
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Feb 20, 2008
Fly by for me as well but I wanted to play. More later! Oh, and I would totally scoop any of these little bebes up!

DSC01123 - Copy.JPG

DSC01105 - Copy.JPG


Jun 25, 2007
I wanna play too! We've got some good lookin' kids!



Jan 22, 2007
Pupp he is so cute! I remember saying how much I love your bedding and crib. I totally still do. I love that floor toy. Where did you purchase that?


Nov 2, 2006
puppmom|1301360745|2882256 said:
I wanna play too! We've got some good lookin' kids!

SQUEE!!!! I love him! What a little chunkamonk! He, Aidan and Charlie can be in the bald gang together!


Jun 25, 2007
Seriously, when are these kids gonna get hair?

The toy is called Infantino Activity Triangle. We get most of our toys as hand me downs from my 15 month old nephew. When we got it, I thought it would be a dud but N LOVES it! He will seriously sit there and play with it for like 20 minutes at time. It's a great diaper change distraction too.

...N is sick. ;( My poor, thumb sucking baby can't breathe through his nose. No thumb sucking=no sleeping. ;(

edited for spelling


Nov 13, 2007
Lanie, just wanted to let you know that Children's Place is having a $6 mix'n'match sale... and if you google "Children's Place coupons", on retailmenot, there area few codes for an extra 15% off entire purchase.

Just a heads up

ETA: The shorts/pants aren't on a very good deal, but there are some shirts that are good markdowns.


Feb 20, 2008
mere -- thank you thank you!!!!! I will go there today!

Who said they pump while nursing?!?!? How does that work? And would you do that bc nursing doesn't get rid of all the milk? That's my problem, but I wish I could do both at the same time....please tell me how this works logistically!

Pupp -- I love your little boy. He's one of my PS faves! I also still am in love with your bedding. I wish I would have splurged and gotten it myself.


Jan 22, 2007
lol at the bald gang. I think another thing he got from me is the very fine blond hair which he does have a lot of but it is impossible to see in pictures.


Nov 2, 2006
Aidan too Allie. I was bald/fuzzy until I was about 2-2.5. Aidan has quite a bit of hair but it's fine and dark blond.


Jul 22, 2007
I was bald until I was over a year old. DH was bald for the first two years and then started receding around 25. I have no idea how Lily lucked out with all that hair! I was lady-hairy in the second grade and I hope she doesn't follow in THOSE footsteps!

ugh. Still sick. I never get sick but somehow I've gotten 2 nasty bouts of illness this winter. I'm blaming it on JT's friends at school. WHY do people send their kids to school when they're sick??

Anywho, Lily screamed on her belly for her 15 minutes this morning (as usual) and eventually pushed up into a near-crawl position and rocked a bit. She's still not rolling, only flipping. I cannot believe how stubborn this child is. I can't entice her with toys, snacks, bottle, playing peek-a-boo, dancing, or standing on my head. She won't even try. And I swear she's been scolding me. My parents were having a good hardy laugh about it over the weekend when we stopped by their house for a while. Apparently, it "serves me right!" So she's just like I was/am. Good luck to DH and JT!! lol

Gotta tell a quick story to you girls...

My sis is 22 weeks preggo, but looks about 32 weeks preggo. She and her husband had their first anni this past weekend. He booked a "romantic" room in a city. They got to the room and there were mirrors floor to ceiling, a bed with a divot in the middle and a hook above the bed. Upon further investigation an S&M style swing was found (apparently to hang from aforementioned hook.) My sis was dumbstruck. BIL didn't realize what he'd signed up for but upon seeing an expression of horror on his giganto-preggo-self-conscious-emotional-clumsy wife, he realized the mistake. She took it good naturedly but immediately called me to discuss it. I was laughing so hard.

That's all for now.


Jun 25, 2007
*technically*, N has hair too but still way more scalp than hair here too. It's also pretty light. By this age, DH had a full head of curls. My hair was sparse but darker so maybe more noticeable.

SS, too funny about your SIL. Good thing she has a good sense of humor! re:milestones. I have a friend whose son never rolled over as a baby - not once. He's 3 now. I guess there's no reason for Lily to roll at this point. N pretty much stopped all together when he learned to sit. re: crawling - we're not even CLOSE! N hates him tummy and will cry and not life his head. Oh yeah, and to prove to us that he really hates it, he usually barfs too. :lol:

MP, Micah is so handsome. I really can't believe how grown he looks. I hope he's sleeping better for you. If not, I wanted to let you know that my nephew had sleep habits a lot like M and he turned a corner around 13 months. Now, when he's tired, he walks into his room and gets his blankie. They put on his PJs and he's out in less than 5 minutes! Gosh, I'm looking forward to that.

