
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Oct 18, 2005
Ugh. Roughest night so far since we gave Jacob a paci after his "2-weeks wake-up" (he''s 7 weeks now). He just keeps waking up 15 minutes after going to sleep... He''s fed and changed, so I don''t know what the problem is. It''s 12:50AM now. He may not want to sleep, but I do!
Sorry, I''ll come back later for a less me-centric post once I''ve caught some ZZZzzz...


Mar 22, 2008
Mara getting on a schedule is the best thing to do to try and get the bebe to sleep through the night.

We and he naturally fell into a three hour rotation...and he just naturally started dropping night feeds by himself at around 10 weeks or so.

He slept last night from 9:00 to about 6:30 today. He sleeps through the night about 90% of the time now.


Jan 20, 2006
Mara, I agree the 3-hour schedule really helps. Mine stick to it pretty much everyday...with a few exceptions. It''s just nice because eventually, your day becomes more predictable! (ie you know you can meet someone at X time because the baby has just been fed).

Puffy, seriously what''s your secret!

Tao, that picture is so cute!!


I''m still feeling crappy...thank God the babysitter is here today!

My guys still don''t STNN (they are 4.5months, 3.5 adjusted). They go down at 7pm and make it to 4ish....then they are up at 6am for the day.I wish they would eat their last bottle a little later and go to bed a little later, but it''s an uphill 6:30pm they want to EAT and by 7pm they want their swaddle!. Seriously, the cry until I put it on and then they start smiling....swaddleholics....

Will they EVER drop that late night feeding on their own??...I only give them like 3 oz or less.


May 18, 2008
Tao-That pic is sooo cute! He looks so much like your DH!

Anchor-I''m sorry about the rough night

STTN: I''m jealous of any baby that STTN at a young age
. It took Sophia up to 5.5 months (almost 6 months) to STTN. I didn''t do anything different from what we had been doing before, she was just ready to start sleeping.

Mara-I agree that the 3 hour schedule helps a lot. The more J eats during the day, the less he''ll want at night. However, I would also take it as it comes. I know that when I attempted to get her to STTN, I would do what I felt were the right steps all day and she''d still wake up which would leave me feeling frustrated and like a failure. It made waking up at night that much more diffiicult.

Mandy-Yes, eventually they''ll drop it. I did the same as you. As soon as I noticed that she was taking less at night, I just eliminated the bottle all together. She would still wake up and I would soothe back to sleep until she finally slept through that feeding.


Last night I was so frustrated with MIL. She told me that sometimes Sophia goes from smiling to very serious and focusing on something. When she does this, she can''t get her attention not by making noises, calling her name, or trying to play with her. She then said that she thinks there''s something wrong with her developmentally.

Am I being oversensitive or is that just insulting? I got so offended. There''s nothing wrong with my child just because she doesn''t find you hilarious 24/7
. The problem with MIL is that she doesn''t grasp quiet alert. When Sophia gets that way, it''s because she''s ready for a nap. She goes from playing to just staring off into outerspace. She does it even in her jumperoo. She jumps, turns, plays and as soon as she''s ready for a nap she stops, rests her head on the seat and stares at something. It''s not that there are mental issues with her
, she''s just tired.

Anyway, I was insulted and I told her that a) there''s nothing wrong with her-she''s happy, healthy, and growing beautifully and b) she needs to stop being so nervous about every single thing.

Then she started crying
. I came home and was so upset but once I started telling my mom the story, she and I couldn''t stop laughing at the thought of MIL trying to get Sophia''s attention haha

Here''s Sophia as of this morning! The quality is bad because it''s a cell phone pic.

