now really pushing me to sign her with an agency - I'm not sure if it's a good idea. It would be nice to have some money to invest in her Child Trust Fund, but I don't want her life to revolve round being pressured to smile on cue... but maybe she'd enjoy it as she's very outgoing and confident? My mind just fills with the horrific images of Baby Pageants

With other things, I've decided to fully embrace AP and Dr Sears so we are now officially bedsharing - and so far it is great, I've had loads more sleep and am less cranky. Daisy also seems happier and there is none of the stress of trying to move her back to her bed without waking her up. DH is fully onboard - although I have promised that she will move out before high-school


Nov 9, 2005
Robbie - I love the pics you post of Des! Your camera rocks!!! The pics are so crisp. Sorry to hear Des maybe sick.

miracles - your granddaughter is so cute!! I love that crying pic..hehee...I used to love the way my newborn looked when he cried...the little mouth quiver. Now, not so much

dreamer - glad sleepy is getting better!!

Mgal - Boo on sick babies! I hope Kyle feels better soon!

Natalina - welcome! I love your daughters name
Sorry to hear about the painful BFing...hope it starts to feel better soon!

Fiery -
the pic! She is seriously so pretty! Hope she''s not sick.

Pandora- yeah, Lex is BIG! He''s just really long and solid
Strangers think he''s 6 months at this point. I think Daisy would do great w/ baby modeling! 1. She''s GORGEOUS! 2. Her personality sounds so much like Lex..he loves people and honestly that''s when he''s the most happy...meeting new people! So social our kids are

Penelope - I love your halloween costume idea


Nov 8, 2005
Another drive by quick post from me...

Miracles Wow! Your daughter had a baby already! Time flies! Congrats!!!! She''s precious.

Robbie I had a blood blister about 6 weeks ago. It was TERRIBLE
What finally helped was soaking it in warm salt water several times a day. The cause of it, I''m pretty sure was him pulling on and off while nursing.

Fiery We had the same thing with him pulling on and off - I think it was a distractibility thing. He was maybe 5 months when it was the worst, is that her age now? With all that pulling on and off, I got a blood blister and it was so painful.

Mustang Sorry to hear that Kyle is sick! I hope he feels better soon and that you don''t get it.

About us What a huge week - we have a TOOTH!!! and he is so close to crawling! Also, he can now sit unassisted (just for a few seconds though!) He scoots and rolls to get where he wants to go. I bought babyproofing supplies because we need to do that. I have a feeling my dogs are going to drive me crazy when we put the stair gate up - they will want to go up and down and will not be able to!

I can''t believe he''ll be 7 months this week. It is going WAY too fast.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Allison D.

Feb 1, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 10:38:44 AM
Author: natalina

....., but they are cracked and feel like they are in a pencil sharpener when she first hooks on- ugh!

I knew there was a reason I was meant to admire all of you from the sidelines.


Mar 29, 2008
Hahahaha Alison!!

Natalina, that happens a lot with breastfeeding. Niiiiice explanation with the pencil sharpener comment. It does go away. It sucks that nobody really tells a new mother just how much it can hurt. Toe-curling was a good description too. I used to cry when my daughter latched on from the pain, but the cracking and pain usually end by 4-6 weeks. Hang in there, you''re doing great!!!

There is one other thing that nobody seems to talk about in books, but it''s a little too gross for me to post.


Nov 14, 2004
Your little man is one cool dude. So cute.

Des looks adorable. Awesome pic.

Sophia is such a pretty girl.

You must be one happy grandma. Veda is so precious. LOL on the crying pic.


Mar 16, 2007
Robbie & Firey- Very cute pics! Firey- your little girl is just so precious. You and FI are in trouble when she starts batting those eyelashes and wanting something! Robbie, I have ot agree that your pics are so clear and crisp, you do a great job with the camera!

natalina- BFing in the beginning is so painful. I agree to ask a LC for advice but I went through the same thing and had to grit my teeth for the first few seconds because it hurt so much when he first latched on. It got so much easier around 5-6 weeks. Do you have any lanolin cream? I remember using that several times a day to help with cracking and soreness. Also, what Robbie said about rubbing a little BM on after you''re done and letting it air dry helped too.

miraclesrule- Your GD is adorable!! Congrats on being a proud GMa!!

Blenheim- Where in MI are you? We''re in northern Warren but I''m orginally from further west of here. Are you moving out of state? Hopefully somewhere warmer?

I think P is teething again. It took so long for his first 2 to finally come in I think we''re in for a bunch more coming in all at once. He goes from his normal happy go lucky self to cranky for a bit then back to happy. I know it must be painful. He doesn''t like taking his bottles so I''m trying to time the Tylenol or Motrin so he''ll actually eat and not be in pain.
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