Speaking of sleep, we're gonna have a lot of work to do when N gets well. He hasn't slept more than 20 minute stretches in his crib all week! :o


Nov 2, 2006
somethingshiny|1301423125|2882752 said:
I was bald until I was over a year old. DH was bald for the first two years and then started receding around 25. I have no idea how Lily lucked out with all that hair! I was lady-hairy in the second grade and I hope she doesn't follow in THOSE footsteps!

ugh. Still sick. I never get sick but somehow I've gotten 2 nasty bouts of illness this winter. I'm blaming it on JT's friends at school. WHY do people send their kids to school when they're sick??

Anywho, Lily screamed on her belly for her 15 minutes this morning (as usual) and eventually pushed up into a near-crawl position and rocked a bit. She's still not rolling, only flipping. I cannot believe how stubborn this child is. I can't entice her with toys, snacks, bottle, playing peek-a-boo, dancing, or standing on my head. She won't even try. And I swear she's been scolding me. My parents were having a good hardy laugh about it over the weekend when we stopped by their house for a while. Apparently, it "serves me right!" So she's just like I was/am. Good luck to DH and JT!! lol

Gotta tell a quick story to you girls...

My sis is 22 weeks preggo, but looks about 32 weeks preggo. She and her husband had their first anni this past weekend. He booked a "romantic" room in a city. They got to the room and there were mirrors floor to ceiling, a bed with a divot in the middle and a hook above the bed. Upon further investigation an S&M style swing was found (apparently to hang from aforementioned hook.) My sis was dumbstruck. BIL didn't realize what he'd signed up for but upon seeing an expression of horror on his giganto-preggo-self-conscious-emotional-clumsy wife, he realized the mistake. She took it good naturedly but immediately called me to discuss it. I was laughing so hard.

That's all for now.

:shock: :o :-o

Well I imagine a swing wouldn't be a half bad way to go about doing the deed at 32 weeks! But OMG what a priceless story!


Jan 22, 2007
It seems like this lack of sleep is going around. I swear he is reverse cycling, he is eating 1 meal less during the day and makes up for it at night. By 4am I am so tired of getting up I just bring him into our bed with us.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Puppmom - I'm so sorry to hear that N is sick! Is he feeling better? Was it just a cold? He is so ADORABLE! I hope you're feeling better too and that your appointment goes well. Thank you for saying that about S - how you can see what she'll look like as a little girl. I never saw that before, but I know exactly what you mean, esp'ly in that first pic. Her face actually reminds me a lot of me as a little girl. Hee-hee!

Lanie - Those eyes! Love him! In reference to your post about your getting ready in morning routine, I'm wondering, does A still get up in the middle of the night? S usually wakes at 4-4:30 to eat and then again at 7. Sometimes, I just stay up and try to catch up on things, but then take a nap at some point during the day when she does. I think I'm going to have to go back to sleep on work days!

HH - Aidan is so adorable! He looks so happy! Hee-hee. I love the dr's office pic! Adorable outfit too.

Bella!!! - I wish you could be S's nanny! I think she'll do great at daycare. I actually really like the place she'll be attending. I feel comfortable with the decision. I was having panic attacks at the thought of leaving her with the nanny, but I'm not having the same level of anxiety when I think about the daycare, so I think that's a good sign. It's going to be hard, no doubt. I'm planning to bring her there for a few hours the week before to ease the transition on me!

Noel - Yes, they are little monkey feet, which are attached to the sleeper. We also have little duck feet, little ladybug feet and ballet slippers, all as part of the sleepers. They are Carter's brand. I tried mittens the other night, and her hands were still cold. She needs a tight swaddle to keep her hands in, otherwise her hands get so cold. :blackeye: Fortunately, warmer weather and de-swaddling time will coincide. Oh, Skye looks like she has a secret in her mitten photo. It's so funny how easy it is to ascribe thoughts/feelings to their pictures, when really each photo is just an instant in time.

Meresal - Such a cute photo! I agree with Noel -- he does look awfully proud! Wow, one year already -- it must be bittersweet!!

Allie - How is your LO doing? Sorry to hear that he was so sick. :blackeye:

Turtledazzle - Thanks for describing your routine. I'm really amazed at how much you ladies get done while pumping. I have my pump set up in the nursery, and it always stays in the same place. Maybe that's what I don't get yet. It just seems like such a hassle to move the pump around from room to room, but I guess I would get used to it since I have to drag it to work too? That's great that T is patient in the morning. S is not; however, she is also a very inefficient nurser! In time, things should improve, so thankfully we still have the time together to work things out. Oh, and I did order a HFPB. Hopefully it improves my efficiency in the mornings!! Have you posted pictures of T? It's ok if you don't, of course, but was just wondering if you had.