P.S. Merry Christmas hahahahahahaha



Aug 23, 2005
mandy - gah! i hope you get to feeling better. when i was under the weather with i *had* to call in reinforcements b/c i couldn't take care of c. i can't IMAGINE being 'that' kind of sick and having two babies.. yucko. ((hugs))

i wonder if c will drop his night feeding on his own too... but lately he has been eating 4oz 3x a night! is this that 4 month wakeful thing?? not that c has ever been a great sleeper but we had a nice stretch where his last feeding would be between 8 and 9 then he would sleep until 2 or 3 then wake up for the day about 5:45-6. now he's waking up at midnight, 2, 4:30 etc. and it's not like he's only eating a little bit.. i've tried to offer him more oz during the day but he almost always stops eating after 4oz... i'll try for the next hour to get him to eat another oz or 2 but he just turns his head away and gets ticked... i wonder what's up?

puffy- tee hee, ginsu knives.... can you send some sleep juju my way??

mara- sounds like your apt went fantastic!! hooray! those dr apts can be such a relief!

anchor - i hear ya girl! so sorry about your rough night.

so c has cold #2 since being in daycare.
and this one is being accompanied by a little cough and congestion. he's been a pill too. (am i 80? who says someone is 'being a pill' anymore?) anyhoo, it was so so so hard to leave today.. he just wants to be held. DH is home with him today and i had to remind him of all the things *i* would do if i was home -- which he takes offense to, like he is incapable of handling the situation -- but what i tried to explain to him was that it was more for my benefit because i can't be there to make him better
i am reminded again how much i dislike this situation.

to top it off his parents are coming today to 'learn' charlie's daily routine.
. i haven't really touched on my in-laws because, frankly, i had too much on my plate and i hoped that the situation would go away... it hasn't.
in a nutshell -- while they very sweet people -- i do not trust them watching charlie all day. i am ok with them watching him when we are at their house, or if we were to go out to dinner, but all day?? that's different. #1 they don't listen #2 they are the king and queen of guilt trips and if they don't see charlie for a few days will insist that we 'hate' them or that they must have done something 'wrong' #3 did i mention that they don't listen? i can tell them until i'm blue in the face that if charlie wakes up after only sleeping for 15 mins they have to pat his back or rock him etc. basically get up of your bum, and he will go back to sleep.. instead his mom just wants to sit on the couch with him and watch TV! OMG GET UP!
so then one of us will say something to her and immediately she will launch back with how she can't do anything right -- whoa is me.. bleh. i really think they thought we would have the baby during the week and they would take him every weekend. the sunday before i went back to work they wanted to come up and spend the day with charlie.. and i politely explained that i wanted to spend the day with him because i would be going back to work the next day etc. well they came up anyway and then stayed ..... for hours, wouldn't let me hold him. instead they insisted that i 'do what i need to do to get ready for work'. ummm what i need to do is snuggle with my baby! ugh... it's so hard for me to feel confident in their ability (she can't even lift a bag of sugar!) coupled with having them at my house all day... ugh... at this juncture i'd rather send him to daycare. i understand the importance of that relationship.. but this is the same woman who recommends that i let charlie CIO at 2 weeks old, put sugar on his paci to get him to take it and give him a bottle of water when she thought he was constipated. do i trust that she will listen to any of my wishes when she watches him? ummm no.

ETA: ummm fiery.. offended? yes.. i'm offended for you! my mil and yours can get together and decide how to raise our babies for us :)


Oct 18, 2005
fiery - It's almost like your MIL wants Sophia to be mentally challenged... You'd think she never had a child herself. I would be offended too, and I probably would have reacted the same!

mara - I'm glad Julian is growing well! It's funny how I never really worried about Jacob getting enough or not. The nurses at the hospital were so anti-bottle that I never thought about suplementing, even when I probably should have in my first 48 hours home and he was butchering my nipples with his gum ridges. Anyway, now he nurses until drowsy (or flat out unconscious) on one boob, I wake him up by changing his diaper, than give him the other boob. Lots of dirty diapers, he sleeps well and seems satisfied, so I figure he's fine. He's hungrier in the evening though and that's when my supply is lower, so giving him a bottle of expressed milk really helps! I started taking the More Milk tincture and it seems to be helping too.

visla - Thank you for the pressure point tip! ETA: I wouldn't leave my baby for a whole day with your ILs either... Sugar on his paci? What?

I am so jealous of the babies who laugh at being changed... Jacob HATES it.
Somethingg he seems to enjoy doing though, is pooping while I change him. He does it every time.
I started wearing an apron haha.


Well, I finally got him to fall asleep for good at about 1AM, and he slept until 7AM. DH had to get up at 5AM and he was exhausted, poor guy.

ETA2: I got a couple of friend requests on FB... I'm pretty sure they're PSers but I don't know who! The initials are HM and EN. Would you mind identifying yourselves please?

sugarpie honeybun

Feb 9, 2010

My contribution to confession Friday:

DS is apparently going through the 4-month “wakeful” thing and it’s driving me slightly batty, especially since DH has been traveling for work this past week. The other night, after several unsuccessful attempts at putting DS in his crib without him waking up screaming his head off, I finally had it and left him in his crib, shut the door, turned OFF the baby monitor and turned UP the television and had a glass of wine. I somehow managed to block out the screaming for 1/2 hour so that I could regroup. I finally went back into his room, picked him up and he passed out (probably due to exhaustion due to crying) and actually stayed asleep when I put him back in his crib.


Mandy- Like Fiery, we also just dropped the night feeding altogether once DS started drinking under 3 oz during the night. When he would wake, I’d just give him the paci and soothe him until he fell back to sleep. Eventually, he stopped waking up during the night…well, that is, until he started with these 4 month wakeful shenanigans. Maybe your guys are going through something similar and they aren't really waking up due to hunger?

Love the baby pics. Sophia always looks so happy, and Evan is quite the little stud! Cute, cute!

Hope everyone has a great Friday.



Feb 27, 2006
Fiery - her smile kills me. Aww!
I''m offended for you as well. What the heck.

Viz - tough love time. No wonder you''re feeling so stressed about going back to work! It''s bad enough when they''re that young as it is, and you need caregivers who you can trust 100%. Everyone has a different style and makes different judgement calls at times, but you need to have someone who is able to take instruction, is on the same page as you on the big things, has good judgement skills, and is physically capable of caring for young children (i.e. can at the very minimum lift them). The in-laws do not need to see him every couple of days to have a relationship with them, and it''s probably best to set boundaries and expectations early for everyone''s sake.

Mara - glad the appt went well!

Puffy - Lord woman, what is your secret?

My contribution to Baby Pic Friday- George napping right now. (Does that hand look comfortable to anyone else? Silly G.)



Oct 19, 2005
Morning mommies. I'm exhausted. Lately Piper has been getting super sleepy at 8pm so I was thinking of moving up her bedtime from 9pm to 8pm. Last night she was asleep by 8:30, which was nice. Unfortunately she's now waking up a few times a night, whereas she had been only waking up once for a few weeks now.

NOW she wakes at midnight/1am then 3/4 am, THEN five am. Each time I feed her and put her down, and she fusses a bit, doing the baby leg drops. You know, the slamming down of her legs/feet on the mattress. It is SO loud, and she grunts when she does it, which is funny, but I need SLEEP. Any idea why she's waking up three times a night again? I feed her at 6pm, then feed her at 8pm so it's not like she's starving? She's about 12 weeks, could this be a growth spurt?

Sorry for the duplicate pic for my FB friends, but this picture cracks me up. Piper has taken to sucking her fingers, and using the OTHER hand to keep the fingers in her mouth.

Fiery, I'd be pissed, too. What the heck is wrong with that woman??

Tao, love the pic!

Blen, that arm does NOT look comfy!

Mara, glad to see Julian is doing well!

Anchor- sorry for the hard night, I sympathize!

Viz: sorry you have to leave your baby.

Pandora, I love the idea of Daisy wanting the pigeon!

Hi to everyone- sorry, my brain is not functioning.

ETA: So I've forgotten to take my birth control EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I just can NOT remember it!