S has started cooing. Like really really cooing. She's AMAZING. It is the sweetest thing EVER!

i see a dimple rs.jpg


Nov 2, 2006
GAH! She's so gorgeous! All of these beautiful baby girls make my ute hurt and feel empty. ::chants "one and done one and done"::
I love her dimples.


Jan 22, 2007
Me too too!


Apr 23, 2008
Hudson_Hawk|1301491481|2883378 said:
GAH! She's so gorgeous! All of these beautiful baby girls make my ute hurt and feel empty. ::chants "one and done one and done"::
I love her dimples.

She is beautiful but HH...nooooo!
I swear I'd be pregnant again right now if I could be. I cannot tell you how badly I wish I could guarantee a girl, either.


Jan 22, 2007
I am so going for 1 or 2 more :).


Apr 9, 2007
I just posted a little of my birth story in the preggo thread but I want to join you guys! My little guy, Harlan, is 3 weeks 2 days today. We've been going through it, jaundice, etc. but things are getting better. I also had a raging case of mastitis and we are unfortunately still using a nipple shield to BF but hopefully we will be weaned off it soon.

Anyway, I've been lurking and love reading everyone else's posts and seeing the pics!!


Nov 2, 2006
Miscka|1301517704|2883710 said:
I just posted a little of my birth story in the preggo thread but I want to join you guys! My little guy, Harlan, is 3 weeks 2 days today. We've been going through it, jaundice, etc. but things are getting better. I also had a raging case of mastitis and we are unfortunately still using a nipple shield to BF but hopefully we will be weaned off it soon.

Anyway, I've been lurking and love reading everyone else's posts and seeing the pics!!

Just read your birth story Miscka, Congrats!!! He's so handsome :)

Welcome to the mommy club.


Aug 19, 2009
Congrats Miscka! Read your brith story too! glad that he is doing better now!!!


Jun 15, 2006
Miska, congratulations! Just wanted to share that I'm still breastfeeding at 13 months and we never managed to wean from the nipple shield; it hasn't been an issue. I was a bit obsessed with getting rid of it for a while and even had an LC at the house for a follow up visit to help me do so, but finally gave up and now don't even think about it. I hope you can stop using it, but if not know it's not a hinderance to succeeding at breastfeeding.


Jan 13, 2005
I'm on call tonight....first 30 hr shift away from my sweet baby. Facebooking and PSing a bit to make myself feel better, LOL.

Miscka - welcome, momma!!! Your little man is just precious!!! :)

LV - OMG, I am dying over here, S is soooooooo gorgeous!!! What a sweetheart! She's so photogenic! And by the way, I think she and Ellie have the exact same wardrobe - we have both the pink monkey PJ's and the yellow/pink ladybug PJ's too!! LOL!! Love it when Carter's has sales - Ellie's in their 3 month size now, and I snatched up a bunch of those footie PJ's for $7 each (I think?) a few weeks ago. Ellie had started really cooing a lot now too, especially when she's laying on her changing table after bathtime while I get her lotioned and diapered and PJ'ed up - she LOOOOOVES her bath/bedtime routine and tells me all about it!! Cutest thing ever!!! :love: I LMAO'ed about your sister's story - PRICELESS. LOL!!

Allie- sorry to hear about the reverse cycling business. Boooo! That is no fun.

HH - I think you're absolutely right, a swing might come in real handy at 32 weeks! LOL!! Lord knows there aren't many other ways to do it with a belly that size!! :naughty: I *heart* that dr's office pic - he looks like he's up to something!! Mischievious little monkeyyy!!! :)

Pupp, good luck with getting little man sleeping in his crib! I hope he's feeling better!!! Ellie doesn't have a whole lot of hair either....and apparently I didn't have a full head of it until I was about 2. Love the pic, what a sweet boy!! I just wanna smooch those chubby cheeks!!

Lanie - what beautiful bright eyes!!! :love: Such a handsome little dude!!

Noel - Skye is so cute hiding behind that mitten, LOL!!

Mere - what a big cute boy you have!!! Can't believe you're graduating to the other thread so soon!!!