Jun 26, 2006
Happy Friday Everyone! Here''s my contribution to BPF. I must confess that I love to put little hats and headbands on Olivia even though I am pretty sure she hates it. I just can''t help myself.

Mara - I would try not to worry about STTN at this point. Unless you are going to use CIO (which I personally would not use until a baby is much older), there is no real way to make your baby sleep through the night. I believe you can set him up to be able to do it by doing things like instituting a routine and not letting him get overtired, but it''s something all babies learn in their own time. Some babies STTN at 4 weeks, some take a year. Focusing on STTN at this point is just going to stress you out. At this point, they are waking up because they need something (usually milk). EBF babies in particular don''t tend to STTN early because they digest breastmilk quickly and wake up hungry. Like Tao and others, we followed a loose 3 hour schedule and Olivia started going longer by herself at night around 8 weeks (initially she''d go 4-5 hours, now she usually goes 7-8). But I really believe it''s not something you can control (like most things with babies!)

Tao - cute pic, that reminds me that I want to get Olivia some baby sunglasses for the spring.

Mandy - I just wanted to let you know that I have so much respect and admiration for you. DH and I visited our friends with 3 week old twin girls last weekend and I have no idea how you guys do it.

Fiery - Your MIL is crazy. Some of you guys make me so grateful for my MIL. Sophia is adorable as always.

Viz - I hope things are going better for you at work. If it makes you feel better, I do the same thing with DH when I leave the house. He gets really annoyed that I don''t trust that he knows how to take care of her. I know he does, he''s actually an awesome dad, it''s just my neurotic, Type A nature!

Anchor - Jacob is such a cutie!



Jun 26, 2006

That pic is so funny, Olivia does the same thing. Your post reminded me of my confession for the week. I got a prescription for birth control at my 6 week appointment. I have not takes a single pill yet (Olivia was 14 weeks yesterday). I am not worried because we have not DTD once since she was born. We have talked about it, but it hasn''t happened. Olivia is still sleeping in our room and our pup sleeps in our bed, and neither one of us has made much of an effort.


Oct 19, 2005
Thanks November! We actually haven't DTD in close to a year. Hahaha, I'm pretty sure things are closed up for Winter, so eh.

Mommy Confession: we use Piper as an excuse for everything. We don't want to go to your party? Piper is cranky. Don't want YOU coming to us? Piper is sleeping. The house is messy? We have a NEWBORN. Shame.

ETA: Confession #2- Piper is shrieking in her pack n play, and i called her a harpy.


Jan 20, 2006
Amber, I forget birth control all the time too...but I have no reason to be worried since there is no action going on over here!!! hehe, That pic of Piper is just so sweet!!! Makes me wish even more my guys would get over this swaddle thing!!!!!!

Nov, Thank you! That''s so sweet
Love that pic of Olivia!

Blen, love that picture! he looks so peaceful!

Sugarpie, There is no soothing my guys though...they won''t take a paci and when they are up, they are up and won''t go down until we give them something...I have tried to soothe one back to sleep, but he always end up waking the other one so I feel like I''m forced to just feed them both...

Anchor, Sorry about the bad nights! It seems to me that babies have good and bad cycles....maybe he''s just going through one bad one...hope it ends soon!!

Fiery, your MIL is so crazy!!!

Viz, Maybe that is the 4month wakeful thing?. I know my guys went a little nuts at around 3 months ...and it has happened now at 4.5 months (keeping my fingers crossed since I had plenty with the 3 month craziness!)


My confession(s)...

This is kind of crazy, but while I do still feel like crappola, I do like the feeling of a flat stomach! (since I haven''t been able to keep much food down lately!). I swear if I didn''t love food so much I would suffer from some sort of eating disorder!!

I love hand me downs. I don''t care who they come from...I just picked up a box of clothes from a girl in my meetup group that I have never even met. Yes, I can afford to buy my own things, and I do (once in a while)...but for some reason I just love a box filled with hand me downs!!!. Poor A & L...their mom is a cheap-o!!!!

Here is my first contribution to Friday pics. This was Alex, sleeping on my chest yesterday. Love that guy




Jan 20, 2006
and here is Lucas. He''s just so sweet. I swear he''s just the sweetest baby ever.



May 18, 2008
Blen-George is so adorable! Sophia sleeps the same way. I always feel bad and take it out but she goes right back to the same position.

Amber-Piper''s so cute! Sounds like the 3 month growth spurt to me. Mine lasted a whole month!! There''s supposedly a 4 month wakeful too but by then she was exhausted so she never went through it

November-Olivia is so pretty! I love that headband!!

Mandy-The boys look great! We have to GTG. I''m going to try to head to naples next weekend to visit Mela (giving myself time to get over my cold).


Oct 30, 2002
LOVE all the super cute photos!! ebree, those EYES! i am a such a sucker for big huge baby eyes hehe. November, adore the hat on your little doll.

i guess i should clarify that obviously we don't expect our 3 week old to STTN anytime soon but if we can start doing the things to help get him there, then that's what we are focusing on. and since he is already sleeping 3-4 hour stretches, we just want to further those times along. so we'll see... baby steps i am sure. i was really surprised the nurse wanted us to start with the scheduling already, but since it was what i was thinking anyway, i am totally on board. gives me something to do. on another note though, J doesn't typically wake himself up because he is hungry at night, he wakes up because he has taken the world's largest POO in his diaper and is pissed off it's sticking to his butt. so i don't see the being hungry thing as too much of a hindrance to the training but the DIAPER thing is. any tips? this kid seriously goes poo about 10 times a day and i wouldn't want to be hanging out sleeping in it either.

puffy, lol re: J will STTN when he wants to. so what is the secret to getting your kid to WANT to then??

fiery, your MIL is a serious piece of work. the thing is she prob doesn't even realize she is being rude...people like that are the worst because if you say anything they are like 'what did i do?'. i'd much prefer someone being rude knowing you are being rude. at least that's honest! and i don't think anything is wrong with sophia developmentally, sheesh.

amber...i was worried about you forgetting your BC too until you said you have not DTD. haha.

mand..sorry you are still sick..ugh!! btw i have to tell you, i am in awe of you handling multiples. after just dealing with one i am seriously like how do parents do multiples? better parents than me for sure.

re: parents forgetting they ever raised kids, i have been having a few of those WTF moments lately too. like people come to visit J and ask me things like 'why is he crying' and that person had 3 kids. it's like really ?? he's a baby! he cries! it's not a problem.

on a funny note, last nite we were doing tummy time with J and he was trying to roll himself over. he was pushing up on one arm and his other arm would tuck under his body and he'd kind of roll onto the side but not quite over. it is prob a fluke, but i seriously hope he doesn't roll over for some time yet, that's the last thing i need, a more mobile active alert newborn hahaa. my friend who has an 8 week old said she just rolled over and apparently that is very early. anyway, it was awesome for us to watch...greg kept trying to help him and i was like 'dont show him how to do it!'.

speaking of big baby eyes, here is my photo for today, J with his 'who me?' expression.

my confession... sometimes when J is super agitated about being hungry and rooting like a madman, one of us will mess with him and take 2-3 of our fingers and tickle around his mouth and lips all at the same time, so he doesn't know where to turn. it takes about 5 seconds before he gets red & agitated because we're faking him out. we laugh like crazy, we're horrible. then i give him the it's not all bad.

lol amber re: the harpy, girl you don't have to confess that. we call J lots of names. lovingly of course.

JDT small 180.jpg

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Aww, love all the photos.

Blen - I''m amazed at the positions babies find comfy to sleep in! George looks very peaceful.

NB - I think babies will take things off their heads if they don''t like it. Daisy is very happy to wear hats, headbands etc and never tries to take them off, my sister''s kids always took them off straight away. Love the photo of Olivia.