Alright, so remember how last time I posted Ellie was waking up every 45 minutes with naps and not eating good? Well, it lasted 3 days...and I started to get really concerned about her intake, because 1.5-2 oz every bottle just isn't enough for her fluid requirements. I started wondering about silent reflux, because she's got a lot of the symptoms. So I took her in to her pedi (who is a guy I've been working with once a week for the past 3 years, he's great) and told him about my thoughts, and we decided to start her on Prevacid. Lo and behold, she got better almost as soon as she took her first dose!! Now back to eating 3-4oz with every feed, napping like a champ, and sleeping soooo good at night (last daytime bottle around 6-7pm, the bath and to bed, sleeps thru dreamfeed at 10 or 11pm, wakes up once for a feed between 2 and 4am, then right back to sleep until I wake her for first morning feed, as late as 8am!) And happy as a clam. It's not uncommon for reflux to get worse around the 2-3 month mark, apparently, and with silent reflux, they don't spit up, so it can be hard to tell that they have it. But man, she must have it, because the medicine has made such a difference for her. So we are back to doing our 3 hour EASY routine, and she's doing great on it. I'm a happy momma. :love:

Gotta share a couple more pics....the one where she's in the crib was one day recently when I went in to wake her from a nap....well, she was already awake and just happily cooing to herself in bed, and when she saw me coming she busted into big smiles!!! hehehe! The close up face shot is when she's lying on her changing table cooing at me and making smiley happy faces. :)





Mar 21, 2008
Houie - I didn't realize that when you're on call you have to be at the hospital. boo. good to hear you're a happy momma and little Ellie looks happy in her photos.

Miscka - welcome to you and Harlan!

LV - Skye's mittens don't keep her hands warm either. don't worry, it is normal for babies' hands and feet to be cold as their circulation still needs to get better. it doesn't mean they feel cold. if they're body and head are warm, they are ok. once the cooing starts, you can't get them to shut up anymore! :o Skye's got so many stories to tell amidst blowing bubbles.

shiny - that's hilarious regarding your sis' romantic retreat. I hope they took photos (of the stuff... not of them using any of the stuff...)

puppmom - N looks so cool in his outfit. does he play the ukulele?

Lanie - S is also doing the same as A where one hand grabs the other and she brings them to her mouth. he's got nice eyebrows!

HH - I also like the dr's office pic with A holding his feet. is A playing close attention to the Food Network so he can cook for Mommy when he can reach the kitchen counter?

- - -

AFM, DH and I had a date night on Tuesday and went out to dinner and then to the movies to watch Sucker Punch, which is a great girl power movie. today S & I went to baby swimming again and we put her head under water a few times and she was fine. she's just very tired today - must be the chlorine in her eyes. I've ordered her a mattress cover that allows her to keep on breathing for when she learns to roll over and starts sleeping on her tummy. it will be a while yet. also her bumbo seat came in, but I don't want to keep her in there for too long as she can hold up her head, but sometimes it bobs up and down so she still needs to train some neck muscles.


May 1, 2006
I only have time for a drive-by post tonight, but I wanted to share a pic as it has been a while. T is not crawling, but we and his teachers have been working with him to show him how to get on all fours. He generally doesn't want to bend at the knees, but today he seemed to 'get it' at daycare and his teacher took a pic. :) Not great quality, but I'll take it. I love his teacher for sending me pics on occasion!



Mar 21, 2008
turtledazzle - you must be so proud!

- - -

here's Skye today (16 weeks) in her bumbo seat



Apr 23, 2008
noelwr|1301660266|2884983 said:
here's Skye today (16 weeks) in her bumbo seat

Oh look at that lip! Does she like the bumbo? She doesn't look too impressed, haha.

I love all the PS adorable.

I'll be back this weekend with one of Micah - I will be taking a good picture for his birthday announcement I am sending online. BIRTHDAY OMG.


Nov 2, 2006
LOL Noel she's so cute. Looks like she can't make up her mind about the bumbo. Aidan never took to it.

Turtle-OMG he looks like such a big boy in his crawling pose! Aidan has started pulling his knees up under him and moving like an inch worm when he doesn't flip himself over and roll to where he wants to go.


Apr 9, 2007
Kimberly - Wow! I hadnt heard any success stories, thanks! I dont mind it so much but it is pretty inconvenient! The LCs at the hospital told me 1-2 weeks max and then it would cause my supply to tank. Glad you had a different experience! Mine is fine so far, knock on wood!

I have a question for you much spit up is normal? What about consistency? H just spit up a TON like 6 times, soaked 2 outfits which he hasnt done before. Also, it was kind of curdled looking. Should I call the ped? Or is that normal newborn stuff?

HOU - Ellie is a doll!!!

Noel - I love babies in bumbos!


Nov 2, 2006
It's pretty normal sad to say. Keep an eye on it. If it happens on a regular basis or if LO seems fussy around feeding time (arching back, pulling off the bottle/breast, etc) then call the doc and get an evaluation for reflux.
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