Fiery - Your mother-in-law is a piece of work (yours too Viz). I''d have moved a long way away by now - you have the patience of a saint. Sophia is totally gorgeous and looks like a very happy, healthy little girl. It''s also normal for them to start expressing a bit of independent thought - Daisy totally goes through phases in the day where she is busy doing her own thing and doesn''t want me butting in all the time.

Anchor - I''m HM!

Even though D lost a huge amount of weight and had abnormal electrolyte and sodium levels due to dehydration I never worried about how much was going in once we got home. When you have seen a baby getting more and more dehydrated and hungry it is very obvious - she didn''t have a wet or dirty nappy for over 5 days and was obviously getting unhappy - and I was going nuts. Once I got home and could shovel formula into her as I wished while I did what I could to get my milk to come in, the difference was dramatic. I didn''t even need to weigh her to see that she was happier and the wet nappies were proof of what was going in. So, anyone worried about whether the baby is getting enough - trust me, it is super-obvious when they are not!

Sorry have probably forgotten loads of people...

My mother & baby shrink person came to see me this afternoon for the first time in a month, was really nice to see her and when she left Daisy waved goodbye - first time she has ever done this to anyone! Odd how excited I am!

I do admit I am looking forward to real talking. D babbles away all day but it isn''t understandable. DH is definitely ''Dada'', but Dada is also used for things associated with him - like the front door or his shoes etc. For some reason I am called ''Nur Mur'' (like in ''murmur'') not Mama...

STTN - I''m not sure what would count with co-sleeping... I''ve had what feels like a full night''s sleep since around 6.5 months. Certainly I don''t have to properly wake-up and she always sleeps in till either the alarm or between 9-10am at weekends. So I guess she does STTN in some ways - not sure what she''d be like in a crib on her own though (and not planning to find out either!).

One thing that is odd is how cool Daisy likes to be. I''m a definite snuggle under the duvet type and even DH does at the moment because it''s chilly. Daisy on the other hand likes to sleep on top of the duvet between us just in a cotton sleepsuit. I''m not worried as I''m constantly assessing her temperature even in my sleep but it is strange!

One co-sleeping habit I have noticed is that even when I am deeply asleep, if DH gets up in the night I straight away sit up, lean over and pull him back into bed without even waking up!


Aug 31, 2005
Thank you, Mara! Julian's got some gorgeous eyes himself. He's a beautiful baby. As for the poo, unfortunately, BF babies can poo at lot in the beginning. At least you know he's getting plenty to eat! Are the poos a "good" (ha) color and consistency? It should slow down, at least a little, after the first month.


Oct 30, 2002
thanks EB...yep his poos are a nice squashy color with the fun seeds. it's just amazing what he can produce.

and re: wet and dirty diapers, yep that is why mentally i do know he is getting enough, he pees and poos at a crazy rate so he is processing ok. but i can't help but worry about it anyway. the pedi nurse told me to not worry about it anymore and scheduled a weigh in for next week so we can see for sure what he is getting. so i feel better now after talking to her. obsessive first mom syndrome. nothing else to worry about!

blen i love the contrast in that photo on his outfit vs crib sheet. and re: comfy positions, at times J does the craziest things with his NECK like practically down near his belly, and i am like is that really comfortable? how they can sleep like that i don't know.

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007

Love all the cute pictures today ladies! Seriously Fiery, every time I see Sophia, it makes me smile

I don''t know what your MIL''s problem is!

On STTN, I seriously stressed myself out trying to get him to STTN by the time he was 4 months old. All the books said babies were capable of it by then. but you know what, I just don''t have a sleeper. It was causing me way too much stress, which I think rubbed off on him. He is 20 weeks and still wakes up at least once a night. But he is getting better, so I''m hoping he will just do it on his own eventually.

It seems like E is starting to stretch out his daytime feedings. He used to be on a 3 hours schedule, but seems to only want to eat every 4 hours now. Should I be upping the amount I give him each feeding to make sure he is still getting enough?

Mandarine, I love hand me downs too! I wish we had more of them. We got a bunch in the beginning because my sister had twins 3 months before we had E. Her son was growing out of his newborn stuff just as E was born. Unfortunately, my big boy caught up to her son in about 2 months. So no more hand me downs since then

For those of you that forget to take your BC, I could see how it would be easy to forget. But for some reason, I am irrationally worried about getting pregnant again right away, even though it is ridiculously unlikely. First of all, I''m breastfeeding and still haven''t gotten a period. Second of all, I have PCOS and had to use Clomid to get pregnant with E. Yet I still worry! I take my pill religiously. We only DTD about once a week, but we did start about 5 weeks PP (yes, I didn''t even wait until my 6 week appointment, I''m bad). I am looking forward to another baby, don''t get me wrong, just not right away!
Here is my contribution to BPF. E has a new thing where he puts his lips together and blows, like he is making a fart noise with his mouth. He thinks it is hilarious!


Jan 20, 2006
At what age do babies start burping themselves?

I think Alex is trying, he makes this funny noises as if he's trying to burp and yesterday he did on his own while he was in his bouncy seat!. I wasn't sure if it was a fluke or they learn around this time?

ETA: Love all the pictures! It's so funny how there are so many boys on here!!!!!

ETA2: How do moms of multiples do it?...well, because they don't have a choice...and most likely (unless they had a singleton first) they just don't know any better!...hehe. I think the toughest past (so far) is that you just don't catch a break. Even now that their naps are somewhat in synch (by that I mean they sometimes sleep like 20 minutes at the SAME time), I just feel like someone is always up and ready to play or needs soothing, but you just sort of do it. Just like you never knew you could function with 3 hours of sleep a day, but then you do!. The other tough part is that is hard (when they are little) to hand over the duties 100% to someone else so that you can sleep more hours in a row. So I had people helping me, but nobody felt up to the task of doing it themselves so I always had to be there...for EVERY midnight feeding. But like I said, you just don't know any better!! :)


Oct 19, 2005
Re: BC, believe me, I do NOT want to get pregnant! I would love another some time, but yeaaah, not now. It''s just hard because pre-TTC it was part of our routine, but now I HAVE no routine! It was yesterday morning, and I saw it on my bedside and was like, CRAP! Since it''s progestin only, I have to use a backup method for our fictional sex for 48 hours. I''m going to get make-believe pregnant from our imaginary sex! Hahaha, I''d better watch what I say.

Piper is sleeping. Thank you, Jebus. Her 3 month appointment is Monday morning. Paul thinks she weighs 15 pounds. Is it sad that we bet on that?


Aug 17, 2007
ACK, wrote a whole long post but PS ate it. Well actually PS didn''t eat it, I accidentally deleted it.


For those of you that have weaned/stopped pumping:

I am still nursing O when I am home (morning and evening) but I am attempting to quit pumping while at work. The first 2 pumpings I dropped no problem, but I can''t seem to drop the last one.


I know that each time I pump, I am just prolonging it and it is signalling to my body that it needs to produce milk but gosh almighty, I can''t get any work done it HURTS.

How long does this take??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Quick answers appreciated, I''ve already got one hand on the pump.


Nov 15, 2005
OOooo! BPF, love it!

Blen, re: George's arm, I was just wondering this morning if baby's limbs ever fall asleep from being in weird positions.. ??

Nov, love the headband on O. She is such a cutie!

Mara, does J look just like you?? I swear he does! :D

Amber, love Piper sleeping there! Wes is all about hands in the mouth too. But I always strap down his arms to sleep. When did you not swaddle? It seems maybe you haven't for a really long time. And about a growth spurt at 12weeks, I think I noticed it in Wes. Took some longer naps, ate more often.

Speaking of eating more often. When Wesley was born he was on his 3 hour schedule and I loved it! But then he moved to a 2 hour schedule at one of his past growth spurts and he never went back! Then, even on his 2 hour schedule during the day, he would at least to 3-4 hours a a time at night. But now, he's doing 2 hours at night too!! He's napping on my lap now, cause we had a horrible time putting him to bed last night and again for his nap this morning. Maybe he has a tummy ache. He's fine when he's awake for his play time, but just cries horribly when I put him down for his nap. Even though he is obviously drowsy and tired.

He's 3 months now and has not dropped a night time feeding. My hubby tried popping his pacifier for me when he wakes at night, that holds him over for maybe 30 mins-1hour tops. I think I'm actually fine doing all his night time feedings, I don't mind too much. (I miss him at night!) And he always goes right back to sleep. But its when he is obviously tired and won't sleep that frustrates me.

Also, I think his craddle cap is getting worse, he has a patch in the front of his head now

ETA: Oh! I almost forgot a confession! To go along with Mandarine's, I can count the items of clothing that I have bought for Wesley on 1 hand! I totally waited for all the baby showers to get all his clothes, since that's what people like to give. I love receiving clothes for Wes, handmedowns or new! Plus, I'm realizing how fast he outgrows them!

Another confession, I don't change W's diaper at night now. I mean after he's gone to sleep for the night. He pees at night, but doesn't poop until morning now. So instead of running the risk of waking him with a middle of the night diaper change, I just change him after he wakes at 8am.



Oct 19, 2005
Sunkist, Piper has hated the swaddle since the hospital! It''s pretty funny because I kept trying and she would scream her head off, with hiccups and everything. Now she just goes to sleep on her back with her arms up, which is like, her favorite position.

We don''t change her in the middle of the night either. Our Pedi said the diapers are so absorbent now that there is no need to change every single hour now, and if she''s sleeping or has the chance to go back to sleep in the night to let her do it. No diaper rash yet, so it''s not so bad! Poor Wes, I hope you guys get some rest and his tummy feels better!


Nov 15, 2005
China, I think you could pump a little off the top, but i wouldn't go for five minutes! just pump till it comfortable enough, maybe a minute tops. I don't remember all the technical terms, but you don't want to pump off too much that your boob doesn't still signal too itself that it's full and the milk isn't being used. Read that in my LLL book.

ETA: Just a little note in case it helps anyone - The LLL book I have is The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Got it passed down from my sis. I didn't read much of it till I was having some breastfeeding problems with Wes at like 6 weeks. But it really helped! Wished I'd read it before the baby actually. The LLL website has a lot of info too if you have any questions re: breastfeeding.


Nov 20, 2006
awww, so many cute pics!

ok ladies honestly there is no secret, obviously. B and noah were both what DH and i considered to be on the big side at 1 month. noah was 7 lb 13 oz at birth and when we left the hospital, we only stayed 1 night, he had only lost a few ounces and the next day at the pedi, he was gaining again. so we never woke him to feed him. during the day, he eats about every 2.5-3 hours sometimes longer. and at night he just sleeps through. he was over 11 lbs at 1 month, so obviously the kid is getting plenty to eat during the day and is not starving. B was over 10 lbs at 1 month as well. we did start a routine with him when he was 4 weeks, just for the heck of it as he was too young to know any better. and at 2 months, he is still on the same routine.

for now, yes i have had easy babies, but B as a toddler is CRAZY and i am sure paying for it now.

have a wonderful weekend mommies!


Aug 23, 2005
china - PUMP!!!
i''m just weaning myself too.... ice your pits and pump for like 5-7 mins...

i''m having a hard time losing my last one too.. but pumping for 5 mins for a couple of days has slowly worked..

good luck.

and ice your pits :)

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007
China, I would pump of I were you. Just for a few minutes. I know what that engorged feeling is like, and I''d do anything to get rid of the pain.

As for not changing the diaper at night, I tried this. Yeah, he pees through the diaper every time. I even went and got him the nightime diapers. Still pees out them. I have a little pee machine!
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